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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2725600
Spring is in full swing! Stagger your bush bean plantings to get continuous harvests.
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Is it too dry?
Add more green stuff.
Is it too wet?
Add more brown stuff.
>plastic erosion barrier
You should be using 1/2" metal wire fence or smaller. That fabric won't last.
Sure, but the plants animals favor change based on their context. I have a flock of chickens and they love eating clover and grass and they've tasted one of my strawberries to death, but they've left the henbit deadnettle and the dandelions completely alone. Henbit was named because hens like to eat it and chickens are known for their love of dandelions, but my situation isn't unique with chicken farmers. Some years they might eat it and others they'll completely ignore it.
This is a good heuristic. In general you want 2-3 times as much brown material as you have green. You can run your piles a little green and if they smell bad when you turn them then add more browns. A lot of people who compost keep a store of browns to mix in when they have greens available. If you have compaction issues then add in a bulking material and shift it out when the compost is finished. Wood chips are the usual go to for bulking, but I prefer using bones and lump charcoal.
>didn't want to bother this year so i started all my seedlings the same day
>cucumbers flowering already
kek at least EU weather's getting better for planting out soon

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I looked for a tent thread to post this in, but search didn't bring up a general thread.

Anyway, The Cloud Up 2 is a solid tent from what I've read and it's way cheaper on Aliexpress than Amazon (£104 instead of £155!) so naturally I want to get it from there. But is it real, or am I buying fakes or factory seconds?

Recently i bought some Vans shoes in their "sale" but what I actually received were clearly cast-offs that they couldn't sell as standard quality due to bad stitching -- this has never been the case paying full price in 20 years of buying them. I don't want to get a shit tent for 60% of the price of a good one so please advise me /out/.
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>If I were you I'd buy it.
>Would buy again out of ten.

I will buy it.

>That's what you get for being a cheap cunt.
Come on. If they are having their own sale, they shouldn't be shifting shit stock onto 20+ year customers. Simple as.

Since I'll be in the UK, rain input is useful.


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Be sure to report back in a future thread anon...
>don't buy chink shit from a chunk website
>instead use an American website to buy chink shit
The logic is palpable
What do you have? Chinkshit is not going to be good.
The logic is to not buy chinkshit
I worked in 2 different outdoor gear retailers and besides my alpine climbing tents I only use these chinesium backpacking tents for everything else. You pay up the ass for namebrand tents that have only slightly better quality control. be all end all is whether you like the design and purpose. seamseal all your tents, namebrand or not. And in really shit weather, consider bringing a tarp as well as every single tent will leak at some point from somewhere. 3FUL has an official site, I would check that out. Naturehike has good cheap tents, Aliexpress is best prices but if you wait for a sale on amazon, then at least you have some buyers protections. If you really want namebrand work in the retail industry and get some prodeals

Currently assembling my at home and outdoors first aid kit. What is essential gear that I need to have? Or are there any preassembled kits that y'all reccomend that aren't just fancy band aid packs?

I'm already getting tourniquets and cpr masks (I know CPR doesn't use mouth to mouth but mouth to mouth is used after Heimmlich and other forms do respiratory arrest) and I'm also getting big ass scissors of course.
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>Almost all of our over the counter meds are placebo.
Dang, makes you wish that we had similair "order a preppers home pharmacy kit online, prescribed by a real doctor" services as they do have in USA.
>OP isn't very likely to need it, but if he does, he's probably fucked if he doesn't have one.
And if he doesn't need it, but panicks and uses it, he's also fucked.
Tourniquets have their place in stopping multipenetrative or amputative wounds, so if you're carrying a gun, riding a bike or hiking in a place where there may be mines left from the last war, carrying one makes sense.
But if you apply them and don't get to help within a couple hours at most, or if you overtighten them, the limb you put them on is pretty much gone.
Imagine panicking over a minor cut that a pressure dressing would stop just fine, putting the tourniquet on and losing your arm for it. That sort of thing could well happen to some of the larpers here.
>And if he doesn't need it, but panicks and uses it, he's also fucked.
Not really

There is essentially no risk of ischaemic injury to nerves or other tissues if a tourniquet is left on for less than 2 hours, and even up to 6 hours there remains a strong chance of saving the limb (although surgery may be necessary and as you approach 6h the risk of at least some permanent complications increase). There has even been one case where a chopper pilot was shot in the wrist, had a tourniquet left in place for 16 hours and the eventually regained near-normal function in the hand, enough that they were back in cockpit by the end of it (that is admittedly a bit of a medical miracle though).

