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Recently a girl who comes by the drive thru I work at asked if I was single and gave me her numbers. She's cute but I found out that she's only 18 and living with her folks.

When I texted her it'd be inappropriate for us to be involved, she asked me how old I was (22), and then said I was still pretty young but is fine with being friends

How unethical would it be for me to "date" her, I have no ill will and wouldn't mind someone being super into me again. Recently I've just felt very alone, and just want someone I can talk to

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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>She is an intelligent woman and we have of course had our fair share of deep and interesting conversations.
>You’re just putting too much emphasis on the intellectual
You're like a rich man telling a homeless guy money is overrated, or a gigachad telling a chinlet that looks don't matter. Fuck you anon lmao. You know intellect and deep conversations are important and that's why you didn't marry a bimbo. And if your wife is also hot and loyal than she's the "perfect woman" you've been trying to claim is so elusive. Again fuck you. Also
>I'm married
Why are you on this general then? Just to help?
How do i stop being scared of women?
>There is no such thing as one type of guy women like
Yes there is. Most of the anons here know deep down that women are all the same.
Literal autist here

How do you flirt?
I recently started a new job (1 month ago), and I am following a specific ‘training’ program with like 10 other new people to get you up to speed which lasts about a year. There is this one girl who is in the same team as me so we ‘know’ each other a bit better compared to the other new people. We have a good connection and I feel like there has been some flirting back and forth.

Now, a part of this training program is to do an assignment which should be done individually but can be done in pairs if you want. I didn’t mind doing it solo but she immediately asked me to do the assignment together, however it is the way she asked it that surprised me (over text):

> do you want to do the assignment together?
> then we can spend even more time together haha
> lol just kidding
> actually stay away from me please
> haha

Obviously I told her I wanted to do the assignment together. Am I a retard or is this the most obvious way she could show her interest in me? I am not because I have reasons why it would make sense to do the assignment together: we already know each other a little bit, we work in the same team so it’s easier to collaborate on the same schedule. But on the other hand: you don’t have to do it together, she already has this girl best friend who she spends most her time with so why didn’t she pick her?

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Why do women prefer older men?
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That's just women for you I guess. I work with a lot at my office and they bitch and gossip about each other constantly, they just seem to enjoy hating each other.
What's really weird is their rationale.
>What could you possibly have in common with someone 10 years younger than you?
I actually agree with this. I'm 30 and don't think I would enjoy being with someone younger than maybe 25. But enforcing my own choice on someone else is a different matter.

I think it's just pure seethe that these men want young, beautiful women and it makes older women seethe, and the older women have enlisted simps to join in the seething.
it's literally just jealously. in reality, if he's a pedo for dating a 20 year old that means they think that 20 year old women are children. which means that they think adult women are children. which means that they themselves are children. honestly it's more of an insult to themselves than anything.
Do you think the male simps are also jealous that he gets to fuck 20 year old women and they don't?

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Advice on having a roommate if I'm an autistic introvert? Being around people really stresses me out and up to now I never wanted to live with anyone. It seems like something where I'd want to kill myself after one week. I lived with my parents for a long time but I basically stayed in the basement and only came up for meals. But my friend needs a roommate and I want to help him. Have any of you been in this situation, did it work out?
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We will share a bathroom. I think we live pretty similarly to be honest. He is also introverted
Sounds like you have everything you need to successfully live together without knowing either of you.
So it doesn't really matter if I can't deal with people in my house, I'll get used to it? Because that's really what I'm asking about.
You should worry about how good of a roommate he will be desu, if you do your share and chill then you probably don't need to worry about your side of things. Do you work with people in your job?
>So it doesn't really matter if I can't deal with people in my house, I'll get used to it? Because that's really what I'm asking about.
Learning to understand and accommodate differences is part of personal growth and socialisation. It helps build communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills, not to mention self-awareness and improvement. It's very easy to become weird living with no company and not realise it. Could be a good experience! Just be ready to compromise and communicate early, not as criticisms "you always leave your stuff all over the place, why won't you just put things away!" but complaints that have a reason and make effort to understand alternative perspectives "hey having all this clutter around isn't something I'm comfortable with. I know you have your reasons. Can we talk about alternatives and ways to meet different expectations?". Be willing to understand alternative perspectives and not leap to judgement. Always provide a reason and be willing to hear the reasons of others.

Could be a great learning experience!

