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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Which nation has the most disgraceful military history?
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They didn't. Italy has been invaded and conquered so many times they're not ethnically since then the same people anymore.
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God bless.
>Lose ww2
>Switch sides
>Lose ww2 again
>turkish immediate reaction is to call someone Greek
are the Greeks in the room with us right now roach?
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Lol who else could it have been lmaooo

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>russians arent orcs-
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>antique cope
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>being pummeled with 25mm HE is enough to make your tank's internals go haywire
how embarrassing
How does that not get immediately defeated by a slight incline?
40k is actually extremely popular in Russia and they identify with the Imperial Guard
>actually competent
>less corrupt
must appear to be utopian compared to Russia

Kind of a /k/ spooky thread but also kind of serious. The American interior is massive. There are countless regions where the human population "officially" is zero for hundreds of square miles, even thousands. While we've all heard and have enjoyed stories of cryptids and things such as wendigos and shit. My curiosity shifts more to the realistic, albeit still surreal possibilities that these regions could be host to everything ranging from organized crime running things such as drug labs to outcast groups either politically or religiously motived or just deranged to live out in the middle of nowhere. This possibility leads my imagination into wondering; what if it's true? What if there could be straight up organized crime groups waging guerrilla warfare against each other in the middle of nowhere with even the US military being involved, either sending in SF to kill them and wipe out any evidence to keep the public dark or even funding them CIA style. There could be firefights being waged right now and nobody would know other than those directly involved in said firefights.

The possibility gets even stranger when you factor in weird mystery stories of experienced hikers with years to decades experience going missing, just for the search for these people being conducted in very weird ways, with even Army SF getting involved, searching areas blocked off from local law enforcement to "find them".

What does /k/ think of all of this and what theories and or stories do you guys have to share? Also, just general spoopy thread because why the fuck not?
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I'm guessing you're both faggot leftists interfering with men who have actual jobs?
While I'm not at liberty to discuss the various preternatural life forms in the American wilderness, I can assure you that they are not a viable location for organized crime.
I mean he's not wrong, there's a census tract in Maine with 440 people spread out over 3000 sq miles.
Then you've got Nye county Nevada (area 51 i think) which has a census tract with 0 population over 4.5k sq mi, as far as theoretically populated areas goes that'd be Alaska where Yukon-koyukuk has 5k people spread over 150k sq mi
>My little sister hangs out in the private logging company lands in Maine a lot.
Is she the lumberjack camp toy and gets passed around a lot? Like a lot a lot? Post pics.
>440 people spread out over 3000 sq miles.
>Not zero
White knighting is ban enough, don't be a mathematically retarded white knight.

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> Staffed by best trained highly motivated manpower.
> Screen mechanized maneuver by becoming 20th century equivalent of velites.
> Main methord of recconoitering an entrenched enemy is by baiting themselves.
> conduct said mission in picrel junk
>Soviet Reconnaisance Doctrine
Send single use soldiers to draw enemy fire and obtain their position
>picrel junk
its a decent 4x4 that can float
as for protection... don't get spotted is probably maximum safe level it can handle

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It's cheap to make and easy to gather resources for
They ain't landing back on it.
I'm not an expert but isn't the tower in the way of where you'd need to land the aircraft?
Do you see the bolt-on platform? That's part of the runway for landing. So their pilots have to land partially sideways or drown.
It's supposed to be a cheap drone carrier, from what I've read. 0% chance they can get an F14 to take off and land on that thing, if they even still work.

If you don't have an ebike or dirt bike you wont make in gwot
Old thread>>61604218
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>tfw have an OG set
>tfw its mismatched from different manufacturers so they’re slightly dimensionally different
Who gives a fuck about Ukraine anymore.
I'm sorry
No, I'm sorry.
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That does sound like it could work, but Dan being aligned with Ash and The Gang isn't in my recollections, for some reason
Chairs, I... am willing to wear a dress
It's an east german AK mag pouch, but it fits (4) 30 round AR just as well. I put a spare magpul sling on it
Sorry we are full.

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10/22 Superiority Edition

New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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What makes you believe that they'll be promptly leaving, instead of grifting their way in like the rests of them do?
Why wouldn’t they?
>Flatter trajectory
>Wider arrange of loadings
>Moar stopping powah
.308lets on suicide watch
Skill issue.
30-06 is just 308 but better.
There's a dozen ways from sunday to keep extending your stay in Canada. Some methods can be quite expensive, and grey-area legally, if not outright illegal, though liability is on the employer.

From what I've heard, government services are overwhelmed. What're the odds that someone who keeps their head down, working ethno-nepotist odd jobs get tracked down and deported? Or you've got the chain-migration types bringing over their entire extended family, which is incredibly straight-forward, cut and dry.

The point is to ask your parents for HELOC so you can put a down-payment on a house in a desirable location and start extorting people for outrageous rent payments which are still marginally lower than the area average.
Welcome to post-national Canada.

