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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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I once again ask if about Gladius and your opinions since mods deleted the last thread as they wouldn't recognise /vst/ if it elbow dropped them in the face.
I just remember the world building being boring.
It is very good. Fantasy Rome gladiator xcom.
You're the anon that asked about clearing Insect Ze, right? How was it? Were you successful? Honestly if we're okay with Unicorn Overlord General and like 3 separate shit-threads bitching about Manor Lord, hidden console gems like Gladius should be allowed.
It was a stereotypical Roman copy, but them adding Mongols/Huns into it was surprising. Too bad they never did a sequel.
>did a sequel
How would that even work?

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What went wrong?
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Yeah, I saw that video too.
the name should tell you everything. they went out of their way not to say Man. speaks volumes .
>This is your brain on being EOL
>If you ask a person what they like about a specific culture, they will never have a answer.
Your point, and reddit spacing, implies you're, as they say, toxic and arguing in "bad faith". A specific culture that I can't say I like much of.
I like that I don't need to bribe someone to get something done, I like modesty that rejects getting tattoos, I like a language that's not as atrocious as German or even Finnish. Did you know that a lot of the world doesn't believe in independence of family members or their property? I like cultures that do. They're the more advanced ones too.
>the complaints about culture swapping in this game always struck me as crypto-nationalist
The French do seem to not know if they do or don't want an identity.
Sweetie, it's Mankind.
If there wasn't the blue ginger knock-off in front, I would of told anon that's overthinking it... Yet, that is not the timeline we are in.
Also why do the west try to eradicate red heads? There's like zero in the OP's picture

>See on PDX forums that new Vic3 DLC is coming soon
>let’s see what the DDs are saying, wonder if it will make the game playable
>open up latest DD, see this fucking monstrosity

At this point I think the team in charge of the Vic3 UI is intentionally trolling people, this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. Especially for a game which claims to be a 19th century “historical” game. Prussian pattern looks like some African design, while Austria is apparently rocking a Hawaiian shirt
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I'm just happy there'll be support for textures as map fill colors
That's because every UI designer feels like they have to make something that's "theirs" nowadays or else they have no reason to keep their job.
At least the Russian one is readable but why change it from solid colours? How retarded do you have to be to try to do this?
How does this help me to navigate states and industrialise them properly rather than switch to laissez faire or click auto-expand on everything?
>Prussian pattern looks like some African design
You are encouraged to import a million Africans in order to prevent them from starving and to make GDP go up.
So what did you expect?

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>i will never understand how you don't understand that this isn't a good argument. oh well.
Have you ever noticed how astronomers never make claims like "this is the largest planet"? Instead they say things like "this is the largest planet in the known universe", or "this is the largest planet out of the regions of space we surveyed"? Can you understand how Murray's claim is different from that and why his "scientific method of quantifying human accomplishment" is bullshit?
Did you not check up on the source(s) of the information you posted?
>Can you understand how Murray's claim is different from that
shut the fuck up.
Seethe if you want but bait is bait.
well you can say it's bait but something completely true can be bait so that doesn't make it bad.

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Relic finally fixed their engine edition

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no it didnt, it only has 3 responses
I have 918 hours in Coh3 and I disagree
This is a series managed by people who have golden formulas but refuse to refine what works and instead try out something entirely different. So I lost hope that they'd ever look back on CoH2 or Coh1 and try to return maintenance.

I respect the continued support for Coh3 and hope they get the game up to speed in terms of not just technical aspects but game balance as well. At the moment though it's hard to pick the game up and play. I think that's why the player count still floats low for what ought to be the dominating sequel.

It doesn't help that a lot of CoH3's mistakes show that they did not keep any old staff around given how many balance issues were lessons that ought to have been learned in the previous two games.
but russians hate coh2 due to its truthful and accurate depiction of the red army
Coh 3 is an attempt to course correct after the steaming turd that was coh 2. Weirdly enough that steaming turd was around long enough to attract some flies, which are now complaining that coh 3 isn't also a steaming pile of shit.

Vanilla coh 1 before op fronts was the best coh. Coh 3 is a close second. Then coh 1 op fronts, then coh 2 in the gutter.

Those who doubt have no clue about the beautiful elegance dance of vcoh and just want to build up their retarded mega armies and watch things explode.

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Honestly it's looking pretty good with lots of anti-gookclicking features.
Looks like us RTS fans are finally getting a real sophisticated RTS.
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The writers for this game should be dissembled and reconstructed into biocircuitry.
Reporting in having played it, it feels better than the demo. It has improved.
It's not homeworld and both the story and gameplay are at fault.
>Woman in bodysuit growing giant
>Not hot at all
Why the fuck are there multiple minute long cutscenes out of gameplay focusing on individuals? Having the characters talk as the game continues against the ambience of space and your big ships slowly taking position or firing long ranged attacks is like the entire point. Why spend all that effort animating something that ultimately takes away from the game?
Because the focus of the story is on the women, not the Hiigarans as a people.
is modding actually locked out, or is that just what they tried to do but failed?

