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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Requesting anime that
>never aired on Adult Swim or Cartoon Network
>Isn't on Netflix
>Isn't in in the Mal top 100
>is more than 6 years old

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Does anyone know who or where the origin of pic rels quote is? I'm having a hard time trying to find it, google wont give it up and chatgpt is hallucinating whenever it answers.
Google suggests it was originally said by an Indian politician:

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looking for the original footage of colbert raving
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These aren't footage, but hopefully the info may help:
>@kikizazz4407 - 11 years ago
>the episode in which he issued the challenge (during an interview with lawrence lessig) was 8 jan 2009. on 21 jan he broadcast a clip which i gather (from ccinsider) was a video created by colbert and his people using an unattributed ("some dj jazzy jerks") audio remix (obviously not this one). the piece starts around 10:30, and the clip starts about 1m30 thereafter, and goes for about a minute. on 2 feb they played a short clip of a "make you grind" remix during an interview with Dan Zaccagnino


>My entry to the Colbert Remix Challenge. Features clips from the 1/08/09 interview with Dr. Lawrence Lessig, the Colbert Report Remix from 1/21/09, Colbert's "Charlene" and "Singin' in Korean" music videos, audio from the 2006 Oscars. Music sampled from Daft Punk's "Da Funk" and Chromeo's "Tenderoni."
noice. found this:

i'm getting a "Sorry, this video is not available from your location.". in case this is it, can someone rip that video?

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Any SQL chads here? I have a table that has a few columns, 1 being a identity column and another being a image/binary column. I have selected some detail from this table into a temp table and I would now like to insert this detail from the temp table into another of the same table but on another instance.

I am getting this while trying to do the insert
>Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table

So identity column is the issue. How can I get around this? I cannot specify the values to be inserted as it is a lot and image/binary string is huge.
sql server or mysql?
maybe this?

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Do these two songs sound similar to you?
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Can't say

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can someone show me a more straightforward expression for the sequence
Yes, the expression is equal to 0.

To see why, note that there are n+1 terms. The first term, 1/n^2 is the largest, because the denominator is smallest.
So the sum is bounded above by (n+1) * 1/n^2, which tends to 0. It is also positive. So the limit must be equal to 0.

Unsauceable. Been looking for years. Requesting both song and artist. Catbox’d because mobile pleb.
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If wasn't for the shitty mix, I could help more. Good luck, anon.
Good luck. Maybe go on Reddit or Twitter?

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the video is from the perspective of a guy walking into a room, right in front of him is an obese man in an office chair, he slaps the obese man's back and says something, the obese man then turns around and says something along the lines of "I put 50% of my paycheck into my stock portfolio" while edging his chair closer to the recorder, but he leans back too far and the chair's back starts to collapse under his weight
Ive tried looking up the line, but only find financial advice
also, if anyone happens to know who the people in the video are thatd be great

I have a Toshiba 4k tv that turned on and was fine until I turned it off and now doesn't want to turn on again. it has a flashing red light and has sound but no video. Serial No.: G30A133B015099
help me please. I have a screwdriver so I can fix it from the inside with your help
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>how to get over a cold and not get any after?
Rest. You must let your body do its fucking job
just drank some prime and I feel way better. my nose is still stuffed tho
I plugged it in and it no work. I'm getting the feeling that it only works after not being plugged in fo a long time. help me please!!!!! arigato in advance
Honestly sounds like maybe the cord or plug is fucked up.
Or there's a misbehaving relay in the TV.
just did that and there was no picture. please guys at least one of yous gotta know how to fix this from the inside

I would like someone to confirm that I am not crazy. During me and my friend's quest fighting "The Greatest Jagras" within the Ancient Forest at night, I saw something... It looked like a humanoid endemic life. I will do my best to describe it.

>Small humanoid, looked like a child. The closest description I can give is that it looked like a zombie version of Gollum with grey/blue skin.
>I was attempting to use a capture net but the 5 Jagras and Great Jagras kept knocking me around.
>The humanoid creature was digging for something in the ground (where all the little Jagras attack you and you learn how to hide in a bush at the start of the game). After I approached it, it ran away for 3 seconds before digging underground.

I tried researching online but I have no results. Does anyone know what this is?
I haven't played in a while but it could be one of these:
Lynian researcher <- my best guess
a palico
I suppose it it would be a palico or grimalkyne. But, it was so weird... From a distance, it really looked like some zombie palico that was digging with it's hands. Once spotted, it simply dug itself into the ground.

I've spotted grimalkynes before, and they usually join your party after locating them in specific parts of the map. This one was completely different due to it's location and actions it was taking.

Oh well. Thanks for clearing it up.
It was a Nekker, an endemic life from the Witcher crossover

Can somebody give Jack the "bussin" haircut?

I recognize that it might not fit well given his longer hair, that's fine. Just make it work the best you can. Thanks in advance.
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Kek I love it but is there any way you could do one with lighter hair?
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Amazing hahaha thank you
I actually chuckled

Can someone photoshop off his extra fingers?
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What is behind the trigger?
It’s round and sticks out from the background
fine, the guy has seven billion fingers. you need to return the image to where you bought it and demand a refund.
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What's the best game here?
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Objectively its Rome Total War but an argument could be made for Spyro 2.
The best game is the one that you enjoy the most. Stop throwing random shit in your bucket list and just start playing whatever you feel like playing.
these are all trash desu
control / kingdom come / alien isolation
>builders gate 3

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Does anyone here on 4chan have any stories regarding ingesting/taking a Datura?, I'm curious and want to do research about it's effects, so what was the experience like? what do you remember? and things like that
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>be me
>take datura
>stuff happens
>be like: woah, that's crazy
Dunno man, I've seen multiple anons saying it's a bad trip.

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