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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
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/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


How do I start talking like an intellectual?
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Use less racial slurs, dummy.
use a bunch of buzz words that normies don't actually know the meanings or origins of. (spoiler alert: they're all made up by kike "intellectuals")
Read. read read read. This is the way.
I'ma RIZZ you up with my smooth brain you skibidi sigma.
Talk really fast, that's why boomer rightoids think Shapiro and zoomer libcucks think Destiny are some type of "debate gods."

i want to be a woman :(
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>You'd still be crying about life on the internet.
yeah but i'd be doing that as a girl. one less problem

>Unless you want your mind to change too, but then you'd be someone else entirely.
depends on how much you change

no i don't wanna be a skinwalker

>ok anon good luck with trooning out i guess
ill need it


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Billions must die... Billions must die...
>it would make trannies stop existing which probably would affect literally nothing about life except terminally online retards would screech about something else instead
it would mean the internet would be a better place since the mentally ill people shitting it up would be no longer mentally ill and the obsessed people crying about them shitting it up would no longer be obsessed
>ill need it
why is that anon? have you thought about it already?
If you don't want to wear someone else's skin, then I'll just wear yours.

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Do-It-Yourself Edition!

Previous thread : >>77462143

Rules: Ignore impolite moids


>Have you ever created DIY? What was your most impressive thing you have made?
>If you could DIY anything without worrying about cost or skill level, what would it be?
>Do you prefer tackling DIY projects alone or with a group of friends?
>Do you find more joy in the process of DIY or in the final result?
>How do you feel about the imperfections and mistakes that often come with DIY projects? Embrace them or strive for perfection?
>Would you rather DIY something practical that you'll use every day or something purely decorative?

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it seems like no matter what you make the topic about, there will always be /pol/tards, spammers, and debatefags.. good luck on whatever you are doing, i might just go to bed early tonight for the same reason. lets see if i can beat my record from yesterday.
am on your side fuckface
gas the kikes
Well, yeah, that's why it's so fucking funny when foids claim that incels are somehow wrong when in reality incels and foids agree on 100% of topics
1) Foids only care about looks
2) Foids are only attracted to 0,1% of men
3) Foids will cheat on their bf with a bigger gigachad
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men can only wish they looked like this
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Hello fellow /biofem/s lets talk about today's topic: It's moid hate! What will it be tomorrow? Moid hate! The day after that? Also moid hate!
>the kike cries out as he strikes you!
God bless you

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I was the one who came up with the "dihydrogen monoxide" joke in my chemistry class
I was good friends with a kid who did that. I remember him telling to the stupid bitch teacher and her reaction. Good times. I haven't spoken to him in a few years but I hope he's doing good.

But we all hate each other instead, sadly.
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i'm a shut in and 300 and nobody wants me
I want you. Where do you live?
God I need you people to start hate fucking RIGHT NOW
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I deliberately hate women
i deliberately love women

Banana ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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some kind of tooth infection got him. brush your teeth gaybros
Faggot I would face plant you to death. Don't think you can get away with disrespect you show here if you meet me irl.
Coming straight to bangladesh
It's sad you can't hide thumbnails in catalog.

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Ive dumped this girl 3 times already and she keeps coming back asking if we can get back together and somehow convincing me to agree to see her. However every time on the day im supposed to see her I come back to my senses and block/ghost her. After give or take a week she ends up adding me back on snap on an alt account and begging to be at least friends. After I agree to be at least friends she starts slowly coming onto me sexually and asking if we can see each other (we are about 40 mins away). Im writing this because it just happened again and im pissed but also shes at least a 6/10, not fat, pretty face, decent ass, and was a virgin before I fucked her. Need some incel bros to tell me what they would do in this situation. I ended things with her because she is fucking crazy and a hello kitty girl. Picrel looks like her room.
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>Need some incel bros to tell me what they would do in this situation
It's all genetics. You are either born with it or you are not. All you can do is cope knowing you will never be a real incel.
yeah ive had sex with 5 different women
It's genuine. If anyone did this to me I'd want nothing to do with them. It's a lot harder to convince someone to stay away from you, than to force them to stay away from you by being unbearable whenever you're together. If you just act like an annoying piece of shit, they'll be repulsed by you and take to the natural reaction of getting as far away from you as possible. This is the most effective way to do it, even if it's grimy or makes you look cringe. But you shouldn't care about looking cringe to someone whose opinion of you doesn't matter at all. Who cares if the BPD plushie chick things you're a loser? As long as she fucks off, then all is well, regardless of how gross she thinks you are.
Wow you actually make a good point anon, will try this
unfortunately scene bitches are extinct now :(
but yeah it beats being alone i think should be an interesting experience even if its ends badly

