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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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>smolke when sordland
le funny meme man who gives you oil at a cheap price
>smolek when rizia
the most annoying prick in the history of fiction
>Lespia when sordland
The strongest ally in the entire game, will level Rumburg with planes so you can fund military even more
>Lespia when Rizia
Greedy fuckheads who want to scam you out of all your natural resources and actively fund proxies against you
The only parallel is that you're a Ukraine tier zogslave if you think you get anything out of fighting Rumburg. At best you sacrifice hundreds of thousands of your people for something only the superpowers will really profit from.
>if you think you get anything out of fighting Rumburg
Yeah, re-election.
2 cities, reparations and the chance to let Franc grow a dick is all I wanted in the first place

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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
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What mods do you play on Alice?
They're too busy dying in Jewtin's special military operation
That looks genuinely awful.
>peaking when Spudgun accused the PA lead of grooming
He's a tranny, so this is very likely true, but he's also clearly the better coder since progress is being made, probably because he's autistic (you can tell because being a tranny is a comorbidity with that)

Thinking about thos necromancers
>skelly upgrade added in tft
>skelly mage instead of skelly archer as with book of the dead
rustled my skellies it did
Skeletons are great but skeleton mages less so than archers
Skeleton mages are based, they just like Liches which are the coolest fantasy creatures
I love the dead… frequently
>Substitute your cranium for deer skull.
>Twin empty rolls of paper for horns
>Keep the beard.

PEak necro Aesthetic

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why is she of empires so woke? I seriously doubt a woman could lead an army of men. she'd be raped within two minutes of opening her mouth. for one, rape was legal back then, for two, army men are strong alpha males. They would not accept a woman leader.
no, saged

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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Makes sense. I think some random groups can occupy abandoned forts and some other site, so that then they start showing up on the embark screen as civs, But so far had only ever seen kobolds do that.
have fun with that
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last update on the fort before bed, we have breached the caverns and immediately started slaughtering the local tribes, no dirty frog people yet though
Is the steam version downgrade? I went throught reviews and noted some people said it lacks something from the original game before steam.
Yes, for at least a month/a few more months/a year or so, then it will be at parity content wise with pre-steam.

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More like surviving boredom
Good concept, poor execution.
Paradox ruins everything it touches.
>looking for colonists
[X] male
[X] female
[ ] other
Didn't they fix it with the trains update?

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Song of Syx thread since last one archived.


It's a low fantasy city builder in the vein of Caeser or Pharaoh series. Oh and for whatever reason, the creator decided to over reach and bolt on a total war component so you can micro like an RTS while taking over the world. City builder is pretty much done and the latter has the foundations in but still unbalanced.

Demo is free-forever and is only a few versions behind the latest stable, good to try so you know whether you will like to core gameplay.

Fantasy means many races with their strengths and weaknesses like Vegetarian pigmen, tall dwarves twice the size of humans, cannibal elves lizards and bugmen. Oh so you want to min-max with all these races don't you? Well, too bad they are all Racists as fuck and prone to murder each other without careful planning. Good thing there's a very robust slavery system for you to prosecute and exploit the undesirables yes?
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Communal Tilapi sex slaves solves this issue.
Why doesnt my starting city have any associated territory? How do I expand?
>embassy now consumes jews
oh god oh fuck why
You only have your capital at the start, you have to buy or conquer territory.
There's some territory nearby with very little people, I presume they have no garrison. Can I just waltz in with 10 guys and claim it as my own?

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This is why Total War melee engagements last minutes at most, but melee engagements in history lasted hours.
Everyone stayed just outside of spear reach most of the time.
There needs to be games that model this, instead of having suicidal troops fighting in close quarters. That way, battle can truly last hours like they did in real life (fast forwardable obviously), which allows plenty of time for maneuvers, skirmishes or just sitting back and enjoying the scenery.
Add the realism of command, ie. incomplete information on enemy/own positions and numbers, incomplete info on the state of the battle, troops getting lost, troops not following orders, confusion, chaos, Murphy's law and we can have a real tactical wargame.
You also shouldn't get the overhead view until the replay.
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That's true, however I still think your original idea of orders being lost, delayed or captured could still work, albeit it would require messengers to agree not to lie and comply when captured.
>The Swiss were armed with very long pikes
they used shorter pikes actually, they ferocity come from them being freshly converted, freshly liberated mountain Negroes and them having big surplus of males in harsh environment
similar tactics(of bayonet charges) was done by revolutionary France
it was more similar to how rioters fight the police
with braves charging up close and throwing shit or trying to bonk somebody from opposite team
well trained/spirited forces could try to charge and bonk enemy in mass and enemy would resist or fold back
maybe in earlier titles with moral shocks that could easily rout whole armies
now when both sides have high morale so they need to grind each other before one side breaks(or just get killed)
Just design one yourself. Field of Glory Empires is basically just that, another game/program which runs off/on FOG:II logs.
>but that sounds hard
Yeh, and unprofitable.

