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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
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11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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im a female looking for a trans gf :3 my discord is witchkoral

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Nostalgia edition

Previous thread : >>77269393 https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/77269393/#77269393

Ignore annoying moids


>What childhood memory always brings a smile to your face?
>Is there a TV show or movie you used to watch religiously as a kid that you still think about?
>Favorite food or snack you used to eat as a kid?
>Can you recall a specific childhood friend who you've lost touch with but still remember? Was it positive or negative?
>Can you recall a specific moment from your childhood that taught you a valuable life lesson?

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Get out, moid shitter.
>hey nonas, if you had to play a sport, what type of sport would it be?
I bet you're a loser with no hobbies or skills
>be biofem thread
>call everyone who disagrees with you male
Oh so sheltered and naive.
Get off the board roastie
brother when i asked you why you are an incel, you said it was because you are an incel. you admitted you have ZERO IDEA of what makes you unattractive if anything! you said yourself that you STARE AT THE RESULTS, NOT THE PROCESS. you may have problems, but you have no intentions of even acknowledging them. i'd have more empathy if you said it was something about wrist size or nose shape because then i could see it as body dysmorphia or just being genuinely unlucky when born. BUT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. YOU ARE LAZY.
you are not worth being original for

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30+ Thread - Somehow survived the week Edition

A Surprise to Be Sure, But a Welcome One
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I'm 30 and have been drinking since I was like 22. Should I get drunk today or quit drinking?
probably something to do with anal probing or someshit

yep i am fucked




quintupletly so
zoomers are so fucking annoying at concerts man

Anyway, recently turned 30 here. Despite all odds, getting in shape has somehow led to some women being attracted to me. I got a woman's number after going to a show after she approached me and talked to me for over an hour.
Thing is, I'm worried about my lack of experience putting off every single woman. I asked her out to get coffee this weekend and she said yes and I don't know what to fucking do when she'll inevitably ask me what my ex's were like. Do I just lie and pretend it's been a while? I never thought I'd get this far
>Do I just lie and pretend it's been a while? I never thought I'd get this far
I've lied and said something like
"I've never been in a serious relationship"
She's already agreed to see you again so you have something that women find attractive, take that as a huge confidence boost and use it to figure out the next part.
At the worst she's a friend you go to shows with and she can introduce you to her friends.








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Spare Your Heart edition.

thread questions
>your type
>What is trust?
>Do you feel you can trust people? Why?
>Do you feel that you can trust plants and animals? Why?
>What separates a human beings from a plants and animals?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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>>your type
>>what is the difference between a job and a hobby?
One makes my bank account go up; the other makes it go down.
>>do you have a job or a hobby?
Both, and I'm late for the latter.
>your type
>what is the difference between a job and a hobby?
A hobby is something I like but I don't get paid while a job can be something I like or don't like but I get paid :D
>do you have a job or a hobby?
I don't have a job currently nor have any interesting or non basic hobbies
bruh chuck is a good person dont be rude
Chuck is a man called "Lewis" that catfished me.
Lewis is a lady called LUCA

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>kiss count
>body count
In the span of a year since losing my virginity
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>Where is that gif from?
No idea. I found it here

The beginning feels impossible but it's a snowball effect from then onwards
Both zero
Will likely stay thet way
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Many, many stats won't be 0 0 since the vast majority of men on /r9k/ are normalfags.
Yes life is about having sex with many different women xD. If you have the genes to have casual sex then why not get an actual loving gf.
>And why a stats thread with two stats?
Because I want to see the difference between the two. Are most people going all the way every time or not?

>why not get an actual loving gf.
Because I can't. I'm just fuck and dump material to them. Or some dunce they think they can exploit.
>Because I want to see the difference between the two
Oh ok.
>the vast majority of men on /r9k/ are normalfags.
I don't know, you have to be fairly retarded to come here and stay here, even a normalnigger would need to be pretty fucking weird. And weird faggots don't get pussy.

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>finally get my first job at 24 because I'm fucking tired of depending on mommy for everything and having zero privacy or freedom
>she's a compulsive hoarder with spending issues and a lot of personality disorders and I want my own space because she's exhausting and malicious
>work hard thinking I'm going to be able to save up enough to eventually move out and focus on starting a proper career from there
>look online, rent for nearby studio apartments is only like a third of my paycheck
>holy shit, this could actually work
>mom decides to start charging me rent because it's "not fair" that I get to mooch off of her and never spend any money
>charges me about 90% of what I usually earn and threatens me if I complain about it
>usually ends up taking whatever's left throughout the rest of the week anyway
>when I tell her she's taking up all of my money she only says "well now you know how it feels"
>by the time I get my next paycheck I'm always either sitting firmly at $0 or in the negatives because my mom took everything or even more than that
>this goes on for a year and a half
>job is really physically taxing and wears me down after a while
>get fired for taking too many days off and not staying late when asked (which is almost every day to be fair)
>back at square one except two hundred dollars in debt and with bad knees and a bad back now
>mom isn't charging me rent anymore but says she will as soon as I start making money again

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sounds like your mom wants to fuck you idk
Get another job and tell her you will be moving out and sending her 8% of your paycheck for the first 2 years
Classic case of BPD parent.
A BPD anything will turn up their evil shit x99999 when they can sense youre getting stronger and more powerful and able to break free from their web.
Their entitlement is also astronomical.

