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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Edgerunners Mission Kit Soon(tm) edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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What's the best stunt you pulled, /cpg/?

I want to make a stunt rockerboy where he does crazy feats for a crowd instead of music and I need some inspiration. Currently counting things I can pull of with a grapple gun, rope and a skateboard.
It wouldn't be a public server, just one with a few players. But I'll check that out. I just really hate roll20's interface. It feels like I've been there for 10 years and nothing has changed, hell even the chat room is just one long log not broken up for sessions.
This will bump the Discord traffic by 21% only to lessen it by 37% afterwards
My character shouted "Hands off of him!" then shot a guy's hands off.
Very lucky.
Another one was a lucky rocket that critically crippled the boss and his minions. Unfortunately her efforts weren't noticed because the ungrateful teammates complained about being caught in the blast.
The only reason I want quickhax is for force-ejecting chipware
>get a ton of different language chips
>find a sleeping choom with neural implants/chipware socket
>keep popping out their chips to install a new one, making them lose 2d6 HL every time, because you recover your chips you can use them on other victims and it's just a one-time investment
>get a single pain-editor for the coup de grace of the victim's humanity
>when they wake up they'll be a cyberpsycho and maybe their language center is so fried they won't even remember how to speak their original language and will be speaking the last one slotted into them
This is a high level bozo prank. It's so powerful that it's why they were deleted from the setting.

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Does anybody play Oldhammer these days? I started playing in 9th, and the other day went down a youtube rabbit hole of oldhammer content, and wow! Something about it is so appealing. It's more of a war game and less about trying to be a competitive e-sport or whatever's going on now. The retro color schemes are oddly nice too.

Maybe this is the appeal of HH. This guy's rant made a lot of sense - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-AojPD3dFs

Anyways does anyone play Oldhammer these days, or anything other than 10th ed? I started collecting in 3rd edition as a teenager, never played until covid as an adult with some free time and cash, and it feels like I really missed out on what I actually wanted from the hobby. But maybe it's just nostalgia tricking me, who knows. Either way I should probably try it sometime and see what it's like. Curious to hear others' experiences and opinions.
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>everyone who disagrees with me is lying and trying to hurt me
>the wokies are a bunch of weak losers but also everywhere
Why are you trying to act like there's some kind of mutually exclusive property to weak retards being everywhere
>and are destroying everything you love
We've already watched it happen to a fuckton of franchises so trying this historical revisionism gaslighting bullshit will never work. And it's clear it's begun with 40k now with the inclusion of female custodes.

So which are you going to go with? "It's not happening", or "it's happening but it's a good thing"?
It's funny because many of the tests and studies show a statistical link between mental illness and wokeism, and between the dark triad of personality disorders (that includes narcissism) with wokeism.

Also you are conflating "marxist manipulators" with "everyone who disagrees with me" as if these are the same thing. Of course I always disagree with marxist manipulators, but there are plenty of other people with whom I have reasonable and civil disagreements that are founded in a mutual truth we are trying to find.

You just can't fucking stop being dishonest about everything can you?
>Also you are conflating "marxist manipulators" with "everyone who disagrees with me" as if these are the same thing
You're the one doing that by calling random people marxist manipulators in an argument about whether warhammer lore is gay or has always been gay or was never gay. Marxists are psychopaths who want to kill me and take my stuff, but they're not related to this.
> it's begun with 40k now with the inclusion of female custodes

You haven't been paying attention, you're just programmed lol

Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:

Previous Thread: >>92714895

Thread Question: What's the worst and best terrain for mecha?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oToxXgQHQV8&ab_channel=BlueMachine
City or inside city colony. Most destruction possible, civilians in danger, lots of cover, lots of room for story and war crimes and fucked up situations. Lots of reasons to fuck shit up or try to mitigate damage and collateral.

Space by far. Empty bullshit of nothingness and basically just a shit backdrop. Gundam going into space is the worst part of everything, and it holds true in RPG's as well. Just boring long range laser spam shit with no cover.

This Thing? Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>How To Start A Tau

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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There's a reason it portrays all the faggots and queers as unequivocally evil (Slaanesh, DE) or pathetic failures (Eldar)
Gib traitor guard to world eaters.
Don’t think so, though the twink skitarii guy got bullied away.
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Where do I even start with all this new lore about Guilliman coming back to life and getting an Eldar waifu?
I am so out of date with the lore its not funny anymore where should I start to actually get caught up with what is current and what is not?
I think you should be ashamed for having saved this and embarrassed for having reposted it.

