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Who did it best?
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None of them, because a single shoulder-mounted weapon creates an extremely stupid lopsided weight distribution hindering maneouvering. Moreover, the uneven impact of recoil is hell for the material stress it places on the midriff section having to be reinforced to counter the torque of 'twisting'. Not to mention, this dramatically tossing off the pilot's heading for repeat shots.

Fucking stupid design is fucking stupid.
Twin barrels please.
Okay, now that’s an armored Alex I can get behind.
...you do realize they can have ballast and weights to balance the weight without requiring twice as many things to maintain?
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>tastelet pieces of diarrhea
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Guess who am I without googling

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Sequel announcement any day now, am I right?
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I assumed she was doing her part from the inside because it was a little odd she had no reaction to Isami's temporal retirement unless he told her to
then again at least Isami isn't mia
meant to say, though Isami asked for a temporal retirement and is just isolating, not like Smith that did go missing and gave people fake phone numbers
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from the notes, if MTL didn't fuck up, he's on a long term leave but it's unknown where he is while the cast, at least from shelly/akira and lulu/CIA smith is MIA
maybe im overthinking, but they could say that both smith and isami are mia instead there is a clear distinction, so probably there is a reason
but why the cia is looking for bravern/smith and not isami who was his pilot?
>Bravern Dorado
>Bravern Negro
Could we also have EL BRAVERN BLANCO?
standard bravern is the white one lol

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Which was better?
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>goes deeper into Setsuna's character
Makes him into an even bigger space jesus than Kira
>new good gundam designs
S1 gundams had much better designs.
>Tieria getting some character development
Nothing memorable outside of him crossdressing and "dying".
>Lockon getting his revenge
Lyle was a cheap replacement and Ali should've died in S1
>Nene got what she deserved
Only for Louise to become new worst girl
>best gundam fight and most satisfying ending in all of gundam
Cheap fanservice fight and the finale was overwritten by a mediocre movie.
>Because the Coordinators were a really interesting concept and the series barely scratches the surface on them.
Given the bits that we know about Coordinators and their sterility issues there is a good chance they will eventually reach a "dead end" of sorts and will either re-integrate with Naturals willingly or otherwise, or die out since they cannot SCIENCE their way out of the problem and are too stubborn to swallow their pride.
00 is the better show and AoT is the more consistent movie for building on a good show. However, SEED Freedom does much more to improve Kira, Lacus, and Shinn as characters than AoT does for Setsuna or anyone else in its setting.
>Makes him into an even bigger space jesus than Kira
This isn't a negative thing and you don't seem to fully understand why that criticism works for Kira and not Setsuna. There is nothing inherently wrong with a character being a "jesus'' figure.
There's a difference between a story which intentionally seeks to create a savior figure as in 00 where religion is a core idea in its writing and Setsuna becoming a savior falls in line with many of its ideas versus SEED which in its text tries to avoid that, but ends up falling into it due to a lack of oversight.

I think the fact that you misunderstand this means the rest of your criticism is likely just as ill-formed.
I don't think the movie is going to age poorly it's not following the zeitgeist at all in the first place, it's very inline with how SEED was 20 years ago and was meant to come out not long after Destiny. As for the conflict basically being the same as Destiny it does a great job at showing the problems of the Destiny plan and what it would really entail.

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Rozé movie 1 released in Japan, coming late June to Disney Plus.

Lost Stories special streaming on 5/15 8PM JST. They will reveal all the anniversary stuff plus info on the future of the game.

Previous thread (with Rozé spoilers, beware): >>22601907
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Right, it's a matter of whether it's all of them at once, or whether it's divided into two drops or weekly drops, whatever they want to do.
sorry post was incomplete it says
>exclusive streaming internationally for all 12 episodes in late June
Tweet sounds like they're dropping all 12 in June
Great for us, bad for theater revenue.
>Next Stage & Next Turn
Yooo new gacha slop is brewing!!
26 ep TV series in 2026, Rozé is just setup for this.

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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
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I'm really fond of this walking war crime, I'm not a super big SEED guy but I do like the N Dagger N
Zoomer finds out about Roman numerals for the first time.
I need this shit so hard.
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Give us a Galbaldy Alpha kit, you cowards!
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ZII is listed as a Z-MSV, but it feels more like a hybrid of the Methuss and Zeta than a variation of one MS.

Post /m/ moms or women who could've been a great mother.
It's not mother's day.
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Noa is kind of a hothead, but also very nurturing.
Arguably more womanly than the other ladies of her squadron.
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Fuck it, here's a thread. The subs are off sync.
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I wanna see Yamazaki's Gamera. He said he'd be 100% up for that shit, and I GENUINELY want to see what he'd do
He won't and no one cares that much for the eternal runner up if his own studio doesn't care so he's left behind.
But I want to see it
I fucking hate the Monsterverse on every possible level
>Constantly steals shit from better Kaiju movies and never does it one tenth as good
>Only exists for hype culture retards, furry shippers, and actual children
>Guaranteed slop going forward due to being made by a fanboy
And so on
Here's the difference though:
I actually like Gamera

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New AoZ thread, let's hope MS Girls pics turn out to be a good luck charm for new content.
--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries
>scans of some of the earlier entires
>samples of the ongoing manga
>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.
>another page with their stuff
>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one
>last thread