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I can only cum to bull porn
I don't cum to anything my dick don't work. I'm turned off by the fact that I am not a bull and a broken cuckboy

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Humanity is dying out because foids only procreate with chads. What can the world do to combat this?
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why tax men?
it's not their choice to be childless
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White men can't breed. Women only want Congolese seed.
>incel tax
>when gay marriage is legel
Government already shot itself in the foot on this one.
it would be unfair or something but think about it this way women would be more interested in men in general if it meant avoiding a tax
>it would be unfair or something
No, it would be unfair to tax someone for what they are UNABLE to fucking do, retard. 100% of men want to have kids but most are unable to because of foids.

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I got her the best gift a dad could ever give to his dear sweet daughter. A big fucking negro to blow her back out and give us a dozen grandchildren
tranny kikes working overtime tonight
I know you are shitposting cause you are bored, but I genuinely wonder what you look like
Did my/someone elses bullying/trolling/stalking get another one of you faggots to kill himself?
Because you retards are going pretty hard tonight and you probably know who I am and what i did.
Your attempts at retaliating are pitiful at best XD

>Don't check on the thread for 1 hour 30 minutes
>It's archived
Fuck my life kind of day. I almost never see a thread get archived in less than 1h50m after the last bump. Ugh, I feel sick. Aisu... pls make a new thread...
I feel utterly devastated...
It's over, isn't it. End me.
just bump faster retard

women are not "entitled" to your attention.

men are not """biologically inclined""" to approach women. you do not """need""" to impress the other gender. it is not """"chivalrous"""" to participate in """""traditional""""" gender dynamics. you are NOT a jester.

you do not """""need""""" to perpetuate this western sensibility.

you do not """"""NEED"""""" to be in a romantic relationship.

when you """""""slide into the dms""""""" you are just becoming another statistic. you do not have to """""""""""accept""""""""" that you're male cattle. you can avoid it ENTIRELY.

the bulk of your desire to pursue """""""""""""dating""""""""""" is socially inflicted.

if someone isn't your ONE TRUE LOVE then there iss NO POINT.