Graphicswhores aren't in it for realism. They're in it for the spectacle and they have TW for that.

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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What's this from?
What a retard, glad you got filtered
They both ate garum though
anno 1800
>over 70 resources
>would you rather collect hides from cows or from deer?
love meaningful choices in videogames :)

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Wake up boys! New expansion to AoE2 dropped!
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By practicing. A lot.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't main Chinese for every single map type
Keep grinding, you'll get better eventually unless you are handicapped.
Get bow saw right away, get wheel barrow when you can afford it and have many farms. Build your first town center on wood, you are going to need more lumberjacks as you expand and the TC will give you faster access and secure it a little more. Also build farms if you are booming or going for infantry or cavalry
force random is the fucking best
It's just overwhelming now that you are starting, just have fun practicing your macro

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>what if eu4 but with pops; the game
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>Takes some shitty tribes in north europe or albion
>Raid and enslave your neighboord
>Build your first city
>Slowly evolve in civilization
>Build road
>Build more city
>Convert pop to your culture in religion
>Have ton of fun
>I only conquer one or two province
>Pass month just watching my road and pop growing
>Never look south of the Alpe
>Know the joy of building civilization.

2.0 is the best gsg since decades anons. It is great. Build more road now!
>Indian super empire
Dont care
>Massive wars
That are basically over after a generation
Some colonies
Trade is very powerful in Imperator but it's more about stacking buffs than maximizing income.
>noooo I want to play as the random gallic tribe no.76
>why don't they have any flavor reeeeeee
Just play Field of Glory: Empires, a game superior to imperator in all ways.

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BTA3062 or Roguetech?
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how do you unfuck evasion in BTA
shit ruins the entire game
Maybe, depends on how the evasion changes got added. If they use something like permanent evasion as a separate mod it's easy because you can either change the settings in the mod folder or outright remove it.
Might fuck with other shit though.
I'd check but I don't really want to bother installing the mod.
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For me, it's MechCommander
>evasion is actually viable and in fact critical in a game about robots running around the place and sniping each other
Lmao. If you refuse to fire because you have low to-hit then HBS has fucked up your approach to BT.
Base HBS is so fucking easy it's insane. Just get behind and aim shot to the rear torso anon. If you're frightened of a world where shots are 100% and you can't just land them wherever then good. You're growing.

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Why didn't any non-real time strategy game succed in being a competitive one?
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Hot seat HoMM3 is one of the best gaming experiences out there.
Are you retarded? The first version of chess did use dices to determine which piece to move. It was rng allergic autists who ditched this because they were convinced that this way of playing was better.

>Reminder that chess doesn't even have a placement stage like superior board games like GO
I fucking swear, 95% of all people who claim "go superior to chess" are brainlets who never played go and are too retarded for chess. Thus dropping this bullshit in every argument they get with anyone who defends chess.
No private servers

The issue is lack of:
> granular unit customization at the production queues
> variety in terrain/weather effects
> general sameness of units & maps
And yet you have nothing to say about Seega which is my preferred game of the three despite having no community or following around it.

>It's not played competitively
But it kind of IS. The community is often filled with people who get a faction win then change things up, admittedly, but there are large multiround competitions held every year.

Besides if we're talking about tactics games with rng that have competitive scenes there's Field of Glory.

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Has anyone played this before?
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i don't remember the last time i played a game in this genre that wans't a slave manager porn game.
I found the story very charming but the gameplay a grind
>gameplay a grind
Feel that way too, my dudes are always way underleveled when the game gives me the main quest, it's as if the exp is balanced with only 2-3 parties to power level and stack permanent traits, then the dev added morale and injury mechanics later to pad shit out. And it's weird to have quest with recommended level 6-8 when the power spike between level 7 and 8 is huge because you unlock better skills/spells at 8.
Also dex classes are shit unless your dudes have good strength growth from traits because fire emblem stat bullshit of physical damage tied to your STR.
>stat bullshit of physical damage tied to your STR.
I think it is pretty widespread, dnd has this too.
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dnd has finesse weapons that scaled damage dealt based on the user's dexterity. This game has classes locked to one type of weapon, and both dexterity based classes are based on STR to calculate damage as opposed to DEX. Add to the fact that both DEX classes only has 50% strength growth, and you have one hell of a pair of shitty classes that only crit for shit damage at range, while STR classes can take hits with their heavy armor, deal good amount of damage in area, can spend resources to increase their accuracy on lvl 1 eliminating their lack of DEX to hit shit, and can charge to enemies on lvl 4, and INT classes deal better damage with magic and has utilities on the top of that too e.g. buffing resistance, debuffing enemies so they can't attack and move at the same time, bypassing resistance by using different spell elements, etc.

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