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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Why are you convinced that your consciousness is just the end result of electrical activity in your brain? People 200 years ago were wrong about a ton of shit but somehow you understand the greatest mystery of all time because you read some books.
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Kind of funny that most "rational" people are still grasping for an esoteric answer to the question of consciousness.
decent tldr from Claude Opus for those who Don't Want To Read All'at™:
>The article is about the work of neuroscientist Anil Seth on understanding consciousness. The key ideas are:

>Consciousness arises from the feeling of being alive and being oneself. It is about the subjective experience of having perceptions and feelings.
>Rather than seeing consciousness as a mystery, Seth believes it should be scientifically studied to understand its properties and how the brain and body create it.
>Seth proposes that our experience of reality is a "controlled hallucination" - the brain makes predictions about the world which are then updated by sensory information. Our perception is an active construction by the brain rather than a passive reception of external stimuli.
>Consciousness is rooted in basic experiences and perceptions of the body's physiological state. It is distinct from intelligence and Seth cautions against trying to create artificial consciousness.

>In summary, the article presents Seth's view that consciousness emerges from brain and body processes that can be studied scientifically, and his theory that subjective experience is a constructive process of the brain predicting and modeling the world. The overall aim is to naturalize consciousness and ground it in biological mechanisms.
What else should they be doing?
gr and qm are pretty exciting
Looking at the pure physical mechanics instead of grasping supposed ethereal straws.

Serina Edition

Previous: >>16125002

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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i had to suture this girls head at 4am in the ER last night, 6cm laceration on her head after her drunk boyfriend punched her in the face and she hit the wall. frontoparietal fx and subdural bleeding, she'll be fine, but damn.
Good work anon
I was on peds ED so it was mostly viral infection bs
respect, i struggle with kids below 10y. im in surgical ER, so when they come with super vague belly aches and their parents are understandably stressed, and i got to explain why im not going to put their kid into a CT just to "check".
I'm placed in obgyn in an empty labour room. I'm bored as shit.

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Another beautiful day without using sin, cos or tan.
Math departments in shambles

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the 3 limitations are uncertainty, volatility or lack of sane reward or safety for work done or asset acquired, and chaos or competition or understood and known evils and problems

there isn't a good word because the distinctions are pretty complicated between the three still pretty unique tiers of limitations

basically this is why da Jews are actually kind of based and redpilled and not just malicious because whatever for no good reason and christianity is kind of like building towers instead of studying earthquakes and stuff first

generally eastern cultures don't do stuff just because they could and there are like 3 archetypes of the dumb white guys that have no idea wtf they're doing and lots of names for people who filled those roles

basically this is post enlightenment hellenism and it should be taught alongside english grammer in like 6th grade then they let people choose to stop going to school after that

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anyway idk why they don't nuke this thread because maybe 2 or 3 posts aren't me rambling
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hmmm so basically the memories series

there's like 3 kinds of people who think they're all that, but they would either climb a tower and fall off of it or they would fight each other just because they're unworthy of the responsibility and power of the stations of their own selves basically

there's like good listeners and studious types or say wise

there's people who are antisocial to keep distance to avoid troubles

there's people who kind of do both, but their issues are just complacency and sometimes really not just crushing your own inner light because it's inevitable anyway

123 and so as far as I know as a person from experience that would be ccj and pct

then it's sort of a rock paper scissors too like if you didn't know that each kind of person had actually seen and understood their "medicines" then they would feel attacked and not corrected like an assault, not a hair cut


kind of hard also to get all of that done without tehnology because the point is also getting people to stop relying on it

but those movies are all very good just that you have to spell out which one is for whom type of person and then get a person to know themselves and each other

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and also on 3 specifically the games of big numbers or just hm trying to ignore gah whatever

I know people only hurt me when it's my own medicine anyway

I just don't trust them to administer it quite
ah what I was going to think or say that the only reasonable way to make all being everywhere civil is if they have minds that grow up just knowing lots of various concepts of ethics or else they feel this incredibly un...... well this dread that just makes them feel the pain of a trillion wars whether they do anything at all or not like that theory of what happens to light yagami after he dies....

and something about crime pays if it actually stops suffering and wars which are just institutional crime? except it was actually people voluntarily hurting themselves through one another?...

