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Previous thread: >>18112679

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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Nigga do you ever actually contribute?
Where to properly source a good bottle of yatagan that isn't a fake or shitty new formulation?
I prefer GV to TdH by leaps and bounds, but they aren't all that similar to me. GV is much greener and has a very lovely tobacco/vanilla drydown. The only real similarity is the vetiver note to me. But I like Terres d'Hermes as well. If I had to pick one or the other I'd go GV simply because you don't really see it too often in the wild anymore. I smell TdH everywhere. It's still extremely popular .
being a reformulation queen over yatagan of all perfumes, lol

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What do you think of this ensemble/fa/?
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Tourist indeed, your advice is hilarious.
I think the tie pattern clashes with the shirt pattern. One of them ought to be plain. Other than that, it's good
I'm really set on layering patterns though. What pattern shirts go good with grid/check like pattern ties?
It doesn't clash too badly here >>18110732 >>18111368
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What about this fit? I wore this today

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Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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That is his point, anon. They're not. But a Breitling in house movement could be.
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Good morning gents, what are you drinking today?
True, that's true.
If you're getting the Venezianico, use NEXT-VZ for 20% off. Brought my Nereide GMT from €520 to €410.
Why would anyone get a Chinesianico?

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What do leggings or spanx feel like?
Every whore I see wears them at school!
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Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots Ignore thots
looks like shit. what a fucking ugly silhouette
bought my gf some lululemon leggings and i can't wait to make her wear them and go out in public
the logo above the ass is like a tractor beam for men's eyes\
Walking on those rocks with heels seems incredibly impractical and honestly a little bit dangerous. Also she's fat.

How should I dress my lower half if I have small calves and feet? Do I need to always wear jeans and boots sort of like Shia leabuff does? I look like a less cartoonish version of this guy/ Milhouse from that one future simpsons episode

Does boots solve this?
Baggy pants. Learn from calisthenics bros and look at their pants.
crash bandicoot, is that you ?
Heavy calf raises solves this.

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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these threads are about men freaking out that they're losing hair in their 20s (justified)
>/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
If you're not taking finasteride just shave it bro will save you money.
diffuse thinning is a curse.
DHT is a curse, ages you up hardcore and roughens your skin and gives you prostate cancer and hypertension.
t. haircafe said so

Are expensive fragrances a scam? This lil mfer has gotten me more compliments that i could ever imagine. Post your favorite cheapie
>Are expensive fragrances a scam?
Not necessarily .Probably all fragrances have huge mark up, but some actually use expensive materials, while others are mostly marketing and exclusivity.

Cheap fragrances can smell good and be formulated by top perfumers, but often smell 'synthetic' and lack the refinement of expensive ones.
all zaras are direct copies of expensive fragrances anyway
Yes, but only past a certain threshold. Also, you can pull compliments with Axe bodyspray. 90% of the time, people aren't actually complimenting you because they like you're fragrance, they are just politely acknowledging that you are wearing one.

Trouble with Zara fragrances has always been longevity. They smell very good for the price, but most of them last an hour or two. At least in my experience.
Why can't low tier men grasp the meaning of the word scam?
Why are they so ignorant about basic pricing mechanisms?

The most attractive look a girl can do, is the most basic outfit; t shirt and sweatpants.
A girl needs nothing more.
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It's called having self-respect and standards. Why would I want to be with a woman that is fine with being fucked by other men? What kind of cuckoldry is this?
That's a normal gen z american girl look
You live in Europe bro
Women wear hijabs in europe and fuck 100 guys lol

Buy an ad you fucking whore. Should be able to afford it since somehow every woman on OF is in the "top 5% of models" on that hellhole.
It really is. I went to TJ Maxx yesterday and every zoomer girl dresses like this. They all know how to do their makeup really good too. I told my (millennial)wife she should learn how to do her makeup better and she got angry.

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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sounds like the IR last isn't appropriate for your foot
Do you guys use an insole with leather/dress boots?

I've been using the fancy supportive insole from my hiking boots because I thought you 'have to' use an insole. I assumed any discomfort from my new boots was just part of the break-in period but I tried thick socks directly on the leather footbed and holy shit they are comfy.

