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Is it supposed to look like that? It looks like a piece is missing.

On it right now, and it doesn’t look right to me. I have a background of flying, and maybe im just super unobservant, but that little scoop out of the edge of the flap looks like it might be a broken piece. If not, why does it look like that? Cant see the other side of the plane to compare and cant find images on google.
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>plane is inspected for cracks
>oh no, there is one on the wing!
>hacksaws it off
>no more cracks!
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Yes, and?
Explain how this is an acceptable procedure. What is the rationale behind not replacing the damaged piece of the craft, other than the operator being too cheap to pay for the proper repair?
We are talking about peoples lives here.
nta and I am not a pilot or an engineer, but I know from experience that there are plenty of cases outside aviation where something looks unsafe and it's actually completely safe, likewise there's plenty of cases where something looks safe and is actually dangerous. if you're a reasonably intelligent adult you've probably run into stuff like that yourself, and can extrapolate from there that going by gut feel doesn't tell you anything
>We are talking about peoples lives here
I would challenge you to explain how this endangers anyone, the flap can still adjust the chord line. You'd be impressed at just how much can be broken on a plane without it being considered unairworthy.

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How many hours a day/week do you work?
Get a job with long island railroad or metro north railroad you'll make more.
You'll have two pentions. NY state and railroad retirement. But not social security that's what railroad retirement is for. No 401k match
What do you do?vv85
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I had a buddy of mine that quit LIRR as a track worker, management/coworkers were fucking assholes (he kept being put into situations that he didn't feel were safe + good old boys bullshit) and he got a job as a automation tech making $100k/yr for CVS. I'm really comfortable where I am, I have a ton of downtime and don't have to work with my hands as much. The most physically dangerous thing I do is drive around taxiing aircraft and jumping in/out the bed of a F350 for cones/FOD.

The railroads strike me as having more hostile management/worker relations. Said friend also has a wife who's a supervisor at MTA confirmed similar and told me to stay where I was (asked her about becoming a conductor since they called me for that position after taking the exam 6 years ago). PA is a lot friendlier. For example we never had an actual vaxx mandate, and we don't have timecards like they do. We get a easier time requesting time off and the ability to bank OT as PTO means with enough seniority you'll have 7 weeks you can take off in a year (my position gets 96 hours but maintenance for example gets 160 hours they can bank)

I'm Tier 6 so I'm fucked regardless no pension until I hit 62

>bought a new bike
>got stolen in the next day
How do you deal with bike theft? I don't want to ride those ugly ass scooters or euc's
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no joke

shit on your fucking bike
have fake poop smears all over your bike. make it muddy as hell. cover any logos or make the logo into a really cheap walmart brand.
i wish that in some cities where bike theft is common, oyu have some vigilante who buys bikes and stands at a distance with a sniper rifle to put a bullet in the brain of any thief working on stealing it. strike fear into them that if they try to steal a bike they could get their head blown off

or cover the handlebars in cyanide or some other solution that will absorb into their skin and kill them instantly.
>someone stole your bike
>it's your fault

>your wife cheated on you
>it's your fault

>your house burnt down
>Uhm, akshually, you should always make sure there is nothing flammable inside your house, I bet you didn't even spend 1000 dollars on the cooker, if you buy a cheap cooker you should expect it to burn down and consequently burn your entire house down.

This way of thinking is so flawed.
if you lock long time in a rough place in a city with a cable lock that can be cut with a pair of strong scissors the theft is kinda your fault and if you fry chips drunk and the oil catches on fire and you dump water on it and your house burns down then that's your fault and if you refuse to give her gentle back touches then that's your fault but all those things can also happen for no good reason it's situational.
99% of bike thieves are not going to pick your lock. They'll just cut it in 5-20 seconds which requires 0 skill on their part or not bother if they think that it's not worth the trouble.

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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cool : )
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Here’s 6 minutes and 35 seconds of my ride around the woods today
>the shit i go through to do to avoid deaf geriatric walkers and golf carts.

just found out boomers are deaf to bells. my clown horn will be here tuesday and ill honk that bastard at every two legged cart ring cunt
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I can save her, bros

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New Apartments Edition

Discuss transportation, zoning and walkability improvements in your city or nationwide.
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everyone believes unused land should be put to use, especially as housing in a housing crisis. but you can continue to make up strawmen if you want.
You can go into a thread on Reddit and see the two-faced behavior on display.
>nooooo there doesn't need to be a million parking spaces that's just forced by cities, developers' choice
>all that parking should be taxed
that isn't two faced behaviour. parking minimums should be removed and also valuable downtown spots should be taxed.
Why not improve both, you retarded nigger?
>valuable downtown spots
It wasn't downtown. In fact, the particular photo wasn't in America (it was a Czech shopping center). Also, downtowns are typically exempt from parking minimums anyway.

