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>NHS patent constitution update due in 2025
>Both Tory and Labour health secretary's are vocally anti-trans
>Press talking about plans to add "single sex wards" to the patent constitution
>Would ban ALL trans people from BOTH sex wards
>Says that giving trans people their own room is not discrimination
>But we all know the NHS does not have spare rooms to put trans people on
Things are only going to ramp up in the next year with the election and moral panic raging harder than ever after Cass, it's already accepted in the NHS that trans people can be discriminated against in the form on "segregated healthcare". It's not looking good. We'll know if things are heading that way if the media suddenly starts hyper focusing on single sex wards, as it will want to manufacture consent and a mobilise a supporting campaign before the public consultation.

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i hope u had a good day and if u didnt i hope u have a great one tomorrow :3
I’m having a good day and it’s about to get better!
Hope you had a good day too anon!
I believe in you!
thanks boymoderchan

im still sick and im getting weaker from no food :( i need to get better soon i have to fly in 11 days
the filename means it's a repost and not them btw
im sure u will get better :3

how can hons just be so happy its not fair
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Why haven't you killed yourself yet or detrooned?

If you really had dysphoria you wouldnt/COULDNT subject yourself to this.

Dont be silly
its not they can just pretend to be girls and people accept it while i have to rot away with my brainworms
anon youre already better than all hons i meant the people that can girlmode while looking like men and still be joyful for some reason
>killed yourself
I tried. But I'm a coward.
How would that make dysphoria better?
I think that's a small minority of non-passers.
I think most are miserable, they just don't make quirky reddit posts about gender euphoria.
>How would that make dysphoria better?
I meant socially detroon tbf.

I originally started HRT with the belief that I was too lateshit and couldnt pass (I was 18). But HRT still calmed the immense mental anguish of testosterone and provided some physical benefits. Actually becoming a hon would have been a fate worse than death, a fate worse than just repping. But after a year I realized I could pass and went forward with it. I certainly would have never gone forward with it if I couldnt pass and Im permanently perplexed by people who do. So thats my question I guess. Why is being a hon better than boymoding on HRT?

I would have simply repped until inevitable suicide. Hondom would have only accelerated suicidality.
Happy hons have severe autistic face blindness. Sometimes they eventually realise something is off then get mega sad and off themselves.

Then there are fully aware gloom hons who stay alive through pure stubbornness and spite.

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1. you can't draw what you want before you have the fundamentals
2. "a month" doesn't communicate density of practice (or even the type of practice), hence the question

there is a difference between a plateauing artist feeling self-conscious about their work, vs. a new artist not being able to draw straight lines, parallel lines, circles, ovals, lines of their choosing at scale, anatomy, perspective... really, what a retarded reply. i typed this on mobile without any fancy fast typing methods, so it especially wasn't worth the effort. so way to troll me in case you claim you were only pretending to be retarded instead of being insecure and dick-measuring against someone literally at the starting line and unable to even walk yet, let alone run
41% don't
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mtf, am i gonna make it?
shiki is incredibly fembrained unfortunately.
Can you give him little eyes and a smile and a lightning bolt

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How often do you have sex with other transwomen?
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Hm, never? I'm neither a whore nor a disgusting hon
not since i was molested by one
i have sex with cis women and cis men only
never, I despise polyhons and I'm either too ugly or too much of a repper to get with the normal ones. I have a huge crush on the tranny in a few of my classes tho
HSTS transbians are just closeted gay men.

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Hi qott - whats your favorite car? I like the civic del-sol.
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what would you want to wear?
idk really. i have no fashion sense.
so what im hearing is goth
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Nothing hurts more than being bald after long exposure to T. I lose my will to live everytime i see it in the mirror, i would literally give up my organs as long as im killed of painlessly if it helped another manmoder with ffs or hrt.
How will you cope with the realization that you traded your perversions for a good education and job? I study at the university and started HRT, I can’t imagine how funny I will look, being accepted as a guy and perceived as a guy, I will receive a diploma as a guy looking like a girl. How can I wash myself away from this shame? I simply won’t survive this pressure, how people will look at me and laugh behind my back. Plus, I live in a country where transgender people, as a rule, do not leave their homes and do not interact with society in any way, which is doubly difficult for me

