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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

Clicking the verification link in the email will permit you to post normally. The verification link is valid for 24 hours.
You will need to accept 4chan cookies for the verification process to function.

4chan Pass users are not required to verify their email address using this system.

The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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at what price did you first buy Bitcoin?
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>at what price
Some guy in IRC had come up with an ingenious plan to liquidate some of his Bitcoins: Dwolla (failed paypal wannabe startup) had a promotion where if you signed up and tweeted your eternal love for the company, they'd put $5 in your dwolla wallet.
The IRC guy was telling folks to sign up, get the free five dollars, send them to him, and he'd send you some Bitcoins for it. I did, and he sent me around 17 Bitcoins.
And this, kids, is how I got my first bitcoins.
About $2k and seven years nearly to the day ago. Only gave a shit because it had reached parity with 1 oz gold.
$600 in 2014. I bought 5 on my first order. Added more later

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The 1 year anniversary of PulseChain public block validation is today May 12th. Happy 1 year!

On this day, the chain has particularly low onchain 24h volume, roughly half that of the average day in the past few months.

PulseChain conference started May 10 and is still ongoing till May 13, over 120 content creators/builders involved. It's viewable on MatiAllin's YouTube.

TangGang growing community outreach day in day out. Very strong twitter engagements.
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Real DeFi.
Celebrating one year of no usage and price declines. Wow. Don't know how anyone could stay excited about down only shitcoin from Richard Heart who remains MIA. You'd either have to be totally delusional or in on the scam to participate in something like this event.

It is finally happening AVI sisters BASE coming soon trademark
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While I agree things have been moving slow, market is shit and things are looking grim for crypto in general, especially new experiment coins like GPU, Destra, Aero, Avi and the list goes on, nothing has really changed. It's the market, it's the cycle. For people that have been around more than 1 cycle they know exactly what I mean

And to prove it, just read this
>This is my last play before quitting crypto so it’s whatever.

Unironically the bottom signal holy fucking shit I've seen this sentiment a million times before and it's not just you, it's all over the place right now. You are looking for a miniscule pump to dump your entire bag and return to your cozy life aren't you? Yes you are. You are not cut out for this and you'll never make it with this emotional mindset. You'll watch the entire market rally and all the catalysts you had in your mind about Avi will come through and you'll be there seething, catching your breath, only to return next cycle like a "new" man. Don't make the same mistake twice, don't sell too early next cycle or you'll probably end up roping. I'm not joking btw, remember these words and ask yourself 1-2 years from now, how did he know? GL.
Jesse from Base please hear our cry
Good luck with that. I’m willing to be this shit doesn’t play out like how everyone thinks it will. Obviously I want to be wrong but I’m pessimistic about it all. Anyways, like I said, avi is my last attempt to make it. I haven’t made a crypto purchase since January and I’m just hanging on to whatever I have. I have zero interest in fucking with crypto anymore besides what I currently hold.
>we ARE a LINK competitor. The SkyBridge is what CCIP was supposed to be
its so funny, man
linkies getting cucked by some furries' side project
you fags are always trying to bet on "clown world?" here it is

rons a fag
i was happy for him and didnt care about all the brags, but i only ever see him complaining now

yeah, its the same damn cycle as every other time and people are somehow still making the same exact obvious mistakes
i cant comprehend looking for an exit on anything right now unless youre brand new to crypto, and im not just talking about avi
hindsight will be an absolute bitch to any of these people who are actually making exits and arent just trying to scare people.
its all over the place, like you said
Can you be completely honest, this is your first crypto rodeo isn't it? At the very most you dipped your toes into it in 2021-2022 and suffered through the bear market?

There's a word for people like and it's called 'capitulation', the market feasts on it. You'll get back into the markets again whether you like it or not, when society swallows you again and you're looking for a way out. Next time you'll at least have the experience of once capitulating, use it to your advantage.

You'll forever look back at your old investments and you'll inevitably watch them climb, for the very same reason you invested in the first place. Also because when in the mania phase just about anything pulls crazy numbers in crypto.

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I'm developing a coin on BASE, and I love my biz bros. As part of the pre-launch process, I'm giving some gifts to all the 4chan posters. This is your chance to be part of something really big and, if you're lucky, get some free stuff.
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my tg account is spam reported rn because of some jeets, gonna post my address here and risk the repercussions. 0xdcaFEc25f919Ac8d623DA1ba7b0D3BA9ee64e474
>old /biz/
>faggy l2
When will the jannies rangeban all of india? Do that and we wouldn't need emails
After entering the group, I can confirm we are so BACK. I hope you can catch us up. I'm willing to collaborate when I'm back home.

the tg is full of mumbai vibes, avoid this shit and dont post your wallet if you dont want to get drained
>Rangeban india
This is the most AMERICAN and serious project /biz/ has ever created, but you will understand after you miss it in a few months.

