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>be God
>make women and give them ungodly traits (lying, manipulative, lustful, condescending, arrogant, uncaring, etc)
>force men to be attracted to women by default with no choice on the manner

Are women unironically the ultimate shit test from God? Did he make women like this so men can learn to have self control and learn to focus on more important things in life like being a good man? I always found it odd how God made man in his image, yet he made women from man’s rib. Almost feels like women have a lesser direct connection to God than man does. Explains why satan went to Eve to eat the apple and not Adam, cause he knew Eve would do it and convince Adam to go along with it.
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I guess it's possible. By keeping them away I'm protecting them so I'm displaying caring. I don't know if I am one of the 2 or not. I'm happy with what I am though.
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Dumb fucking weakling, women are literally our designated slave class, and sex slaves at that. They are our bitches by default, the problem is that we're becoming bitches/women ourselves and can't keep the slaves in line. Time to repeal all their protections and beat them back into submission.

>Colossians 3:19 says, “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.” Be slow to anger and show your wife forgiveness and love. This will allow her to grow from her mistakes, rather than being haunted by them. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 also describes this kind of love: "Love is patient, love is kind.
So if you have psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies you have to be medicated or be this tortured person? So you can fit in with other people's version of what an acceptable person is, fuck that.

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The American dream is now living out of a car. How do we fix this?
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Get a flat rear tailgate cover, then you can use the tailgate as a desk and your knees won't get hurt going in/out of the truck
>Its also why i listed individual incomes as well.
I didn't see that, I was triggered immediately by the sight of the term "household income"
>Looks comfy
...until you think about the logistics of living out of your car.
I live in the Subaru now, and I am fleeing America ASAP I am waiting on my foreign passport rn
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>and i don't have a fucking hope spit or a prayer about owning a home,
Change your idea of what that means.
you can buy a kit log home for as little as $23k sometimes. Put that on 12 acres at 3k an acre, pay $10 for your choice of guys to assemble it. how much that end up being--Now Imagine getting to CHOOSE who your neighbors are by commitee--not an HOA, a board that allows NEW MEMBERS.
36k+23k+10k=.... Bueller?...
Not to be dick, I just think that 79k for that is doable over 10 years
$7900/12 months=$658...but with your own water and whatever else you need...
Chickens? Fish? Cows, a goat for cheese??

>INB4 retard nigger chimes in with huuhhhuuu.. 215/month huh....uhhhggghgh...

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Just finished watching the Shogun miniseries.
The women were beautiful.
The men were masculine.
The architecture was exquisite.
Their elite class enjoyed and promoted beautiful art.
They had a love of nature.
I am not aware of a more beautiful culture and people and I doubt that there will be a more beautiful one if the future.
What is the point of continued human existance if we have already achieved peak aesthetics and it is behind us?
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didn't japanese people shit in the street tho
>Any proud society that lives with a purpose can achieve great things.
Yeah like retracing Rome's footsteps in oblivion with insane precision. That's what you meant right
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Read more jidaigeki manga
>destroying old growth forests is a great thing
kys, dog fucker

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Why did american democratic party choose bidet as a candidate for presidency again?
From what I can see, that poor guy is barely conscious. Is it some sort of humiliation ritual?
He's tied to St Obama and he's obedient to the party leadership.

Can we not protect her from this monster?
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she cute
Oh, this is a pity. Dropped.
>not a problem wasn't my body anyway LOL
She was a political rival. Had too much popularity overseas.
What does her piss taste like?

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Previous >>467807267

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: A number of occupation soldiers were killed east of Jabalia in the northern #Gaza Strip last night in a tight ambush by the Al-Qassam Brigades
>Urgent Red Crescent: Our crews have so far dealt with two injuries, one of which was very serious to the head During the confrontations in Balata camp, east of #Nablus.
>#Lebanon: At 23:40 on the night of Saturday 5/11/2024, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Al-Marj site with artillery shells and hit it directly.
>Media Coverage | According to The Washington Post report, the US is providing Israel's military with "sensitive intelligence" to target Hamas officials in Gaza, in exchange for refraining from launching a full-scale assault on the overcrowded city of Rafah.


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hello frens.
hello 53, chile anon, honduras anon and others.

jEWs are globally hated now more than ever.
People agree Hitler was right and say its a shame the holohoax wasn't real.
People also agree with Osamas Letter to America.
Everyone is learning jEWs did 9/11 and the dancing kikes video of them celebrating the twin towers being attacked is also going viral.
Its over for pissrael.
jEWs attacked the USS Liberty and shot at some survivors killing them.
jEWs blew up a 1,000+ year old church.
jEWs have killed Christians in Israel.
jEWs send immigrants and spread faggotry around the world.
jEWs have rape tunnels found in Brooklyn, NY.