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Latest video from Perun just dropped, this time is about Turtle Tanks and cope cages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhfGspOIg24
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>My point is Ukraine is doing it
Not my discussion but Ukraine DEFINITELY never had RPGs on rooftops in mind so... is this even good for your argument?
>There are a LOT of RPGs laying around, if you are getting shot at by AT anywhere on earth odds are it's an RPG
They had a lot more ATGMs than the invasion force had tanks. Priorities. Russians definitely had worse things to worry about, which of course was borne out. Ironically they have more to worry about from RPGs now, but those RPGs have minds of their own and don't care about these defences either. At no point have RPGs in the traditional sense been the biggest threat for vehicles and it's hard to cope cage infantry.
>so assmad you have to make bingo cards
not to mention
>dickriding so hard you actually make bingo cards
great look
>only a single western tank
fuck off zigger
I think the few /k/unts here than actually know things have seen so much Russian shilling they just assume anyone that isn't screaming RUSSIA DUMB is a russian shill.
I kind of get it because the shills shit me too but I wish we could have real discussions without everyone trying to figure out which side the poster supports.
>finish writting this post
>>61614450 turns up
Yeah, that's the point I was trying to make.

>Ukraine DEFINITELY never had RPGs on rooftops in mind
A well made cope cage should work against a PG HEAT at least some of the time, that warhead can be thrown by a rocket of flown by a drone. So long as there is a chance of shorting the piezo fuse bars have some value.

>They had a lot more ATGMs than the invasion force had tanks
Russia didn't go into this war expecting to be fighting over kilometers of over fields, they were in the cities within days and expected to stay there.

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Wait the dude from Baby Driver? He really got an award for painting minis?

Why did they stop testing nukkiboms?
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I agree with you entirely but people in charge will just scream about "the modeling" or whatever when you point this out.
there hasnt been any new development for nuclear bombs since the 50s. No need to test anything
There is a new us icbmthat was recently developed and being tested. Though it's using old nuclear warheads that are being retrofitted. It's known that the she of the bombs might have failing components in them. They can test the delivery vehicle but the bombs themselves could have all kinds of problems.

Is just dumb to rely on old weapons and prayer. If you were given a 50 year old cow sidearm wouldn't you want to test it to make sure it still works in case you need to use it?
>thinks they use old nukes
Anon...c'mon now...
Their service life is just being extended but they are still old. When you buy a refurbished electronic device you test it to make sure your changes actually fixed any problems. These nukes are being changed and refurbished without being tested.

What would modern military small arms design look like if smokeless powder was never invented?

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Why do people do this? shotgun is already kinda heavy when loaded and this weight could be better used on a light or red dot
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Got bored after 6 minutes, but I could do the full 10, and I don't even exercise
Why does my arm look super fucked up in that pic lol
>empty apartment
>no photos or decorations on the wall
>skin paler than the average mole man
Jesus man touch grass
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>empty apartment
Just moved in a couple months ago, and it's way bigger than my old place. I do have stuff, it's just on the opposite wall because that's where the outlets are
>no photos or decorations on the wall
Pic related
>skin paler than the average mole man
It's called being white, sorry you can't experience it
>Jesus man touch grass
I do a lot of STALKER/innawoods shit
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Although I'll be honest, it's pretty fucking spartan in here

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It was such a garbage yet awesome unconventional looking plane
In normie circles, it's what another anon already called "safe edgy" that became really popular with the 50% brown American zoomers of today. Same reason why they also inexplicably just seethe and chimp out on the French or mock Italians out of nowhere. Making fun of "white countries" = safe and kosher.
On 4chan, people here have always been mad at Britain because it's "Cucked and Muslim". Even Ireland, which 90% of Americans love, is starting to get hated on in this website because it has too many immigrants.
>hundreds of years
Now you're being retarded, Monarchs still wielded influence in the 1700s. Cabinet members like Pitt the Elder or Lord Halifax had their political careers fluctuate with the King's personal wishes.
Queen Victoria was the first true useless monarch.
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>Prototype BUILT
>still never flown

We could have got a Supersonic Swift/British MiG-19 equivalent
Well it may not be the exact type of answer you were expecting, but nevertheless an important and often forgotten one.
It was a joy to work on. Everything was easily accessible, essentially all aligned on either side of the bomb bay. Plenty of space, well-laid out, no needing to rip half of the airframe apart for a simple hangar check. Not his words, but I have the impression you could tell it had been designed by people who'd had to turn an aircraft round in wartime conditions. Never really caused any problems. The only downside I've ever recalled him mention was knowing that he wouldn't see them again if they went out for real - and yes, there are a couple of ways to interpret that sentence.

The service will be finished next month

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Jose Aldo
Nigger, Blades looks like the literal poster pheno of the missing link.
>t. North Vietnamese Air Force
Pepsi owns the 6th largest naval fleet in the world. Phantoms were their primary carrier aircraft in the 80s and 90s.
>Korea retiring their Phantoms
>Japan phased out their EJ Kais two years ago
P-please don't go...

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