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If so why?

No anal involved, just dudes liking dudes.
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>the researchers conclude
The researchers concluded that "they were uncertain" even low prejudice people find it gross. Which was posted twice already if you can learn to fucking read.

Wolves will attack other wolves in the pack if they try to have incestual sex. It's in their nature to naturally reject inbreeding. The study suggest that it's in our nature to naturally reject homesexuality.

>isn't accepted by women
>isn't accept by men
You'll find any kind of contact "nice" because everyone rejects you.
heres the problem. the left doesnt even try to keep their extremist individuals/wings/subcultures in check. gay rights were fine until you started saying kids should be allowed to CHANGE THEIR FUCKING SEX (as if children know what theyre doing at this age) while at the same time saying parents arent allowed to raise THEIR OWN CHILDREN to be a certain religion. you lost whatever sympathy you had in the first place. when people say "liberalism is a mental illness", this is what they mean. not to mention you harbor a deep set innate hatred of white men, just cause and no amount of accommodating will satisfy you. i dont give a fuck if youre a bottom getting trains ran on you nightly but i dont care for having any sort of friendly, non hostile, baseline civil interactions with you either. FAGGOT.
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>You'll find any kind of contact "nice" because everyone rejects you.
But people don't reject me, I can go to places with other gay men and we won't look at each other with disgust.
>doesn't say that the reason is genetic or biological. It's cultural
>it's cultural
Literally says that low prejudice participants were still disgusted by it. That means culture doesn't play a part in it and there must be another cause.

You must have rolled low int at birth.
>the left doesnt even try to keep their extremist individuals/wings/subcultures in check. gay
Yeah, but that's not my fault, I'm not that left leaning they make us look bad. Doesn't change the fact that to me there is nothing inrently bad about being gay, just all the fake artificial "cultural" aspects of it.

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stop being a pussy, fix yourself, and make it happen.
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why would I go get her back?
last time she made it clear that she doesn't want me
1) She said us getting back together is never going to happen, multiple times
2) She saw me beginning to fix myself and completely ignored it
3) I was her one and only guy before we broke up and now she's fucking some other guy. She's not special to me anymore after another guy has used her holes, she's just another whore like the rest of them.

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Who is responsible for the idea that, as a man, you have never been, are or will be loved? And that your only value is the work you do?
Doesn't matter. The world is filled with equally retarded ideas. Disregard and move on.

How do i convince my mom to let me not eat breakfast. I know i sound like a 12 year old retard but im 18 and my mom MAKES me eat breakfast even though im never hungry in the morning and im just choking it down everymorning i need \adv\
maybe you can meet in the middle and just have one of those meal replacement drink things
Gently but firmly state that you don't require breakfast. Stay very calm. Do NOT raise your voice, regardless of how shrill she gets, because it will be used against you. Be an iron hand inside a velvet glove.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)
"The Pussy": https://z-lib.is/book/the-pussy-

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>Also why are you making this all sound so much harder than it is
Because my take (former LDR anon) is that you have to take all of this into account and then plan your life around that, because just being in an online-only relationship is a just a more pornographic version of having internet friends. Not completely empty but way less fulfilling than the real thing. Like you might as well just hook up with local girls and then talk about your interests with anons on your favorite social media app because you'll probably have more fulfilling conversations and more fulfilling sex.
thanks for asking brother.
im doing okay, trying to distract myself best i can but dont really wanna fall into that trap of filling that void with meaningless stuff

find myself going thinking oh so-and-so would appreciate this meme or joke or something. the homesickness for a person is very real

trying to push for another few days before i cave and check in
not the anon you were talking to, but comparing it to a more pornographic version of internet friends makes so much sense in terms of ldr. never thought of it like that
Nothing wrong with processing how shitty you feel as long as you don't fully fail into despair. Trying to run from it won't work forever.
>trying to push for another few days before i cave and check in
If this is how you feel, then you might need to block her for you own sanity. Again, I can tell you gave her your all, and it's not easy to just halt that. But trust me: Reaching out will make things worse for both of you.
thanks, ill do my best to process and not talk to her

