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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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thai food vs viet food which is better ???
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They're both equally good.
Both are equally shit.
Viet food blows the fuck out of what ever the fuck Thai seamonks are eating
thai food blows the fuck out of what ever the fuck viet junglemonks are eating
I've never seen dog meat or 'cow nipples' on a Thai menu, so I'm going to go with Thai

I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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>Osaka didn’t have nearly as many tourists
Osaka has a ton of asian (but still non-japanese) expats. e.g. vietnamese, chinese, taiwanese

Met several chinese women through day game that are coming in to live there, supported by workaholic japanese people with a failing currency lmao.

next generation of japanese kids will be working in their country for all the gaijin like it's a summer job at cedar point. screencap this for 2045
It's a sure sight better place to live than the U.S. right now, that's for sure. Would rather deal with a few drunk salarymen stumbling around on a Friday night than an army of Fentanyl and Tranq zombies I have to be ready to dodge and defend myself against in every major city in the U.S. now.
So I currently am working with AWS, doing infrastructure maintenance/automation and some scripting. is this something you can get a job for in japan? I know most IT jobs there are software engineers and all. I have about 2 years of experience

>>2657531 here, the market is shit right now but between 2018-2021 I saw no shortage of junior-to-mid career devops hires. Mostly AWS, some GCP.
>the market is shit right now
damn that sucks, wonder if it'll improve in the future. im just gonna keep learning japanese and see if there is a job opening that seems nice. any tips on finding a company with a good work life balance? like things to look out for

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Post the downsides of living in the midwest
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This explains pretty well
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can we please stop using this image. it's perfect bait for the americans to say "ERM ACTUALLY IT'S A TRUCK STOP AND THERE ARE LE TREES OUTSIDE OF IT", get something like this instead
Wtf the Acropolis looks like that building in the middle? Whoa

Damn nigga are you me?

I also live in Western WA and I've been stuck here for 20 years. This place was a fucking dump when I moved here and it's become a bigger dump thanks to all of the Californians moving to the area. I've been attempting to move to Des Moines, IA for the past year because of how surprisingly based the city is. Unfortunately, with all of the mass layoffs and the recession it looks like I'll be stuck in WA longer.

>"We have deliberately built our tourism around slobs who just want to get drunk, and now our island is bad. How could this happen to us?!?"
bruh why arent yall sharing these stupid ass ragebait articles on facebook instead of 4chan you dumb ass npcs
polfags who cant cut it on /pol/ come here to get yous
its a known fact for years
Those tourists are actually Chinese. CCP claims they are Brits because they fear losing face. Stop posting CCP propaganda. Your a womao

An old friend and I are flying to Zurich on Friday, to spend about two weeks exploring the region. Current plan is to spend a few days in Switzerland before heading North by train. The only 'planned' activity is to visit a small town outside Cologne, which is where my ancestors lived before they migrated to the US in the 1850s.

Besides that, we have no real plan or structure around how we will spend our time or where we will go. I am used to traveling domestically in the US, so the scale makes it seem like it would be relatively easy to see Eastern France, Belgium, and Netherlands while we are there. I'm generally interested in avoiding very tourism focused areas, and enjoying whatever the local areas have to offer. Food, drink, scenery, meeting people. I had considered looking for some live music in the cities we'll be in as a way to meet locals.

My only travel outside the US was to Shanghai, which I enjoyed but was very different than I expect this part of Europe to be.

Any general advice or suggestions on how to make the most of our time in the region?
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Damn that's a lot of coal. This does appeal to my very specific strain of inherited autism. I visited a large copper mine once in the US and it was equal parts awe inspiring and depressing to see the hellscape wrought by man on Earth.
I see this is a very busy board...
Strasbourg has a lot of tourists, but is also a great city and quite pretty.
Heidelberg is a must if you are in the area. Freiburg is also nice, it's a student city so it is very lively.
It’s not really on your suggested route, and I cannot, as a local, honestly recommend Basel as a tourist destination, but your autism might also enjoy the salt works in one of our suburbs:


I chaperoned a field trip there with my kids’ school and was really satisfied with my experience.
Also nice and not far from there is Colmar. Super touristy but legit beautiful.