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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imagine being over 15 and saying "XYZ cant meme", lmao
i'll stop saying it when it stops being true.
post more big germanies just to make the schizo seethe
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I have the strangest feeling you wouldn't complain if someone said the right can't meme.
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>post more big germanies just to make the schizo seethe

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>title name and colour customisation
>CoA customisation
>custom faiths
>hybrid/divergent cultures
>architecture/fashion mix&match options
>achievements allowed with mods
Why did they never add these things back in CK2? Was player choice not respected back then?
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It plays like The Sims
Serious question, but is CK3 at least worth trying?
I tried playing a game of 2, but the 1066 start date devolves into overpowered crusades and the other early start dates have their own massive issues.
it's free on steam for the next 24 hours. You can try it yourself right now
>can't even pirate the new shit anymore without instantly getting my steam account banned
wdym? did something change?
Favorite ck2 start date?

What is it about the pike & shot era that scares strategy game devs so much? Literally more strategy games have been set in the Bronze Age than in the pike & shot era.
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Theres really only pike and shot and maybe some total war mods. I used to play a little flashgame sidescroller where you controlled a whole pike and shot formation, you could purchase more and more guys and specialists like Doppelsöldner with Zweihänder and halberds. Your enemies were bog standard fantasy creatures like orcs etc. It was pretty simple but entertaining for a while anyone might know the name ?
>the 16th and 17th century.
Probably the least well known european centuries right next to the couple hundred years between the dissolution of west Rome and the crowning of Charlemagne.
Probably part of it is that it's impossible to represent in a 1:1 manner and requires some degree of abstraction to properly depict something like an encounter between two mixed units like tercios. Pikes have been abysmal in every Total War made after Rome I, for example.
Fun fact, the Rocroi is one of the fucking smelliest cheese you have a vague chance to find in a normal supermarket.
No, this has nothing to do with the battle. Just wanna avoid others the potential trauma if you are visiting the region.
Isn't all Belgian-adjacent cheese odoriferous? Some people even feel that your bloomy cheeses smell.

What do (you) think of population mechanics for unit recruitment in Total War games? Bad gimmick or useful resource?
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Grognard kino.
The way it was tied to city size and economy was nice.
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Bad gimmick because modern devs are too retarded and brown to make them fun.
It's fundamentally flawed. You always start with very small armies, filled with levies and junk militia, and end up fielding massive legions of elite units. Paradox system is the same.
thats not population, thats recruitment which could easily be solved with unit caps or doing it via Med 2
I heard master of strategy is a kino mod

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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true but i got the torrent myself, don't shame a man for wanting to increase his ratio
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disregard, maybe you two were made for each other
how do you change the font

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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>claims that the legion is the most gay friendly faction in the game
>gets btfo
>uhhhh actually the one story about a gay legionnaire that was terrified of being discovered and killed means the legion was very gay
>also I wrote gay fanfiction about Caesar and Arcade
>implying he had one
It's a bastardisation of Hegelian dialetics, yes, but otherwise spot on.
If the new Fallout TV show is anything to go by he might have achieved his civilisational synthesis, just not with the NCR considering how the Brotherhood seems weird now.
>this BoS chapter doesn't use energy weapons
>very few women in its ranks with zero of them being knights despite the fact women being knights and paladins has always been a thing in both east and west coast bos chapters
>this is important because knights in this chapter are literally treated like feudal lords with their squires basically being serfs to them
>this chapter blood eagles traitors for some reason
>knights brand their squires
>some knights don't seem to know how to properly use their power armor and bail on their missions because they want to kill something
>violent hazing rituals for new recruits
>they consecrate their armor and refer to technology as relics
>the guy running the whole show literally calls it a legion
>promotes maximus for having 10 LCK and also for being openly power hungry
>maximus almost gets summarily executed multiple times in the show without a trial
>everyone has legionesque latin names despite that never being a staple for the brotherhood

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What the fuck, haven’t watched the show because bmwf casting (yes I’m a chud) but it sounds like they actually made the brotherhood way cooler than it is, in any of the games. I wish the brotherhood leaned into a much harsher and religious style like that. In fallout 3 they are just neoliberal libtards, fallout new vegas and 4 they are just a chud paramilitary
Why did the show turn this BoS chapter into discount Space Marines?

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what's the best/easiest TW game to get into?
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Lmao nigga actually filtered by Attila
I got a key on indiegala.com, worked just fine, already have 30 hrs in it.
compared to what, rome 1? take off your nostalgia googles, modded rome 2 is the superior way of playing Rome era TW
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I wonder how those naval highways work. Having sea battles would be better, but the AI is usually so incomptent at patrolling their shores (invading Britain on the first 5 turns in ETW is easy as fuck) that this might be somewhat of an improvement.
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>dogshit combat
>great campaign

>dogshit campaign(s)
>the bestine battles in strategy games


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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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>So many that nobody knows wtf is being added
>Keeps boating up the mod
>Changed minas tirith walls to be white
I love lazy modders
>Be me
>plan to marry into the Southern Empire eventually
>right before I’m a true vassal, Ira is married off to some random Aserai noble
It was only a few years into the game as well wtf. So much for carefully marrying your sole child and heir off. That’s fine though, I now own 6 fiefs (3 cities 3 castles) within the Southern Empire while everyone else has 2 or less fiefs. Idk why the ai loved me enough to allow me to obtain so many fiefs, but I’m so stupidly fithly rich it’s actually a pain in my ass to spend my money and I stopped bothering to ransom prisoners and looting battlefields (expect for very good loot or war mounts).
Is Legacy of the Dragon?
No, is Patrick
>I want to play Warband
>Start new game
>Make character
>Choose banner
>Pick starting city
>Kill mugger
>Talk to trader
>Arrive on world map
>Quit immediately

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