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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

How do you respond to your metabolism slowing down on a cut?
>bro just eat less bro and make it worse bro, CICO bro
Non-retarded answers only. How do you respond to energy levels tanking, feeling cold all the time, fat loss coming to a grinding halt, weakness in gym and poor sleep as a result of a calorie deficit?
I’m talking strictly in the sense of cutting not some fat fuck losing weight for the first (or 76th) time.
What I've heard is you take a break for a couple weeks and eat at maintenance and then start cutting again. Never done it myself though. I just lose the willpower and start pigging out again.
Cycle calories. You should actually taper off through cut segments rather than blindly cut. Also why is that guy's anterior delt biger than his bicep head insertion?
you shouldn't lose more than 5-10% body weight without programming a maintenance (isocaloric) period, which should be approximately 1/3 to 1/2 the length of your cut phase. This is essential to reset the adaptations that occur in a hypocaloric state (increased appetite and reduced NEAT) and re-sensitize the body for another cut
If your metabolism is lowered on a cut, you have to adapt and lowers your calorie intake.
Say you start off with a TDEE of 3000 , cutting on 2250, and 8 weeks into a cut, you’re gaining weight on 2250, well, it’s likely that your TDEE is lower, maybe 2000 now. Well, that’s your new metabolism and you have to accept it. You can cope by pigging out or whatever like some of the other people itt suggests or you understand the extremely elementary laws of CICO and adapt your diet.

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does running destroy the knees or not? there's conflicting information
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>noticing history that is ancient and forgotten by all
C'mon anon, you're better than that.
Good gawd
Degrading stuff of that sort is something only mentally ill and/or desperate women do. These women are better taken care of.

you STILL weren't asking for it.

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You haven't forgotten have you?
>anyone can start lifting, you don't need any prior sports experience
>you can escape skinnyfat mode in less than six months
>it takes less than a year for people to notice you lift
>programming as a beginner is piss easy, everything works
>diet is just as easy, just eat some protein and avoid fast food, candy and soda
>you don't need a gym subscription to achieve a decent physique, you can get a good workout even with a pair of dumbbells from home
>mires become so common they don't even register anymore
>people notice you lift even under winter clothes
>1/2/3/4 makes you stronger than mostly anyone you'll come across in your daily life
>once you see results you won't even think about skipping the gym
>consistency is the key to a good physique, even if you drag yourself to the gym you'll appreciate every single workout in retrospect
>a good physique has a halo effect on anything you do
>muscle building genetics don't matter in everyday life, being consistent in the gym is what makes the difference
>being motivated by hope and love is much more effective than being motivated by anger

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How large was the deficit for your recomp? Height?
Epic transformation.
Bro I am not trying to insult or demean you in any way but for some people it is easier than others and some people may never make it. I just want people to have realistic standards and goal setting. Not to take away from your own progress and hard work my guy.

It takes more than gains to be handsome or attractive to women.

But with that said I will end on a high note and leave some quotes:
>What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome.
>The Antichrist (1888). Sec. 2, Nietzsche
>Why so hard? Said one day the charcoal to the diamond, are we not near relatives?
Why so soft? Oh my brethren, thus do I ask you. Why so quiet?
>Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
>Friedrich Nietzsche
Thanks breh, it wasn't a recomp, first I cut, then lean bulk, then recomp for 1.5 years. I didn't count calories at any point, just adjusted portions and switched my meals depending on caloric needs. Height is 1.77/5'10, weight in the comparison pic was 75kg/165lbs
Don't sweat it breh, it's all about trying and seeing for yourself. For me it was possible in 5 months. For someone else it might be 7, 8, shit it might be possible in 3 months. But you don't know unless you try, and you might as well. The real whitepill is that you'll still look better than when you started (except if you hopped on SS lel)
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>The real whitepill is that you'll still look better than when you started (except if you hopped on SS lel)
I will agree to that. Cheers mate.

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You will never pull up your way out of being a pencil neck
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>Insecure roidtranny thread
meh, next
The point of the statue is that David is supposed to be a dyel. It represents the young virgin male full of vigor. It's a homage to youth and innocence. It's someone with great potential about to bud but not yet realized. You shouldn't idolize being a dyel.
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It's a calisthenic ridicule thread, never see anyone other than calisthenic fags being insecure as everyone else who lifts already does pull ups and dips and doesn't make it their whole identity
you have body dysmorphia and should be locked in a tranny institute
lots of words to say "I'm an insecure roidtranny"
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Damn... she's right!
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>wah wah the retards gave me a degree so I'm right
or even worse
>wah wah I surround myself with fatfuck nutritionists so I'm right
I feel sorry for that dumbell
Her form is decent but I can't help but feel like shes just putting on a show for tik tok. She's clearly not in shape, and the video is all of 12 seconds.
eating disorder I think
Looooooooool get the fuck off /fit/, Beth

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previous: >>74134089
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I hate this eceleb worship bullshit so much. Its so fucking old.
So, are you the skinny gal that posts in CBT time to time in ana recovery?
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no, i don't visit other threads. fph is my only interest here, but there are tons of ana girls on /fit/
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why the fuck do people stay in these situations? hit the fucking bricks buddy it's over

