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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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Is it always this warm out here? The sun beats down on dust and debris and all the curling, serpentine line of soldiers strung out behind you. Each and all sweat-stained and wind-bit.

Six more miles and six more hills and then that'll be the camp and then - finally - this long, long wandering reconaise patrol can end, you can pry off your boots, sign off on the last reports and maybe at long last get some sleep.

Nothing ever happens out here, anyway.
It's always quiet on the eastern front. . .
238 replies and 55 images omitted. Click here to view.
Rolled 5, 6, 5, 6, 2, 3 = 27 (6d6)

>Influence: Field Commission the 13th Blue Rats for Expanded Privileges. Their deserve it after what they went through, and after they saved our asses when they spritzed that theurge before he exploded (Reputation 11 + Military Affairs 2)
>It's Dangerous To Go Alone, Take This: Take one Legio Standard, give it to the 789th
>Reform the ranks: Form a new unit of Pathfinders out of the 10 available ones. (10 base + Military Affairs 2)
(Holding off on Affiliation action and Retinue adjustment for now)

I would also recommend that we turn around and reinforce Fideli. If we lose our supply lines we lose the entire war, while we might still be able to hold them off somewhere if Elos falls faster than anyone would expect it to.
Yes. One might even think that makes them slightly more useful.
(As Mizana is now dead, would it be possible to roll up a new character to lead the newly blooded peltasts? I'll gladly pay the wealth to replenish the unit if necessary. This is all assuming, of course, that the unit's experience actually increased from the last engagement.)
Absolutely - and absolutely. Learning on the job is a big part of soldiering.

New force disposition overview coming in annyyyy minute the clerks finish running errands.
I also advocate we destroy the force in our rear and secure our supply lines, even at the risk of facing a superior force. To reiterate, I am not suggesting we withdraw, I am suggesting we specifically seek battle with this heavier force. Elos East was designed to hold and undoubtedly will for some time. That heavier force out there may very well be the only force actually capable of breaking the fortress without resorting to long term siege. We cannot proceed to Elos East without being starved of supplies, and it is reasonable to assume that we would be harassed and even ambushed along the way, the inevitable result would be the pointless diminishing or destruction of our force. They might also very well refuse battle should we attempt to specifically destroy them. The force in the our rear, meanwhile, is intent on destroying cohorts like us, so seeking them out and bringing them to battle should be easy.

Once we destroy them, our supply lines would be secure and we would have the freedom of action to pursue other options. Whether that be pushing on to reinforce Elos East, seeking the lighter sparksworn formations in the passes, or letting them out onto the plains to avoid being surrounded in the valleys, and instead to try and seek to harry their raids on the south fields. Simply withdrawing entirely defeats the entire point of our mission.

We also may be able to regenerate some of our manpower losses if we can find stragglers from the defeated 4th and 7th cohorts. Or we could bribe some of the less scrupulous bands of our enemy, or even persuade them to fight each other, provided we find a fracture in their...society, I suppose.

The world as you know it is gone, who knows why, but at least you had enough foresight to build this nifty bunker in your backyard.

For being such a genius survivalist you didn’t bring much, maybe you’re looking at things the wrong way.

What things (and or people) did you manage to bring down here with you?
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Rolled 63, 93 = 156 (2d100)

Well we can only hope very few people alive have shortwave radios and heard those coordinates. A good feint of pretending on the radio we are nowhere near the crash site and don't know what happened might help confuse things. Our solar panels are a dead giveaway though
Rolled 16, 75 = 91 (2d100)

Borked the roll
Rolls are locked.

Michael roll: Failure
Plane Damage roll: Success, crisis averted.

Working on update. Thanks for the votes gang.
Kill yourself


Nice art style, saving this as a reaction image

Solid save idea, but then again the more we broadcast the easier it will be to narrow down our location.

>Tell the Wife about our Son eating beans & making a mess to distract her/have her attend to it.