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would you risk it anons
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>becoming a girl
not worth the risk
100% chance for life to get massively easier
I am definitely a closeted trans because it was really nice to imagine myself as a woman instead of whatever I am now
Not having balls or a dick.
All sex you could have would be gay since you'd still be yourself and thus a man on the inside.

You instantly turn into a girl so everyone who knows you will thing youve super trooned out.
>risk it
There's no downside.

Does anyone else have a crooked line down their penis?
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That's the pingas vein. It supplies Ivo's pingas serums whenever he wants, for full pingas control.
That's a frenulum. That's not crooked, it just means that during Burgerland's mandatory post birth baby mutilation ritual, you got mutilated a little less than others. Pic related shows you how the frenulum is supposed to look with your foreskin attached.
yup it's normal don't worry about it anon :>
How fucking big is his cock, i know hes anglefrauding but its still massive.
Hey you're really cute. I wanna see more of your plump thighs and fat cock. I have autism so I'm sorry if this sounds gay.

Why are so many peoplle ok with dating women who had sex before them?

How can you love and feel loved by someone who has had another mans penis inside them and on their face?
How could you think of them as sweet and kind knowing they let another man defile them all the way talking like a nasty whore?
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yeah the sad thing is the females who displayed stronger resistance to murdering invaders were probably just killed along with their children which wiped out a lot of their genes
the pattern of war and death basically works in favor of women who submit to violence and men willing to commit it
A man having sex with other women is not a threat to the woman's reproduction. Women do not have an instinct to stop their mate from fucking other people in order to guarantee that the child is theirs. They always know it's theirs. Their instinct is a lesser one, developed relatively recently evolutionarily speaking, to stop the man from potentially supporting another mate and its offspring instead of hers, but if the man is capable of supporting both they don't care, which is why most women have no qualms about sharing the top tiers of men in a harem, and why a "reverse harem" has literally never been a common thing in all of human history because there have never been men accepting of it; in fact we have a word for these failures of men: cuckold, and it's one of the worst insults you can levy against a man.

men care about a woman's past and women don't care about a man's. no double standard exists because men and women have different standards. men and women cannot judge the other based on their own standards, e.g. women cannot expect men to be ok with them being slutty. it just doesn't work.
You'll be happy one day bro, girl or not.
>disgusting monkeypoxed homosexual thinks anyone cares about its opinions.
I don't think it matters if you explain it, all that matters is that they're being shamed and do not like it and will try to shame you back. The fact that it is a direct and easily anticipated consequence of her life choices doesn't seem to enter into it.

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i am an asian guy and despite my face not having any major flaws (hell Im even tall for an asian at 6ft) wonen reject me 99.9% of the time because of my mongoloid pheno alone.
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I'm 5'11, and my dick is 6inches, I'm slim, but my frame is average. My hands are big and I hand-mogg most white guys. It's my skull that renders me a instant pass...
east asian men are ideal lookswise, they tend to be more introverted though and i'm not the type of person they would like anyways
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asian man here,

the worst part is that we are precieved as so harmless, but eternally friendzone material. I used to think that women looking at me and smiling meant they were at least open to approach, turned out they looked at me because of a childlike curiosity of alien races NOT because I caught their eye as a man. It was brutal.
most women in general prefer dating within their race. as a minority in a western country, you will need to put in more effort to get a woman than the majority race. you would have the best luck with asian women, who have less barriers about dating asian men, but there are women of every race who are interested in asian men. it will be a numbers game for you. you'll have to approach more women to meet one open to dating you, and even if they would date an asian man, it's still not a guarantee they'll be interested in you in particular due to mismatch in looks/personality/lifestyle/location. try not to focus so much on the alienation aspect or asian women dating other men. ultimately you're looking for your own person and you don't need everyone to be interested in you to find love.
This image is so fucking brootal

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scawwy ppl r working outside.
cannot take it easy at all
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>Are you gonna buy it?
heh..... maybe (im going to get kicked out of the house)
goodnight kaguyanon!
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Goodnight cute Kaguyaposter.
>im going to get kicked out of the house
Don't do it then!
>Don't do it then!
but the dragon.....
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If you're gonna buy a figure at least buy a Hu Tao...
if there was an actual good figure of hu tao i would, but dragon has priority still

>be me
>Seventh Grade
>Have crush on girl in my class
>Go to sleep and wake up in fish fortress
>all my class mates are there
>"holy shit were trapped in an underwater world"
>fishes enslave us and make us work
>take the girls from class and rape them in front of us
>wake up
>mfw when i was all a dream (she rejected me next day)

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do any fembots goon?
I've talked to a few and they about as dull and uninteresting as expected.
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Guy was cummogged.

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