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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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>>7165798 level 8 plap
>>7165799 plap
>>7165800 mmmmh
>>7165880 add form to the lips, belly looks weird, boobas look antigravity
>>7165885 plop
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So I finally decided to draw something without relying on references, and it turns out setting up a scene is hard. Does this pose look okay or I better drop it for now?
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Coloring time
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plain pose or not?
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don't h8

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The eternal debate. Which side are you on?
Just fucking draw

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i would like to ask something at the cost of being called a retard
what exactly IS gesture drawing? i read about it, i looked at a few examples and then used a website that shows various pictures to do it myself, and picrel is one of the things that came out of it, very rough and ugly as i had to do it in 30 seconds, is this gesture drawing or just a scribble? i read that it is about the "flow" of the movement but i'm not quite sure how to represent such a thing
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Could start with something as simple as this, as long as you accurately get the FEELing of what the pose looks like. if that makes sense. Feel free to add on or correct
Yeah, that's more or less what I meant, just make sure that when you draw the limbs over it they retain the flow/curvature of the line, which you did relatively well except the lower part of the arm. But don't worry it's a common beginner mistake to stiffen your gestures as you add more details, just something you'll get better at after doing dozens/hundreds.
I'd recommend looking at art others made, you'll notice that even after adding all the details, they kept that dynamic gesture instead of being fully accurate with anatomy. Picrel for example, look at the lower leg, it's completely curved, and the other leg has that sort of "spring" shape I was explaining. They sacrificed some realism to keep dynamism and motion. Sometimes if the pose is right you can even make some of these curves longer, again looking at the lower leg, instead of it being 2 lines (upper lower), it's all a single swift motion. Hell, in this case, that same line can extend all the way up the back and to the head. This is the kind of stuff you aim to capture in gesture: movement, weight, strength. And when adding details over it, you want to keep that as much as possible.
>olympics pictograms
i looked them up and i think i get it a bit now, thanks
maybe if i find a statue irl i'll doodle something too
currently reading that
i try to draw at least 10-15 of those random images per day, sometimes i find myself stopping the timer because i take too long though
i can try, i like how it looks but it's a bit hard to see what's actually happening
i see, thank you
don't stop the timer since it's meant to hone your ability to see and think
i would say more than half of the drawing you do begins before you put pencil to paper
even if you're doing 30 second poses you're better off devoting more than half of that time to taking the pose in and planning the couple strokes you have time for since speed comes with experience
also do more life drawing instead, even if it's the gesture of a household pet or people walking outside
If you are asking this question you need to find a way less dark pic so you can actually see the body that you are drawing. You are not at a point where doing a gesture of a picture like that would be helpful.

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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7139494

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga

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I'm not overly concerned about leaving information unexplained (such as the leeches), the main issue I see with this chapter is that it... doesn't go anywhere... as a reader, I have no clue where the story is heading, I don't know if it's a mystery, adventure, comedy, etc...
Your art is very good so not a problem with that.
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Weebs, please recommend me some mangaka known for his composition. Even if his drawings aren't Murata-tier, as long as his composition is solid, it'll do. Someone that draws in unconventional angles and often has three or more characters interacting at the same time. Preferably something that isn't action, but thriller/romance/drama.
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Death Note consistently had large rooms full of the investigators going over plans and plots and stuff like that.
Urasawa Naoki comes to mind immediately, though unconventional angles is a bit vague (12 angry men was kino though)
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Chapter 4 panel for AECAST. Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't rename it from "The Citadel Part III" to "Naomi's Fucking PISSED."

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Is 23 too late to learn how to draw? My main goal is to be able to paint my dreams and landscapes
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The only thing you’re retarded for was making me think you posted your work.
I peeked at the @ and can’t find much unique from what she has to offer. Her kind of style is pretty commonplace for western Xitter coomers and you can find tons of better hentai artists to idolize.

Hispanics on Newgrounds can do that soulful cartoonish toothy grin expression especially better
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>is X too late for Y
The best time to start was always 10 years ago, the second best time to start is now
yea it's over
This. Remember X amount of years ago when you asked yourself the same question and gave up? You would've made it by now if you persisted.
No, it's never too late. But get a teacher or a mentor. Otherwise you'll progress as fast as that guy: >>7164036. No offense but 3 years for that is incredibly slow.