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Your character has revelead to him in a dream that he is, in fact, the long-lost sibling of the local Over-Deity trapped in mortal flesh.
Time to get cultivating.
My character gets away from the kingdom as quickly as possible, pulls out a foldable camping chair, grabs a few beers and watches on top of a hill as the Kingdom goes to shit because the Emperor went mad
Cool. I make a point of the fact that my character forgets contents of the dream soon after waking, and maintain that my character is completely ignorant of this revelation.
What? Everyone forgets what they dreamed about, it happens all the time.
Would worship do anything

>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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Always in the mood for mechs.Thanks for the jump.
Dragon King jump when?
JUMP #0098: Showa Era Super Sentai Part 1

Location: Japan April 5th, 1975
Age: rolled
Gender: Male
Origin: Villain
>Neo Kaijin (free)
>CRIME (free)
>Eradication (100)
>Bio Hunter (200)
>Dark Science (200)
>Tailed-Jumper Clan (300)

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Ranni is not a moon goddess, she the warlock of a moon deity

Talisa +600
Gender: Female
Origin: Villain
>Neo Kaijin (free)
>CRIME (free)
>Eradication (100)
>Bio Hunter (200)
>Jumper Mask (300)
>Freaky Outfit (free)

Heather +600

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Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92739515
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I will give from my collection. Can someone help me find a particular goblin art? A lady type goblin riding a boar, both are dressed in some finery. Merchant looking, maybe.

Worth the climb, a sight for sore eyes, it's the Look Out Edition of the board games general.

Previous Thread: >>92733289

>Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

>It's human nature to love what you don't have
Which game are you interested in getting, despite the red flags?

Which game needs a makeover?
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lol. I played Neanderthal ONCE with my gf to see its shit. Then I forced her to play a few more times just to be sure.
I would almost call the game unplayable.
I wouldnt call the game bad...you just have to take it for what it is. I mean, its the equivalent of drawing all the 4ops in Twilight Struggle
I like Greenland too. It is, objectively, mechanically shit. It's just a fun little 'roll to see what happens' thing.
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>its the equivalent of drawing all the 4ops in Twilight Struggle
While holding the china card
I played the neanderthal with your gf too, HOO.

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Guy Dance Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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Guidance is always good to have on hand for skill challenges (excluding social ones unless someone is doing it subtly) such as picking a lock, climbing a cliff and the like, so long as its done so sparingly.

On an unrelated note, would a 7 Battlemaster Fighter using a rapier with further levels leading into Swashbuckler Rogue work well at later levels? The sneak attack from simply being within 5 feet as well as on the Riposte and Brace Maneuvers, given expertise in 2 skills and Cunning Action seem fairly worth it. Pair it with something like Sentinel and it would be even more so.
>tfw all the characters you want to play either dont exist or are just another type of wizard

goddamn I am so bored of wizard and its bland fucking subclasses
3 level dip for a mainly swashbuckler rogue is cool because you get many more ways to attack enemies with your reaction which you then can sneak attack with
but why would you want to dip at level 7? wouldnt you want to get to 11 for the feats and extra extra attack?

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Bugmen Edition


Previous thread: >>92759150

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: What kind of game are you playing at the moment?
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Summoner with Construct Eidolon and Meld into Eidolon? We'll have yet to see what Starfinder 2 does with the pilot. Maybe, an Archetype, similar to the Cavalier.
You will still be targetable by enemies; the build would look more like your picrel where, mechanically, you're using the companion/eidolon as a mount rather than being fully encased inside.
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I might as well pose the question more seriously this time:

Let's say I want to give ancestry natural attacks a relatively minor buff if they're taken on a class with martial weapons, to make them feel less like a lame ribbon that wastes a feat, what's a reasonable rule of thumb? Obviously something that's just 1d4 finesse agile should get the dice bump to 1d6, if it's a claw/bite/horn, but what about a bite that's already 1d6? Or even the odd 1d8 natural attack? Add something like trip or shove for those? The catfolk heritage that's 1d6 agile finesse claws would make sense to add versatile P? The ranged unarmed strikes probably don't need a ton of help given they're actually pretty unique, but maybe you could add 10 ft to their range increment?
have fun reloading that

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Com Guard reinforcements arrive on Wolf front (Day 13 of Operation Scorpion) edition

