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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but expensive), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 200$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Recommended devices

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He said the d-pad feels clicky on a similar way to the OG SP
I just want a horizontal with no sticks and that isn't made for children's hands
>too lazy to layer the elements properly
Wouldn't count on that case being a freebie.
Not a good start.

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>one analog stick
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>dreamcast 1998
>dualshock controller 1997
yikes now this is embarrassing
The analog triggers are for moving the camera. But it doesn't really work out since they went to 4 buttons. And their obsession with putting nipples on everything, including the vmu, was just way overindulgent.
Only console which had 2 analog was PSX at that point and dual analog controls and games that used the right analog stick on PSX for... well, anything at all; were basically inexistant at that point.
Medal of Honor created a new standard for dual analog controls but that was released in November 1999.
Not even Ape Escape was out. when the Dreamcast was being made.

It wasn't a thing. The right analog stick was dead weight on PSX at that point.
Not a lot of games really benefited from dual analog back in 1998 IIRC, at least games I played
One of the flagship sega games required dual analogs. They had every reason to have two just for the sake of naomi ports.

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Get a proper CRT.
>tube suddenly implodes
>whole body is covered in glass cuts

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I've been trying out Journey to Silius on NSO with Picrel. I rebind R1 and L1 to A and B respectively. It's growing on me. Something about it is just so much more comfy for my wrists and thumbs. I've been back and forth between it, my Hori Commander fightpad, and my bitdo SFC30, but I keep coming back to it the most.
For arcadey games and platformers, yes, love me stick
Actually been thinking about buying a build from a guy who makes arcade sticks with analog levers to play analog stick games on, but I'm really worried it'll feel janky as shit, and don't really know what similar devices I could try without just buying one.
That's what I was thinking too! Maybe try a HOTAS just to see if you like the generally feel. but then again you'd have to think about positioning it somewhere different from the digital lever. I plated Minecraft Dungeons at Dave and Busters once so Analog balltops exist. But again where would you put the 2 or 3 joysticks? If only there were a way to switch one stick in one spot from digital and mechaical to analog

Do people actually play this game or is this more of a collectors item for the gamer with a compulsive shopping habit? YouTube doesn't even yield any gameplay when searching for it, only OPs so that purchasers can watch the opening without risking damaging the disc.
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There is a translation patch somewhere. There's also some GBC spin-off interestingly
I've always been interested in it but I'm not into TRPGs, in fact I've never played one in my life. Do you think the gameplay won't filter me? Also how is the PC version? There's an official Russian translation and I know the language
Literally baby's first TRPG, with some of the most braindead easy gameplay I've ever experienced. Clearly, the visual novel portions took priority
I dunno about the PC ver though
I don't think you ever played a visual novel before, the gameplay to these kinds of games are always a novelty. You don't play baldr's sky for its gameplay
That's good to hear, I really need to give this game a go

If they balanced out the tech tree a little bit more this would have been a classic.
Sell me on it, OP.
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What should I expect?
Get the community patch.
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>this would have been a classic.
How is the tech tree unbalanced? You’re supposed to balance it out by stealing, trading, and discovering things in space. If anything, it’s the racial attributes that are unbalanced.

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So, what went wrong?
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Times were tough, but we got by.
Jesus I forgot this guy existed
dude if I were getting it on with a hot freaking babe and her head turned into a sims head but the rest of her body stayed the same I'm fucking lose my mind and cum instantly no doubt
I remember as a kid telling my sister that I really wanted to buy the Sims Online. She made a big deal that I wanted to buy a copy of "The Sims" on the internet as opposed to a physical store because she didn't know about this game. Dumb bitch. Never ended up playing the game though. Seems like a similar experience could've been had on Habbo which I loved
aren't there fan servers for this shit?

Should i play the OG Ocarina of Time or go straight for the 3DS remake?

Same with Majoras Mask.
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>Muh atmosphere
Shut up.
>OoT's remake fucks up way too many great things about the game
You're gonna have to elaborate on that one.
The art is cleaner imo and the game is the same, it has improvements like the equipment and gyro aiming if you like that.
He's probably referring to the outrage over the misaligned/mistimed text boxes or ganon not being drenched in shadow at the end. Complete bastardizations of the original's sure, but not remotely detrimental to the gameplay experience. It's one of those "soul" reeeee things. Other then that, the ugly as sin hint station at links house is, jarring.
No, there are much more substantial differences. Probably the biggest one is the way the hookshot target pointer tells you if you will latch on to a surface in the remake. It's a huge hand holdy aspect that nobody talks about, because people noting the differences "already know" what the hookshot works on.