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they said I would have to Pastebin the lewd stuff but /ss/ is based and let the die be cast motherfuckers. Or we can skip it. If the majority of you want this safe for work that's cool. But will kind of miss the point of the harem stuff. This is like Ultra Sun and Moon in that it takes place in an alternate telling of the games...where in the timeline? Find out yourself!
>You are a 13 year old wannabe Pokemon Trainer. You've basically been ripping off shit you've seen online and on tv and you've been training Pokemon you've chanced by throughout your life till this point. Very close to your Pokemon bros. Not so much with your peers. But nonetheless. You haven't been able to go on a Pokemon journey as home and school obligations sadly prevented it thus far. Which is more common then you think. Pick your trainer type. This will determine, along with your region, what your starting team is. You can pick Pokemon common to your region but no psuedo, rare, legendary or starter Pokemon that doesn't fall into the 3 type specific Pokemon. If your Pokemon will gain the typing later in evolution you may choose it as a pick. For example you can pick Torchic as a Pokemon for Martial Autist's Fighting type slot. You can also pick two pokemon of the same type if they match the separate type slot. Aron for Steel and Geodude for Rock for Martial Autist. You can also pick from any region and can choose pseudos or rares if necessary for your type slot. No two same Pokemon. THIS INCLUDES EEVEE. ONE EEVEE LIMIT! NO LEGENDARIES AT ALL! Common mons are shit like Buneary, Growlithe, Zubat,
Bidoof and the like that are found in common areas and not super rare. Rare Pokemon are shit like Feebas, Togepi, and Dhelmise as well as Starters. And Psuedos are basically dragon types...At this point they are anyway...This uses anime logic so all Pokemon are kino picks anyway. You can pick
up to a first stage in evolutions. For example Ivysaur or Golbat or shit like Scizor or Gyarados...but what region ARE you from?

>First reponse will pick but in the future the post with the closest end digit to mine per post will pick when I get back. For now it's a hesitation is defeat situation since I don't know if this will even GET anon attention.

>And no you can't be an Alolan native moved out from there.
20 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Oh uh...24 hours to pick or I reroll for another anon.
Oh to be clear. This is for the first starter Pokemon choice. Not the whole team. So just pick one and give it a personality, moves, and abilities. Or leave it up to me.
I will pick Foongus. You can pick the rest Sensei.
Yeah to be honest h this is kind of taking a while. Foongus it is. If no one minds, I'll give it an hour, I'll pick all 5 of the others unless anyone wants a specific one. If so we have Normal, Flying, and 3 common mons.

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06 – 28 – 1999 | SOUTH SIAM | WEEK 1

Your last patient fidgets on the exam table, sun-weathered hands thumbing through a chain of jaap maala prayer beads with practiced dexterity. Her daughter watches you with eyes that are a measure too sharp for her age. Dark pupils scan across your face for traces of ill-intent – an instinct that has barely mellowed over their past few visits.

“Red. Skip days….and the blue, take daily?”

She runs her finger down the page as she translates for her mother – speaking in a south Asian language you cannot easily identify.

“Yes. Remember to finish the entire pack. Macrolide with a modified bacteriophage booster. Reds and blues.”

She nods.

“…her cough?” she asks.

You consider your answer carefully. “It’s a new strain, but she should still improve with time. If your mother isn’t doing better within a week, come back as soon as you can.”

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Rolled 5 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>PREPARE. Your HOSAKA suite is dated, but it can still make essentials that are otherwise lacking here. Small molecules, large molecules, and simple bispecific. Vectors and phages if you invest a measure of time. [MEDS +2]
Rolled 10 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>REPORT. The Bureau of Environmental Purity will find out about this small outbreak eventually. Whether you deliver that report, and the level of detail it contains, is up to you. [FAVOR +1]
Pretty cool concept and opener!

>PREPARE. Your HOSAKA suite is dated, but it can still make essentials that are otherwise lacking here. Small molecules, large molecules, and simple bispecific. Vectors and phages if you invest a measure of time. [MEDS +2]
>>CONTACT. There is no such thing as a former employee. GRAIL Pharmaceuticals is patient, and the corporation provides generous rewards for information that could help them foster new markets and create new customers. [FAVOR +2, MEDS +3]
Rolled 18 + 1 (1d20 + 1)


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At last the familiar stone donjon of your castle looms above the horizon. You have journeyed long and hard and it is has been many years since you've seen its cheerful banners wave. Your companion, still dressed in his gloomy funeral clothes, shades his eyes and squints at something moving on the road. A procession of men with tonsured heads and plain white tunics fastened with nothing but belts of thick rope.