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For all this year I feel like shit because everyone around me seem like have some serious idea, skill, passion or hobby to live on and I have none of that. So, of course, I feel lost and unfulfilled, even though I have no basis to push off or direction to go on.
Beside consuming content, I can only monologue about various topics for hours (which is what I do for my job) and sporadically write stuff for my not very serious though social hobby, but nothing else. I have some very sporadic and amateur interests in history, fantasy, sci-fi, but they don't give me anything to work on beside aforementioned writings.
I found my current job and joined my current hobby completely by accident, and none of my knowledge or supposed "skills" from school and university were needed for that. For job, only my diploma was needed and the things I learned in uni and now I currently teach.
I haven't done nothing in my school and uni years beside just learning and resting at home, consuming content, because not only I was and still is not very sociable, not only because I was bullied in school - I just had no idea about what to do beside that, as my parents were completely OK with me just learning and getting good grades while doing nothing, and I was OK with it. So I've already wasted a good lot of time in which others were making their progress in their jobs/skills/passions/hobbies, and if I ever try to start something of those, I'll be far behind any of my job and hobby acquaintances and still will feel like shit.
So, what should I do with this feeling? How to fulfil it or, at least, cease it?
I'd guess you want to get a job where you actually use what you learned. I'd
say keep at writing. Sounds like a perfectly fine hobby. Alternatively try something new and don't sweat it about being behind your peers. It's perfectly normal to start from zero when it comes to hobbies
Unfullfilment comes from a distorted sense of identity where you focus too much on how you are "supposed to be" instead of focusing on who you are right now. Stop fixating too much on the things you don't do, instead be a little introspective and think on what do you want to do and what you like to do on the most basic level.
You mention having an interest in speculative fiction, why is that? maybe you like to learn, maybe you like to fantasize, maybe you like to ponder, maybe you like to know another person via their works, those are your human quailities and it's what really defines you and guides you toward fullfilment.

Let's say you discover that you are a guy who likes to learn, then no matter what happens in your life you will learn about stuff, that will make you happy because learning never ends. Now let's say you deifne yourself as a writer, and you decide you need to be a good writer, then you decide that a good writer is a famous writer. Maybe you don't like fame, but now you are stuck in a misery loop becuase you feel like you have failed yourself, only because you mistook an imagined version of success with your real self.
Focus on what you like to do and how you like to be, not on what you must achieve.
I don't know, since I don't experience it, but you might Google on "anomie."
What if someone only likes fantasizing, feeling superior to others, conversation and causing trouble for fun?

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Had this happen to me like a month ago. Shit hurts but you've got to just move on.
Why the hell would I tell you what I look like? Yes, errr, I weigh 800 lbs and have bright purple hair and I smell. Stay the FUCK away from me and ALL women you disgusting, evil rapist. I would personally murder you, rapist, if I knew who you were. I really would. I hate rapists with a passion and I love guns.
just feel numb inside, from being so happy and feeling like it will all be okay to just back at square one where I’m gonna be all alone forever. I find someone perfect for me and just end up pushing them away with my loneliness and spergy neediness. I’m just gonna miss her idc if she doesn’t miss me. I just can’t handle life. Everything sucks. It’s all my fault too, but man it felt like I was finally breaking out of this shitty mindset. Finally becoming more or less normal. And the shittiness is just coming right back. She doesn’t know just how much she means to me and what she was doing for me but it’s not her job to make me normal so idk. Gotta just focus on myself now and try to fight the urge to go back to the dark place. Need to live life.
>reeee rapists
>seething fat femcel
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I have something I'd like to get off my chest. It's been far far far far worse before however it could use a little more refining so that I'm more comfortable.

Does anyone ever feel like your words actions or thoughts are being attacked making you feel traumatized?

For instance you're in the privacy of your own room looking at nude pics of some gay porn star with the news on flat screen and the instant you look at his crotch you hear the reporter say, "F*ggot!"

If you have similar experiences I know how you feel!

I'm sincerely quite use to it by now how ever it'd be nice if this subsided if not completely. It's distracting to me.

In some cases can this not be a form of cruel & unusual punishment invasion of privacy and involuntary manslaughter?

It happens all too coincidentally to not be deliberate.

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It's almost a year, and I'm not over my ex-girlfriend. I'm realizing she was the love of my life, and now that I'm 28, I'm absolutely fucked.

How do I cope the rest of my life?
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It took me almost 4-5 years to get over my ex. So be prepared for the long run. It was a constant battle to get over her really, but beeing mentally ill and still beeing friends with her was probably a big reason for this big time frame.
I heard from some people they needed like 10-15 years but these are the outliers. Find yourself a replacement that usually what works the best for most people.

Use these to move on


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why don't you just go get her back?
I don't know man, I'm only 5 months out of a breakup and I feel like it's gonna be something I feel the rest of my life.
I was my ex's first everything, kiss, sex, relationship, etc. We didn't really get along too well, but we made it work for over eight years. Lived together for 5 years, bought a house together, kept animals. Then I fucked up and saw prostitutes a couple of times after our sex life started going to shit (a point I tried to bring up with her many times, I even said to her once I'd start cheating if our sex life didn't get better).
After we broke up it only took her two months to start fucking someone else, one of her coworkers no less. If I can't be her one and only, I don't want her back anymore, so it's well and truly gone and dead forever.
I'm gonna be 32 in a few months, unless I get really lucky, like lotto lucy, I will probably never get that experience again. She was also incredibly intelligent, and talented, played instruments (can't cook for shit though, kind of lazy in housekeeping, and she's squandering her potential by working a regular wagie engineering job).

