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Join me while I make my breakfast for the week.
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it's the logical conclusive as suicide yesterday is not possible, and tomorrow would be an ordeal for the world.
though what you're doing is admirable and should be pursued.
Some of the best soups and stews I've made had crazy long-Low and slow cook times.
Hell, any moron knows even Chili is better the 2rd day, and peaks on day 3.
>that duack
Well done OP.

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Your point is valid.
Congee,(rice porridge) is a quintessential celestial's breakfast soup.
I believe grits with cheese, on certain days in the BOH, might even qualify as stew, too.
Wu Swedgin hang dai

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>juice a bunch of lemons
>make a gallon of lemonade in a glass pitcher
>immediately drop it on the stove
>lemonade and glass everywhere
what's your worst /ck/ accident
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>what's your worst /ck/ accident
shattered a bowl of dough that i was proofing for the whole day
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it's the last one.
there were no more to look forward to
Why would an oven even go up to 325 celsius? That's like 600° in real money.
>start a thicc steak on the stovetop to sear it
>transfer the stainless pan to the oven to finish
>smells delicious
>can't wait to eat it
>reach into the oven and grab the handle of the pan
>hear the flesh of my hand sizzling
>forgot the ove glove
>really bad burn on my left hand, couldn't use it for weeks
>left hand was, at the time, my jerking off hand
>steak was still delicious
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I can think of two
> making shrimp stock by boiling shrimps shells in a pot of water
> tastes and smells delicious
> ok time to strain the stock
> brain defaults to pasta straining
> pour the entire stock down the sink
> left looking at a colander of boiled shells
> just sat there and for a solid minute staring at my retardedness
Second one
> high as kite and getting hungry
> pop a frozen lasagna in the oven
> fucking 75 minute cooking time
> time to take it out of the oven
> grab the aluminum tray it came in with one oven mitt
> the entire tray warps and lasagna spills all over the inside of the oven door and into the crack

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Wonder Pot (Hebrew: סיר פלא, romanized: sír péle, Hebrew pronunciation: [siʁ ˈpele]) is an Israeli invention for baking on top of a gas stove rather than in an oven. It consists of three parts: an aluminium pot shaped like a Bundt pan except smooth-sided rather than fluted, a hooded cover perforated with venting holes, and a thick, round, slightly domed metal disc with a center hole that is placed between the pot and the flame.
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i wonder why they haven't tried tricking God by using baking powder instead of yeast
I know , He falls for any little trick
>The Wonder Pot gained popularity during Israel's era of national austerity in the 1950s, when most citizens did not own an oven.
6 million? yeah right buddy
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All dumplings must be served like thus.
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How do you get good at making the little pleats other than git guding? Are the one way pleats easier than bilateral or something? It's not too bad really, but it's not perfectly consistent either. Grape leaves are one thing because you're just going for a consistent thickness. Dumplings are irritating because the wrappers are uniform shape and thickness, yet they don't all rook the same.

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
Git gud
i prefer them super crunchy
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What are some comfy foods you’ve always liked/recently invented?

When I was younger we would have spaghetti sandwiches to stretch out our meals. I just finished a 12 hour shift and realised I didn’t have enough lasagne for a meal, but I did have pita in the freezer. Perfect harmony again.

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Unsweetened tea tastes absolutely horrid.
You can gloat about your favorite brand or kind of tea being an exception (though let's be honest, at best, it tastes bland as fuck), but most herbs have a nasty, bitter aftertaste.
The only reason people enjoy unsweetened tea is because they bought into facebook-mom tier pseudoscience about how le healthy it is, psychologically conditioning themselves to like something that objectively tastes disgusting.
Adding sugar to your tea won't kill you. The amount of calories in a sugar cube is MUCH lower than you think.