Thank you

>Don't post your wallet if you don't want to get drained.

Let me educate you. If you have some intelligence, you should use a separate address for airdrops and new projects like this.

Also HOW THE FUCK are you going to get drained only posting an address.

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Why the fuck are Pokemon cards pumping right now?
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dont know but my alt arts are doing quite well. just wish I picked up more Trainer Gallery cards
What did you do to make the 200k, flip sealed product or what? I am currently expanding into Japanese OP reselling and am curious.
Umbeion alt art? Dump now, one just sold for 1k
ebay or tcgplayer? which is best for sellers?
only reason i havent sold yet is im afraid of getting scammed by buyers, and i have no reputation as a seller
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If you genuinely could analyse OG holders, i am certain you will find most have either moved on, started selling their stack here and there to reduce exposure and all around have a negative view of Chainlink and how it has turned out along with its potential.

I bet you will also find a distaste for crypto in general, especially alts. Despite Chainlink being managed pretty poorly, it is the entire altcoin and ecosystem that also failed. I dobut this group would see alternatives, it is giving up on crypto in general.

At this point, it is normal to view things this way, and sensible if anything. I believe its some very strange stubborn people who still act positive about LINK and actually live in 2018 still. they pretend these crumbs and shit are still a thing. Despite Sergey recently saying that he spent years "talking to the wrong people" at banks and institutions etc. lol.
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I'm very pleased with the progress of the project, but disappointed in the rest of the space. Looks like we are going to need banks to clean up the gambling and propel LINK to at least #3 mcap.
I have been taking profits since $20 in 2020 and intend to have sold 50% of my original stack after this bull run, after which I will only be selling staking rewards
I'm positive that you're a strange minority
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i will say i have absolutely no idea why chainlink has 600 employees and hiring more, you could probably cut the number to 100 and things would function more or less the same. it's a shame a smart guy like sergey wouldn't recognize corporate bloat
It's one of the most bullish things about the project. That and the calibre of its rockstars. Groundwork being lain for huge upscaling. Bring it on.
PS Thanks for the lead into that.

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The cycle is all that matters
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how come it halves every 4 years just like elections then?
>outdated tech
>10 trillion

not precisely, every cycle is like 1 month earlier. Soon they will decouple. I doubt following the election was intended, expecially considering that btc is something way bigger than the US
>how come it halves every 4 years
It doesn't
BTC alone will have that mcap and much higher. When the head of blackrock calls it literal digital gold it is going much higher.

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They are pushing the prices higher and higher each year by squeezing working Americans, with no actual increase in productivity. But there's only so much you can squeeze before nobody can afford anything. You can only lower wages so much. You can only raise prices so much.
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Wrong logic, inequality means forever rising stock markets and losing dollar value
>prices will go higher
>wages will stagnate
>inflation will rise
>bills will be passed that devastate the middle class
>you will spend your life in indentured servitude to a system that hates you
>you will rent until you die
>you will own nothing and be happy about it or risk getting cut off
This is your future and you wont do shit to change it.
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>you wont do shit to change it.
I read this line a lot, is it a glownigger line?
>is it a glownigger line?
No. It's a wakeup call. A glownigger line would be "...and thats why you should shoot up a school/walmart/starbucks"
you can keep waiting all your life for a crash that never will happen, modern state economies can keep going for decades longer than anyone thinks possible, sure eventually it may collapse in 40 years but who really wants to wait that long?

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(Verse 1)
Yo, let me drop some knowledge about LINU, the crypto game-changer,
Community-owned, no scams, just major rearranger.
With the best distribution, it's like a revolution,
Locked liquidity for a century, that's the solution.

No devs, no rug pulls, just trust in the code,
Created to overthrow the scammers' abode.
LINU's the name, Luna Inu's the game,
Bringing justice to the crypto hall of fame.

LINU, the unstoppable force,
With a community-driven source.
Locked liquidity, no scams in sight,

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You remind me of Kriptocircus. Shilling sol shit in our TG. Truly disgraceful
At least you didn;t compare me to spunt.
Circus and Ryan lol, two that I just can't trust anymore, it's like they're MIA ever since the big bang. Sold?
Nah I don’t think so. I have suspects on Circus tho. Came in the secret tg group, proposed LINU partnered with a rug coin on sol, Punished told him to fuck off and then asked him to deliver us a promo video for LINU radio. He didn’t answer. Also he disappeared from the chat. Probably working full time on that rug coin since they have videos similar to the ones he delivered for LINU at the beginning.
As written.

