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Old >>35753257
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>Must be biscum
him? no he's just a gay bottom.
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Alright then /gaygen/
How's this for a photo of myself?
shove your hasbara up your ass rabbi
you guys are trying very hard to make me straight

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shes losing it lmfao
no she's just making fun of the trannies who refer to her by her first name when they think they're clapping back to her with some shit about "ummm didn't you put a magic trannification potion in your books?"
she seems mad

prev: >>35752831

cartoon edition
qott: do you have a favorite cartoon/did you growing up?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion

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argh this "they" sounds mysterious and I hate them more and I think maybe it's a conspiracy and I'm going to go postal about it
wouldn't what you're after be better categorised as diversity? representation is for individuals to feel nice abt and diversity allows that representation to affect a wider range of people? and provide some more interesting stories to tell too.

like im all for diversity in media even if it doesn't bring me any representation.
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Does nobody want the account?? It's like 15 dollars for 1 month of sub I think it's nice to get it for free
I think they're overlapping concepts, if you increase one get the other and vice versa, representation can matter to you for the reason that it diversifies media, diversity can matter to you because it increases the people that are represented
Alright I'm at the place for brunch. Wish me luck girls. First date in months.

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Boardgame edition
Previous thread: >>35737155
QOTT: What's your favourite boardgame
The suicide thoughts never leave
My fav board game is prolly chess.
same it's just so hard to see a future as a manmoder

I really enjoyed doing chess puzzles and learning about openings as a kid but never really played the game
i hate boardgames

mtf anons, whats your top 5 kinks??
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well atleast you are loyal good job anon
I like it when ftms dress up and act like little girls.
The bar was 10 feet underground and I didnt even notice it was there, good job me though i guess
1. Ageplay (mommy/boy. I'm mommy. Switch)
2. CNC (sub bottom)
3. Petplay (sub bottom)
4. Bondage (arms + legs, mouth can be gagged. I can be blindfolded too. Sub bottom)
5. Getting choked/hair pulled
>t. mtf
abdl, d/s, mindbreak, primal play, subtle exhibitionism

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Tranners, I am offering a findom opportunity. I am old money will become the sugar daddy of one lucky transgirl who is willing to do brap asmr.
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Be more specific. Is it about farting into the mic or is it more proper ASMR where I talk about farting on you?
the farts need to pass for a girls
What's the initial offering? And will there be a contract of sorts to be honored? If so, please elaborate upon them.
oh fuck yes
>brap asmr
oh fuck no
Finally, my stupid lactose intolerant digestive system is about to do something good for once

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how do i stop being a slutty boy? i think sex is gross but as soon as a guy shows me any positive attention i can't think anything else other than choking on his cock and bending over for him....
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It's parasites anon.
repressed memories are made up
this is just cope against the natural reality that sexuality is actually fluid, rather then binary
nooooo you've got to stop sucking dick man, it's the jeeeeeewwww they're telling you to do this, you have to find god and worship the side that lost world war 2
Ww2 was lost by atheists
Look, trust the (((science))) as much as you want, its unnatural and its a disease, but it can be cured

Complaining thread
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Can you elaborate on that? I'm not quite understanding what you mean
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I genuinely think most gay men are straight up pedophiles. All this twink shit, all this calling an adult male a "boy" (as in for example fem"boy"), all this behaving like youre an stupid child for shake of "cuteness", all this fetish to want a not hairy, smooth-skinned boys. I'm so fucking fed up with this. Is it because I used to be young and desirable and now I'm not anymore? Possible. Is it because when I was 14, I got what I wanted from an older man and now not anymore? Possible. What I'm trying to say is, that this whole thing is ill from the ground up. Maybe it's nature, maybe the Greeks did this 2000 years ago too, but I don't fucking care. It's sick. Hetero couples at least have a tiny chance they can grow old together and be happy, but being a bottom is constant rat race against time, which is just rigged against you, because some day youll not be desirable anymore and you can go kill yourself. YOU EITHER HAVE THE APPEARANCE of an 14 year old, because you are ACTUALLY 14 years old or you try to maintain the looks and behavior of an 14 year old, but either way, you cant maintain that forever. all of this "gay culture" boils to looking and behaving like an 14 year old, in hopes a pedophile man (ALL men are pedophiles) fucks you. completely deranged nature and there is nothing we can do about this. even those who pretend they prefer old, ugly, hairy, mature men would still choose a cute boy over that, no matter what. i dont believe those "bara" type anything.