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Cat Nip edition

thread questions
>your type
>What would a "Virtuous Vice" be?
>Are you more of a "Eat to live" or "Live to eat" kinda guy?
>Do humans, plants, and animals exist in a hierarchy? If so, what is it? Or, what is the most important one?
>Is there a type system or psychological theory which you believe to be more useful than MBTI or Jung?
>Have you ever had a particularly memorable meal?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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the foundations, our understanding is one of an inhabitant and not an architect.
But any good builder knows that you need a solid foundation before anything else is constructed.
If you know that an individual is a feeling dominant, then you know that their thinking is inferior because thinking and feeling are opposites. If the person was a thinking dominant then their feeling would be inferior. If they were a sensation dominant then their intuition would be inferior. If they were an intuition dominant then their sensation would be inferior. It may be helpful to mentally replace the word "inferior" with "submissive" because the inferior function is in effect submitting to the dominant function. This concept is easy enough to understand with the dominant and inferior (or "submissive") functions but for some reason when it comes to the auxilliary and tertiary functions some don't realize that the functions and their attitudes (in combination, attitudinal functions) still contest for control against their opposites. Introversion battles extroversion and in this hypothetical case of an introverted feeling individual, sensation battles intuition just as thinking battles feeling.
The individual, as an introverted feeling type, judges primarily and perceives secondarily. You may be wondering why can the Fi dominant person only be Se + Ni or Ne + Si in their conscious perception and not have combinations of Se + Ne or Si + Ni? I will try to explain. It is simple once it clicks in your mind.
The introverted feeling dominant person is classified as either an INFP [Fi, Ne, Si, Te] or ISFP [Fi, Se, Ni, Te]. But you can't have the functions in the conscious arrayed like this: [Fi, Ne, Ni, Te] or [Fi, Se, Si, Te] because Ne and Ni contradict each other in attitude they cannot both be in the conscious at once and because Se and Si contradict each other in attitude they cannot both be in the conscious at once either.
If the individual is an ISFP then the sensation
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perception of their conscious is extraverted, [Fi, *Se,* Ni, Te] meaning that the sensation perception (extraverted sensing) *cannot* be introverted at the same time. Which is why there is no [Fi, Se, Si, Te] type. Instead, Si is the other side of the coin of Se and the ISFP's Si is in their shadow stack. The shadow stack is merely the four conscious functions with inverted attitudes. It helps in understanding to not think of the placements of the attitudinal functions in the eight function stacks as linear rankings even if they may often more or less operate that way.
You may be wondering; but what if the ISFP's sensation perception was introverted and not extraverted sensing? In that case they would be an INFP. [Fi, Ne, Si, Te]. The auxilliary function is always the opposite attitude of the dominant function because the opposition in attitude is what makes it worthy of being the auxilliary function over the tertiary function - the tertiary matches the attitude of the dominant function.
If you understand the reason for the arrayments of the four conscious functions in the types then you should understand why the shadow exists and why then the eight attitudinal function stacks make sense.
I'm going to go over what I just explained again but using another type as an example, the ISTJ. Remember, the conscious stack of the four functions easily determines the shadow stack. Hence eight relevant functions for each of the sixteen types. Every function is relevant to every type somehow even if being only notable by its near absence in influencing an individual's behavior.
Si Dominant <|-|-----> Se Opposing
Te Auxilliary <-|-|----> Ti Critic
Fi Tertiary <-|-|----> Fe Trickster
Ne Inferior <-|-|----> Ni Villain
The first function of the shadow stack is often called the "opposing" function. In reality, all of the functions in the shadow oppose their inverted attitude counterparts in the conscious.
The ISTJ is an introverted sensation dominant. Because their perception
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is primarily sensation focused their perception is less intuition focused by definition and necessity. And because their perception is primarily introverted, it is less extraverted, again by definition and necessity, making for extraverted intuition inferior, extraverted sensing opposing and introverted intuition villain. The strength or weakness of one perception function determines the strength or weakness of the other perception functions. It is the same way for the judgement functions. When you know what direction "down" is then you know the direction of "up" because "up" is simply the opposite of "down." Thinking is the opposite of feeling. Sensation is the opposite of intuition. Introversion is the opposite of extraversion.
So if the ISTJ has extraverted thinking auxilliary, then by definition and necessity as surely as "up" is the opposite of "down" they will have introverted feeling child. Why can the child function not be extraverted feeling instead? Because the extraverted judgement is thinking focused. The extraverted judgement that judges the exterior world is thinking based so it cannot also be feeling based in the conscious. Why can the child function not also be a thinking function, which, if a thinking function, could only be introverted thinking if extraverted thinking was the parent? Because you cannot have the introverted opposition of extraverted thinking in the conscious.
Notice how in every stack of the four conscious functions, you have one introverted judgment function, one extraverted judgement function, one introverted perception function and one extraverted perception function. You can't have two introverted judgement functions in the conscious because they oppose each other.
I hope it is clicking in the mind of the reader by now. It took me a long time to realize why the eight function stacks make sense so I understand why they are unpopular, but it is my understanding that the theory is waterproof, so to speak. The roof does not leak
subby Thinky here ama
Dorito-powered Ameri-bump!

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