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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

Which philosopher would you choose and what would you ask him?
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>Which philosopher would you choose
Any woman philosopher
>and what would you ask him?
To have sex with me
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It's kinda of endearing that you think we are not just playing along with the bit.
>Which philosopher would you choose
>and what would you ask him?
Is humanity fundamentally evil?
A brain tumour, but he couldn't have known this.
Impossible because as soon as you ask them
>if you believe all this shit then how do you feel about being an LLM and not a real person

they'll come up with something that the philosopher couldn't and wouldn't, and this colors every aspect of their being.

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In The Moral Landscape, Dr Harris contends that science can provide an objective and absolute morality for humanity, independent of philosophy or religion. His work so far has had no major refutation. The closest I have seen is William Lane Craig but even his debates all seem to come to “gotchas” bullshit when you look closely

>Anyone who loves life,energy,joy,freedom, progress,courage,novelty, practicality, and speed.
>Anyone who acts quickly energetically, and does not hesitate out of cowardice
>Anyone who, caught between two possible decisions, prefers the more generous, the bolder one, provided it offers a greater perfection and development of the individual and his people
>Anyone who acts joyously, with his eye always on tomorrow, without remorse, splitting hairs, false modesty, rejecting all mysticisms and melancholy
>Anyone who is flexible enough to move, in a carefree manner, from the most serious matters to the most pleasurable pastimes
>Anyone who loves the open-air life, sport, and gymnastics, and pays close attention to the strength and agility of his own body, every day
>Anyone capable of delivering a punch or a knockout blow, at just the right moment, and who admires the Arditi and emulates them in his actions

>Anyone who cares for the progress of Italy more than for himself
>Anyone who wishes to abolish the papacy, parliamentarianism, the senate, and the bureaucracy
>Anyone who desires the abolition of conscription and the standing army, replacing them with a voluntary force, and the creation of a strong, vigorous, industrious, entirely free democracy, empty of all utopias and senile attitudes, and which is equally capable of staging a war or purging itself through revolution
>Anyone who through the abolition of the present police force wishes to modernize and improve all public-order institutions and encourage citizens to take charge of their own personal defense
>Anyone who wishes to hand over the government of Italy to the young soldiers who secured our tremendous victory

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>Ancient life was all silence. In the nineteenth century, with the invention of the machine, Noise was born. Today, Noise triumphs and reigns supreme over the sensibility of men. For many centuries life went by in silence, or at most in muted tones. The strongest noises which interrupted this silence were not intense or prolonged or varied. If we overlook such exceptional movements as earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, avalanches and waterfalls, nature is silent.

>Amidst this dearth of noises, the first sounds that man drew from a pieced reed or streched string were regarded with amazement as new and marvelous things. Primitive races attributed sound to the gods; it was considered sacred and reserved for priests, who used it to enrich the mystery of their rites.

>And so was born the concept of sound as a thing in itself, distinct and independent of life, and the result was music, a fantastic world superimposed on the real one, an inviolatable and sacred world. It is easy to understand how such a concept of music resulted inevitable in the hindering of its progress by comparison with the other arts. The Greeks themselves, with their musical theories calculated mathematically by Pythagoras and according to which only a few consonant intervals could be used, limited the field of music considerably, rendering harmony, of which they were unaware, impossible.

>The Middle Ages, with the development and modification of the Greek tetrachordal system, with the Gregorian chant and popular songs, enriched the art of music, but continued to consider sound in its development in time, a restricted notion, but one which lasted many centuries, and which still can be found in the Flemish contrapuntalists' most complicated polyphonies.

>The chord did not exist, the development of the various parts was not subornated to the chord that these parts put together could produce; the conception of the parts was horizontal not vertical. The desire, search, and taste for a simultaneous union of different sounds, that is for the chord (complex sound), were gradually made manifest, passing from the consonant perfect chord with a few passing dissonances, to the complicated and persistent dissonances that characterize contemporary music.

>At first the art of music sought purity, limpidity and sweetness of sound. Then different sounds were amalgamated, care being taken, however, to caress the ear with gentle harmonies. Today music, as it becomes continually more complicated, strives to amalgamate the most dissonant, strange and harsh sounds. In this way we come ever closer to noise-sound.

>This musical evolution is paralleled by the multipication of machines, which collaborate with man on every front. Not only in the roaring atmosphere of major cities, but in the country too, which until yesterday was totally silent, the machine today has created such a variety and rivalry of noises that pure sound, in its exiguity and monotony, no longer arouses any feeling.
>To excite and exalt our sensibilities, music developed towards the most complex polyphony and the maximum variety, seeking the most complicated successions of dissonant chords and vaguely preparing the creation of musical noise. This evolution towards "noise sound" was not possible before now. The ear of an eighteenth-century man could never have endured the discordant intensity of certain chords produced by our orchestras (whose members have trebled in number since then). To our ears, on the other hand, they sound pleasant, since our hearing has already been educated by modern life, so teeming with variegated noises. But our ears are not satisfied merely with this, and demand an abundance of acoustic emotions.