Stop being a retard and drink sweetened tea.
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>Yeah this is a boatload of Facebook mom tier bullshit.
Every factual claim in my post is extremely obvious.
Be careful, rooibos is more estrogenic than soy
You're already ingesting microplastics from the tea itself

Don't tell me you actually think the water used to grow the tea doesn't have microplastics in it lmao@urlife
Japs are huge consoomers that gobble up microplastics every single day.
I like to put some milk in my 2 min. earl grey tea; tastes great with it and a bit too bitter for me without it. Green tea tastes perfect without any additions though.
You do you.
>You need to do the same exact thing for every kind of tea to make it taste good
Do you not count infusion tea as real tea? I love to add honey to already fruity tea but I wouldn't add sweeteners to the sweet licorice teas, because I like them better as they are. I always leave fennel caraway tea as it is because I drink that when I'm sick and for me, it's the ultimate taste of getting better. Same with teas for other ailments. I drink most non-iced teas hot, but make an exception for cold rooibos tea. I'd never add sweeteners to new eat frisian teas I try, because I need to taste what I'm working with first.
>Every tea needs to be sweet
If you honestly like to explore different teas, don't treat them as if they all taste the same.
I get it if you have your personal taste; one of my friends adds an average of 5 sugar cubes to every coffee and tea he drinks, but if you think that your taste is universal, you're either ignorant, an idiot, or most likely both.
You get it

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How do I cook the beans to make them good?
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>or you'll end up in the hospital
By which, of course, you mean you'll end up with at worst a mild tummy ache.
Human breast milk:100000%
The good thing about fiber is that it reduces the impact that sugar has on your body by making it slower to digest. It's not a meme that fruit and whole grains poison you less than pure sugar and white flour.
>All protein is the same
>Fiber good
>Cholesterol bad
>Water used in irrigation is the same as water falling out of the sky into a pasture
No, water that rains on to thousands of acres of wildland that grows grass that is then eaten by cows that piss it out is recycled. Water filled with fertilizers and pesticides that cause lakes and rivers to be contaminated are not recycled, because that water isn't usable again without either investing millions of dollars into filtering it (which causes the contaminants to be even more concentrated, and even more environmental harm) or waiting hundreds or thousands of years for it to naturally filter back into aquifers.

Did you guys know eating nothing but mcdonalds and drinking 3 gallons of cheap whiskey a day is bad for you?
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There just seems to be something extremely dark about openly lying about your *health* in a very public setting, in order to sell a few movie tickets and (spoilers) shill your girlfriends weightloss business.
He seems pretty scummy overall
If he was in any way interested in a fair test, he would eat the same number of calories at the same time every day, and set it to a reasonable number. Anyone being honest, regardless of scientific education, would immediately realise that withdrawing from alcohol at the same time would change the result.
Even without manipulating the order of events in the film, even without refusing to show his diet logs, he clearly designed it to look as bad as possible.
Fat Head, while also clearly trying to advance political views (poor corporations getting sued q_q), was approached more reasonably by having a roughly fixed calorie intake.
a record number of Americans were homeless in 2023 and a record number of Americans killed themselves in 2023. the economy is shit and that is by design. all those
>muh numbers
is biden transferring wealth from the people to bezos
it was so people couldn't drink it and get free refills
and mcdonalds got fucked for it, woohoo!

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Cups up or cups down?
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For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
That's why you put them on a barred rack or similar that leaves them air to breathe. I can't be bothered to manually dry my tableware, ever, so it's down for me.
You have to be a special kind of retard to put your dishes away wet
The only acceptable reasoning for storing them down
left gets bugs and dust in them
right smears the drinking rim on a surface