On the German side of the Rhine, I really like Freiburg (the one in BaWu, not one of ten others). Pretty, tiny little university city.

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i saved up 20 thousand to blow on my vacations. should i go to dubai or paris?
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Put the $20,000 in mutual funds and go to Walmart for vacation
Just go to the Bahamas. Stay out of Nassau though.
least obvious ivan
I went clubbing there in the summer. I would get out of the club at like 2am and the sun was already coming out. Made me feel like absolute shit.
Are you going alone? You should invite a /trv/anon to be your wingman/ drinking buddy/ backup and pay my way, that would make it way more fun

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Going to bangalore for a month. What are some things I should do there? Any advice or hacks from experienced India /trv/elers?
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If it's anything like Mumbai and you're white then it should be pussy galore for you.

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>Work dead end job for 6 months, live at home being miserable as fuck but save money
>Then travel in SE Asia for next 6 months, being happy and fulfilled

This is my life now and I will never stop. I work in a warehouse and live with my mom. I suffer every day but I know that I will soon have 6 months of pure freedom, relaxation and hedonism in Asia that awaits me and where I can be whatever I want to be. Any others living a similar life or thinking of doing so?

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In other words you're a complete loser and genetic dead end that fucks disgusting jungle monkeys in exchange for money because nobody else would even touch you?
Yeah you're the greatest retard on this board.
No don't do that! You should stay home, buy a house in an HOA like I did, and give the money you save from travelling to your local church and the Republican Party. It's the right thing to do.
Yes, because the only two paths in life are hedonism and tradcuckery

>unironic "muh genes" posting
Technically, every living organism is a genetic dead end if you go far enough into the future. Even earth is a dead end planet that's destined to get swallowed by the sun one day
based anon, go with the flow, enjoy life and travel, marriage and children are a waste of time and energy at this point anyways. Don't listen to seething married cucks who are forced to hand all of their money over to their cow wives.
Don't waste your time on children, this retard is fundamentally incapable of understanding the negative impact of hedonism. But that's fine, if I'm still browsing here when he posts his inevitable regret story I'll get a good chuckle

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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NTA but also 100%. Yes fight for it. Every nigger woman in the military gets 100 percent after being a pog for 4 years why not you? Depression alone should get 70 and just add shit till you max out. Complain about everything. File a claim for litteraly everything in your record. A fucking papercut? File a claim
>retards here think like 100k is a lot
Depends on the how long the trip is and where you go. In some countries at least the USD goes pretty far in terms of purchasing power.
>So I've instead opted for a high-paying career that does the least harm to God's green earth. An honest career.
What’s your career?
>taking biz seriously
Anon most people there are larpers
That's the same with everything in life, but nonzero subset have unironically made it, most are still mentally ill tho

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Anon, what is essential to know if you want to travel to Malta?
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If you do want to go to the Hypogeum, be sure to book as far in advance as you can—they only let in a limited number of people at a time, and it can sell out. We were there over the Easter holidays and it was booked solid for a couple of weeks, so we couldn’t go. Presumably easier when it’s not a holiday.
>they make sure your phone, bags, anything else is put in a locker so you cant take any photos
They force you to buy some souvenirs; I want to know what these souvenirs will be like.
They didnt (was there in jan), it was just a rly lame 30min tour where you dont see much while standing with loads of ppl all around you for several mins at a time listening to the audio guides, then you get a 20sec look before being shooed on to the next thing. Just go to the others at your own pace, all the auido guides are 95% the same/overlap anyway
Then, I can decide to visit the place without listening to the audio guides?
sure but you can also just look at a pile of rocks almost anywhere in the world if you want to

Ugliest cabin crew uniforms by far. Terrible color, unflattering silhouette, and the fabric looks like some cheap shiny plastic/polyester crap you find at a Chinese street market. Who the fucked approved this shit.
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Looks cute and comfortable. Good for them
sorry you got exposed so fast bro
>Who the fuck approved this shit

I have worked for the airline. They refuse to alter the uniform because internal reports say it keeps customers docile. Less anger over not receiving their desired service. And yes less harassment
I’ve never done it but I’ve seen 5/10 stewardesses give their numbers to male passengers who are almost definitely cheating on their wives