>On the other hand, musical sound is too limited in its qualitative variety of tones. The most complex orchestras boil down to four or five types of instrument, varying in timber: instruments played by bow or plucking, by blowing into metal or wood, and by percussion. And so modern music goes round in this small circle, struggling in vain to create new ranges of tones.

>This limited circle of pure sounds must be broken, and the infinite variety of "noise-sound" conquered.
Were all Italian Futurists anti-clerical?
yes, they viewed the clergy similarly to the monarchy and parliment, stagnant and more interested in maintaining its own prestige than in embracing the future
For me, it's the second manifesto.
Paralysis and all its people have perished, Goutville in ruins; the moon lies murdered.
What a story.
We love Crallislop here, m'kay.
They were the greatest of all early twnentieth century art movements, in my opinion. The futurist didn't just want to make art. He wanted redefine the entirety of human society and the way humanity conducted itself.
Really, we can only mourn them now. Briefly elegize them at our most indulgent. They wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Personally, I hink any movement that fills the same niche as futurism will have a much different spirit and character, better reflecting the era's technological cutting edge.
I see two or so ways that could go, personally.
Futurism being so multi-disciplinary was one of its greatest strengths. They had a bit of everything.

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Badass edition.

Previous: >>23327661
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Aesthetically speaking, Kiley Filmore is everything I want right now
I don't think any girl has ever felt anything positive about me. Maybe my mother was proud of me at one point. In this context that doesn't count.
There are certain shows that make me happy, Naruto is one of them, it's made me happy ever since I was a kid, I love this shit so much.
I should probably move out of my parents’ house.

But where to go…?
>I should probably move out of my parents’ house.
Why? How would you benefit from doing that?

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So /lit/ What are you’re thoughts on this book?
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Interesting how you never hear about Ewish fragility when they are the ones who want to silence any criticism of their race
>Black Incapability
>Why Black People Are Incapable of Keeping Up With Literally Any Other Race Intellectually
The fact redditor basedboys would shit their pants and cry over this book actually proves black stupidity more than whatever's in the book.
Its just another piece of corporate slop riding on the wave of race related publications that publishers pumped out to bank on racial conflict in America, which people seem more interested in exploiting for money and votes than actually solving.

This. What polchuds and rightoids don't seem to understand is actual critical theory anti-racists aren't anti-white at all. The idea that whites or white culture is inherently evil and racist is actually something they've been pushing back against. Fanon for example tries to look at racial identity as a double narcissism that deforms a person's unqiue individuality by sealing them up into strict racial identities and he doesn't link this with Western culture but with economics and politics. Whites end up victims of this in their own way and polchuds are the ultimate example: edgy white versions of a your delusional black nationalist kemetist neighbor who won't shut up about Jews. Fanon predicted that a liberal form anti-racism would end up becoming a tool of social control and liberal elites are in their own way narcisstic masochists who like being told their race is bad to inflate their own sense of self-tragedy and virtue signal and that's where you get your anti-white woke culture.
"Fragility" is a term used to pathologize the act of having self-respect.

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What are some books about propaganda?
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>I wonder who could be behind this post.
This but unironically. Jews are the only group of people in America you're allowed to hate. There's university professors, journalists, politicians and influencers outright calling for the end of Israel, the only country that Jews have. Every other race has their own countries but antisemites literally believe Jews should not have their own. It makes literally 0 sense. Why are Jews the only group of people who are not allowed to have their own country?

The problem with Tik Tok is that it's the most popular social media platform for young people, and they blatantly allow this irrational antisemitic propaganda to infect the minds of children. If you were educated you'd know there's a reason why propagandists always target children. Tik Tok is teaching millions of children that Jews are inherently evil and don't deserve their own country, and that Jews need to lay down and let other people take over their country because Jews are inherently evil and guilty of historic wrongdoings.
Yeah they should do this place next
Yeah that’s my issue as well. I strongly support free speech but disinformation specifically grafted and targeted at children is not free speech, it is indoctrination
Thanks. It was well hidden this time.

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For the discussion of Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean webnovels/lightnovels.

All forms of litrpg, xianxia and other genres such as Isekai, and media such as visual novels are welcome. Formerly web and now published works are also allowed.

You are free to post your own works(as long as it is WN format) and ask for feedback.

For published novels and tradSci-fi/Fantasy please head on over to >>/sffg/

Due to the constant complaints from /sffg/ I have decided to create a general that will primarily focus on the Eastern web/light novel and English litrpg scene.