How come sometimes I see a man in the mirror and sometimes I see a woman even tho nothing changed and I logically look the same both times?
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Yeah if the options are big hairy man and estrogenized eunuch, I'd prefer being an estrogenized eunuch lol
i think there was a woman in Australia that they found a worm in her brain
Well I know that could happen but I'm talking about brain worms that make you hate yourself
yes i love him dearly i will never deworm
every moment of every day, i'd take that trade deal

even if i am still 100% convinced i'll die alone, reduction in dysphoria is objectively beneficial to my well being

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>in denial of passing
>post in passgen to confirm my bias
>move to area that's hella transphobic after living in tranny meca for the first years of my transition
>don't get misgendered or discriminated against
>have guys hitting on me when I walk back to my apartment
>still in denial
>talk to other trans people here
>they get denied housing
>denied employment
>misgendered constantly
>start feeling bad about my brainworms
this board really does fuck up your perception of reality, doesn't it?
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>I'm very direct like that anon.
no, no weren't direct at all, actually. you didn't ask if they were a trip; you assumed they were one. that implies it is more likely they are one than not, so much so that it isn't even worth operating as if they aren't one. it's like seeing a transbian and saying you wonder how her polycule is going. you don't even phrase it as a question. but turns out you were right to assume, so your presumptuousness worked out for you
well even when I was overweight, I got asked out while just getting gas. but idk it's kind of uncomfortable even if validating. like I'm pretty sure I got drugged when I went to a bar alone once but I left bc I thought I was really drunk despite not having many drinks. kind of an eye opener and I get why women go out in groups now.
yeah maybe after I get ffs, then I could get compliments or something but at that point idk it isn't worth the awkwardness of eventually having to explain to people why I used to post on 4chan when my photos inevitably get searched using AI
Are you always so analytical? What's your prescription for your eyeglasses? Tell me
don't blame the board, you're just retarded

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Just saw my aunt post this on Facebook. Why does society hate us so much for no reason?

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It is their rightfully homeland.
If you disagree then I don’t believe trans-women are real women or trans-men are real men.

I don’t think you want to play this game anon.

Better just mind your own business and shut the fuck up. Jews have survived for thousands of years, you don’t want to fuck with Jews. Trust me baby.


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I will stop shitposting about the jews and israel when ben shapiro and all the other neo-con jews stop attacking trannies on a daily basis
i don’t care what u see me as, so no. that piece of land is palestine, israel is the christian church, not a country. and modern judaism is rev 3:9
Die zionist pig
Your bullshit is literally empowering nazi rhetoric to rise again in the US, and those same people fucking hate us trannies.

You shouldnt have exploited weimar and you shouldnt be exploiting the US now.

t. tranny
calling contemporary hebrew made up is so retarded lol. we've literally been speaking hebrew prayers for millenium
>Jews have survived for thousands of years, you don’t want to fuck with Jews. Trust me baby.
I think you have it the wrong way around. You don't want to fuck with tranners. We're like Jews except you physically can't exterminate us because we're in every ethnicity across all ages. I'm one of the few awake to this fact. I'll be waking more up soon.

Try new things Edition
previous: >>35286117

Goal of the thread: Try something new that is good for you. A dish, a form of exercise, a new activity.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Would it be enough if you had a community to share these things with, or would you prefer your friend group in its entirety to be in the know?
I think that's part of the reason I came here. I need somewhere to put it out into, but I can't do so publically. Doing so while anonymous obscures who I am or what I've gotten myself stuck on this time. It's not like I'm getting trapped on thoughts that are not morally sound - no, I follow a rigid code of conduct to prevent this, which is in itself a sign of the disorder - but the implication that it might be morally un-sound is what keeps me from talking my head out of it to someone who can rationalize it.
Though, I do wonder if my specific behavioral patterns would keep me from being able to form a bond with a community of people with OCD. I am both equally attempting to fix the issue and never leave the compulsions, since they have not "lead me astray" (in that they have not allowed the obsessions to win.)
I am simply delusional at the core, I guess. The stupidest thing I get stuck on is "if I hear specific songs from 1978-1981 in public, I will suddenly stop being a gay male and become a straight man," which I hope illustrates how stupid it is.
I'm about to go to bed, but know that I've seen this. If the thread survives until morning, I expect to see you here too.
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i got to rest a lot today and it was very nice. my roommate is out of town so i have the room to myself and can girlmode :3

thanks siganon, hope ur doing well <3
love you too junko <33
ai generated art arc
>I'm the type to only have sex with someone I'm emotionally invested in.
Same but I would do the transbian to you.
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Post theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGkee6F10W8