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10920310

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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>I'd kill for more Escape from New York-style games.
Funny thing is I once considered doing a Take No Prisoners TC which is pretty much that by Raven, but I never got round to it because TCs are a metric fuckton of work even with half the assets already done for you.
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>Found a cool new power-up, BFG equivalent.
>Game crushes when i activate it.
Looks cool, anon. Love me some build engine-like maps.
There are some map packs but nothing on the level of Deathwish
Yeah that's modern GZDoom for you, it's really built for 2.5 or Zandronum or something.
Cursory checking has it crashing from GZDoom 3.7 and onwards, thanks Le No Chicken.

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I remember my first time playing Halo, and I was in that first level, and after winding through these technical corridors, fighting aliens and then, I step out into this world, and it just opens up in front of me, and it's beautiful, and alien, and huge. That was a sort of a seminal moment for me and I realized I was playing a masterpiece.
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It's insane how much butthurt this game causes thanks to the irrational ms hatred and mustard elitism
Don't get me wrong, but Halo was THE game that started the dude bro shooter mania. It singlehandedly sold the trash can that was the original Xbox. And Halo 2 outsold Melee, Mario Kart, Sunshine and Zelda—basically this was the moment retro era ended. Kids officially stopped caring about "old and gay" Nintendo / Sega / etc., and we firmly entered the era of GTA and Halo, and later CoD.
It's a case where a game wasn't bad, but the influence it had was terrible.
I've gone through the boomer shooter canon, doom, duke 3d, blood, quake no one lives forever, soldier of fortune, rtcw, etc. as a single player campaign CE was perfectly fine.
its just the usual pcmr goobers hyperventilating any time someone likes a console fps. admittedly they mostly suck but halo was fun
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>all this headcannon
sounds like little bitch syndrome to me

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It's not more out there than Soul Calibur, or even Mortal Kombat. The oufits are just as sfw, if not more so than the competition.

I don't get the hate. Plus Kasumi, the main character is a sweet girl, as close to "trad girl tm" as possible in a fightin game, as well as being one of the first female vidya protags
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Ayane and Kasumi are 16 and 17 respectfully in DoA1-4. This is shown in Japanese versions, but in international versions this is obscured and their age is displayed as "Not Available".
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Forgot pic related because I'm slow
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Compare with western release. Age suspiciously absent.
>It was their game devs that made those renders with their models against their will
That's what she told you huh?
>If they pose for photographs in the bikinis and have those pictures posted in games magazines for boys and men all over the world to see, yes. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Forever malding because he never got laid

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Jesus wept
>walk into savepoint
>walls of text
>walk into savepoint
>walls of text
>walls of text
>walk into savepoint
>walls of text
>all battles were scripted, there have been no random encounters for two hours
I've played visuals that had more gameplay than this. And I haven't reached disc 2 yet, I heard it's even worse.
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The main character gets to engage in faggotry in both.
Jenova is basically Satan; possesses, shapeshifts, infects, Sephiroth chooses to serve it, Cloud exercises free will
>cut out a lot of the fluff in the middle
What to you is even that
Bit of column A, bit of Column B. Jenova acts satanic in her actions and omnipotence, Sephiroth fits the "fallen archangel" motif visually as well as personality. What with the whole "one winged angel" form and all that.
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>all this discussion
>nobody caught that Anon called both Casca and Red XII breeding bitches

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>booted this up on my SNES+Everdrive because I heard the rumors about what a gigantic turd it was
>you know you're in for a rough ride when the first thing you see on screen is the Hi Tech Expressions logo
>yeah it's unplayable shovelware, first thing that happened to me was running into a fence and dying--the game presents no obvious clues about what is and isn't fatal
>apparently Beethoven barks to kill enemies but some take several hits to kill and in the meantime there's other enemies crowding in behind you and knocking you out which is terrible game design
>pause the game and it just freezes, not even a polite pause jingle ala SMW
>after two or three tries of this I was officially done with this game
And how was your day, /vr/?
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He also commissioned the StarTropics games which were pretty much the most Reddit things imaginable.
What a bunch of meaningless fags. How can you be so stupid for fucks sake? Go back to /v/ if you're gonna post trash like that, they'll appreciate it.
The right call, both times. Imagine not liking Star Tropics and preferring a half assed official Kaizo hack to the SMB2 we got.
he also introduced Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest to America. as for StarTropics, at least NOA had the sense to let a Japanese team develop those games whereas there was no chance that Family Dog would ever be good, not just because of the garbage TV show nobody remembers that it was based on but because it was American-developed.
game's easy as fuck, you could beat it in 20 minutes

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What is the plot of Kid Klown in Crazy Chase 2? The opening cutscene implies it's about a road race between Blackjack and Kid Klown but the rest of the game is like the first game.
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Honey is the plot. Worth it.
They were mad fucking and Honey was holding the camera.
she does look like a bit of a cuckqueen doesn't she?
Princess Honey.
You mean Dirty Joe.

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