You're not wrong to say that tourniquets are dangerous if they're used unnecessarily but that's a reason to go out and get training, not a reason to avoid carrying one. Stop The Bleed courses are free in most areas and Wilderness First Aid courses are worthwhile for anyone who goes /out/ regularly.

And hell, if some anon overreacts and puts a tourniquet on unnecessarily only to realise that medical care is more than 2h away then he can just take it off again (assuming he does so within an hour). At the very least the tourniquet will have given him some time to properly dress and bandage the wound without pouring blood everywhere.
That said, never remove a tourniquet once it has been left in place for more than an hour. After that point toxins can build up in the injured limb which may cause a cardiac arrest if released. Losing the limb is better than losing one's life.
Do any of you carry Potassium Permanganate? If so, what for?

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How well are you prepared for zombie apocalypse and what are you going to do about them pesky perky drones?
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I recently bought a can sealer, but only now realize empty cans are stupid expensive to the consumer slaves.
A #2.5 can (think large soup can) is $3, empty.
I'd be throwing money away to seal perishables at that cost. I was going to buy some bulk, freeze dried food and seal it.
Does anyone know where I could obtain cans cheaper?
They sell all sorts of slop in large cans for low cost. Surely there's a wholesaler who you can get 300 from at a fraction, just look into it further.
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That's what I'm trying to do. Alibaba prices the cans around $0.60 - so it must be less than that if they can make a few dozen and ship them around the world for a profit.
I reached out to local packaging companies without luck. I looked for canneries within driving distance. Next I was planning on calling the local extension office, but it's not a common thing on my area (seems more common in Alaska to can fish).
The Mormon's are into can sealing, but they use #10. I could try them too. Homebrewers are starting to can beer at a reasonable price, but those are different and don't fit my sealer
First thing to expire is late 2026, the flour, I figure it'll last longer than that in the good storage conditions but once it nears expiration I'll take it out and start using it and replace with a new batch.

I found some instant coffee in cans that lasts for 3 years in normal storage conditions. If coffee gets rationed/stops coming I don't think people will give a shit if its shitty instant coffee

The sugar and salt is my least concern, they're in a dark cool place in airtight containers with de-moisturizing silica gel in them. It'll basically last forever
>But a financial dip (not 99% unemployment) is much more likely.
On one hand, yeah, financial crises are absolutely more likely than many other emergencies and probably the first thing most people should be prepping for. On the other hand, surely everyone already has financial security as a goal? Like, if you tell someone they should pay down their debt and have enough savings to ride out an illness or period of unemployment, aren't most people just going to say "yeah, I'm fucking trying". Maybe some people need the reminder.
And it's not like a sensible amount of preps will have any real impact on someone's finances ... you're more paying down a mortgage for the cost of water filter, a first aid kit and a few dozen pounds of rice.