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>filters normies
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those spoke machines don't cut the threads, they roll them with die plates. that Phil Wood machine is stupid expensive and everyone I know that's had experience with both of them says they prefer the Morizumi machine, which is comparatively quite a bit cheaper at $3800. I agree that there are certainly cheaper ways to do it, but these are shop tools that are meant to eventually pay for themselves when compared to those methods. Or if you're just building wheels occasionally, buy the correct size spokes to begin with.
hear hear. better the frame than a budget truing stand fo sure. it's not a dark art but it's magic fo sure. and like everything you got to practice it.
I'd rather buy a new bike than bring anything to a shop for that rate
that doesn't seem unreasonable. if I recall what I paid last time I had my bike worked on, and how long it took them, that's comparable to mine. good skills should be compensated. I used to have a neighborhood LBS that was so awful I ended up learning to do a lot of things on my own but I don't think I'll bother with that anymore, my new place is awesome. last time I had them put in new brake pads and they literally rode it around the block for a few minutes to bed them in before declaring the work complete. my old LBS, you had to check everything they touched to make sure they torqued it down properly or you'd have about a 50/50 chance of dying on the way home.

basically if you have to learn things because "the shop guys are idiots" it just means your LBS sucks.
Yeah I agree the high end places can be worth it if you have money and not time and are really into riding.
shit or community-y lbs staffed by kids or retarded adults have a very valid niche also

they offer a similiar level of work as someone at home with no experience could achieve themselves with the internet and most people are unwilling to learn or do anything.

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Trips, tracks, tickets, trains and stations, they're all good - making up rules is boring so let's just be normal. Questions are, of course, most welcome.

If you feel like travelling, head over to National Rail Enquiries (nationalrail.co.uk/); tell it where you're leaving from and where you're going to, and it'll tell you how you're going to get there; then it'll hand you over to a train operator to buy a ticket. The golden rule is that it doesn't matter which train operator you buy a ticket from, as they'll all sell you a ticket from anywhere to anywhere, for the same price. If you're a visitor from overseas, your best option is probably Trainline (thetrainline.com/) - they charge a booking fee on top of the ticket price, but they'll accept just about any payment card. There's also trip.com/, who are apparently a 'thing' with overseas students: I've not used these myself, so please speak up with any thoughts.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - Likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - railway infrastructure, mapped.

What's happening?
~Phase One of High Speed 2 (Birmingham-London): hs2.org.uk/

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i'm not clicking on that link
I'd lengthen the Elizabeth Line from Woolwich to Gravesend, with a stop at Northfleet. This would mean that National Express, Flixbus etc could use the gigantic, mostly-unused car parks at Ebbsfleet International as a park-and-ride drop-off spot, and thus interchanging with Crossrail (obviously), Thameslink, and of course domestic and international HS1 services, if Eurostar ever pull their finger out.
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Always surprises me that Brighton's station isn't larger, and closer to the seafront.
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(compared to, say, Blackpool North - even after Blackpool's crown-jewel main station was demolished by a greedy, short-sighted local council, you can easily see the secondary station would have been served by holidaymakers' gigantic excursion trains)
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>Blackpool North had a trainshed prior to it being demolished and rebuilt in the 1970's with open-air platforms with crappy little centre platform shelters that may as well not be there
Why did postwar station architects have such a hostility towards trainsheds? Is it part of a deeper misanthropism that wants people to be uncomfortable and unhappy at all times?

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Totally random late night thoughts

At the current known speed of travel throughout space (maybe not max) but at the speed the JSWT (telescope) reached the L2 zone in space. It would take 7291 generations of astronaut to reach some planet they believe has a civilization on it meaning it would take 324.7 Million Kg's of food for the entire journey assuming only 1 breeding pair or humans at any one time (inbred as fuck)

583333.3 years assuming 80 year lifespan which isn't including the 20 year overlap having 4 people on board whilst children are brought up to speed and left at age 20 by their dying parents. They would they be dead because the amount of inbreeding required at those levels would make them so fucking retarded they would forget how to breathe.
In closing. Close to 700,000 years worth of life, 389.7 Million Kg of food (including the 20 year overlap) is what would be required to make it to that planet