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>get off from work (corpocuck job)
>too tired to draw
i thought it was just a meme but now i understand, this is awful
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It is. I’ve wasted away my 20s all for what? Working in an office going through all of that. I was in the office from 8AM waaaay before any supervisor was on the production floor. 8AM and leaving at 9PM on fridays and looking back they probably never paid me for that shit. They took advantage of me because at the time I had no car so it wasn’t like I could go look for another job. It was just down the road from my house which made it convenient. I did have other jobs that I had to get on the bus (and getting on the bus is its own torture I can talk about) or I had to ride my bike out for miles and miles…making a paycheck, only to then give what little money I made for “rent” to my parents at $12 an hour (every job I had paid this little). 10 years out the window for what? It’s little wonder why I don’t have barely any will left and want out completely to just work on my art.

I’d do gig work like doordash part time but I’m so afraid of the future of gig work and the expenses it entails but if immigrants are coming here making it doing that I don’t see why not. Just need only a few hours a week to cover basics.
every job* before the pandemic. If it wasn’t for the elites intentionally fucking up the world my life would still go on like that. It’s crazy.

All depends on how you see your life. Can't say I've lived at my greatest potential, but I don't look back thinking I should have done this. I'm happy where I am, even though I've made big mistakes.

> WASTED 20's

I get it. I was chasing a dream that never existed for 10 years. But at least it served as some form of motivation. Now I do art to get things off my mind instead of finding a career or vain purpose for it.
Anyone doing it full time right off the bat means that they are extremely good and got plucked up early or their parents have money.

Everyone else is working.
I have heard "You should have been an artist" so many fucking times. I'm in my late 30s still working a 40 hour a week job in retail, and I have been working this way since I was 15. Most of my artwork has been doodles or drawings of pets and people for family and friends, but it is depressing to realize that in my 20s I thought some guy with big connections in art was going to see my stuff and get me into the business. What a fucking idiot I was for thinking that, I should have dedicated more offwork time to setting up job opportunities, but I was always so tired when I would get off from work, I would want to watch a movie or play vidya with friends.

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Previous thread >>7115012

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles are welcomed, and encouraged.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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I remember that pic, and the series made by the artist. I thought it was really cool at that time. So you're supposed to be 27 years old aprox? How do you get to reach that squizo level at that young age? I don't care who you are, I'm more interested in what do you expect from your immediate future. Do your generation have any aspiration in life at all? I'm thinking that this generation should be called "S" for sex and squizo. The 4chan generation. You were raised in this fucked up hyper reality, we may have build it, but you made it your home and world.
well for starters i would like to see you draw my pic in your style
odds and I cancel this furry art commission because this autist is way too fucking picky and is trying to befriend me and I'm a little desperate for money but I've got another one and fuck this fucking weirdo shit give me fucking odds now
evens I finish it
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how can I improve my chibi sucubbi?
Throw that thing in a AI and see what comes out of it.

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Studio Trigger ruined an entire generation of artists
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Style and designs
>get banned from /a/ by being a spastic pajeet in every dungeon meshi thread
>comes here to keep bitching instead of enjoying your vacation
Unironically seek help, youre deranged and mentally ill
I mean Trigger's art got a certain style and uniqueness to it, so I can understand the desire to emulate it. But other than the occasional bad Panty&Stockings-artstyle rip-off, I haven't seen that many artists emulate their style to agree with your statement that Trigger ruined an entire generation of artists.
Maybe I haven't looked deep enough into it. Got some examples to further explain your point?
Dont try to understand him. He is a schziophrenic indian that has a personal vendetta against studio trigger because Imaishi, Yoshinari and so on like western shows/comics
the only thing I see different from stuff like TTGL is the heavy usage and influence of european culture and folklore, environments and iconography on the designs and the world building.

I mean I'm biased, I love it ngl, its very much in the direction I want to develop, but TTGL already gave me the same feeling.

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I don't understand how can someone have such clean lines using graphite. Everytime I draw my lines end up chunky as hell, is it the pencil? Graphite size? I don't get it
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I can tell you are a beg.
>Nice clean lines anon, you got it,
you are blind
>OP picrel however, is digital.
you are retarded
You are a massive dunning kruger. Your lines are beg level crap.
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Mechanical pencil plus smooth paper? I dunno. It's easy.
That paper in your pic is bristol, but it's just thinner. >>7161817 is right, but they overreacted.