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I went to Circle K for Steelie Boys and saw this in the fridge. Is it any good? I love apple cider and I also love strong drinks. Seems right up my alley but it's not as cheap as malt liquor so I want to know if it's any good.
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Pfffttt, philistine, I drink the finest of bum wines available, pissing isn't an issue
don't worry bro it's just corn syrup not high fructose
This isn't any cheaper than getting a $10 handle of vodka. A gallon of apple juice is $6 and excluding the other ingredients you only get about 10 standard drinks for that price. If you let it brew really high proof than you might get 20-30 standards drinks out of that gallon, but even than the vodka is still cheaper.
>but even than the vodka is still cheaper.
except we're not talking about vodka. we're talking about cider. a six pack of ciders cost $10.99, but your calculations say you can get 10 for $6, from low to high high avb. if someone wants to drink a cider they can just pour their own 10% brew and having a pint of that is like having two other pints of low abv cider. the dollar value is just a lot better because again we aren't talking about vodka. it's cider so we're comparing to the price of market cider
So if you add the sugar to the brew do you have to wait longer for the yeast to consume it and produce more ethanol?

>Deep fry cutlet so it is crispy
>Proceed to soak it in sauce and egg
>The cutlet is soggy now
What's the point of frying it in the first place then
Fried food dampened with egg yolk is umami kino
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Sauce Katsudon is delicious.
Looks like what some oriental with zero knowledge of western food would cook up if you ordered ham and eggs

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Aside from overloaded hot dogs, revoltingly wet beef sandwiches, uninspiring sausage, and pizza casserole, what should I eat in this city?
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The McDonalds at O'Hare is exceptional. Gigantic ass lineups during busy hours mean everything is as fresh as you can get it.
If you’re getting anything at that airport it should be frontera
The schnitzel and goulash there is great, the beer is too, haven't tried anything else to be fair. Owner is a cool guy too, chatted and gave us free shots the two times I've been there
is hugos frog bar any good?
is it substanially better than bergoff? im going in a few weeks. can walk to bergoff

Idgi, do you Zoomer really buy this just because some YouTube risk behind it?

In genenral, do zoomers really buy YouTuber merch because I often see it promoted and wonder who TF even buys or wear that stuff
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>Both millennial and zoomer men have female-style consumption patterns because it was realised how huge an untapped market that was and it was pushed on them. The early variant of this was stupid shit like beard oil or overpriced safety razors where men who had been taught conventional masculinity was dangerous rapist stuff were then sold performative masculinity/'buy your grandfather's products at a 1000x markup, that's being a man' stuff. See also: shitty craft beer, raw denim jeans and so on. Now there's not even that veil.
Actual men in the past didn't spend hours and too much money obsessed over fancy beer they bought whatever and fucked off back to work/raising a family/living productively.
You sure about that, kid? Do you know the origin of high heels?
>Actual men in the past didn't spend hours and too much money obsessed over fancy beer they bought whatever and fucked off back to work/raising a family/living productively.
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>Idgi, do you Zoomer really buy this just because some YouTube risk behind it?
Boomers are no better, I see shit like this in my super mainstream grocery stores.

How do you deal with people cutting in line? Do you call the people out on their bullshit or are you a pushover cuck?
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>How do you deal with people cutting in line?
I don't need to, I live in a first world country.
i would never let a marine cut in line because i would’ve thanked him for his service and told him he can go ahead of me
It just sounds like you have anxiety anon
Your bro sounds like a based deranged lunatic

post tasty 'shrooms!
you WILL eat the fungus.
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I love mushrooms, I eat them pretty much every day.
In fact I bought two large portobello mushrooms today which I will stuff with whatever I find and feast
unless you live in northern michigan Morel season is over. Mother's day pretty much marks the last day of the season. As a kid we use to find hundreds of them at the local reservoir but since the internet became a thing Morels became a hot commodity. I'm lucky to find 30 a season now.

They are delicious but the fun is in finding them. Just trudging through the woods for hours on end is good exercise and relaxing. Though I found 4 ticks on me the last time I went out I hate ticks.
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Has anybody here ever tried eating these? I found some big ones a few years back, but because the literature is inconclusive on whether they're great to eat or seriously poisonous, I left them there. When I made up my mind to try them and went back the next day, someone else has already picked them
i really like hedgehog mushrooms
It's Caesars mushroom:D It's tasty I promise

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