We aren't making it to any other civlized planets before our finite resources are depleted. Humanity is fucked unless we come leaps and bounds in space travel and shielding technology.
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The concept of seed ships have been speculated in scifi since the 1960s. Essentially you send autonomous AI ships stocked with human sperm and ovum. The ship wanders the cosmos at "slow" speeds for hundreds or thousands of years until it finds a suitable planet. Then the ship AI inseminates thousands of ovum with the sperm and artificially birth the babies. Robots will become the surrogate parents and educate the children. Once the humans are ready, they will be transported down to the planet. The seed ship then departs to repeat the process elswhere.
cryostasis sleep + relativistic speed


FTL warp
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intersteller,,,,bumpstake time.
it's not Malthus, it's a problem of society and politics. the point is not that we're somehow teleologically doomed by our birthrate or lack of earthly resources. precisely the opposite--we know pretty well what we could be doing to keep the earth habitable and even to erase the staggering inequality amongst humanity, but we won't or can't, at least under any form of social structure yet devised. if we can't get our shit together down here, how the fuck are we going to do all that needs to be done to colonize space, even if such a thing were rightly possible.
>Anon, wait--Back to the Future was just a movie.
>No, Anon, Back to the Future was a documentary, and the events happened in real time.

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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it almost doesn't matter. The only thing is the larger the tire and a small rim the more "lightbulb" the tire gets. Smaller the tire the more "square" the tire tread will appear.
IMO you can probably fit anything from 32mm to 65mm tires(if your frame can handle them that big). Anything smaller then 32mm doesn't make sense anyways for road riding on a mtb, while too big is the same for light off road/mostly road riding.

Also, if you run high pressures the large tire+small rim is fine. It's when you run in the 10's or low 20's(psi) off road that it can be an issue.
Well you’re saying you want road to light gravel range so I think gravel size tires (35-45mm) would be an ideal option for that and will probably fit on whatever inner rim width you do have. Road-correct spec is actually using 25mm rim with 32mm tires so I don’t think 40mm gravel tires would be too narrow even if you had say 27mm width (I’ve ran 40mm tires on 27mm rims actually, the 25mm rim felt better though)
yeah, as i said, you're not being an idiot, you're being lazy. Taking a tire on and off would take you 5 minutes, less time than you've spent online on this by far. The way to work it out is to measure. It's the same as tire clearance for a frameset. Even if you research such things the measurements can change between the same model over different years.

Just saying as we're discussing it. It's actually not that important because the acceptable range is huge, larger than the charts even, and people tend to replace tires with similar tires.

It may come as a shock to you but working on bikes is not something you do with your keyboard.

As for which tires to buy, your preferences and budget are so generic, uninformed and bland that what you choose is practically meaningless and the discussion of it is neither helpful for you or interesting for us.
I do enjoy bickering though
I agree with 32mm minimum, I have a gravel bike with 32’s and a pure road bike with 25’s, and even on road rides the 25’s just don’t make sense anymore. The narrow tires do accelerate better from a stop/slow for sure, they feel less “mushy” maybe, but it’s just not stable enough to really crank out the watts without regard for pebbles or sand

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Is there anything more soulful than taking a Greyhound bus from coast to coast?
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I would love to try a trip on this bus.
saw that too, it's some pakistani bus right... where do they put the luggage then
when i hear greyhound bus i think of that beheading
Yes literally anything else
>It's midnight at the depot
>And I drag my bags in line.
>Travelin' light, I got to go
>But the bus won't be on time.
>Everybody's looking half alive.
>Later on the bus arrives.
>They punch my ticket
>I find a seat
>And we move out past the lights.
>Come on Driver, where's the heat?
>It's cold out in the night.
>I keep telling to myself that I don't care.
>Come tomorrow, I'll be there.
>Take the Greyhound.

