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he-man aged like fine wine.
In a better timeline we could have got some comedy show featuring him and Skeletor ala Space Ghost but since we are in the worst timeline there is a risk trannies can get them and make something awful like Jellystones.
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At least we had the comicbook run from the 2010s, that was 100% kino and I'll forever be mad neither Revelation nor Netflix She-Ra was like it.
He-Man can work as a genuine sword and sorcery story with sci-fi lost technology elements.
into vinegar

I was expecting this to be a weak episode to be honest.
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Why is RLM so comfy, lads?
I thought they were dropping the whole season at once again.
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Imagine the blowjobs.
probably my least favorite episode so far unfortunately, but pim was still a delight
was the president played by someone with a make a wish request?
The show is pretty clearly anti-nihilist. That's about the only statement it seems to be making, though.

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Dead Show edition

Post your now certified never-ever's
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Battle of the Bands:
Gorillaz vs Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
Does he solo fiction?
Wings of Redemption vs modern fps twitch streamers
this Australian Sasquatch is the strongest cartoon character according to VSBW
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>pokeshitters when Renamon still would have won

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itt we post the cutest /co/bots
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I disagree, there's more than enough robot girls out there that look like robots, sometimes I just want a cute robot girl who still looks human.
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pull of xj9 skin
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I'm more fond of rob/co/

Anyone like PAW Patrol?
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? I don't get it
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I'd just like you guys to know this anon is a lying faggot and there aren't new models or turnarounds yet
Anon, you can't get it just by having normal access you got to download the assets through the API
One of you just fucking upload something new for us or shut the fuck up
Coming in here and dangling your access to content in front of us then giving us blue balls is below shitposting
So I can just make an external account on vncp.nick and get access?

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Who was in the wrong here?
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hold the camera still you fucking hack
>Love Mad Men
>Friend tells me to check this out cause I love Mad Men
>Despite following similar story beats the show is complete and utter dog shit
How’d this get 5 seasons?
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This was uncomfortable. Especially with the child's overly childish accent and the older cat's creepy foreign one

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Are they actually bad employees? Their job does seem particularly shitty given how cursed their workplace is. Despite the constant deviation, the park is always repaired at the start of episodes. The show isn't even a weird floaty thing without a canon, canonically the park has been destroyed numerous times and they know it, so they're obviously being kept around because Mr. Maellard sees them as useful. You can argue that they're dicks to Benson, but if I had to rebuild my workplace from the ground-up every other week I'd be an ass about it too.
Yes and no, while they mess around the park and cause trouble, they always try to find ways fix the mess they themselves created and get the job done.
Also you've to consider that they're only ones around to work for a the low wage Benson gives them, in fact there was an episode where he finally fires them and gets news replacements for the job and M&R try to sabotaged them just for them to reject position for a wage that low.
Not to mention that early season Benson wasn't that good with them, the eggscellent is one example even tho he apologized later

We are so back
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I can see why it ended up with the shared market
>Female led show with a focus on school drama and fashion and so forth
>But also cool sci fi action spy show with fights
They unintentionally figured out how to have their cake and eat it too
Is there any info on how Martin Mystery did in comparison, that always felt like their attempt at "Totally Spies marketed to boys specifically"
I want them younger. In the 80s episode they were supposed to look around 12. I want around 9
>Totally Spies was aired on Teletoon in Canada
>Martin Mystery aired on YTV
Bit weird innit
I think what made the spies so appealing to both, was how they brilliantly the show runners went about with the characterization of sam, alex and clover, but also the style. Totally spies is kinds like TMNT with the different colour for each main character motiff, tmnt but its with cute girls going on glibe trotting (usually) spy adeventures.

Yesterday; Mary-Jane managed to escape her kidnapper, the clone of Gwen Stacy was brought back after 13 years and resolved in a baffling way, and Spidey punched an Aussie in San Diego for a bit
Today, the Boomerang returns (pun intended)

>previous threads
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Who knows. As far as I can tell, these two issues are literally their only appearances
That it works for a bunch of different systems is what interests me
It probably doesn't work very well though. I guarantee if someone walked in front of you while you were playing it would stop working. Not to mention the latency
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Spidey's side of Inferno does set up somethings so there is something to look forward to. Thanks Magister.

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What was Mighty Mouse doing?
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love the acapella
from 6 years ago
This was unironically my favorite cartoon when I was 3-4 years old. I would ask my mom to tuck a dishtowel into the back of my shirt, like a cape, and I would run around the house pretending to be Mighty Mouse singing, "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY!!" Go figure, today I'm a huge Bakshi/John.k fan.
has the bakshi series ever had a fart joke?
Clearly he's snorting his brain back into his head.

