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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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what is the most similar car to this that I can cope with?
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toyota celica (basically better supra, and at some point supra was just trim for celica until they slipt into separate model) or mitsubishit gto and fto
>no manual parking brake
>no dipstick
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not that you'll need either of those anyway. you're buying this to impress people at car meets. not because you want something good.

China is one bad flood away from total collapse and half a billion dead
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Lol this was a meme on /pol/ like a few years ago.
Any deformation in the pictures comes down to them being taken from different angles. It's not difficult to see that the right was taken from near directly overhead while the left seems to be taken from lower down overlooking the dam.
just two more weeks
Anything more recent than 5 years ago? Using a 5 year old pic and saying any day now is absolutely retarded
>a hundred million people have soggy shoes.
>in a country of 1.8 billion people.
People don't realize how populated China is.
If 1.5 billion people died in China.
(That's 5x the population of the United States.)
China would still have the same amount of people as the United States.
And that's just Chinese.
That's not blacks and Arabs and Mexicans and Puerto Ricans and jews and a few Whites thrown in like the U.S.
Just Chinese.

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Tesla just got saved by lazy Joe. Thoughts on this?
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All of your fixtures, switches, etc are all MIC unless you've got a .1% build and handheld the contractors or paid someone to do so. It's impossible to source many of the things needed for a home build in the US for most people.

A gantry faucet for example is $7000 MIUSA while a Chinese equivalent would be $250.
Lol ya i had a feeling i might be wrong about the home if it's older than the 2000s. Newer builds are much more chinese, especially with the plastics and polys. Fuck even sheet metals and screws are starting to all come from China.
For computers, it is made in those countries, but are the components? Remember "made in" is a bit of a tricky tactic. Different countries have different guidelines regarding the labor component vs parts sourcing.
Swiss watches are a good example. It's highly speculated most components are sourced from China and are just assembled in Switzerland at a ratio that allows the Swiss Made label.
The same goes with Luxury clothing/goods. I dont think its coincidence that China can produce near 1:1 replicas without prior knowledge and existing tooling.
If American auto manufacturers can only compete in 15% of the world market, they're fucked.
This is why Germany put so much effort into branding their products. They knew a few decades ago that their products arent actually functionally much better than their competitors. They created the "German Quality" and "German Engineering" facade and the sheep ate it all up. Similar to Apple and arguably Tesla, they created a strong community and community dictates social norms. This is also why the US have their "Buy American" shtick. It's a last ditch effort to save themselves from the incoming shitstorm that (((they))) ultimately shoved the US into
>All of your fixtures, switches, etc are all MIC unless you've got a .1% build and handheld the contractors or paid someone to do so.
Elec switches and breakers are either cooper WD or Leviton. The house itself is almost 30 years old and has withstood 30 years of hurricanes and snowloads.

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YAMAHA edition thread!

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webbys and streamabos
>Fuel level indicator dissertation
>Best place to put your gun on your harley
>Scooters == frens
>Tips to keep your woobie soft
>RIP 2 strokes, rip indian, rip twink, rip pink horny, rip gaymoo
>Cb500leg legion guild brotherhood
>tenny fren camp
>Motorcycle anime girls
>zx4rr appreciation encouraged
>cp2 blows up now discussion

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So it must be the throttle sensor. So I did the reset like this guy said and the problem seems to have been solved. Now I need to go to Ace to get some plastic washers to replace the sun destroyed ones I removed.
Fuel pressure regulator i would bet. Kind of a week spot on this age of bmws
wrenchlet, NBU (never buying used)
okay nobike
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Rest in peace bro. Makes me wonder what happened to the other Brazilian anons, even they bullied poor ol Sam

Give me one (1) good reason why I shouldn't do it.
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When this baby roars, all Mustangs leak oil out of fear.
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So who is jealous and miserable? Me for having great true muscle car from proper ear in conditon you can only dream of... or some dude thinking buying the lamest Ford is a good idea to make neighbours jealous?
Mustang are, will and always were lame cars for unoriginal loosers and they do not make other jealous. Others laugh at Mustangs. Mustangs are annoying at car meets, they are called crowd killers, Mustangs are pests.
and ford rebrands it as a "drift brake" in a pathetic attempt to save face. nustang is an abomination
I want a 2005-2009 gt but with the front end from 2010 to 2012.
Or maybe vice versa with the smaller ass end from earlier years.