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what is the ultimate form of portable micro mobility? meaning it easily attaches to or goes inside a backpack and doesn't weight you down, is it the penny board? EUC is too heavy and same for a brompton.
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I'm inclined to say it doesn't exist. Skateboards, electric longboards, and bicycles are the main contenders imo. Skateboarding is worse than walking in too many situations (high traffic sidewalk, any road busier or faster than a quiet neighborhood street, rain, snow, hills) and the distance you can cover with them isn't very far, so the time difference compared to walking even in favorable conditions isn't worth the hassle. Electric longboards are great for (good weather) commuting, but the moment you have to walk around with one, it's a hassle. Similar situation with bicycles except they are immune to weather but cannot easily be taken on transit, indoors, and are generally even more of a hassle and basically like owning a car having to deal with parking and all that.
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if only we had a based middle ground solution
so a degenerate retard can't steal it.
I don't see any benefit over a longboard
it can stop like a regular vehicle instead of dragging your shoe on the ground, jumping off or sliding sideways

Any tips for sneaking a lil hotheaf on a domestic flight?
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Okay but there's no feds sitting at the fucking Lobster Shack looking for people violating whatever obscure lobster law you're quoting to make your asinine comparison. Meanwhile at the airport you literally have to make it through a literal army of ball grabbing petty tyrants looking for any excuse to justify their existence. If you can't see the difference you're a retard. Which is probably true because you're too much of a pot addict to go a couple hours without it or just get high before you leave home
The TSA's job is to find box cutters and underwear bombs not THC gummies. If they stopped everyone who brought a pack of gummies in their carry on they'd have to arrest like half the passengers, I know you never leave your basement but they sell this shit in supermarkets now, it's a non-issue. This isn't an opinion, do some basic research on the topic, TSA officials are on record saying this. The only time you're at risk is going through security in a state where it's still severely illegal and there's local cops standing around with the TSA agents. CPD/NYPD/PAPD? Not an issue.
>I know you never leave your basement but they sell this shit in supermarkets now
Lol what the fuck state do you live in where you can buy weed in the supermarkets
Not where I live, here I have to go to a special state licensed place, but I was in minnesota after they legalized it and there was some poncy store near downtown that had it by the register, apparently the rules are pretty loose there. I guess it was more like a deli or something, not a full whole foods kind of thing, but still. A place whose main thing was food, for yuppies, and they were openly selling edible.
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Here, found this on reddit. Not the shop I went to (that one was considerably more posh and only sold like, quail eggs and duck legs, not pleb stuff like chicken and beef). But it's basically less illegal than cough syrup.

I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
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Can't you get good wheels for that thing? Or better tires? Or a nice saddle? If they don't make good wheels maybe you can make your own? Or are the dropouts some bizarro standard that only works with one obscure british hub maker using 70 year old tech?

Why would you spend $200 on a part that barely makes a difference other than
Oh right because these things are for haranguing strangers with, not actually riding
Your faggot poorfag whining makes no sense. All of these things can be upgraded easily. You can even upgrade the wheels to 20 inch, but it defeats the point of portability.

Do some cursory researcher before looking like an uninformed dipshit.
Sorry you took offense but the question stands. It's your bike, you tell me?
I can't tell if you're trolling, but since I'm back from my long ride, and in a good mood:

>Can't you get good wheels for that thing?
Define "good". 16 inch is more than enough for city cycling and light outdoors trips (e.g.: light gravel/sand). Bumps and holes are more obvious given the smaller diameter, but it works for the portability. You CAN upgrade them to 20-inch using after market kits, or specialist places, but it's pointless. You can even deck them out with Rohloff/Alfine hubs, belt drives and the sort. But it's a bit exotic and niche.

>Or better tires?
Obviously. Schwalbe/Continental make a good range of tires.

>Or a nice saddle?
The standard one is fine, but you can get Brooks, it's part of the ordering process.

>If they don't make good wheels maybe you can make your own?
Precisely, you can buy rims from Ryde, arguably one of the best makers on the market. I have my eye on some CSS coated ones, which incorporate carbide, making them last practically forever.

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In Blackpool!

A thread to discuss bike touring - bikes, routes, gear, stories, etc.
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I live on a fucking half-island and I can only tour in one direction, shit fucking sucks, I know every single road. Might as well take a train somewhere far away and then bike home
It's called a fucking peninsula
maybe he lives on Hispañola
kek now i'm thinking at all the hlaf islands-... cyprus? timor? ireland?
new guinea. borneo is split between 3 countries

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Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
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most people don't want to die in a fire
Because legislation requires us to register those as motorcycles and pay taxes and insurance and registration
>tiny brakes meant for 15mph
>tiny narrow tires meant for 15mph

if you want a moped buy a moped
I need to haul shit regulary.
Not everyone can work from home with a macbook.
Average bicycle speed is half that
>speed is even lower if trying to haul anything
No space for family or tools
>mandatory shower upon arrival
Rain, wind, snow and ice exist.
>still only a fraction of the speed even the cheapest cars can do

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