So I'm in hell, and probably will be here for the rest of my life until I die and either make it to heaven or just go to hell again. If nothing else, hopefully that gives you some perspective. You're in your 20s at least, you still have more time than you know. And unless you lived with her for over half a decade like I did, it probably wasn't that serious.
>It's almost a year, and I'm not over my ex-girlfriend
Totally normal, specially if it hurt you.

>I'm realizing she was the love of my life, and now that I'm 28,
This is just bullshit that your brain fabricates you because in this moment you feel like an unlovable and worthless piece of crap. Your brain is protecting you because you still haven't processed the emotional trauma that the breakup caused to you, i'll give you a redpill, she's not special, any girl woul have made you feel like shit because the source of your pain comes from inside you, she was just the trigger.

How do I cope the rest of my life?
Stop beating yourself, you are now deep stuck in your own suffering because it is comforting you from something that you fear it might hurt you more. Accept your emotions, being stuck on a breakup for over a year is not unhealthy nor wrong, learn to forgive yourself if you think you made a mistake, don't punish yourself. Evenutally you will enjoy life if you accept your emotions and practice compassion on yourself.

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ex immediately moved on to someone else. made me angry and now she's blocked me on everything. we were together for over a year. I have no friends now. I quit my job. how can she betray and abandon me so easily?
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What happened did you do something wrong or is she just crazy?
she did indeed have borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. this issue is that this is my first relationship and I really did love her and could look past those problems.plenty of rough times dealing with her but I never gave up. but she gives up on me just like that? I called her a lying backstabbing whore because that is exactly what she's acting like. she promised me she had no interest in this guy when she started really talking to him after we broke up. now she's already met his parents and are going out every day. we've haven't even been broken up for a month. this looks like whorish behavior to me. she's seeking male attention
warn him bro
pull yourself together, man

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I'm an American and it feels like America is a hostile country to live in. All the food is poison, you can't walk in any major city without risking getting stabbed or shot by feral monkeys, there is no culture, there is no beauty. I want to live in Bavaria since it is in line with my passions (playing accordion Alpenvolksmusik and dancing) and is beautiful.
I will be done with my B.S. degree in molecular biology in less than a year. Is this a possible endeavor? I know third world Muslims are able to get there so if it's possible for them I don't see why it wouldn't be for me. Would I be better off there than in America though? Could I afford a house in Bavaria or would I be forced to live in an apartment? How much could I make with a B.S. degree in molecular and cellular biology over there?
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Well if you do prefer the culture that much then I would move there. But it's not a very wise financial decision (to be fair, moving from the US to any other country is always a downgrade financially)
You'll get taxed to high hell and have to deal with a lot of the stupid fucking laws there. Not to mention no AC and what not. It's not a good idea. Just move somewhere up north to a small town. Plenty of towns in the US that can be walked in without getting attacked. Depending on where you live you'll get beggars coming to your house. When I lived there I once made the mistake of giving them money to make them go away and they kept coming back.
wont tell you age/money because its meaningless. this board always overlooks the biggest factor: FRIENDS. if you have friends, the biggest shit hole can be heaven. no city in the world will be enjoyable without friends. my friend and i would make the middle of no where fun, somehow. vienna isnt special like i said its just central and we like to drive everywhere
absolutely go. make friends with expats to start. go post in the expat group for wherever ure going today and get ahead of it. start learning german, its based. my gf is reading me the original version of mein kampf to teach me topkekkk. seriously though america is a shit hole, get out now. focus your free time on finding your people once you land. be courageous
I know a bunch of people who live and work in Germany and none of them seem to like the country for what it is very much. It's more like they're putting up with it because of money and jobs. Granted, none of them live in Bavaria specifically.
Have you considered Austria? It's a lot like Bavaria and seems a fair bit nicer, but I haven't lived there so I can't say for sure myself.

Good luck finding a job in biology unless you have experience. And possibly a Masters degree.
Austria is the only place I've been in Europe but I loved it so much. Legit cried when I had to go home.

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I used to be an edgy atheist when younger, thought God was just some made up concept we couldn't prove and thus must be false.

At some point I came across Aristotle's "Unmoved Mover". I think it's the first somewhat logical argument to how something "God-like" could exist. It's definitely no proof of anything though, but honestly it was enough to make me consider myself Agnostic.

That said, I just can't bring myself to fully believe in God. I want to believe, I have the impression that it is a source of purpose to people's lives. I just can't though, my gut just can't accept such a strong statement that can't be logically demonstrated.

I guess I just wanted to know from religious anons what makes them so certain of God's existence. I feel like my life is so meaningless and without purpose and I wish I could also be motivated like some religious folk.
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OP, I know there is a God, a mind behind the universe, but I'm not sure (agnostic, so to speak) that He cares what happens to me.