Last Thread: >>92769817

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I feel that your argument that I don't like what BT is SUPPOSED TO look like is... misplaced. For instance take Pic related.
Lets say I like Orcs, but I prefer the new art for them. By your logic, I do not like Orcs, as they do not look like pig men. I'd argue that me having a preference for monstrous, more unique looking orcs is my preferred interpretation.
Same goes for the archer, I like the idea of lumbering through a landscape and letting twin LRM20s fire on either side of my cockpit just as much as the next guy, but I have an easier time picturing it using the new art. Feels heavier, firmer, more like that abrams I posted and less like a Star Wars droid.
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>by your logic, I do not like orcs, as they do not look like pig men
That's correct, you do not like the orcs of a setting where they're supposed to look like pig men.
Saying you think LoTR's orcs would look better if they were more similar to warhammer's orcs would mean you don't like LoTR's orcs. Saying you think the archer looks better when it doesn't look like an archer means you don't like the archer.
Matt plog actually made some of the best art for mechs, vehicles and battle armor. Detailed, well textured, doesn't look like they're made from a bunch of plastic panels glued together.
Shimmy's art direction is simplified to look closer to the models, but art is meant to be the true ideal, it should not be compromised to match the physical models.
It is occasionally the case that shimmy will take one of alex's designs and dumb it down to better fit something that will match a model.
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I'm not shimmy anon. I just don't get unreasonably butthurt about minor changes to mech designs to make them have a uniform design aesthetic so that they all look like they're actually from the same tech base instead of whatever random anime the line devs watched that particular day back in the 80s.

As anon already pointed out >>92780414, modular armor panels fits far more than just the random polygons we got in most of the old art. I personally don't particularly care. I prefer most of the newer art on account of it actually looks better, and I'm not wedded to designs from the 80s that are physically incapable of moving their joints, or are so askew from failed perspective that they don't actually work as physical objects.
>modular armor panels
Is that what he's trying to do? Because it's not working.
Most of the panels are completely different shapes that wouldn't allow you to swap one for the other, it'd be more like
>hello, kali yama
>yes, I need another second from the top, left torso panel for my hunchback, thanks
You don't need to be dishonest and make up excuses for shimmy, "I think battletech looked bad" is enough.

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Play Shadow of the Demon Lord by Robert J. Schwalb
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Like this >>92778683 would not happen, ever, if the game didn't have the 12+ mentions of weird shit involving literal shit. And from what you guys are saying the game itself as-played in 99% of cases would be no different whether or not the literal shit rules were included or not. So the inclusion of the literal shit shit was definitely a net loss and makes people more likely to pass on the game IMO.

If you ever end up writing your own game I would say do not include a dozen plus mentions of random rules and descriptions involving feces.
It's pretty clear that there is a supernatural element making you to take that sanity damage as it's a class ability.
NTA but SotDL lacks a traditional class system in favour of a tiered system. You get a Novice "Path" at level 1 which is a broad archetype (Magician, Priest, Rogue, Warrior). At 3 you get an Expert which is more specialised and flavourful than a Novice is, and these are more like traditional classes in theme and mechanics (Wizard, Berserker, Assassin, Paladin, etc). Then at 7 you get a Master Path which is a specialisation (Infiltrator, Necromancer, Exorcist, Weapon Master, Diplomat, etc). As you progress in tier your options expand too, in the core book you've got 4 Novices, 16 Experts, and 64 Masters. There are no restrictions and Warrior > Fighter > Blade is just as valid as Magician > Assassin > Brute

SotDL is built to allow any combination you want and for you to still end up competent. It's generally harder to make a bad PC than a good one, and that's intentional because a large part of this game is choosing your Paths based on your story and experiences in game. SotDL has a big focus on narrative and you're given as much freedom as you could possibly want in how you represent all of that. There are synergistic choices, but hyper-specialised builds have their own drawbacks. The game's largest flaw is also here too. Because of how access to magic works if you take a magic Path without having magic at Novice you are likely to underperform by a fair bit (SotWW fixed that though)

The martial caster balance is done really well. Martials are tankier, more survivable, harder hitting, and get better access to boons. Casters are far squishier, while their damage isn't always as good they get a lot of AoE or multi-target attacks, they get more access to affliction application, you have a lot more versatility and utility but your lack of boons means banes hit you way harder than a martial. Spells target attributes rather than Defence so you've got more to think about there, but attributes are typically lower than Defence which helps offset the lack of boons
Damn Pixies tricking old men like myself!! She needs some kind of correction!!
I mean, I wouldn't like the game any more if it wasn't there and I'd rather the game be broad with content I don't want than narrow with only content I do want. If spergs want to be spergs about a game they don't play then they can do that. Why would I care if they want to talk about shit all day?

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Let's see what you got. I understand if you just want to forfeit before we've even started.
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The eternal Kowala
You deserve another Operation British
Don't make me bust out my gray and green (axis and allies) plastic army men and Bionicle combined arms platoon.

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