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>poop in a box
>put a $20 sticker on the box
>wrap it in heat shrink wrap
>$20 of value created
Is that all there is to it?
It only has $20 of value if people are willing to pay for it, and since you are most likely not a hot girl then it's unlikely people will.
You missed a few steps
>poop in 10 boxes
>put a $20 sticker on all of them
>wrap all of them in heat shrink wrap
>sell 3 of the boxes to yourself (or a friend who you gave cash to, etc) for that amount
>market cap is now $200
I think I figured it out
>shit in one box
>$20 sticker
>seal it
>shit in a larger box
>seal it

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/biz/ dead
bitcoin dead
altcoins dead
Inanimate gifs are of the devil.
Go outside but dont forget to slurp in summer for the next bullrun leg

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It that picture real?

Nevermind, upon closer inspection, I think it must be real. Sergay is was just a little too skinny so I doubted it initially
Avalanche will never die
Check the Hyperinflation

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What is the deal with LINK's circulating supply?

Why did the circulation pattern change from a smooth line to large steps every few months?

Why do these somewhat regular patterns occasionally have odd literal irregularities like the brief flatline in May 2021 at ATH? Or the brief spike just before the run up to double digits in October 2023?
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Faggot you're not fooling anyone
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Then why didn't Solana, Avax, Fantom, Matic, ... dump harder than Link?
they all dumped harder than link during this bear
kek no they didn't.
They all lost between 92 and 95%.

And why did coins with virtually no inflation dump just as hard as coins with massive inflation?
Doge for instance had 11% inflation in the past 3 years (since early May 2021), compared to Link's 40% inflation. Yet they both dumped over 90% during the last bear.

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Day 1024 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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You're one of the few respectable posters here, alongside cup n handle poster. If I never bought btc I wouldn't have a beautiful girlfriend. Fuck bobos.

day 10000000000 in binary

see you on day 100000000000 (2048)
Guys, this is not a joke, my wife has finally agreed to separate. Our decade long relationship will now end, and she'll be moving out.

Yes, in essence she is leaving me. After a year of back and forth, and half a year without sex.

I feel free, but also scared, and even though I am financially more successful than probably 98% of the people on this board, I feel like somewhat of a failure because I couldn't keep my wife happy and she ended up not wanting to have kids with me.
A wife should be giving you kids. If she refuses then that's on her, not you king. You're a guy so have plenty of time to try again, start lifting if you don't already.
I'm literally a 6 foot 2 chad with 3 plate bench

there is no pleasing women, I'm going to "date" girls in their early twenties now and get some of that tight ass I've been missing out on, then if I find one that I think will stick around I'll put a baby in there and become an old fuck father

where do I get autistic gamer girl zoomzoom pussy?

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Nope. Nothing. Just another Bart.
the people who post these threads clearly give insight to their portfolios

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What am I to do with my free time now when wife is asleep and I enjoy the time alone in front of the computer? This board has been killed by the new email verification requirement! I miss the good days, cracked open a beer and sort by creation date and answer to all you jeets, faggots and shitposters. People moved to /bant/ because of this! Experiment has failed, please disable it and introduce flags instead or just keep jannying like you did before!
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the entire board is averaging LESS Than 1 post per minute
wonder why that stupid blue octopus shitcoin is being allowed here? created by mods or they got their bribe
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/pol/ is only a shadow of its former self. Half the board are either bad actors, glowies, or corporate shills of various sorts now.

Groups are useless and don’t cover anywhere near the same depth of knowledge that old school vBulletin forums geared toward a particular interest did back in the day. The whole platform in general is filled with bots and third worlders.
Just never really vibed with me, not sure why. Though this is plausibly where a lot of the old 4chan cohort have gone.
Useful for some specific subs but once again it seems to be slowly dying and I’m not sure why.

We know all the zoomers are having their brains turned into mush by Instagram and TikTok but fucked if I know where all the people our age have gone if they’re leaving here en masse.
Have you tried bitcointalk.org yet?
I hear the forum setup there cost a lot of Bitcoins to put together.
A few went to telegram, but that is ful of echo chambers
Maybe they are also not as much online as they used to be, generally younger people got offline after putin ended the flu

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Date Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was released?
>MAY 19
The store's name?
>Giving a thumbs up
>Posts this status before the anniversary

If you this isn't a good omen, I don't know what is

Ya, not listening to your fud!
Bitcoin just had a halving. We all know it's all green candles from here. IT'S HALVENING.
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I wrote APU in the captcha to pump my own bags
If you have , sell ashbie. The owner is a proven seething jew (seething from Apu's success.)
he banned me for mentioning APU

Is this Matthew red? Squiggers know who I’m talking about.
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He's a prophet

I follow his facebook status updates religiously

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linkies are the only intelligent people left in crypto
>pumps 4x
>dumps 50%
>meanwhile memecoin buyers are up 100-1000x
nulinkers are all midwits
they were too intelligent to win
like hillary

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