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>brown man chooses a white woman over his brown wifey
many such cases

Now THIS is what you call a true balance of power.
Fun how our government and politicians have always been pro-USA while the spanish people itself, if asked, is usually pro-Serbia, pro-Palestine and very critics of the aid to Ukraine.
Democratically elected politicians never listen to the people.
No, we love America, we want to be with America
>goverment and politicans are better educated and know better than the people
thats kinda rare today, you should try to keep such goverment in power.

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America has fallen
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is there any white state with no significant under30 yo hispanic population where the rates have fallen?
Montana? I mean it's 50/50 but conservative White people live there.
Whiteness map
The rate is falling with every racial demographic each successive generation. Whites have the slowest decline, but it is falling among them as well.

Vermont is proportionally whiter than multiple European countries, as an example.
Over half of Washington and Utah’s newborns are non-Hispanic white

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this is a rock in finland called kummakivi
they are apparently proud of it because it has been balancing like that for 11000 years
what would happen if someone came there with a bulldozer?
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i dont think a bulldozer could climb up a rock that steep to reach the base of the balancing rock
>leaving their shithole suburb containment zones
Kek. Good joke.
>what would happen if someone came there with a bulldozer?
someone would come there with a bulldozer.
living in post glaciar land has some interesting features.
>oh, someome decided to put a rock the size of a mall right there in the middle of a field on flat land
>makes total sense
>hail odin
How do they know it's only been like that for 11,000 years? You wouldn't need a bulldozer, just a long enough pole.
Because that's when the last ice age ended. Ice moved everything around when it started to melt so it couldn't have been there for longer.

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>you earn good but you live with your parents at 35 they said
Whos laughing now loosers. 7 years, 1000 euro a month loan but fuck it I can afford it.

Gonna slide in any pussy I want. I win.
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Come on now, it's a sex imvestment
I really don't understand the thirdie mentality of living in shitty conditions and spending all your money on a fancy car. Why do you not just invest this money instead? Retire at 55 instead of 65 and enjoy an extra 10 years of freedom.
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Don't listen to these faggots OP. I like your car. It's really cool.
Who said I live in shitty conditions? That's your looser mindset giving you hints and doing some projection.

Thanks broski, I knew ameribro or a italianbro will get me.
I would’ve bought a house if I were him, at least you’ll make money on that

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croatians built THIS???!?!
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Probably built by venetians it looks like Venice 2.0
nah italians did
That’s impossible bcuz dey didnt exploit resources and do the colonialism so how could dey have built that?? I need more estrogen to better focus and study this
Illryians(croatians) lived for centuries in the venice area
Faustian city

Are tomboys going extinct in your country? Austria yes
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We dont have those here, yes we suffer.
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i just like short hair i dont like girls that behaves like boys
I like tomboys because I'm scared of women

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Scran edition
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good numbers
Just finished another 8 hour Monk sessjon
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being antisemetic is good and correct, but even without that you can hate it because it's objectively a duplicitous genocidal settler colonialist terror state that subverts western democracies in its interests. literally no reason to support it, every reason to be against it from any political, moral or practical perspective
lotto tonight
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Kill your enemies.

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edycja cwelowatorów animkarskich
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to nie tutaj, zapraszam na >>>/w/ykop.pl
>jeden cwel spamuje obrazkami z fejsa od dwóch godzin
niezłe macie tu rozrywki
szkolna impreza z andżelikami i oskarkami
ta po lewej ma ciekawą fizjonimikę
na imprezach nie rozmawiam z kobietami

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Why does the USA fear China?

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holy kek
Girls who behave like that are unsufferable
I need a yunanlar gf
That's not an actual weather report from a news segment.
It's one of those morning shows for facebook moms that just happened to report the weather inbetween their usual antics.
oldfag content coming through

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Edição GiGi entediada
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cringe e errado
definitivamente melhores que Fortnite pelo menos
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melhor que fortnite sim, porém ambos são ruins
Merda é o que tem na cabeça do Pauno Kugos mlk kkkkk



hihihi essa foi boa, genial

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Дoбpocyceдcкo издaњe
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nznm, stariji narodi su mudri tako da moze bit istina
Lepa sela lepo gore. A ružna ostaju ružna i kad gore.
To je zato što su Hrvati čisti zapadnjaci, potomci Gota, a mi smo turski Cigani.
ubij se glupane

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107 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
lihapullia ja nakkeja, uunita taikka pannuta voissa mokomia ja popsi naamaan
missä vähemmistöt
joo jos äo on alle 90
ne ovat menneet pozzaamaan apt:in

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