I'm about to buy a pair of hiking boots. My old ones are Vasque with a typical vibram sole with heels and stuff. The ones I'm eyeing are available in "batefoot" style whatever that means.
Why should or shouldn't I pick that one over the traditional sole? I'm mainly going to use them orienteering.
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I've been easing my way into it and genuinely feels great, I'm not a barefoot Chad yet but your feet toughen up rather fast and your grip on rocks is insane.
as you use them and your feet start building muscle for support(if they get support from your shoes they don't build support by themselves) you won't get sore anymore, or at least significantly less than you would with a conventional boot. Also because your feet's support isn't reliant on outside sources you have it with you all the time.
Some other benefits: you have way more stability(they permit your toes to act individually and over a larger area), you have more flexibility and more ground feel(at first you might not like feeling the rocks you're stepping on but it is way better and after your feet build actual muscles it won't hurt anymore)
You'll probably be walking wrong initially, your muscles will be underdeveloped and there are some terrains for which a thin sole is a bad fit.
You can of course get shoes with less heel drop that still have thicker soles.
Lower risk of a sprained ankle once you're more used to it and it doesn't stop you from using your whole foot in the walking/running motion.
They're also more more suited to my retarded footshape because barefoot shoes typically avoid squishing all your toes together.
I preordered these back in October and have been using them weekly since January. I fucked around with minimalist shoes for the last couple years, Xero, Lems, Tadeevo, I even made a simple pair of center seam mocassins and wore those on a couple trips.
The ultimate issue I've had is that the thin sole is just too, thin, any rock you step on is going to make itself apparent, and the thin nature of the sole means they wear out in a year or less. I still like zero drop heels and a wide toe box so these seemed like they would be a happy medium and I've been very happy.
I hike with the Jim Greens multiple times a week and my only concern is their longevity. Also like other anons have said, you'll want to take it slow if you've never worn mimalist shoes before, start out with 2 miles hikes max for the first month to play it safe and get accustomed to your new gait.
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Barefoot walking is much healthier than wearing shoes/boots all the time, and the natives got around fine wearing nothing but moccasins to protect their feet from thorns for millennia.
That being said, it you're going to be walking somewhere with rocks, roads, or even mountains, going barefoot or wearing "barefoot shoes" will feel no different than going on a hike while deliberately placing rocks in your boots. Honestly just stick to conventional heavy duty hiking boots, then change over to good sandals whenever the terrain is nice enough.

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Alright, so which one of you anons is responsible for this?
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What kind of sick fuck would do something like this? All of you guys saying "based" need serious psychiatric help. A fishing hook is messy and barbaric. A gentleman laces dog treats with antifreeze, show some class
Your right, the hooks is going too far, that could cause a prolonged and bleeding, painful death if the dog was lucky, I just pack the treats with rat poison for thorough and fast results
I bet it was a thirdie
based doghater
Keep your trash companions at your private property dipshit. Your piece of shit with fur is only YOUR friend, to me it's just a massive pain in the ass and filthy animal to be distracted by when they "playfully" charge at you and you reach for your knife or gun

#503- “Not A ManAss” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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I was at a fly fishing conference, and the DNR gave me this recycled metal mesh bag with a drawstring top. I haven't used it yet, but I really like it. I'm going to use it for mushrooms this week, if I can find them.
i hate germany
>8 hours nonstop trolling at the lake
>not a single bite
>not a single fish
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I want to ask a question but this thread will hit its limit soon. Can someone make another one so I can ask my question?
ask it, anons respond to previous threads all the time

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Anyone use these for camping?

I like the idea that you sleep off the ground and it sets up fast
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I'm this guy >>2727649

I was talking about a Thermarest type air mattress. It doesn't have to be Thermarest brand though, you are car camping and you're talking about a fucking cot, so your mattress and cot don't have to be lightweight, just comfortable and affordable. Similarly, since weight doesn't really matter, you can get a little usb-c air pump from Amazon to blow it up (and to fast deflate).

My first setup like this was a cheap Amazon tent-cot, and I already had a Thermarest Neo-Air that was the same exact width and a few inches shorter than the cot, so it fit perfectly inside. That tent-cot was like 4-6" (10-15cm) off the ground, and the mattress was 2" (5 cm) thick, the whole thing weighed about 7 lbs (3kg).

My current setup for this type of car camping is a LiteFighter1 Tent, a Thermarest Topo Lux XL, a usb-c air pump, and an Amazon chinesium XL "backpacking" cot. The air mattress goes inside the tent and then the whole thing goes on the cot and gets staked down. It's like 14-17" (35-45cm) off the ground, the air mattress is 4" (10cm) thick, and the whole thing is at least 9 lbs (4kg) with the winter kit.
It's really comfy for camping anywhere in any conditions, and it's especially awesome in the desert. Although it's heavy for backpacking it does fit in a bike pannier for glamping on a dirt road weekend bicycle or moto tour.

