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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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How did Israel became seen as a western country?
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Diaspora hate is such a disgusting phenomenon.
Nice try. Ywnbw
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They were already western. Jews are just Whites larping as Semites.
The initial settlers were mostly highly educated german or romance speaking jews from Europe with a lot of connections with the west through the jews remaining there.
Today israel is being taken over by much more radical and anti arab Jews from the arab world who, ironically, the arabs kicked out themselves

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Why does Iran care about women wearing hijab so much when it allows open pagan worship in the country? Iran is full of shrines of graves in which Shias pray to them and they call on Ali instead of God. In Islam the greatest crime is shirk and polytheism not women without hijab. Why is hijab a priority but eradicating grave worship is not?
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I don't care what you retards think. I'd rather you think we are dumb Arabs so you leave us alone. Neither your praise nor condemnation mean anything to me. In fact, being seen as repulsive by you scum is better, so that way you leave us alone.
Same thing with Turkey
When they hear the word Ottoman they think of unstoppable horseback armies conquering Constantinople and the balkans
When they hear Turkey they think of kebab and brown muslims that wear red hats
Also kourosh made a mistake freeing Jews from Babylonian captivity
>the most hated country in the world atm.
That would be Israel
>Why are the pagans doing the paganism?

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"Science" (academia) has actually lost a lot of ground in terms of credibility thanks to some of its more preposterous claims:

* Sex isn't real, you can become a woman by identifying as one
* Darwinian evolution for everything except humans; race isn't real, tabula rasa for us
* Climate change alarmism that basically amounts to secular eschatology

From a purely objective standpoint, "science" (academia) is less credible than Christianity, since there's a greater than zero likelihood that God exists more-or-less as described in the Bible and that Christ is the Messiah, whereas the likelihood that identifying as a woman makes you one is precisely zero.

So how can "science" (academia) recover from this? Is it possible for it to elevate itself to the level of peer with Christianity, which tends to have a superior understanding of the world?
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In case you haven't noticed, people are getting "cancelled" for saying the truth about this issue. I don't think anybody would normally care about a mental patient's delusions if they weren't being forced to talk nicely about them.
Muh culture war.
Worse, we're being expected to explicitly acknowledge the mental patient's delusions as unassailable truth by pain of punitive poverty
OP is a mindbroken /pol/nigger, he sees spooky trannies behind every corner, and probably has to check under his bed for any trannies hiding there.

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Threadly reminder that Confederates accused the Union of being "Satanic" for challenging slavery, which was believed to be written into God's laws.
>Ephesians 6:1 states, "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ". The verse continues, "Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart".

How do modern Christians (especially those who are the descendants of slaves) reconcile this? The Bible goes out of its way to justify slavery.
>inb4 "they weren't actually describing slaves slaves"
1st century Judea was occupied by Rome, one of the most prolific slave trading Empires in human history. Judea itself was a slave trade hub. They were talking about legitimate slaves.
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The Christians in the Union also justified their abolitionism with that same Bible.
With what verse?
What kind of crack have you been smoking? Deism died out in the US after the second Great Awakening, and gnostic cults were ancient history by the 19th century.
Yet a child being born unto slavery is perfectly acceptable. Goes to show how twisted the value systems of our ancestors truly were.

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Redpill me on Atlantis
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How can we prove it goes back to the sixteenth century?

>Lol no he wasn't. In a fictional dialogue
Every single dialogue was real. He presents it as a matter of fact. He would not bother having explained where the story came from if it was fictional or some kind of thought experiment. It is not in any way presented as a tall tale, as you say. He repeatedly goes through effort to demonstrate that it was historical, at least according to the Egyptians.

>Just like he poses that the cave where people are chained up and can only see shadows is a real place

You may actually be stupid. I mean that. 70 IQ tops. He says in the allegory "imagine a cave". Right out the gate he is saying it is imaginary. He literally, himself, calls it imaginary. Now contrast this with his recounting of where the Atlantis story is related and how.

Not necessarily.
No, you didn't understand, it is the additional weight of the water from the melted ice which further depresses the plates, especially where they are thin near the rift boundary.
I find the sahara Atlantis the most believable theory.