At their head is a great red coffin borne on the backs of four men. You recognize the two in front as, Gamling, your father's closest friend and beside him your father himself, his mane of hair now white to the tips. They turn in a fork on the road, heading in the direction of the cairns in which several generations of your family are interred. They are too far and preoccupied to have noticed you.

"A bad omen," says your companion, spitting over his shoulder in the custom of his people when they receive unwelcome news.

>Continue to the donjon
>Join the procession at the back
>Ride to the front and hail your father
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>Write in
After some more questioning, let's go to the friars and find out what led out brother down this path!
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You joinI suppose I must let it go now, eh, brother? I confess it is almost a relief. And as always, you've managed have the final word. A sainted son for a martyred mother. I might even call it cunning if I did not know how incapable you were of duplicity. Well, I forgive you. That is what I would have said and then I would have knocked some sense into you. You swallow and clear your throat. "My father was witness to all this?"

Gamling opens his hands then sways his head side to side. "I don't know how much he understood."

"When did it begin?"

"Oh, perhaps a year, after..." He looks at you, then drops his gaze. "We had the infirmarius from the monastery come. Your brother petitioned him personally, but still he could not stay for very long for the abbot, Father Zachariah--you remember him, he was at your mother's funeral, though he was only a sacrist then--well, he had also fallen ill. Anyway, that first attack was from too much blood, I think it was said, so the infirmarius let your father, bled him, for the three days he was with us. Your sister was against it, you know how squeamish she is, like your mother. But your father seemed to recover after that and before the infirmarius left, he gave us instructions to keep him out the damp and to support him on a strict diet of pears, cucumbers, and barley bread. Things to cool his humours. Absolutely, no meat or fish. Which, you know your father, was not something he took well." Gamling lets out a barking laugh.

"The cellarer tells me we sell our hypocras now for a good price."

Gamling's lingering smile vanishes on the spot. "Yes, that was the first thing to go. Spiced wine incenses the blood, I think it was said. That was very hard for your father." Gamling speaks these words slowly and carefully.

You chop the remains of the pear, now reduced to the core, into small pieces.

"It is all plausible," offers Piruz. "And the diet would explain the accumulation of the black bile, the cure superseding the cause--and with your brother in such a condition, the melancholy would have worsened it still more--"

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>You came because your sister wrote to you
>You came because your sister wrote to you
>You came because your sister wrote to you

You are a mothman. You have a gun. As an Agent of the Company, you know exactly what must be done and are willing to do whatever it takes to complete the Mission. The City is calling. Glory and Terror await.

Last Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5776609/


In the City, in a split second, time changes. The anger inside goes away and you are finally able to see clearly now. Everything slows down.

You trace the slight shift of the RED Leader's revolver from you to the dying Captain in the murk of the tunnel. Second hands relinquish their wicked weapons now unwanted, scrabble for the BIG IRON at your hip, and instantaneously take aim.


The telltale power of the BREAKER BULLET violently twists your steady aim apart but oh it is glorious to behold. The entire storm drain is illuminated by the tremendous muzzle flash like the midnight sun and a bright white light devours everything. You see nothing, feel only the recoil.

You hate that.

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Finally, it's back!
Mission Two - SEPTIC SHOCK

1. Investigate the last known location of the Survey Team.
2. Retrieve any equipment and remains.

LEAD's Theme: (Megadeth — Killing is my Business) https://youtu.be/Q__ozbrEDh0
Big thanks to Overseer/HandlerQM. Going to change the system to be more simple.
>he's using the original track
Now that's what I wanna see
Changing vote from ADVANCE to BODYGUARD
LEAD has claimed his due. Let the other prey scurry away while we secure the VIP. They've lost, but we've yet to truly win as long as the VIP is in danger.