What is it about AI art that isn't quite right? Even with the very best ones that get made you can tell by looking more than two seconds that something's wrong but what exactly is it? I was talking to someone about this today but couldn't quite put it into words. It's something to do with the curving around edges of objects but there's more to it.
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Some of them are so boring that you cant tell. The ones that try to be more involved are the ones where it's most obvious.
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I was about to say something to this effect. I actually had wanted to agree with OP - because there's so much obvious slop out there - but then I looked through my sloppa folder of pieces I thought were relatively "good." I had literally only viewed most of these once at the time of saving, but reviewing them, frankly a lot of them might fool me today.
This looks like some Houtengeki/Ishikei crap. I'm sure some fag will ackchually me, but genuinely, if you're scanning for errors, you might be tricked. Especially if you cropped it to one girl - AI seems to suck at patterns and repetition. It's as if it "oversamples" patterns, if that makes sense, it's usually too uniform and perfect, where humans unavoidably tend towards imperfection. When there's minimal background or characters it tends to be more convincing. Probably why AI ero/hentai looks the best, it's often few characters on a blank or simple background.
if you're not* scanning for errors
good point but I'm not fully on board

first, reproducing art that is already "artifical" or mostly stylized like anime, abstract art and illustration will have less variance, because shapes and composition doesnt vary as much as in photographs, or hyperrealism. but that also means you cant prompt the variety of details you can with photographs. e.g. its easy to make something seem to be coated in oil or honey when gening photos but I'm pretty sure its harder for anime

second, you were wise to post a small image, I say if we would be able to zoom into the photo gens, we would most likely find small visual oddities which could never happen in nature (the sidewalk in the first image looks sus, also the text on the bus is completely unreadable)

I still think most humans are born with the ability to spot uncanniness and therefore AI art, but maybe only if you make them aware of the possibility first.
the lifeless expression in every fucking AI pic, perhaps?

Is this whats needed to make it as an artist nowaday?
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>better than 99% of /ic/
Yes, this is EXACTLY what is needed to make it faggot.
Can't tell if this is a guy or just a really unfortunate woman
It must be humiliating making a living off of drawing women with massive tits while you have smaller tits than the average guy
Maybe she gets off to that
OH FUCK! ... is that a guy?
Saruei did the same and now she's pretending to be a redpilled catgirl on the internet

Post overrated paintings. Here is that ugly painting of Lucifer beloved by edgelords and pussies who think it’s deep.
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Not overrated, it is the trope maker.

I love how character design principles have basically remained unchanged. Look at that boy's fiery, tangled red hair. It says everything you need to know about his mentality, his themes and role in the story. The angularity of his muscles and triangular brow reinforce the design, as well the wings obscured in shadow, the thorns and the single tear drop, signifying his emotionality, but not hysteria. The single tear indicates the presence of a strong emotion, but the fact that it is but one drop represents control. He is a troubled yet cunning edgelord that does not give in to rage or despair, but instead plots and schemes while suppressing his outward display of emotion. Pushed hard enough, perhaps he would crack and reveal the hysterical shrieking envy and jealousy and pride he holds within.

His hands clasped together with fingers pointing in different directions represents that his works are chaotic, dis unified. From his hands he brings disorder into Jordan Peterson's universe.

I also think that there is meaning behind the placement of his eye along the vertical line leading to his nipple but I am not high enough to understand it yet.
Bruh this is an objectively good painting. It's also not ugly. You're stupid.
This is the guy from the Joker movie
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It's a great painting but honestly I've always hated the way the arms are posed. You can see in his preliminary study a year before that the arm closest to us was crossing across the upper body and braced on a rock behind him while the other hand held his head. I understand why he made the changes he made but my god those clamped hands look stupid as hell the more I look at them.
>the stare is iconic
it's not

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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What are your thoughts on the depiction of the vulva in art? I'm interested in painting a nude of a woman from a photographer from whom I've gotten permission to use their work in my art, but I'm a bit hesitant about a particular photograph that shows the vagina in detail. In 99% of nude paintings that I see online, the vagina is not visible. In the paintings where it is visible, it's the focal point of the painting with the rest of the body being cropped out like in pic related.
I don't actually have anything against watercolors I just enjoy arguing but yes fuck digital
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lol, literally us
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I can feel my perishable skills slowly coming back. It's looking slightly less shitty. I'm remembering how to patiently shade with pen, but it's still hard to keep it up when I just want to finish the damn thing and move on.

If this wasn't in my journal I would've quit and started something else very early on.

When is it better to finish a piece and when it's it better to toss it?
Good God this is beautiful

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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.

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I keep trying to use this 8B pencil I was gifted but I really don't enjoy it.

Also I don't enjoy shading with a pencil, so I would appreciate any tips you guys have on the best way to indicate values with the least effort. I like painting more (and charcoal as well), but I have this weird urge to use this pencil even though I don't like it.

Do you guys stick to a medium that works or do you mix it up?
Charcoal is the best for trad shading in dry medium, methinks
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fun styles
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