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Currently I can only afford to have a meal a day. What are the long-term implications of this on my body? Should I bother keep exercising? I'm 5'9 and 150lbs
get a job or hang yourself you lazy subhuman nigger
Food stamps
if you're a fat fuck, you'll lose some weight. if you're not a fat fuck, you'll reduce bodyfat percentage to make you look even leaner and more "toned". yes you should keep exercising, but maybe you'll have to adjust your intensity some degree.
t. expert and knower
>Currently I can only afford to have a meal a day
What does this mean
A "meal" is not a fungible thing.
It can be pennies or hundreds of dollars.
It can be rich in nutrition and protein or empty carbs.
Those two scales are related but not strongly.
What are you actually saying?
idyel time to get lean keep lifting big boy mwah

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Have ketolards reached peak insanity?
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It's more that fat or formerly fat people want to treat it as a lifestyle rather than a good meme diet for busing through plateaus. This fucking guy wrote multiple books on keto, he was a fat fuck who got fatter and was still selling books and giving speeches while getting fatter. These people have some kind of twisted pathology and that's coming from me.
moxyte false flag
You could have just said "I agree"
is it possible to not have ketones when you're at a 1000+ calorie deficit?
That sucks man. Even the CBT is full of non timestamp reposts and larp. Aww well.
See you later Fit. Back to avoiding this site.

Have any of you done a colon cleanse?
Apparently there are lots of benefits like:
>weight loss
>energy levels
>clear skin

I'm a 32 year old boomer and I just want to poop like I used to. The metamucil isn't even helping that much anymore
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>bad posture crease
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>Is this the new incel meme?

i remember years ago there was shit all over mainstream sites/news where people were blaming ridiculous stuff like their throat cancer on eating pussy. like michael douglas put his face out there saying this nonsense. i think it's a gay/women hating meme. like a dude i knew in real life would randomly bring up how "beta" eating pussy was and wouldn't you know it he turned out to be a closet homo.
Funny how the only real reply here is getting ignored
is OP a bot?

people are ignoring it because no one has an alchemist in their pocket when they need some elderberries, rainbow ferns and other mystical reagents for a colon cleanse
virgin detected

millennial here, you are just not getting enough fiber im your diet. your shit should still flow if youre giving your body what it needs, more bread and green leafy veggies ftw

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I say “die yell”
It's dee why eeh el
Wrong! Its "dial"

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Idk edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Unhealthy Uglies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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Looks like 278 is my new boss battle weight just like 285 was
>Red meat increments test
>Faggot anti nun prefers chicken.

Yeah, if checks out.
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You can do it, Anon.
I'm proud of you, and I believe in you.
I would say that the majority of people want to help others especially when they are in a one-on-one situation or in the position to do so. It’s mostly when people are hidden in the mob that the negative shit comes out.

We often think that everyone is watching us and ready to ridicule, shame and demean us at the slightest chance but that is just our pathological ego speaking. People are all in their own heads and thinking from their first person perspective and this means they aren’t all focusing on you and in fact they are self conscious too.

For so long I couldn’t get into the gym because of crippling social anxiety and confidence issues. I thought it would be obvious I didn’t know what I was doing and I’d look like a fool and feel like a fish out of water. It wasn’t even that I’d be called out on it just that I’d know that they know that I didn’t belong and I was acting like a noob. Such a stupid outlook and now that I’m older I see how this mentality held me back and holds a lot of people back. These feelings are still strong in me (not about the gym but other things) but I just push through it and observe and laugh at my predictable defense mechanisms and neurotic tendencies. For example whenever I give a lecture or talk I’m always a basket case inside and want to cancel it but I always go through with it and it goes fantastic. It’s funny to watch me go through the same feelings and copes now.

Keep working hard and everyone loves an underdog success story. When you’re 200 lbs and under you’ll be an example of success to those around you.
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How do white frat bros stay so fit despite their lifestyles?
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frat life is low calorie because being a fatass at a party and never getting laid is suicide fuel.
>go to practice
>go train for sport (usually weightlifting, required)
>walk all over campus
>train on your on time with swimming
>go to party, dont really eat, just kind of drink every now and then
>fuck your girlfriend, fuck other women
>caloric intake is usually -500 to -1000 a day
>lose weight.
>no muscle but dont matter because not skinny fat.
what happens with 90% of dudes is they go
>Ur when i was a teenager
>ur dur when i was 25 in university

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They don’t. They start to fatten up approaching their senior year but if they work out they either curb it or bulk up. Generally they hit the wall after graduation if they haven’t developed good habits.
You can party once a week and not turn into a piece of shit if you have a healthy lifestyle the other 6 days of the week. Also their partying is not consuming 12-16 beers a session like all the middle aged alcoholics
being young
dont actually eat that much weekly (poor)
>Also their partying is not consuming 12-16 beers a session like all the middle aged alcoholics
Do zoomers not have keg parties anymore or something? Where are you getting this idea? When I was in college greek life was all about heavy binge drinking and not much else.

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Post your post workout meal
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kom till hemköp om du vågar
>he's eating supermarket ground beef raw

Make sure to eat some organic butter after it.
Already ate my steak today.
It's probably this

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In your fear of creating something normal and unimpressive you stare at the blank canvas of life long enough and you wait until all the paint dries up, and your heart stops loving life, the fire in your soul turns into ash, your flesh turns into bones and your dreams and thoughts fade into oblivion
yeah so do something about it
this is the type of retarded shit my cousin used to post on facebook

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