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I want to ai generate some 4X4 cars on the desert, problem is I don't know any, could /o/ name a few cool ones and may be post images. I was told your were the best when it comes to autos by myself.
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Big Oly is the boss.
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nm, that's not it.

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>18 year old girl in a G37 successfully evades cops over multiple counties, disables a cop car, but ultimately gets cornered when she went down a dead end street


with sound: https://files.catbox.moe/yx21dn.mp4
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Enough about your mother.
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>the duality of America
The VQ Chad vs the rentastar virgin
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How is this light shit called? mine broke and I need to order a new one but I have no clue what to search for

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Anyone know what car this is in the front? The pic is from the Mentalist.
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1989-1994 Nissan 240SX SE coupe
>wearing sweats when it's hot enough to warrant being shirtless
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Are there any cars, preferably from 60 to 80s, that feel or give impression of muscle cars? Things like ISO Grifo or Opel Manta, Ford Capri etc..
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Jensen Interceptor has a similar feel but they had to make the interior more expensive to justify the price so becomes closer to a luxury car but many of the muscle cars had the option of luxury feeling interiors too with the very thick vinyl on the early ones. Being larger than a sport car was part of it.
>posts one with the ugly 'merican headlights
>>posts one with the ugly 'merican headlights
Literally EU spec headlights
Australia has the right roads for kickass shit like real Muscle cars and Big pickup trucks, but are like most Anglo countys crippled with driving on the Left hand side. Making most of their vehicles British and Jap inports cars that were designed as small as possible for the tightest streets on earth.

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>go to car parts store
>some new kid behind counter
>"hi I need these spark plugs, oil filter, cabin filter, etc"
>dude goes in the back
>comes back with way too many boxes
>"uh I think you're mistaken, I only need one of each"
>"you should buy a few extras in case something goes wrong"
>"...what? what goes wrong?"
>"oh you know if you, like, the oil filter doesn't fit, you got a spare"
>"I... if the filter doesn't fit then none are going to fit dude, that means you gave me the wrong filter(s)"
>just stares at me for a few seconds and then goes "ok so you don't need these then?"
>"no just one of each, thanks..."

Next time I'm ordering my shit online, jfc where the fuck do they find these mongoloids.
And if this is some kind of scam tactic where they blow shit out of their ass to dumb customers so they can sell more, then holy fuck whoever falls for this deserves it.
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Since the water won't mix with the oil and is a little denser, it will sink to the bottom of the vat and be covered by the oil. It'll stew there at room temp in an anaerobic environment, allowing all kinds of nasty bacteria to grow.

Only when someone pours in more waste will the upper oil layer be disturbed and allow some of the fouled water to reach the surface, releasing it's stench for a brief moment.
For extra damage, add sugar to the mix to provide the bacteria with some nourishment.
These places end up selling it off to an oil recycling company. You guys arent screwing anyone over but the company cleaning up the stuff.
What pisses me off is when these fuckers charge you to take your oil only ro make money again selling it.
The same goes with used tires. Recyclers come and pay these garages/stores for the used tires. Some of these places will charge you to take them off your hands. Fuck em
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It's called upselling you fucking pleb.
Perhaps if you applied yourself at work like this gentleman does you wouldn't be spending your weekend in an Autozone.
A tough man, tempered like steel.
A man who's learned to endure.
i burn stumps with it. Oil fires burn hot as shit

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Who's idea was it, to make flattening your own tires part of TPMS programming? What the heck
>modern car shit
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That's only the poorfag without the tpms scan tool method
If I spend a dime behind this POS, it'll be permanently disabling the shit with FORScan. I wouldn't even bother replacing a dead battery module. Stuff is cheap on amazon, but rent in my head? not gonna be free
Why is it even battery powered in the first place? Couldn't we just have a tiny coil of copper near the tire and another one in the TMPS and wirelessly charge them from running car?
I thought they already had that. You're telling me they run on batteries?
I've had the same sensors in my car for 11 years.
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Yes, and the batteries are not replaceable, they're epoxied in.

Opinions on old 911s?
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964 Carrera 2 on the other hand, still expensive, a bit more realistic. And it will not have the cool widebody.... so lower your expectations. nevermind the backdated Porsche
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There's only one 911 I care about. Inshallah.
>930s were going for $20-$30k just a few years ago.
They haven't been the price since the 2000s.

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Have you ever considered buying a Japanese EV?
not until they catch up to american EVs.
The plastic cladding is like a virus
Soon the whole thing will be unpainted plastic

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