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You wake up in the middle of a room, the bloomy ambience blurs your memories. You have absolutely no clue of where you are or what were you doing before you woke up in the room.
The ambience is cold and weird, you feel like you are dreaming or under the effects of a hallucinogenic substance, something that is weird because you have been weird your whole life.
You can:
Check your inventory
Examine (object)
go to (place)
use (object)
self inspection
Examine fridge? And note.
Check inventory
Also rape someone
check the fridge for some grub
self inspection
gotta know thyself first
You inspect yourself.
I first check your face and shivers go down your spine as you feel you are not human anymore.
a pair of animal ears grew on your head and overall your whole physical apparience has changed and resembles an animal

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Hi, can anyone help me solve a Russian riddle, here it is:

"What is in the hands of time, but has no beginning and no end?
Mighty and weak, but timeless in its wisdom.
The answer is hidden in infinity,
O fervent heart, bolder, find its holy place."

The answer could be encrypted and written in any of the languages, or it could be some kind of cipher in which the answer is numbers on the order of 1-2-3-4, etc.
But this is all just speculation, I need your help forchans.
9 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.


Fuck it, when in Rome?
only logical option
You smirk at the imaginary camera in your head, you’re like fleabag dude you’re like fleabag.

“Fuhuhuhu a little liquor? Okay. But if you must know..I’ve certainly had my fair share of experience with..”

You pause for dramatic effect

“IPAs. So I know what I’m all about okay but..WHEN IN ROME I SUPPOSE.”

you down the entire bottle, the Slavs continue to Balkan about. UGUGUGUGUGU and whatnot

You feel great. You put your hands on your not feminine hips and grin bigly “see? That’s baby shit now let’s talk about your silly little langua-“

Oh. Oh no.

Oh mein gott

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>look at the rune book

>look at the rune book

I actually laughed out loud at the last update, I can’t remember the last time I did that on /qst/

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Welcome, one and all, to the triennial (though one hopes perhaps we can do this more often in the future) QUEEN OF /QST/ TOURNAMENT!

For those of you just joining us, this a celebration of some of /qst/’s greatest girls. It’s a successor to The great /QST/ Waifu Tournament of 2021 (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/4999756/), meant to bring together our creative community of QMS and their most passionate participants to select a single sweetheart to represent our board for a year! Alongside the KING OF /QST/ (thread pending), the winner of this thread will be undisputed (read: very disputed) supreme grand poobah of all females and femmes until whenever someone opts to run one of these again!

In our preliminary thread (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5961634/) we whittled down our contenders to a nice, manageable TOP TWELVE. Ranging the gamut from young and old mortal and immortal, organic and inorganic, magical and mundane, they represent a wide swathe of what our board has to offer. Some are sexy, some are cute, some are both, and some (if you’re a filthy pleb) are “abominable freakshit”, but every single one of them was SOMEONE’S favourite, with enough interest to appear here today. So, how about we make some (re) introductions, huh?
151 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
Registering in case inspiration strikes later during the matchups.
Why didn't you say anything to this guy?
....why do you know states that haven't made bestiality illegal?
backing this, the world must know for the great fetish teir list of the multiverse universe.
this guy. Not sure why his post didn't show up
Cowgirl position x9
>....why do you know states that haven't made bestiality illegal?
I said I didn't know that.

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Your whole life, people have called you a "downer". You're no fun at parties, you don't have any friends, you like to bring up morbid topics in conversation, and you have a generally gloomy mood about you. The reason for this is because since you were a child, you've known the exact date you and everyone you love, are going to die. Why, you do not know, but it's true. You know, and it's haunted you. You wish you didn't, you really do, but it can't be helped.
Your name is Fido Ballthrow. You're a college dropout, a failed musician, and a disappointment to your family. You have very few friends, you have no job, and you only have, from this moment on, five days to live.
You knew today was the day it all begins last night, and in an anxious frenzy locked yourself in your closet with all the essentials. Tissues, a gun, blankets, and a pillow. In a rage, you punched a bunch of holes in your wall, because of course, you did.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do?

DAY TIMER: 24:00:00

>Punch more holes in the wall (3 minutes)
>Go make breakfast (30 minutes)
>Cry (2-60 minutes
>Take the easy way out (End Quest)
>Call someone (2-100 minutes)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
227 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
Firstly, good on him for putting gasoline in his boss' coffee. No cameras? In a liquor shop? What are we, fucking retarded?

