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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92618444
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the ugly competition
Reposting Ranking Anon's Hall of Fame
Since all the initial 40 builds are fully reviewed, here's a hall of fame:

>Point of Origin (Perfect SSSS score)
Kiralia Ouroboros Edo-Galileo “Jabberwock/Shoggoth” (Hybridization/Cosmic)
Power Level: B ->A/S over time and without her collar restraints
Effectiveness as an Investigator: C/A->S for monsters and particularly Enigmas
Flavor: S
Feng Loba Meirin (Qi/Summoning?)
Power Level: B->A/S
Effectiveness as an Investigator: C/B for Qi Cases->A/S over time and for Qi Cases

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>Legendary Investigators (S Effectiveness as an Investigator)
Roger Telldance Ager (Time)
Effectiveness as an Investigator: A ->S if not lazy
Friedegard Stolas Devil (Necromancy/Music)
Effectiveness as an Investigator: S
Barbarossa Alberich Edo (Hybridization/Illusion)
Effectiveness as an Investigator: S
Belas Vipera Evoco (Summoning/Mana)
Effectiveness as an Investigator: C/B for monsters->B/S for monsters over time

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I got excited cause I though he was doing the new builds. I feel immense disappointment.
Let him rest

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Post models Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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pic for reference on 2 kits i got on ebay. the left is the newer old boyz, the right is the older one. indistinguishable from each other once painted but the build process is very different.
Oh neat. How'd they do it? did you have to cut off the choppa arm and glue on the second arm holding the shoota? I love thinking about how old kits work
>Post models edition

I'll only post my models of the jannies range ban anyone who tries to shit on anyone else's paint jobs.
Iyanna Arienal as a ynnari spirit seer
Oh, yeah, I don't know why no-ones pointed that out before, but it seems obvious now you mention it! Guess I could knock together something in cad that would glue over the light that's there and instead provide two headlights offset to the sides a bit over the "turn signals"?
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Grunt Edition:

Previously on /slop/: >>92610665 #

▶ Thread Task: Post your setting's basic grunts

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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We ain’t gettin no bread baker chickened out
i'll bake hold up
>Except maybe adventurers. But they have a bad habit of surviving and then we have to pay them.
Imagine not erasing adventurers' memories after quests.

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Four feet and below edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Nigga really out here acting like he knows what's cringe
>hero shooters
I didn't know 10 year olds cared about fantasy IPs

I mean, Paladins
sorcerors are good, but honestly with glottkin in your list if you are cutting foot heroes I would just buy more bodies, you are going to have a hell of a time with any objectives the glottkin are not currently fucking during the game
I think it looks cool anon, and yeah a little shading will probably bring down the brightness a bit

>When a DM throws an overleveled monster at the party
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Huh, that's neat that Falin specializing in the gnomish school is just another characterization tool, she is absolutely not the sort to order spirits (or anyone) around, but ask them nicely instead.
Yea, I've been seeing secondaries gooning out over Farcille ships and I'm just thinking, "Boy are they in for a surprise when they work out that Marcille just has major attachment issues because of trauma."
Marcille is sterile.
Is that implied anywhere in the manga? I dont recall ever reading anything like It.
Stated multiple times troughout the manga after it was revealed that she was a half elf. Thistle for example, mocks her over her situation.

Rule of Cool aka "Arquitens Rule" edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92578614

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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I didn't read the fan part, your post makes a lot more sense now
This is the best Star Wars fan film and yes it IS shot in a forest and you're gonna like it
>doesn't address any arguments
Well, that's one way to concede a debate, I guess
>They knew they were supposed to follow the order, but the order didn't make logical sense to them
Want to know how I know that author never served in the military?
I think that technically counts.

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Have been running a campaign with some friends for the last year +, and uh... well considering we use discord for it mainly, I've taken to having a bit of fun with the session planning.