If you're just car camping (or maybe a week-long river rafting trip) you can use less expensive components that are even heavier still or that don't pack down as small, like a Coleman Trailhead Cot, with an Intex Camping Air Mattress, and an Ozark Trail one-person backpacking tent, 30 lbs and 50 L but all of it for $150 after tax.
NTA Just wanted to add, look for an air mattress with a minimum R rating of 2, or bring a mylar blanket to place under your air mattress. Otherwise it'll suck the heat right out of you if the ground is cold.
You're right, that cheap mattress won't have any reflective layer.
You're not actually touching the ground though, and air doesn't suck heat from your body like the ground does...it's like a hammock in that sense.
That mattress, on a cot and with a budget 40F sleeping bag is probably actually good down to 40F.
You could also use a common blue tarp to skirt the cot (or any other tarp/groundsheet) similar to how you might skirt an RV or 5th wheel in the winter, blocking the wind and making a semi-insulated pocket of air below you. Just lay the tarp on top of the cot, corner fold the extra material on the sides and use tent stakes through grommets to hold it in place.
no im thin
He really did live well on his feeble budget

Did you know that some tractor owners fill their tires with water or other fluids?
Filling tractor tires with water is a common practice in agriculture and certain industrial applications, serving various purposes.
This practice is prevalent in agricultural tractors used for tasks like plowing, planting, and harvesting, as well as in industrial tractors involved in material handling, construction, and other heavy-duty operations.

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Good to know thanks anon.
Call your father
Its full of iron

I appreciate this post, thanks for the read.
Hey anon, give your dad a call

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What do you smoke when you're /out/? I'm not a smoker but I enjoy picrel when I go outing.
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I've taken up vaping.The clouds I produce,are superior for bug defense.
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What do you drink when you're /out/? I'm not an alcoholic but I enjoy picrel when I go outing.
I rarely smoke while /out/ because I'm too busy doing out shit. In fact, it's a big reason why I smoke less. However, yesterday, while returning from a fishing trip, I smoked my last Toscano and took two bumps of Red Bull snuff.
here we take these wineskins full of wine, it's great to recover energy

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Hello, I’d like help identifying this scat. It was bigger than coyote poop. I think it’s bear poop. I’m not sure what else it could be because of how big it was. About the size of a big dogs poop. I’m in the piedmont region on the east coast of the US. Thanks!
thats poop
I'm a bear hunting guide on the east coast. It does not look like black bear scat but I would have to taste it to be sure.
there are other things between dog size and bear size. like bobcats
That's my poop. I made it

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Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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2 wolves that came by 2 minutes apart that were checking out this mule deer carcass that these yotes were snaking on earlier this winter>>2719024
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>hangs out in front of your cam for 45 minutes and wastes your cams batteries with dozens of pointless triggers
Why are they like this?
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>that small smile
To fuck with you, apparently
Cheeky cunt

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Favorite cold hardy perennials? I'm partial to the turkish rocket
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Checking in to recommend marshmallow. Bought some seeds three years back and now have a bunch of them growing all over the place. Also scarlet runner beans.
fantastic recommendations.
love the engaging ideas, this is the only way to fly
have either of you heard of hopniss or lovage? those were on my list for sure.

that's a crazy cultivar, I might get some seeds to try next year
I've found hopniss growing in the wild. From what I read it takes a while to get a tiny harvest so it's better to invest your land into something faster growing.
Are you Kurdish by chance?
I'm not, why do you ask?
yeah, it doesn't seem like a solid crop for a food resource, but it might be cool to have some growing for the more uncommon native species element.

Why is Europe prettier than the US?
Comparing a large continent with a large country is too broad. I'd be more interested in smaller-scale comparisons like Scandinavia vs. Alaska or England/Ireland vs. NE/NY.
Well you go ahead then and make a couple threads about those small-scale comparison, smarty-pants. Here in America (peace be upon her) we like big things.

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