Secondly, this can work out quite good for us. We're meeting Lily later, right? Bitches love taking care of guys they're into. Plus, it may give us some pity points when she sees our "band".

That said,
>Reach for gun

I need to see this happen.

I don't believe him.
We know we'll die in five days, right? So... We can't die today! Right??
>Reach for bottle
There's still time to cave his skull in!
>Talk about your own hardcore shit. You just crashed a car some time ago!
+1, and then we slam his head on the table.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

“Ma’am. Ma’am.” Your eyes slowly drift up. The just past middle age woman jerks back as the full weight of your ‘two years of college debt and nothing to show for it’ dead stare drives into her. Alas, the just past middle age woman’s eyes do not begin to pour blood, and her face twists.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

You grunt, and the woman accepts that this might be the limit of your vocabulary.

“Ma’am. Miss. Those eggs. Those eggs were on sale, miss.”

Beep. Slide. Bag.

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>> Freeze
Uhhhhhh. UHHHHHHH!
> Freeze
It's a dream guys, we're still dreaming, it's a dream bird
>> Freeze
Did we leave a window open or are we dreaming?
“Nice bird?” Your hands drift slowly toward your eyes.

The bird stares at you. It paces slowly across your chest, eyes unblinking, then flaps its wings and flutters away. A feather and a black pebble drop to your lap.

You look around. The room has no windows. You look down. Ink is spreading from the quill across your pants, curving and spreading into thick boxy letters.

For services rendered. One eyestone. Feather included for future correspondence.

“Oh fuck!” You fling the feather and stone away. Shit! Shit! You can't afford new pants! You rip off the pants, fuming at the ink bleeding through to underneath, stumble over the dirty laundry and into the shared space between your room.

“Laura? Laura!?” Your roommate doesn't respond. You jam your head into her room, the smell of essential oils, incense sticks, and weed pushing back at you. Not home. Shit. She'll deal. You dig into her laundry shit and grab a little of everything and heave it into the laundry. You'll write a note or something, where's a pen...

You grab the stupid feather, still dripping ink. What the fuck is this thing? Is it even ink or some kind of bird puss? You smother your scream of frustration and scribble on a debt collector notice.

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Your car has broken down on the road.
The engine is pouring smoke.
There is a light mist in the air.
You can see the town ahead that you were driving towards.
[You] -> [Red Bottlecap]

You are a:
>Fog Spirit
>Write In
In addition, you are a:
>Townie. I live here. I am returning from an extended leave. I know the town and people. Easy.
>New Arrival. I moved here recently. I don't know most of the town or people in it. Medium.
>Out-Of-Towner. I do not live here. I know barely any of the town. People distrust me. Hard.

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Jesus did ya guys already forget?
>Write In "Calm down Tony sent us!"

>If that fails try to disarm him
Rolled 6 (1d20)

If you had some kind of beastly implement such as claws, you would definitely use them now. But you don't. Being a beast is not that cool.
You step back again as he approaches, trying to explain that Tony referred you. You assume this is Roth because of the jumpsuit and the fact he is in this mechanic's shop. There's a glimmer of recognition when you say the name Tony. But he continues to slowly move towards you, out in the open room now.
You decide to try and disarm him...
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Attempting to disarm your assailant, you essentially just run towards him and grab at his hands. When he smacks you in the face with his free hand, then pushes you onto the ground, you barely manage to roll out of the way before he swings down and hits the ground with his heavy wrench.
That did not work. You scramble to your feet, situated in the middle of the room now. He's still slowly encroaching on you. When he first spotted you, he was coherent. But now, it feels like he is entirely zoned out, mouth frothing in a grotesque way.

>Bolt out the front door [Agility+1 (+1:Young)]
>Quickly grab a heavy object as a weapon [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
>Use the ||Comedy Flashlight to attack [Might-1 (-1:Bad Weapon)]
>Say his name to him [Social-2 (-3:Mouth Foaming, +1:Glimmer of Recognition)]
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries

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Ah right, guys out of it we shoulda said it when we first came into the damn place. Right should we keep trying (and probably failing) at convincing em to stop acting like a moron or do we make a run for it?
>>Quickly grab a heavy object as a weapon [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]

Take a moment to feel sad about our lack of claws, and then grab something. It's a mechanic's shop, right? There's gotta be some span-dangle or doohickey we can smash his head open with. It's self defense.