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>weed LMAO

Okay but what do you actually DO there? I got a short stint during the summer, but looks like the best thing to do with your time is take a day trip into the mountains. Any other recommendations?
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>Denver has god tier public transit
I don't often ride public transit but I thought Denvers was better than any of the west coast cities I've been to. Is it not good public transit?
well I've never been to denver but doing some research, it has a surprising amount of lines for a city it's size but most are trams that run on roads a lot and all have at minimum 10 minute frequencies with half being 30 minute frequencies which is really bad for rail transit. Vancouver, canada only has technically 3 (though they split off at points so it could be counted as up to 5) but the frequencies are 3-5 minutes, at worst 8-10 when there are serious issues.
It has better public transportation than most cities, but seattle mogs denver in that regard.
Black Hawk/Central City is good for a day trip and if you like to gamble. Some decent used bookstores around Capital Hill if you like books. Black and Read West of Westminster is pretty good to shop and I want more Comics and Games around that area is worth checking out. Mile High Comics decent too. No idea what else you might be interested in since you didn't mention any hobbies or interests.

Whenever I look at videos of China it's just huge cities with soulless skyscrapers and smog. Concrete jungle. I've seen a video on Reddit about Chinese students in America making photos of a rainbow because they never see it in China. They were screaming in excitement. Is it so bad? Materialistic soulless cities. Imagine not seeing a rainbow in your life.

Are there actually good places to live in China or is it all depressing?
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Then don't go to China, the best country on Earth. The best country for white people is Canada. Live your fantasy, kween!
idk, sometimes I'll look up walking tours of random chinese cities and honestly, most of them look pretty nice. They look clean and orderly, something you can't say about most American cities. Too bad the country is run by retarded boomer communists, from what I've read it's really hard to live there as a foreigner.
What even is your question about? It doesn't seem you are travelling there nor does it seem you are going to live there.
If you speak Chinese it's fine. If you don't then yeah it's fucking hell on earth.
Source: lived there.
more often then not, chinese cities have air like the OP pic. don't forget the random street vendor on every corner selling some fried organ meat slop that will give you diarrhea 30 minutes after consumption

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Hows Mexico City? Thinking about going there for two weeks to a month

Hows the mogging scene there?
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I know some places that, from my perspective, are little known:
-U.S. Mexico City National Cementery, San Rafael.
-Centro de Estudios de Historia de México, Chimalistac
-Museo Casa de la Bola, Tacubaya
-Biblioteca de México, Centro
-El Cantoral, Xoco
-Instituto Mora, Extremadura Insurgentes
-Zona Arqueológica Cuicuilco
-Parque Cantera
-Bosque de Tlalpan
-Biblioteca Miguel Lerdo de Tejada, Centro
-Parroquia de San Jacinto, San Angel
-Catedral de Xochimilco

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>The global press recently warned that as early as June 2024, Mexico City, home to 22 million people, could face “Day Zero—the complete loss of fresh water at the taps.
Mexican here.
Busy as fuck.
In general its really cheap, our subway costs 5 pesos (like a quarter of a dollar) and it covers pretty much the whole city.
On that regard the whole city and a great part of the metropolitan area is connected via Subway (metro), Electric Train, Suburban Train and "Metrobus" so you can move kinda freely.
our subway is usually clogged as hell, fast yes, but good luck using Lines 2, 3 and 9 during office/school hours without being crushed to death.
>public bus and similar
something between indian tier and new yorker tier regarding user population. the city's vehicular traffic is an all time issue, no matter where you are.
This is a very interesting topic, before 2020 the city had very well defined detroit-tier areas that, unless you knew exactly where you were going you avoided them at all costs but since pur president let all the sudamerican migrants come in the whole city is full to the brim with homeless venezuelan, bolivian and peruan immigrants that sadly launched the robberies to the skies and nowadays you see beggars everywhere, be careful.
anything else you need to know? i can give you intel about pretty much the whole city
>Hows the mogging scene there?
Not sure if you mean mugging or mogging; both kinda don't make any sense.

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