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Personal Blog Thread #109.0524

Some random thoughts:

When you think of conservatives (for any young people on here they were a thing that used to exist before right wing populists cannibalized them) or progressives you might think respectively of some nice old lady from the country who volunteers at the local church sorting clothes for their charity shop and would invite you in for dinner if you were looking disheveled or some lovely young person who volunteers at the local soup kitchen because they care about the downtrodden and would let you stay at their 'crash pad' for a week if your lease expired and wouldn't care if you made their couch smell like BO. For some reason that doesn't seem accurate anymore at least in terms of what each side thinks of each other rightly or wrongly. They might even consider each other to be angry vitriolic hateful people. I wonder if that implies something about some kind of decline or loss of a capability for modern people to maintain healthy functioning societies?

Why do people over the age of 12 now unironically talk about how cool they think they are, make passive aggressive or straight up aggressive comments, call each other childish names and not realize that relegates their opinions instantly to the dumpster due to self disclosing their own lack of character and pathological immaturity basically having the direct opposite of their intended effect, or argue about stupid nonsense that doesn't matter when there is no such thing as peacetime and whether they like it or not they are in some kind of liminal/hybrid greyzone war that demands their focus and attention and if they don't maintain a serious disciplined mentality they are essentially defenseless fodder for cognitive warfare information/influence campaigns and operations meant to weaken their countries socially and economically?

The mass cognitive decline and widespread aggression zombie apocalypse is real. Time to strap up and headshot some leg draggers.
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So I'm just hanging out at the DMV the other day asking people if their refrigerator is running when suddenly some guy comes up to me and says 'watch this haha I'm gonna say poop in front of the teacher'. I thought he was making some kind of ironic joke so I laughed really hard and congratulated him on coming up with such a relevant timely gag skewering the thinking and behavior of some people these days. He looked at me all stumped and confused and was like 'what are you talking about?'. That's when I realized he was serious. I tried telling him we were at the DMV, he appeared to be way too old to go to any kind of institute of learning where the educators are called 'teachers' (unless they do that at trade school? I haven't been to one of those in years so I don't know), and that nobody in the current day and age is shocked or has their delicate sensibilities offended by him saying poop, but he was already walking away before I finished. What a man. I will remember him fondly.

This is the first and last time I will ever speak/type in extended metaphor and I've got to say I don't like it. If it were up to me all people who read more into a piece of text than what is literally semantically there should be in round the clock mental healthcare units.
Also more random thoughts:

If I make fun of people for mindlessly taking sides in things that in no way implies anything other than it is bad to mindlessly take sides in things. It doesn't make me some big brain centrist or anything. I am very open about my political views and I fully quite literally expect everyone everywhere to know them by now. Modern people's lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills is genuinely hilarious. Very amusing. Will probably lead to the death of the human species and all life on this planet but still funny for now.

Secondly I would just like to say if you can't describe a negative and positive stereotype about some subset of people who self identify as sharing your particular ideological leanings relating to some ignoble and noble ideal or motive they have respectively and do the same for your diametric opposite ideology then you are probably seriously ignorant and infantile. Hard mode is you can't just pick the least offensive gateway ideology on the opposite side of the aisle to you it has to be equivalent in radicalism or whatever. You don't have to like them or think their ideas are anything other than pure garbage but you need to be able to think of a believable realistic reason why at least some people even if only naively are attracted to those kinds of ideas and values besides 'they're all evil bad people who are big jerks'.

Finally I will conclude with this quote from the movie 'Grimshaul's Washinford' which goes a little something like "sometimes in life you really have to" and I can't remember the rest. Hope that was inspiring.

Thanks for reading!
Random thoughts:

If you are a jerkass or ignorant in expressing your political views or merely use politics as an arbitrary excuse to attack people or identity groups because it gives you a funny tingly good feeling to be naughty and say bad words you're essentially doing your opposition's dirty work for them. You're making the other side feel embattled and under siege which motivates and emboldens them, and brings out their worst qualities or aggression in turn. Not exactly difficult to figure this stuff out. I guess people who do these things understand the consequences they just don't care since they were never really on their stated side to begin with.