Still, I find that meditation does give me enough peace and clarity to make my existence more of a joy than a burden.
>I just enjoy it.
That's a purpose, but you said purpose is a "spook."
Enjoying things is not a purpose. I'm talking about the sort of cosmic, "this is what I was put on this earth to do" sort of purpose. Nothing put us here. A series of fundamentally random events resulted in our existence. There was no grand cosmic plan involved.
I don't really understand what that's supposed to mean desu.
Fake it til you make it. For me, I took a leap in terms of belief. I stuck around with praying and going to church and after a while I realized that I truly did believe. I suppose I always did believe that there was a force which ordered the universe and its laws but it took me a while before I was able to integrate this belief into my life.

In essence anon, read Kierkegaard. Specifically Fear and Trembling and Repition.

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I am 19 and single so far it seems like that it will be that way for a long time. I have never had a girl friend and I am now at the point where I accept that I will be alone.
So how do I deal with this? I still feel sad about now having someone to be with and relate to!
Its even worse since I'm around the age where I'm helplessly interested in the opposite sex. Do I just wait it out until I lose interest in girls? When will that be like my 30s? Even then.
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Do you have any advice for how to keep going and not care?
Bro you're a child. Don't stress about it.
I really don't know what to tell you anon... I'm going through a divorce and even though sometimes I feel it's the best for both of us. I was happy with her once and as the years came to pass we both failed to communicate and resentment started to take over both of us. We can't even have a simple conversation anymore without fighting... I should be happy of her not being here anymore but I've never felt more lonely in my life.. I think we all will fall for the idea of love and then reality sets in.. And by then it cannot be unseen and we become a shadow of our former selves.. There's no escaping pain
>someone to be with and relate to
Women are for sex and bearing children.
lemme tell you my experience.
when I was 19, I would hopelessly talk to my best friend about how we are not getting any girls at all, and that we're fucked.

well at one point, when that kind of conversation came up, I'd say "I've given up, it's over for me, I don't even think about it anymore". I was truly defeated, but happy with my career and with what I was achieving, but given up in the love/relationship aspect (KHHV all my life).

so by the end of 2023 (I'm already 20yo), I'm at my prime, doing well in college, getting to actually learn HOW to talk to people (if you struggle with this, unironically read Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and influence people"), so I start hanging out with my cousin, making some new friends, some of them were female, and to my impression, many of them liked me, many others not, obviously. At this point, it's a game of chance.

So this chick makes it very clear that she likes me, so, we go on a date, everything goes well, (fast forward a month), I spent 3 weeks living with her (she's 700km away), going to casinos, spending money, I felt like the fucking james bond for an entire month. Obviously I fell in love, and after 4 months I got my heart broken. I always knew that she was not the one, but I was head over heels anyways.

I'm now kinda sad and empty-handed, but if you'd told me a year ago what would happen, I wouldn't believe you in a million years.

My point is, dress nicely, be a well-groomed man, be yourself, keep getting friends, and someone, at some point, will like you. I dress literally like a faggot, and I have very feminine traits. This made me realize what kind of girls are into me.

I'm not trying to teach anything, I just want to give you some insight, because I relate with you.

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I stop enjoying movies in the theater when someone whom I wouldn’t be friends with in the audience is enjoying it. How can I stop this cringe mentality?
why would you not be friends with them
They’re just types of people I don’t like
like what types of people, is it something theyre doing?

Was this a wise investment? Do I go through with this? ( I have 3500$ to my name and need it for work )
What do you need a truck for bro?
I got with a local sheet metal union and expect work to come in as soon as this week. the pay is really good but like this truck i've had to invest in a lot of stuff like work boots, carhart overalls, tools.

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Life is weird
I became fixated on a girl. Spent 2 months focused solely on improoving and then I actually managed to get her. The first month and a half or so were great, but then something just happened and it's like I don't care anymore.
I've just completely lost my enthusiasm. I'm realising that relationships can be a chore. Sometimes I'd rather just keep to myself and do my own thing, and I don't want to have to go through the stress of meeting people and being judged by all her friends and relatives and all that, and I'm kinda wishing I was single and didn't have to worry about all this stuff.
And meanwhile she's still obsessed with me.

I assume this is just some kind of phase and I'll get over it, but it's just funny how things happen.
Be bluntly honest with her and tell her about how annoying it is to be judged by her friends and relatives and that don't want to deal with that, that you want her companionship without all the shit people.
How did you improov in only 2 months
you are rationalizing your feelings anon, that's what's happening. if you don't put time into learning emotional intelligence and feeling your own feelings right now, you will fuck this up, maybe for better, maybe for worse.

unironically suggest reading All About Love

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