I have used a random picture of john goodman in every single event posting. every one. from the big lebowsky to the terrible 'death sentence', no event has been safe from the mark of the goodman.

my players have yet to say anything to me about it. not a peep. I think theyre too confused and intimidated to say anything in fear of what I might start doing next, maybe john appearing in game.

actually I may just start doing that. random NPC's are just john goodman in different fantasy dress...hmm

just thought it was worth a giggle and a share. remember fellow DM/GM/ST's out there; you dont need scary monsters or 5d chess scenarios to screw with your players.
Cute if true, Schizo-kun
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I think it'd actually be really really charming if you were to use AI or photoshop to give the players visual references for characters but make them more and more ridiculous versions of Goodman
>local blacksmith
>ornery dwarf
>bugbear chieftan
>captured damsel
>masked knight (you can just barely make out his eyes through the visor
>benevolent regent
>his evil vizier
>the court wizard
>golem statue in the dungeon
>demon lord
>castle wall (not a character it just is one of those optical illusion AIs that hides an image within an image of the city so it looks like John Goodman if you squint at it

Getting these dropped in chat without explanation as a player would flatten me. Please take it farther.
>the damsel in distress
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oh goodness that would be fucking great XD though dunno what AI I could get my mits on that would be worth a shit to pull it off. my standby for this sorta shit is usually bing's/microshit, but like you cant do any celebs with it. its really frustrating! so I'm very open to suggestions. just be aware, I'm a knuckle dragging artist type, so setting up my own AI is probably outta the question/over my head.

lmfao, princess goodman
If you start doing this for NPC's, please post examples, even if you have to wait until the game is done.

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'Miring Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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>Sounds like a femcel Ariel
You have no idea. She have only mated with other dragons once in her life.
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How powerful would a level 20 human fighter be IRL or compared to various fictional characters? No feats, no magical items, champion archetype
Captain America tier maybe?
RAW he's a guy who could in a fight take out a dozen peasants in an instant, I'd like them to being a tank that's been shrunk down to human size.
If your DM is the kind that lets heroic guys actually do heroic feats with skill checks rather than requiring a RAW ability, I imagine he could do some pretty superhuman feats like most comic book heroes could. Just get the most generic as possible superhero that isn't absurdly broken and that's probably a good fit. Batman, maybe?
And why does she want to be a human?

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Have you played it before? On what sapphic escapades did you go?

(Knowing /tg/, it absolutely won't go to hell)
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Instead of asking him, what about you. Why do you care? Why do you care to ask him that, do you even play this?
So you don't know?
One of Xena's throwing anuses.
This is for trannies right?
Just say being fat is a symbol of wealth, as it was in many cultures historically (and some today). People see fat people and dollar signs show up in their eyes. And I think you can easily sell wanting to be fat easily by saying 'hell yeah I want to sit on my ass all day and eat a shit-ton of food. Do you KNOW how much hard work being a peasant it? Indoor plumbing doesn't exist!'

I know you said sci-fi but maybe it's like star wars where medieval social norms still prevail.
Tell me that there's a system where girls grow futa focks to impregnate their lesbian wives.
>I'm gonna face you on your own level and beat you at your own game! I'm gonna gay so much harder than you just to prove how straight I am!

I'm down for this. Sounds hilarious.

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Gorgon Tank Edition

Previous Thread >>92567156

>What is Project Fourk-Hammer?
Project Fourk-Hammer (provisional name) is an experiment to see if the 40k community on /tg/ is interested enough to come together to homebrew a fan fork edition of Warhammer 40,0000's 3-7e Era, primarily inspired by 4th Edition. Think Warhammer Armies Project but for Warhammer 40k's Fourth Edition.

>Why are you doing this?
/tg/ complains about modern 40K constantly. At least one /tg/ anon has already succeeded in producing a viable alternative to 40K in the form of OnePageRules, however this is not satisfying to many since it is too shrimplified and lacks the flavour and identity they love, or once loved.

>How can I contribute?
Post in the thread things you want to see in your idealized version and respond to other posts making proposals, or present material you have prepared such as rules text or art. The project is looking for someone who will commit to acting as a maintainer, which means compiling and editing discussions, effectively a secretary position.

