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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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Just a reminder of the 50% off sale

So what’s everyone getting?
Got myself both parts of Either/Or, Two Essays by Jung, and Shamanism by Eliade. I’m taking the baby steps to each author, except maybe Eliade.
Chunky 700 page baby steps in Kierkegaard’s case but what can you do?

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If you look through the greatest writers, Jews are heavily and disproportionately represented, especially in the 20th Century. The cornerstone of western literature, the Bible, was even written by Jews
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>It's happening today with people complaining that Disney and other big Hollywood studios need to incorporate more non-whites and queer people instead of instead making or watching content made by and for those people instead.
Funny that you say that because if you browse /tv/, they're asking for exactly the opposite. Kind of an outdated opinion, pal.
Well yeah I meant that the mainstream and now accepted consensus is that Hollywood needs to incorporate more blacks and gays, /tv/ posters have the same thought process just mirrored.
And again if posters there don't want to watch the latest Marvel with a lesbian black lead then don't fucking watch it, as if a modern Marvel movie would somehow be decent with a white male lead anyway.
what a king
I'll bet you were one of the people seething when Elon bought Twitter.
No because I've never had a Twitter account, that must be a pretty foreign concept to all the nu4chan zoomers these days though

>Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant (Karl Popper, 1945).

I've just become familiar with the paradox of tolerance, and I am an enemy of the 'open society', if it will, but I am yet to refute Karl Popper and I have become quite vexed. Can you refute Karl Popper for me? There is a degree of misunderstanding regarding the tolerance paradox, since Popper is not always quoted in full. Above is his 1945 statement.
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Tolerance is about faggots gaslighting you to accept bad things at your own expense.
Anything that's good isn't spoken about as if it's something we need to "tolerate", and bad things should not be tolerated.
> evelithing is fine so long society me a lot of money buy matelials
Ok, Ling.
Interesting. It's a little convoluted though. Give a reading list.
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Hypermodernity and the end of the world

Just read The Network State
McGilchrist's lecture is also very good
I will check those out. Thanks a lot.

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Why does God say "be fruitful and multiply, REplenish the earth" to Adam and Eve? That seems to suggest it had some former state where humans had populated it.
I’ve also seen it translated as “fill the earth.”
Yeah, I was just curious why it would be translated this other way at all and if it provides any insights.
People have often noticed this. I actually do think that the earth was specifically being "replenished" in the more restrictive sense of the word both times (with Adam and Eve and after the flood in Genesis 9). However I think the lexical evidence that can be gathered solely from the exact meaning of this word is inconclusive, so I don't really base arguments on it.
I don't know what translation you have. וּמִלְא֥וּ means fill, not replenish. Go up 6 passages and it's the same word commanded to the fish to fill the seas.
And what if the seas needed to be replenished as well? Not a strong argument.

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Is Gnosticism the end goal of the research and studying?

If you have ever needed a reason to believe, it's like 'look no further'!

Things like "there is a shard of God in all of us," and the early Christian sects that were the foundation of Christianity seem to be irrevocable.

Have you considered the Gnostics into your equation?
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This would be a better thread for /x/ or /his/ but there's no shortage of Gnostic literature so I'll give some recs. A ton of Gnostic texts'/fragments' translations are available free online. There's a debate about whether Gnosticism is even a coherent category in the same way Christianity/Islam/Judaism are distinct theologies. Broadly speaking, Gnostic theology can be divided into Sethian, Valentinian, Manichean, Neoplatonic, Mandaean, Basilidean, Carpocratian, Ismaili, Hermetic, and Jungian. Of course there are some people who'd add later categories, lump some of these sects as belonging to the same fundamental theology, or emphasize regional/temporal differences within those sects. I'm not an expert, I just study this stuff casually since I find obscure religions/ideologies fascinating. I'm most knowledgeable about Sethian/Valentinian/Neoplatonic/Jungian Gnosticism with some decent knowledge of the others.

Sethian fundamentals (far from an exhaustive list, but will get you started):
>Hypostasis of the Archons
>On the Origin of the World
>The Sophia of Jesus Christ
>The Second Treatise of The Great Seth

Valentinian fundamentals (more admirable and consistent IMO):
>The Gospel of Philip
>The Gospel of Truth
>The Valentinian Exposition
>The Tripartate Tractate
>Letter To Flora

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>Is Gnosticism the end goal of the research and studying?
Self-denial is, which amounts to a denial of the world.
Can someone explain to me what Gnosticism is like I'm five? I find it extremely confusing with a lot of people claiming different things about it.
It’s not consistent nor does it regard logic or reason (of this World). This is why it’s so confusing. Look into Cathars and the Valentians for the basic and common jist. It is a bunch of crazy shit.
There were jews for a long time and they were like "oi". But then Jesus came along and was like "bruh" and some of those jews liked him. For about 100 years after Jesus all the jews and jesus followers were trying out new stuff. During this period a lot of people tried a lot of different things. Some would "my dude" while others would "fella" and a few would "lad". These were the Gnostics. Eventually, most people settled on "bruh" but started arguing about pronunciation.