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or hell, just some (more) Zetas drawn by Fujioka
I want more beam smartguns
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sorry, best we got is some offhand mentions in sketches
though at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if we got MP/Kelderek Hazel with it mounted.
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Now that's sexy. Although the trend seems to be for early units to use ballistics since they're fighting rogue zakus, while the later and paper units have all the fancy beam cannons. Maybe a long range support Hazenthley II variant? Or a Hazel with a big dumb overpowered two-handed cannon that needs a special backpack connected to it? Think mega rider but less retarded
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>Although the trend seems to be for early units to use ballistics since they're fighting rogue zakus, while the later and paper units have all the fancy beam cannons.
eh, yes and no
Earlier there's some ballistic weapons around because they're holdovers from OYW tech and are still viable on new machines because it is mostly just hunting remnants, yes. But there is still plenty of beam weapons around. Hazel was one of the main testers of e-pacs after all. And GM Sniper III notably uses a rifle that's basically long-range variant of what would become Mk-II's rifle, still a few years before Gryps Conflict.
Whereas later on you have the likes of Hrududu equipment, nevermind Owsla itself that are all about beam weapons and at most missiles too. Owsla in general is a relatively late-Gryps machine too, it was produced as a stopgap before Barzam.
Hell, Galbaldy Beta High Mobility Type was deployed like a year before Gryps War IIRC and while it was never equipped with the smart gun it seems it would have been testing it, implying that there could be some other prototypes in early trial stages around the start of Gryps Conflict.
> Or a Hazel with a big dumb overpowered two-handed cannon that needs a special backpack connected to it?
Isn't that literally Bigwig? Just replace Hazel with Hizack/Rosette

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When you think of /m/ what is the very first mecha that comes to mind?
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Mazingolfer Z
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One day, there'll be the vaunted sequel to Mazingolfer Z.
Great Mazingolfer.
A golf cart with a rifle jammed in the cup holder.
mein kamera ga yarareta dake da!!
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Previous Thread: >>22623662

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links
https://pastebin.com/uynBpq35 (embed)

>/krg/ archives

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Would it really cost Toei that much to just give their riders a regular bike that’s not modified.
A lazy recolor of the original that doesn't cannibalize the whole suit in case he has to come back?
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>Kenzaki's actor did the grunt
>Hibiki used his forgotten technique
I creamed
Then you have a whole ass Rider army
using the same generic bike
They can't sell regular bike as toys because that would mean they need to pay for the bike brands.

Legendary filmmaker Roger Corman has passed away at the age of 98. To honor his memory lets have a topic dedicated to low budget robot and spaceship movies. Share the most obscure works you anons got.
Damn, RIP.
At least he lived a full life.
>98 years young
Vax status?

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In a display of dominance, /m/ topped the group at 9 points after thrashing /xs/!

With promotion to Summer, /m/ now looks to win another Babby Cup title. Their first opponent is /y/ in the first installment of the Bravern Bowl. How gay will these two teams get? Who will top the match!? Find out tonight! Today!
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He showed up for half time.
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Well at least we're in Summer.
Remember to blame Bravern and Felsi for this and I'll see y'all another day.
kits were cool. hope to see the FLGS group in Summer
Well...not what we expected.

PES16 is kinda our home turf, so we're glad we promoted out of the babbies but I guess we got cocky with trying to defy the 9 point curse.

I know we did a lot of shit with aesthetics, music, and stadiums, and falls squarely at my feet. I don't want you guys to think our Tactical managers were busy fucking with that and neglecting our tactics. Things will go back to normal for Summer.

Speaking of Summer. We shall return in a few months to run a poll for the summer cup roster.
The bravern bowl was fun at least, but I wonder about the team roster picks.

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On sales 29/8
current starting gunpla roster
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can't be bothered to read the release list so not sure if they aren't already in, but
- Xamel
- Dag Doll
- Dolmel
>Ball Cannon head
Moon Gundam
You might but gacha games on mobile and gacha games on consoles have completely different stigmas. On mobile that's just the status quo, put out a game with loot boxes on console and you're no better than EA or Activision in terms of corporate greed. The expectation with mobile is that every game must be an ever evolving live service whereas on console people expect to receive a feature complete game for the money they pay,which is why so many of the live services released in the last few years have tanked hard. NGB even tried pulling that shot by releasing the game with half the roster cut from GB3 and then adding them in weekly which was one of the reasons (among many others) why NGB was rated so low at release.
Phantom Gundam
Reborns Gundam
Gundam Gremory

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Unconventional mom edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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>Cheerful dess
>Aggressive Dess
>Confident Dess
>Desperate Dess
>Sad Dess
>Happy Dess
>Serious Dess
>Celebratory Dess
>Clueless Dess
She has so many styles!
What's your favorite single dess?
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All hail.

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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218 replies and 62 images omitted. Click here to view.
huh, it does look much better here so yeah it could just be the angle and my own experience with the kit coloring my impression

and yeah it's a really nice model all around but these hands could have been done better. The fact that the hand coming apart means both the cover and the fingers might fall off the joint part is a pain in the ass.
I want to do this. I like lacquer more than acrylic, but I hate how unlike Vallejo, Gaia and Mr Hobby require me to use pipettes and clean said pipettes all the time.
i only use pipettes for thinner. for the paint itself just run it down your stirring stick. if you end up doing too much and have some left over when you're done just tip it back into the pot
HDPE is generally chemically resistant, including to common lacquer thinners.
The torso to hip connection is terrible.

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