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While I wait for my advance copies of THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS to arrive before giving approval to ship my entire order, there’s still a lot going on at my end in the meantime.

For the time being, I’ve decided to sell BEGINNINGS exclusively through my website and convention appearances. After the San Diego Comic-Con, I’m targeting Toronto, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Mega-Con in Miami. I’m also looking at Chicago and Boston for 2025 appearances. I’m open to appearances elsewhere, but taking a wait and see approach based on what happens after San Diego.

Currently, I’m continuing my pre-order promotion of a limited edition signed Lara-Su print along with a randomly selected issue of either SONIC or KNUCKLES I’ve worked on I will sign and include when the pre-ordered copy of BEGINNINGS ships to the buyer. The promotion immediately ends once I have the printed copies of BEGINNINGS on hand to immediately ship.

The promotional package at San Diego is still being worked on, but BEGINNINGS and a bonus extra will be priced at $50, and both will include my signature. (I’m thinking along the lines of a quick head sketch, or alternate print. My concern is being able to satisfy demand during the convention if I go ahead with the head sketch.)

I’m also open to doing appearances at various retailer stores, and if that does happen, you’ll here about it here. Retailers can contact me via this link.
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I think OP just copy-pasted the latest entry in Penders' website... a noble effort to not just do a twitter/reddit screencap thread.
Kek, not even close. What he is releasing is "THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS" (of course, in ALL CAPS), which is a compilation of the first M25YL part (i.e. the part he wrote).

Only the last page has been redone so Beginnings connects itself with the real first volume. Paraphrasing, but Penders considers the Lara-Su Chronicles: "One of the many universes in the Sonic multiverse"... only, with no real Sonic character in it.
>sega did steal julie su and whatever shadow thing for a shitty video game though
Not really, though.
>it just makes me laugh how much he doesn't give a fucking shit about sonic and friends
Yes, but also no. I would say he cares too much about Sonic, and that's because the man just can't let go of the fact that he invested so much of "his" precious storylines (you know, the ones he definitely "didn't" steal from other authors) in an IP he has absolutely no rights over.

He could have made The Lara-Su Chronicles a completely original thing, with all Sonic ties completely cut and an all new setting, cast and narrative universe... but no.
He needs the Sonic connection, not just because he "knows it wouldn't sell otherwise", but rather because he is mentally and emotionally dependent of Sonic, or to be more accurate, Knuckles.
He feels entitled to Knuckles, even though it wasn't his comic nor his ideas what made Knuckles popular in the first place (I'll willing to make a concession regarding some US Sonic fans, given they grew up with Archie Sonic and related).
I may be an ESL anon... but I'm quite sure that not how you write that.

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Movie announcement any day now
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IIRC Noelle based it on her relationship with her wife, in her old blog rants she mentions how her wife was just fucking two or three men at the same time while Noelle was still home in the living room.
>no way fag
The annoying part is that is essentially what happened in the show. "Repressed" my ass.
Is this story actually true? If so, I have two questions.

1. Why would her wife think that was okay?
2. Why didn't she let Noelle join?
I read this back in 2019 but I can't find the sauce.

1. Fuck if I know but IIRC this caused issues in her that she should "be a man" to be worthy of love.
2. Noelle doesn't like men so she wouldn't have sex with them.

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He's a good boy.
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I see you

Guard duty the night the queen was murdered?
Cope said that they have a resting place between the fingerbones, and that they'll eventually be able to retract and extend without tearing shit up
I'm still chuffed that 5 seconds after Duane bites it, a real lion finally shows up.
Jackie seems like such a good boy.
Friendship ended with Duane.
Now Jacaranda is my best friend.

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"We're gonna need a bigger shelf" edition

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https://www.instocktrades.com/ US (worldwide shipping)
https://www.mycomicshop.com US(worldwide shipping)
http://www.speedyhen.com (UK)
https://www.tfaw.com (worldwide shipping)

[best deal websites for comics]

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/shelf/ ruined /co/.
By proving /co/ doesn't buy comics?
man thing and swamp thing are completely different things
Shatter shit is basically the four part annual xover collected out of sequence with the softcover the skinner of souls tossed in for padding
No, that was cartoon fags

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>why is always my butt?
Widest surface area
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just a warmup
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fuck off
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Neh neh neh

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