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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Welcome to /po/! We specialize in origami, papercraft, and everything that’s relevant to paper engineering. This board is also an great library of relevant PDF books and instructions, one of the best resource of its kind on the internet.

Questions and discussions of papercraft and origami are welcome. Threads for topics covered by paper engineering in general are also welcome, such as kirigami, bookbinding, printing technology, sticker making, gift boxes, greeting cards, and more.

Requesting is permitted, even encouraged if it’s a good request; fulfilled requests strengthens this board’s role as a repository of books and instructions. However do try to keep requests in relevant threads, if you can.

/po/ is a slow board! Do not needlessly bump threads.
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FAQs about origami

Where do I begin with origami and how can I find easy models?

Try browsing the board for guides, or other online resources listed below, for models you like and practice folding them.

A great way to begin at origami is to participate in the Let’s Fold Together threads >>>/po/lft - open up the PDF file and find a model you like, work on it, and discuss or post results.


What paper should I use?

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I have

Indulge paper (mi Wu)

All origami world marathons videos (not the links that don't work anymore, the actual files)

Chinese new year 2024

Chinese style origami (xiaoxian see it on saoc)

Pure origami Zhao yanjie (both versions, see on saoc)

Zodiac origami by yarcev

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I'll be in south of South Korea for a few days (between Busan and Daegu or so). Any idea where I can buy this (and other) origami book? If it is like in other countries, it won't be available in regular libraries.
In any Aladdin store in Seoul.

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Day 2
988 to go
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Still keeping at it. Slow and steady and all that. I decided that I'm going to finish them all on Tanabata which, all things considered, is pretty fitting for me. Honestly, I'll probably get to 999 some time next month so I'll just be sitting with one sheet of paper on my desk for a while. To be fair, I've had these papers sitting on my desk for a long while already, so what is another month or two?
For the, probably, 2 of you in here who have completed all 1000, what did you do with them afterwards? They take up a lot more space than I expected, so I don't think I'm going to keep them with me. I plan on keeping the 1000th, but I still think I'm just going to but them all on a bonfire once I finish. Feels a lot more symbolic than just throwing them out anyways
billions must crane
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Honestly, I'm feeling pretty lost with these right now. I was kinda bouncing around with what exactly my wish would be, but one of them always at the back of my mind was wishing for peace for my Mother. She had a great deal of mental and physical ailments that appeared in the past couple years and they were ones with no definite solution in sight. Signs all pointed towards things getting better recently, but she ended up taking her own life in early April. She's no longer in pain, so I had it granted in some manner, but I really didn't want it to be like this. I never even got the chance to tell her about these, since the plan was to show here once I finished all 1000. I'll still see them through, but folding these are definitely not a process that brings me joy anymore.
Sorry to hear that, been on this board for year and always did papercraft more then oragami, I dealt with a similar situation so I just ordered 1000sheets of paper and I will be joining your journey, I believe in you anon and don’t be afraid to take breaks and meditate or pray or something.

Sorry anon :/ I think it’s a moving gesture regardless. Hope things get better for you.

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Today I've found out about the latest tanteidan issue. It has steps for the mosquito on the cover, I would love to fold it. A digital release is not available and single issues can't be purchased; to get the magazine I would need to buy a yearly subscription. Moreover shipments from Japan can take up to three months in my experience. If anyone has a copy I would gladly pay for a scan with Paypal, thank you.
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Im not sure how zhezhixueyuan works, is origami tanteidan magazine 204 available there or not? Anyone?
Not, unfortunately. One person asked for it, but that's it. Sharing completely stopped on zhezhixueyuan.
Good to know. Thanx.
It has just bout been available for a year
like , if you want it you'll have to share your body or something

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>Most easy diagrams are too boring and done too quickly
>Most hard diagrams are impossible with most origami paper

Anybody have books or diagrams that require more than your basic origami skills, yet don't require very fine paper to complete? Some of the easier diagrams from amazing origami is what I'm looking for.
so you want something easy but hard... you get the irony in your request, I hope?
>Intermediate level diagrams
join a site like https://www.zhezhixueyuan.com/?fromuid=130363 ,wechat or weibo ,,diy ,saysaysay.net or what have you facebook groups

Post your favorite Origami sets
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Nothing special here.

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>be me
>"im a neet but ill never be a 4chat kinda neet"
>sometimes browse boards
>origami hyperfix hits
>oh fuck yeah they have an papercraft board
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or this
This was literally me five minutes ago :')
I'm not OP, but thank you so much
you're very welcome
This one is also good for beginners.

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In remembrance of the last paper planes thread, which just so happened to be one of the oldest boards on 4chan that passed away quite recently, this thread will serve as its successor. Hopefully this thread won't be prematurely bumped into oblivion like the last one did.