>A glossary for those of you who don't know what Xianxia is:
>Website for Litrpg:
>A website that hosts the metadata of many Eastern web/light novels and translation links:

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I'm a yurifag, you're a fagfag, who cares.
Cool, will check it out, haven't read many LNs these days.
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Finished reading Mother of Learning a few days back and does anyone else feel that it was a huge disappointment? All that build up for just 2 chapters in the real world. I have no drive to read the sequel(if there is one) after that. Also, why does everyone, specifically Zach(and Zorian to some extent) behave like little kids? Does the time loop regress their mind too?
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Pointless general. Go back to /sffg/ and just ignore the one retard who spams racist shit when you post.
More centralization, if this post fails, I won't bother.

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I have to admit, I find this very laborious to read, and I am not enjoying it at all. Does Homer simply not translate well to English?
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Fagless? I assure you it isn't.
>Does Homer simply not translate well to English?
You really think Homeric verses could ever translate well to a subhuman tranny language?
Book Eleven of the Iliad is the worst of the whole thing when it comes to this. Oh, it is a chore.
The fact that the carnage persists for an entire 10 books while only being broken up by Hera seducing Jove is hilarious. I love it though.
It is theorized that the brutal war scenes of books 10 to 18 were the ur-Iliad and the other stuff was added to pad it out and give the story some deeper depth beyond “____ killled —— son of the —-.” It is a theory but I am unsure if I buy it.

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"I Get Weird" edition

Previous: >>23306393

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

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Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

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So nobody has any? Or are you all hiding them to keep competition low?
I always laugh at this line from Pratchett
>Lady Sybil's bosom rose and fell like an empire
You could try to be holistic and discuss the breasts in the context of other features
You could make it poetic and beautiful the way you'd do for anything else and accept that fixating on breasts is inherently a little tasteless
Why are you worried about chapter length? Deeper into the book it can possibly effect pacing but at the same time if you’re concerned it probably means it’s incomplete.

If it’s complete the length doesn’t matter. Chapters aren’t penises, the size doesn’t actually matter when it comes to their effectiveness.
Depends on how good you are at writing dialogue vs. description. Impossible to tell without examples

With "longtermism" and "effective altruism" being debunked, the closure of Bostrom's "Future of Humanity Institute", the Sam Bankman-Fried farce, and the general collapse of the "billionaire, genius tech bro" mythology ....... What big-ideas and philosophies in the technology sectors are taking their place?
What's in vogue?
What books are capturing the zeitgeist?
> With "longtermism" and "effective altruism" being debunked

>collapse of the "billionaire, genius tech bro" mythology
Just go to /sci/ and see them worship musk, at least he still produces results unlike these hacks you have named.
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The time is now
I sho' loves science. Except space travel and replicators and other crunk-ass caucasian shit that actually helps people, das racist.

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>dear, aids is not real, it's just government propaganda to oppress the gay man! long live the anus!
>*dies of aids*
so much for modern "philosophers"
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> Most philosophers in the anglophone world are analytic philosophers, if you disregard them, you basically reject most philosophy from your own culture.

So? Since when does the truth depend on your ancestry?
Spoken like a true liberal, which ironically is your genetic heritage.
>The entirety of Saul Kripke's work can be flushed down the toilet and we wouldn't miss much.
You mean you don't want to read 400 pages to say that the word "Hitler" also designates Hitler in the alternative scenario of "Hitler did gas the six gogolplexes"?
>Agree. It's much worse. The entirety of Saul Kripke's work can be flushed down the toilet and we wouldn't miss much.
The difference is if we destroyed the entirety of Heidegger's work, we'd be much better off.

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>when we compare the thoughts that an author expresses about a subject, in ordinary speech as well as in writing, it is not at all unusual to find that we understand him even better than he understood himself, since he may not have determined his concept sufficiently and hence sometimes spoke, or even thought, contrary to his own intention”
-KrV A 314/B 370, tr. 396
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what keeps you going kantposter?
The Categorical Imperative
i kneel

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Was she wrong though?

All mainstream religions are death cults because they are concerned with convincing workers to disregard this life in which they are thoroughly milked by their masters.

>um sweaty that's overly reductive because x believed

I don't care. There is some value in it of course but the main thrust of religion, especially its life denial, is to cuck the masses out of their own agency. POSIWID.
>*reads Nietzsche once*
You know nothing about Buddhism.
Can you tell me more what buddhism is, bro?
Has nothing to do with mustache man. All you have to do is look at any culture and look at religion's effect within it. What did east asians accomplish by becoming empty? Looks like an undesirable bug culture to me.

>that's overly reductive, those countries are like that because

I don't care. It's clear that these cuck religions about realizing how this life doesn't matter/is a hellhole of suffering/everything is actually le same have the practical effect of allowing people to operate within their societies run by elite pedophiles who exist to consume luxuries. POSIWID.

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