Hope this helps!

What kind of Typewriter do you use? You do own a Typewriter right?
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There was an anon who posted an awesome story about his days carrying one of these around and thinking he was being a badass until he actually got to using it kek. That was a fun green text.
I used to use a royal, until I realized using physical typewriters in the modern day was fucking stupid.

Might get a digital typewriter so I can force myself to write instead of browse /lit/, but the invention of the word processor was a modern miracle
What's so bad about a physical Typewriter having multiple writing mediums is a good thing
The thing can jam, you have to maintain the ink ribbon and make sure it doesn't misalign, there's just a lot of working parts you have to micromanage and upkeep. When everything is working fine typing on it feels very satisfying, but it's just too inefficient.

A digital typewriter carries the appeal of a mechanical typewriter without the drawbacks
Why not just use pen and paper? A digital typewriter is just a laptop without internet

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List some books you are interested in and other anons comment if they’ve read them

>The Lord Chandos Letter and other stories - von Hofmannsthal
>Tales of ETA Hoffman
>Toilers of the Sea - Hugo
>Life is a Dream - Calderon
>Paradiso - Lima
>The Glass Bead Game - Hesse
>La Bas/Au Rebours - Huysmans
>Renoir, My Father - Renoir
>In Parenthesis - Jones
>John Ruskin
>The New Science - Vico
>Willa Cather
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>>Dubliners - James Joyce
The best way to get into Joyce if you haven't read anything else he's written is Dubliners. Some of the stories can be pretty confusing if you don't have the context so I'd recommend buying a copy with good footnotes/endnotes. Very grim and bleak but also extraordinarily beautiful at times, an absolute masterpiece.
>>The Dharma Bums - Jack Kerouac
My favorite Kerouac book. Not a huge fan of the "we're all drug addicts getting wasted every night" beginning but the sections where he's in nature are beautifully written.
>>King Henry IV - Shakespeare
I was always more of a Hank Cinq guy. Read this a long time ago so I don't remember much but I think I enjoyed it, just not as much as some of his other plays.
>>Mrs Dalloway -- Virginia Woolf
I'm a Joyce snob so I see Mrs. Dalloway as an inferior Ulysses. When I gave it an honest, fair shot, I thought it was fine but it didn't blow my mind.
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Here are a few on my list, let me know what you think if you've read any of these:
>War and Peace, Tolstoy
>History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides
>Collected Writings, Epictetus
>The Concept of Anxiety, Kierkegaard
>Poetic Edda
>The Idiot, Dostoevsky
I haven’t read all of them but I’ve read the first half and The Dead. They are all worth reading but I’d consider The Dead essential, though that is entirely because of my bias due to my fully willingly confessed love for his work.
>king Henry iv
Fantastic work. You’ll see why everyone talks about Falstaff. It’s an absolute riot with Shakespeare’s usual small subversions and just overall good humor. It’s been a while since I’ve read it and I’ve only have once so my memory isn’t giving me any lines but I do plan on reading it again pretty soon.
>War and Peace
Absolutely incredible and worth every page. Yes it will bore you at some parts I’ll just tell you that right out the way but any book that long is going to just suffer from the physical drain of reading. But that’s not to say there’s even an actually “boring” or even “bad” moment in there. I’ve read it once and he’s the type of writer where I feel like once I read him again I will see the genius behind those previously less seemingly capturing and drawing scenes. Maybe that’s just being hopeful, but there’s no doubt Tolstoy knew how to write a damn good story or more so stories within a big story. And he composed this in what his 30’s maybe even early as late 20’s? On par with Melville. Yeah, read it.
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Not gonna list my huge wishlist but this is my highest priority books + The Penguin Book Of Hell
I spend half an hour trying to reverse search the image but found nothing. Someone know the name of this qt (future wife)?

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Somebody actually liked what I wrote. It was all worth it.
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I wrote a eulogy for my wife's cat. The only person who tried to mourn with her, I wrote a funny, fake life for him. And she kept it on the mandel next to the cat's ashes. I asked her not to share it with people, but she would. They liked it, she loved it and she loved me. I want to write something great, but nothing will ever feel like my wife holding me, tearfully, and saying thank you.
Post writing so I can see if you're larping or not
Those fans are worth more than hundreds of others who either just read or leave a simple "Thanks for the chapter!" comment. The ones you write the story for, the ones genuinely excited about what comes next
I know at least two! Definitely the exception, however
nice, there's hope.