Green sahara must have had tons of people living there and nobody's looking under the sand.
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this hole in the ground on the african continent is interesting but it is not an island continent in the atlantic so it can not be atlantis

it is a red herring

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Average Berber family after Arab conquest
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when a frenchman says something so white you gotta hit them with the kabyle stare
lol, some of them genuinely look mulatto
uncanny resemblance
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>you sound angry, you are backtracking and moving the goal post
Take your pills, schizo. Sometimes I post swarthy Berber angels who look way more attractive than those rare blond Berber women.
>i'm proving that you berbers look like some sort of eastern iranians but more africanized and i just won
North Africans look like Eastern Iranians the same way West Asians, and even dark South Europeans (e.g. Jason Mantzoukas) can be mistaken for Eastern Iranians, at some point wogs start to overlap. Also, some Eastern Iranian individuals can be light as fuck, and average Yaghnobi would look less exotic than the average Berber from a European point of view.

I have no horse in this race.

>Saudis don't have SSA admixture in the picrel, their big nose is an ancient relict of their Cacasoid West Eurasian heritage not nigger admixtures.
That's not my point, huge hooked beaks are a Caucasoid trait. My point is that posting random, very dark Arabians and claiming they're 100% West + Basal Eurasian isn't necessarily accurate because Arabia is filled with Afro-Araps from ancient Araps getting their lineages BLACKED with Jareer women, and in typical Arap fashion, the mixed offspring call themselves Araps too when they look like 75% Akon 25% t
real Arap.
>when they look like 75% Akon 25% real Arap.
*even when they look like they're 75% Akon 25% real Arap.

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Which is the superior Christ?
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They're the same Jesus

>implying there's even one jesus

Perhaps we should settle Jesus vs Jesus first. Before pitting him against Paul.
Dietary laws is one of the most important laws of God yet Jesus of the gospels taught against it. He told Israelites that all food is clean to eat.
Lmao you’re so dumb
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Superior at what?

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Why don't we talk about theology anymore, /his/?
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And when will you answer my other questions
The point of Hebrew’s citation is that Paul counted work as faith
John 2:25
25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction?
Considered righteous for what she did

Hebrews 11
31 By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
Here Paul refers to it as faith

So what is considered works was considered faith by Paul
So Abraham’s faith saving him could also mean faith

And please answer my questions about other passages regarding faith and works
I made a typing mistake in my response
I made a typing mistake in my response
The point of Hebrew’s citation is that Paul counted work as faith
John 2:25
25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction?
Considered righteous for what she did

Hebrews 11
31 By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
Here Paul refers to it as faith

So what is considered works was considered faith by Paul
So Abraham’s faith saving him could also mean works

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Don’t check this one
Check the other
I made a typing mistKe
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Righteousness in the eyes of man
righteousness in the eyes of God

Christ is king, repent and believe the gospel, that is to say that he died for your sins.

No it is not good news if you have the risk of messing it up by failing some sort of sacrament skill check, some sort of sin of the flesh, that stuff will make your life an existential horror (no longer good news)

He is risen, the gift is a true gift, no strings attached, don't let the world present a false gospel that will lead you astray. Amen.

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What language does God speak?
Does he speak Hebrew?
Does this mean I'll need to learn Hebrew first if I ever want to speak with him in heaven?
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Reminder that God created different languages just as a fuck you to humans to make sure they never worked together.
Which is why we should learn Esperanto and then retake heaven by storm.
If the bible was real this would be the number one goal of humanity, to take heaven and prevent god from killing everyone on the planet a second time. God would be the biggest threat to the world.
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>confirmed gay couple
lying shit bag faggots don't even try to be accurate when pushing their agenda

it says nothing even remotely like that
Muh leftists

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>Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I'll sock you in your goddamn face
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Now, listen, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I'll use violence to shut you up! Look out! I'm crazy! Then the next thing I'm going to do is invade Poland!
I can only speak for myself, but I'm a commie.
iirc it was a tactic of the socialists to low effort undermine anyone that existed in opposition to their power base, even though Nazis are literally just another branch of socialism
In my experience people who dickride the Soviet Union are pretty open about being commies.
>Stand Athwart history yelling stop
Was he just a pressure release valve? He literally never advocated conservatives do anything themselves just vote their way into power.

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Christianity is not based on historical truth; rather, it offers us a historical narrative and says: now believe! But not, believe this narrative with the belief appropriate to a historical narrative, rather: believe, through thick and thin! You should not take the same attitude to it as you take to other historical narratives. There is nothing paradoxical about that. The historical accounts in the Gospel, might historically speaking, be demonstrably false yet belief would lose nothing by this. Because religion is a self-contained and primarily expressive enterprise, governed by its own internal logic or "grammar" and is a whole worldview. Religion is logically cut off from other aspects of life; since religious concepts and discourse are essentially self-referential; and religion can't be criticized from an external (i.e., non-religious) point of view. Because divine intervention can always play a role in the historical data. Trying to prove god with logical or historical data will always be in vain as it relies upon some form of presuppositions. Since you can make any set of data fit your worldview. Which is fine and even necessary.