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i have matched. with SO many women on this dating app, and i give each one my insta which consists of my fucking face. i have no social life, dont really want to post any photos that may give away my exact location. i always seem to fuck it up. they either ignore left on read or unmatch with me. how do i get a better insta page? havent had a social life in forever, ive learned to rely on myself. i heard somewhere that insta is like a business card. i have literally nothing on there. what do i do? is my game just that trash? is it me? literally no idea. also are all women just into hookups? id just jerk off at that point but im not a coomer. why even fucking bother? someone help me
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Sorry, OP. Not trying to hijack your thread, I just don't have anywhere else to post this and making a new thread seems like overkill.
>recently started talking to a woman on a dating app
>seems nice, doesn't just talk about the same stupid shit as most women, and is kind of cute, too
>says she's not looking for a serious relationship with anyone right now
>that's great, because i'm not looking for one, either
>get to chatting more
>a few minor alarm bells ring
>a few ironic double standards and the like, but not the sort of stuff that would put the kibosh on a casual fling with no commitment from either party
>find out she's been sleeping with one guy while already in love with another guy
>don't care since i don't want a relationship and would rather just fwb
>wants me for friendship and commiseration
>i refuse
>she doesn't understand
>tell her that i don't mind talking to her about her life, but i already have friends and i didn't start a dating profile just for that
>she cannot wrap her head around why i might react this way, but she also realises i'm not just going to be her orbiter, either

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>Is she really that clueless? Or is she perfectly aware and just doesn't respect or care about anyone else?
Lots of people just do whatever they can get away with and that's her from
>a few ironic double standards and the like
>find out she's been sleeping with one guy while already in love with another guy
Since she's clearly a retarded whore you need to treat her like one or she won't have enough respect for you to let you smash, as you found out
Unfortunately, you may be right. But here's the rub for me: I don't like being disrespectful towards women. I don't like doing it to anybody. I am not naturally mean, so doing it takes a certain level of effort when I'm not angry. I just want to talk to someone like a human being and be treated the same in turn.
deserved desu. i just cant wait till my virgin asian lady gets in bed, those thighs of hers will be redder than the rising sun
they post shit like that because they're been ran through by a couple dozen guys and are getting tired of being "just a hookup"

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How do I get the Lord to stop tormenting me?
Have you read Job and commentaries on it? It won't change your circumstances but perhaps it will be comforting. Or perhaps it will be completely disheartening.
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I have listened to it and read it over 700 times. It gave me hope but my trials just drag on. I was obsessed with Job because I thought it held the key to my suffering.

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Is it better to be a neet, living with no debt, no job, the bare minimum to live comfortably from government benefits (clothes, shelter, food) and have 24/7 free time


to have a ton of Debt from education, mortgage, car, ($500-700k) with a decent job ($80k-125k/yr) and a wife but with little to no free time and stressed about finances all the time and no choice but to keep working to pay your bills?
One vote for NEET.
false dichotomy
It's better not to be a literal leech who lives off of the tax money of actually productive people. What kind of life are you even living?
High debt is okay if you have no real assets and can bankrupt from it. Student loan debt is a plague you can't bankrupt from and should be avoided at all costs.
Mortgage is good debt assuming you got a good interest rate.
Credit card debt is terrible as well. Not as bad as student loans. This assumes you carry a balance though. Paying cards in full is fine and actually recommended gicne the protections that CCs offer.

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Most men, unless they are two digits IQ consumers, live in a constant state of depression and nihilism, trying their best but unable to perform in a hyper competitive and oversaturated world, knowing that all their struggles and accomplishments are meaningless in the great scheme of things.

Also having "hobbies" and "self-improvement" becomes really old by the time you hit your mid-thirties, and by your forties you'll understand you wasted the best years of your life coping thinking you were going to do all those great things only to soon realize none of your dreams even materialized and there is no escape except the rope.

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Whats a good set of advice and things one can do to get their life together, and generally better themsleves and find peace and contentment?

What i've got so far:
> Daily Routines/Habits
> Focus on self, not being a people pleaser
> Have larger goals
> Sleep Schedule
> Prioritize Nutrition, Exercise, Relaxation
> Fight unhealthy habits, drinking, smoking, junk food, porn, etc
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look at this a little bit critical
> I want to get my PhD and become a professor. I want a house with land so I can start homesteading and have a small farm.

you want to have things, that if given to every human being, wouldnt be affordable. your goal is it to be knowingly better then
others, can you realisticly say that you want to be a part of the upper percent?
ofcourse everyone would like to be there, BUT who is gonna be the ones building houses, roads, toothbrushes,etc.
if everyone is a doctor, professor or lawyer??
well then, work on your objectives. make sure they are actually attainable with your means, otherwise you'll just waste your time
also, ignore the other retard.
>ignore the other retard
i am so so sorry for not having main character syndrome and being honest
Its not a goal to be a part of the upper percent but I'm already doing well, i have a decent job as is and am in grad school working on my masters so its not that far off. It would be a step backwards at this point to do some kind of manual labor job lol
all very good. here's an important one:
>try new things
>do a social activity at least X times a week

Best thing is to try new things where you may come into contact with new people. It's the ultimate self improvement hack.