But mostly, I think we should eat him. Or at least poke around his insides. It's just... feels right, yknow? He feels like prey to me. Despite currently beating our asses. Still.

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Dear diary,

Today was not that good of a day. It all started with my mom and her botched breakfast. Or her drink of choice, to be precise, as the dates and the wheat pancakes were fine... it was the milk again. She always stores it 'for later use', without telling, and I had to spend my whole day at school with a tummy ache. How can you mess up milk, mom? Again!?!? ... Anyway, I got so mad at her I started calling her Lupa because she doesn't like it (hehehe take that mom :p). She says that was her maiden name before dad kidnapped her to introduce new blood to our settlement... not sure what that was all about but whatever...

Soooo, now school!

The history class went terrible! The teacher wanted everyone attending to give a brief summary of their family history and Etruria, this pompous bitch >:( !!!, started to berate me how I didn't have culture of my own and I stole a dress idea from her last week! While it was my turn to speak! Well sorry that I don't have rich parents like yours to fund my degenerate lifestyle and nightly drunken escapades, I can't afford to throw up my food yet (willingly at least... MOM!!!). I am so mad at her enabler too... Samnitia-chat or whatever, she is the new kid on the block but just because she is a sun-beaten tomboy with a fetish for horses she gets to play cool with the popular kids and I don't :(

Initially the P.E. class started great when I noticed that Grecia-kun was staring at my quads!!! It feels so good that my gymnasium gains are finally getting recognition... and from him at that! He is so cute, I want to get married to him asap!!! but then Samnitia-chat started flaunting her riding skills and he didn't look at me for the rest of the session :/ Maybe I need to get some tan too. Grrrrrrrr ... I try to get mad at him but I just can't... he is so cute, sigh... oh, Grecia-kun, one day you will be mine - I swear by Jupiter Capitoline! hihihihihi >:)

Anyway, that's pretty much it my dear diary, catch you on the flip-flop, muah-muah

680 BC, with love and many pilum, you trusted Rome-chan

PS. I'm so exited for the Saturnalia <3

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>don't go to Saturnalia and ponder 'what is life'. Rome-chan starts becoming a philosopher?
I embrace cringe
>go to the Saturnalia alone

The start of darkness. One day, everyone will want to be us!
>>don't go to Saturnalia and ponder 'what is life'. Rome-chan starts becoming a philosopher?
Long game boy
>go to the Saturnalia alone
We're so cool, Grecia-kun is going to totally get jealous and come apologize for not asking us out, and dance with us!

File: Redgrass fields.jpg (62 KB, 960x640)
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Daemon Blackfyre lies dead upon Redgrass field, together with two of his sons. With them, dies the first Blackfyre Rebellion. These are the days when peace once more returns to the seven kingdoms, the days when the brave and true fell in battle, and left behind the embittered and mournful.

King Daeron II 'The Good' Targaryen owes his victory over his half-brother to his two sons and another half-brother, together with two Valeman, one a knight of the kingsguard and the other the Lord of the Eyrie.

The seven kingdoms are as united as they'll ever be; Targaryen rule has been secured once more, and peace reigns throughout the land.

But not all is well; rebellious lords have had their lands stripped and hostages taken in an effort to maintain order and compliance.

Across the narrow sea, Aegor Bittersteel lurks with a growing army of exiles, including the remaining members of House Blackfyre. But for now, an uneasy, bitter peace hangs over the realm.

You are in mourning as well, for your lord father has fallen as well. Whether it was at Redgrass Field or some other battle, the histories would not remember. But it does leave you the lord of a minor house.

But where?

>In the Westerlands

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>In the Crownlands

I’ll bite, QM
>In the Iron Islands
>In the Crownlands
>In the Crownlands
>>In the Iron Islands
Hope is a small and fragile thing

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