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public but if you cynically act ignorant, irrational, and infantile in order to win the stupid vote or cool guy points you are essentially excluding yourself permanently from interaction and relationships of any kind with cool, lucid, switched on, informed, smart, likeable people. They won't insult or attack you because they're not trash but you could walk up to them and speak total gibberish and they'll just say 'that's nice deary'. Nothing in life is worth living out that hell on earth. Your soul will forever be on fire and everyone worth knowing will always remember just what you are. Sometimes what you think is an asset turns out to be a liability. Quality beats quantity every time.

On a lighter not here's a brief clip from a popular television serial about the importance of continuing education and lifelong learning:


The internet hath wrought much that is undesirable in this world but information equity and knowledge accessibility are still qualities which it is yet to shed entirely. Although the age of internet optimism over it's democratizing and social/economic flattening effects seems quaint today you can still find credible and valuable sources online. I suggest you all make use of them.
More random thoughts:

Affective polarization and negative partisanship are not viable alternative to having a personality. Nor are any other kind of fandoms for that matter. If you want my suggestions for a hobby I would strongly recommend collecting ketchup packets from diners. It is a highly stimulating and rewarding way to spend one's time. Don't eat the food at the diners though. It's gross.

If you mix sugar, water, and the liquid from inside a sheep's stomach you can make your own cola drinks at home for cents on the dollar compared to what you pay for them at the store. It is a little astringent and tart but you will get used to it over time. I used to sell bottles of it at the local farmers market but they won't let me hold a stall there anymore because every time someone tried to buy one I would shout at them about how I don't need their business or want lamewads to be seen drinking my product thereby tarnishing it's image. People found that to be extremely off-putting and unpleasant.

You straight up just don't need a washing machine. Put all your dirty clothes in a garbage bag and toss them in a river. If you were meant to own them they will find their way back to you. If I see you doing this I will strike you with a baton for littering and polluting our precious natural environment. Make sure I'm not around when you are on the riverbank if you don't want to be struck.

Mostly I am just thinking about what a wonderful, amazing, and awe inspiring world we all live in together. It is not perfect and has many flaws or suboptimal qualities both of our own making and in terms of the natural world but overall it is a rich and complex tapestry of events and phenomena that never ceases to inspire and concern me. I would say it is a solid 3/10 on the 'coolness scale'. The coolness scale is a highly precise and rigorous scientific instrument so you know what I'm saying holds weight.

Thanks for reading!
here is my blog today i swallowed 4 packs of gum and hated my life and i also hate britain

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Killing namefigs should not be legally considered murder, at most a small offence like a parking ticket.
Those people are worthless, unsalvageable, soon to be dead anyway. They are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more worthless than the average person or highly productive, valuable humans.

They are human garbage and should be allowed to treat as such. Superior humans should be allowed to shoot them for fun, like rats. Human life is simply vastly different in value, and the low-life is not only not worth anything, but a burden, a cost, to others and society.

Everything else than making it legal to kill them at will is hypocrisy, because nobody really gives a damn if they die, freeze to death, or kill each other, already. Nobody cares, and the superior, more valuable humans, are happy when namefigs die and vanish. Therefore, making it legal to kill them is only logical and rational.
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Your perception of reality is fucked up, that's why you need to be killed without hesitation
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ok i had enough there's only one way we can solve this

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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we had this thread yesterday

Your fortune: Godly Luck
smh just teach dogs to use the bathroom so i dont have to step around the remains of their shit on the sidewalk
its selfish of dog owners to think that anybody would want their dog to shit where they wanted to sit or stand or eat or talk especially in the park. and why do they piss so much? dogs get enjoyment from shitting and pissing on you and their shit contains parsites and diseases.
at the very least cats will push some dirt around and do it somewhere it doesn't matter as much.
And you got ass and jack ruselel every day and yet you don't protest, you fucking faggot.

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The Legend of Zelda was the most successful adventure game franchise ever.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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They complete their opinions of you by visiting. Reviewers, collectors, pundits, and fashion designers all show up to explain that your worldview is shaped not by what you see, but by people you hate.