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Met a girl on VRChat... quite literally the perfect girl, but I'm afraid she'll lose interest in me if I tell her how old I am... I've lied to her and told her I was 30, because shes 35... truth is I'm only 18... I really like her a lot, but I'm afraid she won't want to keep fuckin around with me if I tell her the truth. My friend said to rip the bandaid, if she loses interest theres other girls, but truth is I like her... shes extremely sweet... very loving and caring, she does the cutest gestures while online... shes smart, beautiful... has no kids which is something that weirdly comes up more often with ppl my age on there than you'd think... and shes fucking SEXY... I know its a little pathetic to have VRChat sex but the stuff she does, the fact I can see her body movements... its so hot.

anyway do I keep up the lie? or do I tell her...

Mind you the lie is getting harder and harder, she references shit I've never even heard of.
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You're in the throes of your youth, too young to even understand what a red flag is, much less see it and you have no concept of long term consequences. Not an insult, just being blunt. She's in her 30's and ERPing with people virtually, that in itself is telling. The age gap is too wide, she isn't "perfect", no one is, you just haven't seen her faults, you only see her when she's at her best which is when she's looking for an ERP session. Moreover, you're likely not the only person she has these sessions with. You're too young and naive to see the consequences of what you're doing, if it's anything at all. Could be she's just using you for a release and has been lying to you all this time as well, that's the thing about online relationships. I remember when I was underage and playing mmorpgs, I'd tell everyone I was 18 because I was reserved enough to act the part and everyone bought it. I remember even having a crush on this girl in the sims online which is what this feeling you have for her is: a crush. Assume I'm wrong, you're still in the wrong for lying to her about your age, no relationship has strong foundations when it's built on lies, if you're not going to be honest for yourself then be honest for her. The age gap also diminishes very quickly, I've lived a little under two of your lifetimes and have yet to see a relationship last when the age gap was so big with the woman at the older end of it.
yeah, idk how he passes for 30 honestly, I feel like she would know.... maybe she does?
Kek you probably never even seen what the internet looked like before 2010 you milf exploiting zoomie.
>I do not recommend dating her with such a large age gap, though. It’s… you will change. You WILL change, and that threat will come with wasting the few years she has left to settle down if you find yourself not feeling attraction anymore.
Listen to this OP, because it will happen. It always does
> Met a girl on VRChat
Stopped reading there. Reconsider your life

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What exactly is confidence?

If you don't get 7/10s and 8/10s consistently, please refrain from giving stupid opinions.

I don't even care about 9s and 10s because those are in a differebt mindset towards rich/famous guys and top 1% chads, but if you somehow pull those, please chime in

Context before answering:

I am 33 male been single for 6 years.

While I've faced challenges, I'm actively working on bettering myself and my interactions with others.

Most comments to me feel dismissive of my experiences and struggles, and I'd appreciate it if you could all refrain from making assumptions about me.

Also here is a story from my 20s which proves it isnt all in my head:

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>you admit yourself they laugh at you. your entire personality is incredibly cringe and it's laughable that you're 33 and still this immature mentally.
I never said that. I also do not care about anything you say or think and never will no matter how bad you think I am and put me down. Maybe you should get a personality yourself outside of anonymously and cowardly attacking people online for things they cannot change ie looks. looks = personality btw.

also pic related have sex like me loser lol
post body btw bet you dont even have abs like me dyel faggot
Oh, poor little foid, looks like someone's got a case of seethe-itis! But hey, don't worry, laughing at me just confirms your own inadequacies. Keep on chuckling, it's the only thing you've got going for you. And as for my immaturity, well, it's just a bonus that comes with being able to enjoy life without being a bitter, seething mess like yourself. Now, why don't you go find a nice rock to crawl under and keep on seething, it's what you do best!
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Btw thats not me thats a redditor u/itsforsexy or some faggot name like that idc to remember that retard. Women hate muscular and strong men as well.
>I am already focusing on self-care, pursuing hobbies and interests that bring me joy, and surrounding myself with supportive friends which will help boost my self-esteem and overall well-being.
This sounds pretty good. Are you active in communities regarding your hobbies? It sounds like your negative experiences were made in normo social club/bar settings. Have you ever considered putting a lot of time/effort into a local community with shared interests where you meet people based on those?