>Could you try to verbalize the thought processes holding you back from engaging with people? Is it something tangible you can put into words?
It is pretty hard for me to verbalize my feelings, yeah.

I don't know, honestly. I guess in my sobriety I've grown tired of failing socially. It was pretty easy to socialize when I was kind of drunk all the time. Before the drinking, I was really extroverted, with a magnetic personality. I had similar hobbies to what I have now but I was a lot more passionate about them back then. Nowadays I find it difficult to even lay down a simple drum beat let alone compose an entire track. I'm pretty bad at verbalizing what I do in my hobbies. I just know things, I guess, and fumble when it goes from an action to a conversation. I haven't sat down and watched a good movie in ages. I spent the past 2-3 years watching hollywood slop because that's all I could process in my drinking. A shame, my ex is a cinephile and so was I. It was a mutual thing we loved. I missed the chance to show her who I was, wasted in exchange for PBR and a conflagration of furious intimacy. It was fun while it lasted, I just wish I created something that lasted. She herself even told me she doesn't know what to say to me, and that the only thing she liked about me were my looks. When asked, "What do you like about me?" she blankly stared in silence before saying "Well, you're really hot."
A holographic romance, it all was. I still miss her.

I guess I'm just afraid that I can't live up to the person I used to be. Everything was so easy before. Now it all feels impossible. I couldn't handle going to AA/NA meetings anymore. Everyone is so... Happy... And they talk about... things... I don't know what people talk about. I'm not surrounded by people who are essentially copies of myself. Everything and everyone is so strange outside of my cones of vision.

To summarize, I think I'm boring nowadays.

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Pure Unabashed Joy edition

qott: what makes you happiest? :3 :D

previous: >>35553140
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Same here, but NOVA, the Tristate, or Hellscape?
Tristate, it’s as awful as people think
Shit, let's admit it in then. I'm some suburban NJ PATH train twat. What Borough for you?
Holy fuck I’m from NJ too
Add my disc, it’s BoyGutz
I live in NJ. I'm going to find you.

What's the best regimen for transitioning?
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How so? What’s the risk? A lot of people do it
About C cups and had girl skin after 8 months
Did it because I was going to kill myself if i had to live as a man any longer
I took it for about 3 months and ate whatever I wanted. no exercise desu
about to sit down and spend time with hubby. not in the mood to get up and take pics
So i should lose weight and just take it until i gain about 20 pounds back and stop? I thought it causes cancer
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i wouldn't take it longer than 6 months continuously. it's best to lose all the weight you can then take it while exercising and doing cardio. you'll gain it in the right places and it'll look better.
i can't seem to lose weight easily anymore. feels like I'm stuck at 170 without a major diet change and exercise. it's a double edged sword
on 2nd thought here's a thighs pic towards the end of taking pio
>i can't seem to lose weight easily anymore. feels like I'm stuck at 170 without a major diet change and exercise.
Yeah that's likely. Your body adapts to stress, once your body adapts you have to add a new source of stress to keep it adapting. If you've lost 20% of your body weight then you're using 20% less calories in your day to day.

There's always going to be plateaus but if they go for more than a month or two you need to change it up.

NTA. Looking good btw. And the rest of your advice is sound. Hit your target weight, overshoot a little bit, then come back up and cycle.

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Bodies of /lgbt/
at this hour?
post bussy
waiting for taste little faggots

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How do chasers feel about their new found representation?
Pic related, the show is called Baby Reindeer.
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>t doesn't cause rage tho
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It’s a good show with queer rep, am I not supposed to post about it?
Correct. You are not.
You don't even belong here. All you've done is prove /ftmg/ is exactly the theyfab shitfest I thought it was.
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I’m hot at least

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