thanks for coming to my ted talk. all gay men are pedophiles. see you in the next one.
glad to know my bump was wasted
in a dissociative crisis none of my family calls i don't have any friends i don't have a therapist, i feel like my mind is dying and like i could any day now just stop waking up and become a vegetable

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott: how often do you like to cuddle? how long do you like to cuddle for?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35727808
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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Ask to meet her mom outside of church. Why does it have to be there?
ghost and block her number
need a religious wife so bad...
the mom?
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommy gfs!

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why can't all troons be this cute? if you weren't ugly rabid rapehons there would be no trabsphobia
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hons are a by product of transness in general, theyre as deeply rooted in the concept as gluttony is in americans
>"just murder ugly people who do things you perceive as problematic"

My oh my, what a weird thing to say officer shekelstein.
hon detected, die
ugly people were designed by God to die off

Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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I hate telling my psychiatrist that I'm still depressed. he clearly has this expectation that I'd be cured by now and is confused that repeatedly doubling my dose isn't fixing me, and as stupid as it is I feel obligated to lie and say it's working. I've kind of been trying to believe it myself and holding onto hope that it actually will start working.
Gonna post some advice that's helped me and maybe it will help you guys
Whenever some small misfortune befalls you, like if you drop a glass and break it, just tell yourself: "This misfortune is the price I pay for my own peace of mind, I've traded this glass as payment for peace of mind." You can scale this up to however large a misfortune you like, though there are some things that probably should concern you. I find that thinking this has helped me stop being so anxious whenever things go badly.
It doesn’t sound like your psychiatrist is treating you well.

Has he (or maybe a therapist he works with) talked to you at all about non-medical interventions that help with depression like going outside, exercising or socializing? Medication has a place in treating depression, but it’s not the only thing you should do.

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J.K. Rowling has updated the terminology for trans women, and now seems to refer to them as "crossdressing straight men". Thoughts?

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worst case of tds ive ever seen
gunther's calling us out
Well, for whatever it's worth the boarding school setting always made me uncomfortable. Not for the reasons you state (I don't know anything about the history you're referring to even now, never mind as a kid), but I'd gone through enough interpersonal trauma by the time I read the first book as a 12 year old that the idea of being around people 24/7 made my skin crawl.
gunther eaglewoman
Imagine being a foid and thinking an AGP is an equal

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cant keep a good thing dead
im not either of the past tier list anons , but i got the files from the original guy .
i made some changes and added some more tripfags from recenr threads
i wont be modifying this tierlist further so dont bother requesting changes , it is what it is

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> yay same row with Snurly ^^ thanks anon bless you )*
You're a babe kassa. You're one of the ones i wanna hold roughly against against my throbbing dick every time i see your cute smile.
No idea at all but most likely a passoid
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Am I the only person with their hair tied up in these pictures and with no makeup?
so you managed to give me a name by linking my passgen to my rddit acc & then took the no makeup selfie as the tierlist picture. Its for sure not over
honestly i appreciate that you use your trip code to warn everyone ahead of time that you have bpd, although it would still be incredibly obvious regardless just from how you speak

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anyone here who gets MORE lesbian when they ovulate rather than less? curious about how people vary in these things.
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Wait, lesbians being attracted to men and having typical straight girl sex fantasies? How does that work? I thought lesbians were only attracted to women.
A lot of bisexuals insist on calling themselves lesbians.
>there’s an element of it based around the social interplay
how though? their interest in their partner, and their role sounds like a straight forward almost male driven sexuality to me. i don't see how it can be seen as meta when theyre interested in performing different roles
I get more horny, so it's quantitative rather than qualitative. That screencap is hilarious because why call yourself a lesbian when you're bi?

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previously: >>35655298

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: what kind of fantasy creature would you be?

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t
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You should really call a professional or something, those things are hell to get rid of
going to get her something for mother's day is that cringe
Only if you don't call her Mommy.
That's kind of the point actually

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