>babby's first real boots
They don't fit you colossal moron
huh? i'm size 7, a 6.5 = toes are all cramped, 7.5 = the boot is loose. it just happens on the right boot. my mocs are incredibly comfortable and have no issues whatsoever.

maybe youre right
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>huh? i'm size 7

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rate, hate, guess personalities/careers etc. last thread is dead in the water
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What would this aesthetic even be called? I take a lot of inspiration from seeing this, especially as a thin pale dude from a place with gloomy weather all year.
midwest, dawg
what is 'midwest dawg'? never heard of it.
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Might rate others tomorrow
Midwesterners don't dress that well. That style that OP posted looks straight out of a French arthouse movie. I'm from the pacific northwest which has a lot of lazy midwest fashion with the flannels and whatnot. It's definitely not the same thing

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Whats the best Raincoat you are aware of?

I got a helly hanson workwear Impertech long coat a while ago and its excellent. The only issue is that its cold and saps heat, even with some kinds of under layers, but thats a good thing in absolute terms so you can wear it in warm weathers and in colder it still works with more heavy duty insulation midlayers. I also like the length covering your upper legs so you can actually sit down without a wet butt. But it keeps out water completely, if water does get under it it drys fast, is light weight, tough, is big enough to wear a hoodie or something underneath, and has a hood that folds into the collar, has zipper side vents so you can reach internal pockets or cool off if you get too warm, and everything cleans off of it well like mud and stuff.

Really, the only complaint is color wise it only comes in a greenish brown color and id prefer a Navy. But not end of the world.
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Not OP but thanks, I've been thinking about getting a Rains jacket or coat myself
rains is shit
gtx is a meme
>I live in a VERY rainy country so i use the jacket 200+ days a year
I would kys myself
>criticize everything
>never provide positive arguments or recommend anything
Fuck off, bot
Waxed/oilskin cotton and hybrid fabrics are options that crop up at the higher end, but any shell material with a PU membrane will be meta.

Buying cheap for rainwear is bad advice though as at lower price points manufacturers will just treat the garments in a DWR finish that gradually washes out over time and there won't be any underlying waterproof membrane.

I wear Fjallravens Sormland hunting jacket for cold wet weather and cold weather in general

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last thread went stale
it means: what are you wearing today
don't be a retard, rate others
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bro you might be the best groomed man I've ever seen on this site.

how the fuck do you get your hair so flowing and mane like

you can literally wear anything with hair like that and you will slay my dude
second this, your hair and beard look amazing

a slightly higher rise on the pants might look a little better though
I just have naturally pretty good hair. After letting it dry i usually put some molding cream in and crunch it up a bit to help get it to hold the wave better (but it's already naturally wavy a bit). My beard is a little more patchy than i would like but glad i've grown it out, think it helped the look.

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Tie-dye clothing. Thoughts?

I wore a lot of this 11-12 years ago. Was I ahead of the game?

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I think tie dyes are generally too light in value and that darker clothes look better on most people. That said my wife has a black shirt with a bleach tie dye that looks pretty good. So you could easily make something similar at home.
Post more pics of your face plox
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>has a wife

We got a based middle age here. Haha I haven't heard the word "plox" in rather a while. I swear it must have been 15 years ago when I was "gibs sauce plox" when some tasty pr0n was posted.

>Post more pics of your face

You have a whole video right there of my delicious self.

It is! His haircut sure ain't though!
im a dyed in the wool hippie (pun intended) but seeing zoomer chicks in tie dye made me cringe inwardly so hard so now i just wear plain t shirts instead like god intended
Oh sorry bro. I had no idea it was you. It doesn't look that bad desu

Tips and tricks would be appreciated.
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This is a seam ripper fyi. I bought mine at a dollar store.
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Forgot pic
Why would you buy a Lacoste shirt and then remove the logo? Isn't that the point of buying a Lacoste shirt?
i do this with patagonia clothes. i dont need to be a walking billboard for some company
No I'm not a mentally ill npc who has fallen for the anti logo hysteria
It's crazy how a tiny piece of embroidery that has never bothered anyone now makes TikTok brained npcs seethe so hard. The algorithm has literally rewired your brain

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