>What has been done so far?
A summary has been prepared here: https://pastebin.com/pdx5GmYd

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I haven't been in all the threads, so I play catch-up on the info.
Give them actual AP in that case, instead of cribbing the save penalties from Warhammer Fantasy. It's more consistent, and if every melee weapon turns your power armour into paper armour, it's nonsensical to be paying 15pts per model for space marines.
Noone says that guardsman's bayonet should kill space marines
I agree with that, I'm not the guy saying AP modifiers are better, I just think you lumping melee weapons sharing whatever AP system shooting weapons use with "nuhammer" is mistaken. It was present in the era we are drawing from, and I think it improves the game, it just needs to be done a bit differently than how they did it in 7th.
I am not the anon you think you are talking to, so I'll leave it to him to respond to your point, but as far as I personally am concerned, 4e was already a disaster and anything past that is nuhammer.

The TPK type of deal.
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Me. I stat myself in every game and put myself in. As I am smarter and stronger than everyone at the table IRL my in-game persona reflects that and to antagonize GameMe is to court death (just like in real life).
There's 3 that are of similar power, and it's pretty hard to tell which is the strongest. All 3 are leaders of the 3 sects of the Apotheotic Church, a radical, militant, transhumanist cult that seeks the evolution of mankind and the destruction of the human condition.
So out of those 3 you have the Master Genesmith, who has genetically modified himself to the point of almost instantaneous adaptation to literally any environment, as well as really powerful shapeshifting abilities, the Iron King, who has uploaded his consciousness into a small moon sized complex hidden in deep space from where he organizes his sect of the cult and from where he sends drones he controls remotely that pretend to be him, and the One Awakened, who has achieved such a level of psionic development that now his consciousness walks between the folds of time and space, and he speaks with things older than the Universe.
In my setting it is a creature known as 'schrodinger' though their true name was Xol'gheran. i ripped their idea from the catboy from hellsing. but my main idea is they are a shapeshifting paracausal parasite that can take over (in theory) anybody and cause chaos.

Due to the fact that they could possess any npc, bbeg or just a random enemy they served more as a campaign spanning paranioa that i could hint at with certain things.

By the end of the campaign they learned that Schrodinger is more or less just an entity that has survived each cycle the world goes through and works as a memetic hazard. so long as some part of the entity survives in the memory of something be it a devil, aboleth, angel or other being that are technically outside the material planar cycles it will always return.

The main factor for them being a tpk entity is the fact the party's paranioa can lead them astray and mistakingly kill someone or start a fight with something they should have not fought with
The fun part is, releasing it might be the secret to saving Creation.
I've got two dragons - one red and one white - that are prophesized to eventually end the world in fire and frost. That said, the white one is kept asleep by powerful magic, so perhaps he's not the most powerful after all? Maybe it's just the red?

I also have a lich who sacrificed an entire landscape and all life within it to fuel his ascension into undeath, and at least at one point intends to do it again to fuel his ascension into godhood. He's got a cult behind him and everything.

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Thread 413: "Bore Me" Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

DivineZ S1 Episode 13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdjPu8SOcx0

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I play vintage thats how I havent forgotten V and I hate strides. I like slower formats and card games.
fuck off
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>Really weird
The original sanctitude was unusable by regular G4 decks since you needed a G3 Vanguard. Its so they can have a Blitz Order PG to deal with those odd Loronerol and Dragstrider moments.
Will we see more divine skills in season 2? I have a feeling we will get a new divine skill Stoicheia rideline.
Belive me anon, is the most based format.

Witches Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate,Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam,
Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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Just whatever I think looks cool. The dia de Los muertos gang, the Lords of the ring, the cactuar, some of the dwarves, orkishi...
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Question for anyone that plays wasteland warfare. I have two point equivalent forces and I'm wondering if the disparity in unit numbers would be a problem. I'm assuming not, because molerats have no real health, same with rad roach swarms. Here's the two lists. I want to keep the survivors as it is if possible, I want it to be a small duo of my fave things, nuka-girl and T-51 power armour.

List Total: 598 caps

Sole Survivor Loner (315 caps)
-Laser Rifle
-T-51 Power Armor
-V.A.T.S. Matrix Overlay
-Aligned Sights
-Lone Wanderer
Nuka-Girl (200 caps)

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What in hells name are those soldiers?
Average Turrnip28 models
That sacrificial victim is thicc.

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