Your fortune: Average Luck
their impression of my worldview, what they tell each other i think, or what? either i have not eluded to much regarding my world view or i have
You're gender positive, you think people like me hate women. That's enough information to go on.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
i never said i thought you hated women seuss
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I thought you did, you'll have to forgive me; since I was reading it in a daze.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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I haven't raped any women in the last week. Where's my award?
i havent raped any women ever what do i get? i get to watch prostitutes destroy their expensive wood floor with sexy urine
and i get to sleep outside like an animal
and i get to watch anybody i might have liked take up a career in cheating on their future partners and spending their free money on shit to make them even less attractive and teach the kids to get fat
what am i waiting for this generations kids to grow up hating them too? a lot probably will.

B-b-b karma is real
i'm using my karma points for blood idk about you

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Trashy Hard Bounce / Hard House loop
nice donk bassline!!!
nice bassline here too, cool arp as well
lmfao HAHAHAHsdjkgfsarwye uithegrtu43e
holy fuck PLEASE release this HAHAHAHA holy shit im dying
i wish i had my funny ironic shit but i only have these old pieces from like 4 - 3 years ago
Thx. Nice tracks. What happened to your funny ironic shit? You shouldn't delete tracks. Loompaskettee style comedic Soundclown shitposts belong on SoundCloud.

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i have an earwax plug in my ear
i can't hear out of that ear now
this is terriblel
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I tried the flushing bulb and the earwax plug is too big. I don't feel anything even when I squirted the water with a lot of pressure, it's not getting in the ear properly.
I guess the good news is that my eardrum probably has no damage at all because if it did I would likely feel lots of pain.
use the shower or something with hot water
its hard to damage your eardrum
if something touches your eardrum it will feel LOUD
>Q-tips aren't made for your ears, bro; Our lawyer has me in a WWF headlock right now. Don't use Q-tips on your ears, bro, they're for applying Neosporin to your kids' cuts from riding a bike or some dumb shit, bro; the lawyers told me bro...
use a wax candle and put more wax in your ear bro; It's approved by my lawyer, bro

save your earwax to use as starter fluid on paper for when you're literally living out in the woods when the SHTF, bro. The women won't even notice the yellow smelly crust, bro!
scrape it out
if u followed this advice u would be hearing perfectly now

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Wassup, im a nickel.
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>this isn't funny at all so stop even trying, that being said this is the funniest thing posted on this board ever so keep up the good work
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Hello, Mr. Nickel. How r u 2day?
Penny for your thoughts?
gonna love some nickel sex

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It's Saturday and my favourite socks
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It's Sunday and my most comfy favourite pants
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And a really cool stick I've found
i wish i was skinny enough to take pics of myself

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
That could be your goal, anon!

This is nice board

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rest in power queen
is this pro-trans or not im stupid
assume it is not and make a joke - nobody loses
i might become legally gay to get a visa and welfare but i wont change and i probably won't do it in the netherlands
actually i won't because they'll add me to the hivemind and i'll probably go to prison for murdering them
actually i might get an apartment if i'm a gay ,murderer
can i browse [s4s] in my comfy european prison apartment?
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if he escaped the draft it probably wasn't suicide

Your fortune: Average Luck

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> I think it would be funny take all s4s racist.
>dump them in jungle+ let zoo loo aborigines hunt them for sport.
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here are the s4s racists
everybody knows juleka is incredibly racist and says nigger every day she has a daily quota for saying nigger and she gets bonuses when she exceeds her target quota of saying nigger
these aret the zulu aboriginals theyre in the sahara, theyre kenyan, zulu were from Australasia before we massacred them
given that they did the whole sum of zulu aboriginals in a matter of minutes or hours or whatever i rate our chances, especially the black racists and the white racists and the asian racists

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the goated Jashin-chan of all time
are you implying that Jashin-chan's tail makes her imperfect?
it's disgusting

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happy morning [s4s]!
the sun is coming up
morning dubs!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
happy morning cute passposter!
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...wait for it...

The forehead girl
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y did coreland think itd be a good idea to name an arcade space shooter after this
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Why I never see a WEBM of this?
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The forehead girl
That is a good question

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and tihs is where poop comes from
Liar, anime girls don't poop
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magic tbh

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