Confidence are a lot of things, but I realized that my problem with confidence was that I secretly thought I was an imposter among people because they are all "normal" people with a network and a life while I am just pretending to be while lurking on the internet, playing vidya etc. Finding friends based on mutual interests changed that.

Why the hell would my dad "offer" me a job as a manual worker at a store(which I can get myself) when I have the necessary qualifications to be an electrician?
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Oh, idk. Why don’t you ask him?
>Why don’t you ask him?
I did, read >>31135096
Ungrateful brat
My dad is offering me a job not in my trade Millwright as well and I turned it down as I deserve an apprenticeship.
>So you just forced yoursf onto him as a leech and now dictating the rule of law to him?
The fuck are you talking about

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I have shit grades at a uni I dont like so it will be hard to transfer to the nicer one across the street. I got accepted to the better one but I didnt know it was better because online school/covid for 2 years and now I feel it is too late. Im 21 and in my 2nd year. Idk man, I really feel as if everyone is moving on without me. I find it impossible to make friends.

t. diagnosed ocd and definite autist.

Is 21 too late to change things? I hate rotting in my room all day.

I used to be such a bright child, but people have fucked with me too much and now I feel lost.
You're still 21 you're still young even if you were older it's never late to change something that will effect you positively try finding people with the same interests as you but don't get too attached to them and always keep your guard up so they doesn't use you or manipulate you and about your grades you have OCD so it's not really your fault you're doing your best try to find a studying way that's comfortable and effective for you

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>Have you pushed people away like I did?
Once when I was young (around 6th grade). But for the most part I just don't think I ever learned how to be a friend with someone that life isn't forcing me to be around ever day, so I just neglect it and eventually it dies off.
I regret neglecting past friendships so much because I feel like I've learned and grown and could do so much better now, but I've already neglected or pushed enough people away that I have no one left to salvage. So now I'm just left having learned lessons but having no use for them until I can find community again
I hope you haven't reached this stage yet and can still save yourself from being alone
Of course I did, but I've let a lot of friendships wither away before. What's bothering me is that this time felt more sudden and maybe even spiteful. I'm also frustrated because I feel like even if I fix all of my social skills and was 100% committed to revitalizing the friendship, there's nothing I can do with someone who's actively ignoring me besides beg impotently. I know that there are a dozen other people that I was never as close to, that I haven't spoken to in longer, that would respond if I reached out to them now, and with whom I could restart a friendship if I had the skills and mental energy.
One thing my therapist did manage to show me was that people don't mind hearing from old friends. If there are people from your past that you left on good terms with (from whom you mutually drifted away instead of pushed away), you might be surprised at how well they respond to you reaching out.
>Of course I did, but I've let a lot of friendships wither away before
> What's bothering me is that this time felt more sudden and maybe even spiteful.
Dude get over yourself what's with the ego. Lost my sympathies. Talk this over with your therapist.

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do you disclose to your partner that you have HSV-1 (cold sores) before getting physical (kissing, etc...)
I know that it's a nothingburger and like 70% of people have it. I remember having a few cold sores when I was a a kid (5-10 yo) but never got outbreaks in adulthood. but I still feel like the other person should know.
I am scared the other person might freak out and conflate it with HSV-2. and I am too lazy to explain to retards the difference.
i feel it would be awkward if a girl tried to kiss me and I went like
>hold on, wait a second, do you get cold sores? yeah, I get them like once every few years. and they are technically a type of herpes. but not that herpes. i mean it's a different type. etc...
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why is that the case?
in europe literally no one cares. almost everyone has them and no one even calls them herpes. they are just called cold sores and not thought of as an STI
My dad gets cold sores but was always careful not to cross-contaminate with the rest of the family. None of us have it, including my mom, which is impressive.
My first gf told me beforehand, which I guess was nice of her. As far as I know, I never got it, and we were together for a few years, living together for 2 of those too. She said got it from her mom btw. Apparently her mom would always tell her not to drink after her, but she didn't listen to her because she's a fucking retard and yeah
I only disclose to long term partners, if I don't have an active cold sore I can't spread it, and I only get them once every few years, so it isn't really much to worry about. I always tell a long term partner because there may be times we can't kiss, whether they get cold sores or not I'll abstain from any kissing while I have a flare up because cold sores suck and I'll avoid flaring anyone else up if I can.
Well yes. That was literally my job lmao

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