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>bagels are polish
>lox is north german
>matzaballs are just shitty knodel
>pastrami is byzantine
>taboulleh is iranian

the only uniquely jewish dish is kugel and it sucks dick
it really is funny that they go on and on about how they must destroy amalek when its clear that they are amalek.
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About 300 thousand people left Rafah.
Knesset passed a bill making it that israeli's can't question the fake israeli narrative
> Hannibal Directive? What are you talking about moishe? We never killed any of our fellow jews, it was hamas wearing IDF uniforms in IDF helicopters and tanks, and just happened to look like the IDF soldiers that you know. It was Hamas
> Killing freed civilian jew hostages waving red flags? Schlomo, you must have forgotten to take your schizophrenia meds, that never happened. It was Hamas wearing IDF uniforms using IDF equipment that kill our fellow jews
> Of course we had no warning ahead of time
> Of course we never told IDF to stand down for hours
> Of course we didn't kill at least hundreds of jews
> Of course those IDF border guards are lying when they said that they warned us for months, that they saw Hamas practicing along the border
>Of course the IDF armed guards and tanks along the border were not pulled away from where they are 24/7, on 10/7.
> Of course....
> Stop being Hamas apologists you antisemitic jews!

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Never forget the 6 million.
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>Muh shoes

I always wanted to know where they keep getting more for every holohoax memorial. Do they have a warehouse somewhere full of 1940's shoes? And I know why, but the psychoses and manufactured symbolism of always making sure that there's a smattering of red women's and girls shoes on top. It's so flagrant once you see it.
Somebody with a sock acount post the video of 40 different pre-WW2 newspaper articles about the six gorillion
>Those who deny the son Jesus Christ shall be denied by the father who is LORD of the sabbath.
It was 35 million and you are an anti-semite.
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I gotchu.

>be boomer
>have freedom as a kid but become helicopter parents
>have straight sane society
>make it gay
>had all the excuses in life to fuck up and express ones manhood
>drug up kids and no excuses for most minor shit
>boomers had higher crime rate, joined gangs , fought with service workers
>can’t do that now
>sucked up all the wealth and will send zoomers to die for it
>memes ageism and elderly abuse to avoid consequences of own actions
>boomers can commit murder and get a lesser sentence then a zoomers hate speech post
>boomer actually be racist sexist and got away with it
>zoomer can’t make a joke
>boomers had age gap relationships when young with lower aoc
>but will jail an 18yr old with16yr old

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I love nigger porn.
White people are going extinct.
And it’s all boomers fault
Stopped breeding and went against Christ , now they need to import niggas for their pension
Hope they get blacked in senior home
I dunno if whites arent fucking eachother maybe it's a personal problem. "ooo yellow pussy so trad" retards are going to realize east asian women control the houses finances and "muh bbc" retards will experience single motherhood, and whites still somehow prefer these options over each other,
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Do you have a child?

>red lobster is losing money because of endless shrimp
then why offer it to begin with if it just loses money? how is that a functioning business model. how can someone “abuse” endless shrimp when the company is the one that offered it on a large scale? are less people supposed to order it or something? don’t really see how /pol/ blames customers abusing something the restaurant offered to begin with. if anything it’s poor financial planning on red lobsters fault and not the fault of the customer that red lobster will go out of business
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Why can you even get endless shrimp outside the restaurant. First fuck up right there.
>real food.
Red lobster doesnt use real dipping butter. Its all butter flavor oil like popcorn.
It's almost as if private equity...is Jewish!
butter and cheese isn’t cheap. even for restaurants.
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Now anon, I get the admiral feast.

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Time to start calling leftists what they really are: Nazis. Remember that all opposition to Israel is inherently leftist in nature.
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They put the N in Nationalsozialistische
>Commies are Nazis!
Heil Hitler comrade!



our ranks swell
Well jews are also politically left so i guess nazis and jews are the same


>Inside the hidden assumption in Albanese’s ‘misinformation’ bill that undermines its entire premise

>The budget promises good news on inflation and interest rates – but there’s a flipside

>Outrage at Albo’s plan to wipe out entire industry

>Yesterday's blog from the guardian, just incase someone cares
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Nobody wants the chinks or the Dune coons here either. Total deportation and reinstituting the white Australia policy is the long term goal.
I like your attitude. Sadly I think globohomo acts first, and hard. Maximum suffering and casualties, we don't see it coming. There precious fags won't be spared either.
Sure, if enough survive it'll get super ugly, with bloodlines ended, children in pyjamas etc. Not sure who wins though.
I rearry think so.
white Australia is right Australia!

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We need a mass movement. Anything else is cope. Siegetards aren't going to do anything. Bedroom esotericists aren't going to do anything. The handful of separatist homesteaders aren't going to do anything.

We need people on our side. Specifically, we need normal, functioning people who are capable of starting families and being upstanding members of a community.

How do we do it, bros?
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>Specifically, we need normal, functioning people who are capable of starting families and being upstanding members of a community.
This not exclusively white people. The country has been multicultural for so long that there are many multicultural people, mutts, etc... This is why the idea does not work with normies, it would divide them from people they don't have problems with and actually have relationships with. Nationalism in general, the American way, civic responsibility, accountability, and emphasis on empowering the National citizen and a reasonable approach to immigration is really the best you're gonna get.
>How do we do it bros?