Anyways, this thread could serve as a sort of "Paper Planes General". Feel free to post your designs, .pdf files, and folding instructions. Anything goes as long as it flies or at least looks like its supposed to.
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This site may be of interest to you: www.citycraft-papermodels.com
There's a bunch of free airliner model PDFs, including the 757, but some of them don't have assembly instructions so be advised. The guy did make assembly instructions for a 767 model on his youtube channel but I can't find a link to it anywhere.
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Here's another website for very tiny-scale paper model vehicles. Most don't have instructions, but the templates themselves should be pretty straightforward to assemble.


Seems like they made a follow-up website with a giant folder of all of their models, but it's been abandoned since 2020 and the download link doesn't work anymore, unfortunately.
Stop it you're killing the pendulum clock thread
That thread is only on page 5. It still has a while before it gets bumped off. Besides that, who cares when it gets bumped off? Good riddance.
I just made the "Clean SST" and WOW it flies brilliantly. Magnificent glide ratio.

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As the last thread won't take any more posts, starting a new one...

Cerastus knight castigator

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Invader ATV and crew
some eldar stuff?
Aggressors in 9 chapter colors with instructions
Apothecary Biologus to go with them. Pretty much the same instructions will work here
I went to /po/ instead of /pol/ by accident and don't regret it because this is amazing

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i live in a shithole so amazon shipping is $70 for a $12 book, decided to bind it myself, it turned out great
Boogiepop is an awesome manga/anime. Approved and good luck for further books anon. Looks neatly done
Looks good
Post more, did you just print from scans?

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My uncle took up kirigami as a hobby because he thought origami was too gay.
That makes two of you then.

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Really retarded question here.

I have new newest 5.0.18 version of Pepakura Designer. When I try the “add outline padding” version for the print-out, the color is fucked. Fist of all, why the hell are the flaps a greyish color? It looks horrid. And because of that greyish color of the flaps, when I add color in the flaps as well, it doesn’t show me the right color, but a blurred-out color that is not ok to print at all.

I have always used Desinger 4 and wanted to upgrade to 5 now. And in 4 the outline padding color works just fine. The “upgraded” version has this shit now. Am I missing an option in the options menu? Because I did try every option out there, clicking and unclicking, seeing if there was something in the colors setting, but I haven’t found anything.

No colored flaps is NOT an option. Should not be for anybody, because you can make much smoother papercrafts with a 0,5mm margin of error and you don’t need to color-out the white specks if you don’t glue it on precisely. This is not acceptable. And should not be for Tamasoft making this fucked-up 5 designer “option” you can’t get rid of?

Can anybody help me on how to remove the flap color in Pepakura 5 please?
I have version 5.0.13, I have never had that problem, if you say it is the current version, it would be better not to update, but for my part, try downgrading to that version.
yeah I'm on 5 too and not having this problem

send the PDO and ill see if it does it to me when I add flap color

What version do you have?

I directly installed 5.0.18, then cracked it with the offset and then inputet the serial code from the net that are generated. I use Win10, updated to latest updates as well.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that I cracked it? Or maybe it's only a .18 feature?
just 5 with a license.

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Post some spooky origami I can make please
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not origami but I've made 1:12 brooms for my figures
I'm finished making the hats too but they're a bit shitty
Seeing this thread has made me remember a model of an origami bat that turns into a human-shaped vampire, which i loved (the one i had made lost its shape and didnt look like bat or man anymore). I lost the name of the model and google didint help. I looked it up today and found it (probably because of the season).
Have the instructions and have fun (hey its stilll halloween) also sorry for the blog post lol

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how did I do?
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thos guys are all anime or video game stuff but I feel its a good place to start for getting habits and skills
I've made an ambulance, a Mario figure, and a square (cube?) version of Early Cuyler from Squidbillies. Each one has been better than the last so I'm definitely improving. One issue I'm experiencing is squeeze out from excess glue. Do you use a brush of some sort or perhaps foam to apply the glue to prevent this? I'm using Aleene's Clear Gel Tacky Glue as I read that it's good for papercraft.
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I also downloaded a load of papercraft on Pinterest and some from deviantart.
Made a tiny book today, going to make more so I can build a mini library.
Good call with Pinterest. I usually forget it even exists but I just did a search and found tons of models.
usually i use my finger to wipe the glue onto the tab so its not so much, i have tape strips on my table I can wipe my finger on then lol, qtips are goot for cleanup too, I have some gundam ones that are hard and pointy I like to use.

I use tacky glue too, i only ever rememeber it because gold and purple bottle

I have been looking forever for this file. Can someone plz just upload the pdf to Google drive or comment the link where I can find the instructions for this?
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i'll be emailing you too, i've actually been looking for this design for a while. based piggy !!
I do want the miku files
Idk which is which but i emailed Tez back
have you tried leaving the third world ?
have you tried telling your mommy you don't want to live in her basement anymore and keep feeding on her breasmilk every day for 30 years now?

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