I've always found it weird that this event is never mentioned all too often, like from what I understand
>Muhammad and his followers in 622, facing hostility, flee from Mecca to surrounding areas, specifically the city of Medina .
>After establishing themselves, they begin a protracted counter-war, chipping away at the Qurashi trading routes, and finally conquering the city. At 630,
>Muhammad dies in 632, the early Muslim expansion begins at 634
at what point does the rest of the Arabian peninsula get conquered/absorbed into the caliphate and why was it so easy to bring them into the fold then the Quraysh?
no one really knows, there really wasn't much to conquer except for the few oasis cities. Maps like this are about as detailed you can get for politics there. Did caliphs in Damascus and Baghdad really hold the entire Arabian peninsula? Iirc the rationale for maps showing they do is to stop doing that around the time a bunch of madmen sacked and looted Mecca but it hadn't been the case for a long time probably. The important thing is Muhammad and his successors got a bunch of tribes together under his banner and they mostly moved off the peninsula forever to become a ruler elite.
Nevermind Arabia, according to this map Cyprus and the entirety of Byzantine Balkans are in rebellion
If not the peninsula, they did gain control of Yemen before the conquests.
There's a theory that Islam started out as a non-trinitarian sect of Christianity and that most early Muslim forces and converts would have been crypto-nontrinitarianists (for lack of a better term)

>existed for centuries
>Left nothing in terms of science, culture or arts
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The Hindu-Islamic Numerals .0123456789...

(see boards plagiarisms of them)
4chan is a hindu-muslim numeral site.
>Because of systemic rape
DNA studies confirmed non-existent to negligible East Asian and Ana. Turkish DNA, the exception being Greek Thrace and the leftover Turkish minority in FYROM and Bulgaria.

The Balkans were more developed than Western Europe between the 1100s and the mid-1500s, their modern poverty stems from Western-backed privatization and neo-colonization.

>Though this is geography itself
Serbia alone had a monopoly on silver trade in most of Medieval Europe for well over a hundred years, and this part of Europe was more connected with the known world than Western and Northern Europe was.

>socialism, communism
Which is natural for all non-Kike dominated civilizations striving toward sovereignty.

Form a minority of their vocabulary, whereas non-Germanic words form the majority of the English language.

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its making arabs seethe even to this day
There wasn't ever ottoman culture, there was only islamic culture

Has there ever been a recorded encounter between a World War II veteran and this peculiar brand of /pol/-user ?

Not trying to be edgy or bait, I’m genuinely curious.
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Chuds try to hide their power level. They're embarrassed by their own beliefs.
>Carlos "The Monkeyzillian Cuckold" Latuff
>SS general

Ah yes, a very objective and non-biased source
>Germany elects a man whose public platform is to make the country worse for Jews
>some jews stop buying things
>we’re going to invade Eastern Europe and Germanise you
>nononono you’re TOTALLY our equal, we don’t think that your culture is barbaric or anything
>why would we want to Germanise you then?
>uhhhh uhmmm

Yes, GPO was real. The documents for the iteration that called for killing all eastern euros went missing, yes, but there were a few iterations of the plan that all have proof for their existence, and all of them included a plan to Germanise and dominate Eastern Europeans.
I, as a balt, would rather take this universe, because while my people did suffer under the hands of the soviets after the war (and a little before), at least they weren’t planning on erasing our culture completely and turning us into either Germans or slaves for Germans. I would’ve preferred it if the western allies got to the Baltics first though, communism isn’t great.

Right wing rhetoric went from “woah look at those Eastern Europeans, they’re so backwards, that’s subhuman” to “woah look at those eastern euros, they’re so backwards, that’s BASED and TRAD”. At the very heart of it is the belief that we’re barbarians, which is why I don’t trust a single thing a Fascist says, because they’re not actuall pan-Europeans, but Western European chauvinists. They still believe that people like me are backwards, they just think that’s good now because we don’t like faggots or whatever. But the second we express our thoughts we’re just subhuman little asiatics again.
It’s very similar to how the Jews treat non-Jews.

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