I enjoy Murdoch, and I loved The Sea, The Sea. I think Murdoch has some good ideas with the characters though, but they feel a little half-baked.

Also, it's hard to get over Michael being in love with men so much younger than him. On the one hand, I understand that being gay back then was harder, but it's still hard to overlook that he is a little predatory and gives gays a bit of a bad rap.

What does /lit/ think?
Haven't read this one but I like Murdoch a lot. I think she writes Men really well.

(Also I'm surprised she hasn't been adopted by the current year crowd as a tranny. )
Gay men are based therefore Michael is based
He is someone who is gay, he is not all gay men or representative of all gay men. Stop being myopic.
Yeah I guess you're right but the ways in which gay men are represented in media like literature affect the ways in which real gay men are treated. I did not mean to say Michael represents gay men, but that doesn't mean that other people may not subconsciously project his character onto real gay men.

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>the zeltgeist of the 21st century hasnt come into existence ye-
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>Only now are we beginning to see the incklings that perhaps Order and Authority will reassert itself and a more natural, organic structure will be pressed on society.
What makes you think that? Wtf are you seeing?
>Grossing distrust in democracy
>Political fatigue
>Open discussions of fascism and related systems
>Youtube, twitter and social .
Media unable or willing to prevent educational material being shared
>Increasing inability of modern governments to fix problems
>Awakening ethno-nationalism
Nobody is taking any action about any of this. They’re just talking about it online and you doomers mistake it for apocalypse
The right is cringe as fuck. True conservatism (i.e. fascism) will never be allowed to thrive in the confines of the current system. The only thing that will ever change anything and unfuck everything is a dramatic restructuring of the system itself, which itself is ironically a left wing solution. But for some reason, people don't get this. They still think change can happen from within, and this is incredibly juvenile and misguided. Reading "based" political commentators won't do shit.
I bet anon watches giant robot shows too. He thinks individualism will solve the problems of modernity. It's all a big zam cope.

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>try to write a rough draft outline of a story
>every time I slowly start creeping into just actually writing a story and full dialogue, not the spark notes I want for the outline
>try greentexting the outline instead
>spewing down shit faster than King on a coke binge
Start doing this.
Greentext isn't a form that works well for drafts. In Greetext, the point and then the reaction of that point is the usual appeal. It's basically just a form of storytelling or analysis if you use Greentext the correct way (or you could use it as note taking, it's just off-putting to me due to how it's been used by others). The normal way to do notes is just quicker

Your way I presume

>Main character is very strong. He's strong because he's alone. He's alone because he has no friends
>more notes, more detail


>more notes

added detail

>more notes

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I got beat up by my friends older sister when I was like 7, she was around 13, and my visual memory of it is a lot like that picture. Bitch broke my finger, lol. She also bodychecked me from behind into the boards when I went skating with his family.
I still just stare at a blank document and can think of nothing.

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What are some dark books that are also comfy?
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more than Hill House?
Lovecraft all the way. I especially like the part of The Call of Cthulhu with the police inspector telling his story about discovering the Cthulhu cult deep in the jungles of Louisiana. The imagery is so vivid.
Anything Algernon Blackwood wrote
NTA but I'd say it's on par. It's about two sisters who are recluses shunned by the townspeople who live in a mansion just outside of town. Probably better if you don't know more than that going in.
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>comfy cover

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Where do you guys buy your clothes
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Online (band shirts and hoodies)
Michael's Crafts (they have super cheap 100% cotton t-shirts meant for arts and crafts projects, and I just buy em cause they're ultra cheap and all cotton)
Old Navy for sweat pants and shorts
Sportchek for shoes
Occasionally the thrift store
Walmart. Costco. Mark's. Joe Fresh.
I need to buy clothes but I'd rather buy books
>For sale: used pants, heavily worn

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I want to start reading philosophy. I've never read a single philosophy book before.
>Start with the greeks
So is picrel the best starting point?
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lol not even. more like that you're a brainlet.
Tell me one revelation you had reading Plato.
You'd have to look. I am not French so I don't typically look for books in French
a good start is also the greek myths. (Edith Hamilton,Thomas Bulfinch
,Robert Graves) the gods get named droped a lot across philosophy as a whole so knowing who they are helps.
What is the question you're trying to answer by reading philosophy?

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