Become a social psychologist.
Influence social spheres.
Profit, a White nation.
>For example: men's rights advocacy group.
what happens when it's just indians showing up
Like the other poster said, it helps to get other races involved. A lot of them are sympathetic to the cause and don't want white people to go extinct. They can advocate for their rights as well.
>The moment you advocate increasing a white birthrates or percentage is the moment you come across as a sperg that the average normie doesn't want to associate themselves with.
The average normie doesn't matter.
Forget the idea of "average", and think about solutions that are fit to the person in particular.
We don't need a one-size-fits-all meme that is self consistent, we need distributed memeplex array that expresses itself differently in different environments, but all generally points in the same direction.

The average normie may not care for it, but some normies will in certain environments.
It depends on who you're talking to.

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Is hitting your kids based or cringe?
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you're absolutely correct. from my experience, impoverished african-americans beat on their children much worse than european-americans, and things are only getting worse here. makes me wonder if abuse at home is causing these huge upticks in crime. a disturbing cycle of abuse that is only growing and growing ...
My dad used to whip off his belt like he was going to whip me, but he never had the heart to actually do it.
>work pretty well for the police, military, etc
not really. Did wanton slaughter for 20 years in Afghanistan change anything? Does police violence change a crackhead for the better?

Actually I think it actually may be more damaging. All the guilt tripping leaves scares as much as a strap.
blisteringly based dad

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holy fucking meds, batman

i can't wait for NATO to collapse so i can stop paying tax money to foreign governments to wage war on behalf of ontologically evil intelligence agencies.
NATO is a human trafficking organization for globohomo. They intentionally destabilize foreign countries.
Well...fuck.. That makes sense. I had such high hopes Iran was going to nuke israel, I knew it was too good to be true.
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NATO is mostly there for the US so that Europe does not rearm to a degree it could become a danger to the US.
If you dissolve NATO, European countries would have no choice but to get their own nuclear weapons.
A country you are not in a military alliance with you might also have to consider a potential enemy.
Without NATO the EU would turn into a military alliance on its own.

Now suddenly you have to consider a rearmed Europe, which is a larger economy with more people than the US, the same or in some cases higher level of technology as your potential enemy.
You would have to worry about for example a German stealth submarine with nuclear warheads.

It would lead to a destruction of the globalized economy the US built, impoverishing billions of people who will all point to the US as the enemy.

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Any other 2016 electionGODS here that have become more liberal over the last near decade? I've embraced state funded healthcare, still on the fence of about college, though I believe that trade school should be dirt cheap. In fact, why not just combine the two and let young people start training in the trades and get it over with freshman year? And back to healthcare, if I take a once in a decade trip to snap city, the feds can stop bombing muslims for half an attosecond to give me the care I need.
Honestly, is there a single soul here that would object to military budget cuts in favor of more socialist reforms? They already have you money no matter what, they took it. All we can argue about now is how to divide it up.
final bumpolaeroni

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What are you going to do when America becomes uninhabitable due to climate change?
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sure thing moshe. meanwhile Bibi and his Generals are getting arrest warrants from the ICC and will get killed by Inter/pol/
your days of kike supremacy are over. the goyim know and are PISSED
I got wetballs and nothing can save you niggers.
What's funny is the popularity waxes and wanes differently depending on the hemisphere. When annual average temps go down for a decade in the northern hemisphere, they go up in the southern, and you see all the Australians rediscover the climate emergency.
lol I saw this copypasta on GLP 15 years ago, thanks for the laugh
That's just objectively false unless you're a fat onions maybe but we're talking about people here

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I guess it turns out that SOMEBODY isn’t as pro lgbt behind closed doors apparently
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my feeling of revulsion are out in the open.
OP pic is someone's faggot son that takes estrogen and trips on the /lgbt/ board. He's also a jew. I've seen his tiny jew cock.
actually passing
>hassan throw a punch
and kicking, basically proof he's a poof

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Can anyone unironically explain why jews hate Christ so much?
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I'd say you just gave yourself away if I wasn't already sure you were kike some-20 odd posts ago.
>post red letter scripture
>kike calls you kike
You jews are terrible at this.
Nope. He told his disciples to hide that he was the messiah 3 separate occasions.
Hey kike, the word gentile only exists in English translations. The actual word used is έθνους, which you might recognize as the root of some words used today. It’s the exact equivalent of goy (Father Abraham was a goy, did you know that? Look up the Hebrew used in Genesis 12 if you don’t believe me) and just means nation
All this aside, reading the rest of the scriptures makes it clear that salvation had to be first offered to the people of the covenant, and only when (not if) most of them reject it can the offer be extended to all the nations. Why do you ignore the great commission and the existence of the book of Acts and just take verses out of context like this? Actually don’t answer that, I already know why
Christ is truth
Jews are lies

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