What's the purpose of taking the supremum of the infimum here in equation A1.5? This is apparently supposed to extend arithmetic to infinite decimals.

(D is the set of finite decimals)
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Also, [math]\sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \} \leq a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] because of the inequality:
[math]b_i < a_n + 10^{-m}[/math].
If [math]\sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \} > a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] then [math]\sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \}[/math] wouldn't be the least upper bound for [math]b_i[/math] as we know that [math]\forall i, b_i < a_n + 10^{-m}[/math].
Alright, we also need to cover
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq \sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \}[/math]
but that should be easy.

Then let's go back to A1.5.
We'll need to show that for any integer m there exists an integer k such that
[math]a_i = f([{\bf x}]_{-(k+i)})[/math]
[math]|a_i - a_j| < 10^{-m}[/math] for all [math]i, j \in \mathbb{N} = \{0,1,2,\ldots\}[/math].

Also, continuing to let [math]b_i = \inf_{j \geq i} a_j[/math], we need to show
[math]\sup_j \inf_{i \leq -j} f([{\bf x}]_i) = \sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \}[/math].

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Why is it controversial to say that human races have mental differences between them? It just doesn't make any sense. Yes, humans have a genetic bottleneck but humans have diverged since coming out of Africa that their physical features can be wildly different. We have the blacks, the pinks, the yellows, the abos. All look very different from each other physically.

There are differences in Race when it comes to medicine. White People are more prone to skin cancer than any other race due to a lack of melanin in their skin. Black people are at higher risks for high blood pressure, certain types of cancers and diabetes. Asians are at higher risks for liver disease than other races. Mixed race individuals are more likely to have these risks offset due to being biracial or multiracial but in some cases their risks of diseases prevalent in their heritage might be higher. Just like there are differences in biological sexes for treatment. Some humans like the Badjao or the Tibetans have evolved higher lung capacity compared to the average human.

So we have all these physical differences, affecting even diseases and medical treatment but somehow mentally we are all the same? That's kinda fishy no?
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humans are destroying the enviroment but the popular climate change narrative is obviously a scam that isn't based on the scientific method
don't forget 10 billion africans by 2100
>phenotypic differences.
Women have different organs than men. Lack a few, have a few extra of their own. Big differences in everything else.
You say blacks have different brains, skeletal structures? So do women
Huge differences
I never said sex differences were small, retard.
There's simply a lot of cognitive dissonance around this topic. This is chiefly allowed because the general presumption is that our minds are separate from our bodies, and therefore genetics can't influence mind. This, of course, is also cognitively dissonant: nobody would deny or be uncomfortable with the idea that, say, hunger drives you to particular actions and moods, but people don't like the idea of genetics determining their qualities (or biology determining their qualities, for that matter).

If you can move past that point (and it's an easy point to move past because it's very trivial to show a connection between mind, genes, and biology), I would approach the argument by telling them what the suggestion "all races have the same attributes" actually means: that unlike literally every other set of genes in the body, that the ones that control the mind somehow special and are not subject to change whatsoever, and across billions of people in many different environments have stayed static. This is akin to claiming that it's reasonable to roll a million dice, and have them all land on the same number.

The reality is though, OP, is that western society is just many steps removed from being able to talk about this topic, and investigate it sincerely. Everyone with an opinion on it has some kind of agenda they're trying to push, that they rationalize with this group of ideas (whether it's racial nationalists, or brain-dead progressives). It's not a fight worth fighting atm.

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Is it possible to scientifically quantify the value of art by a standard other than the financial value of the artwork?
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Yes, you can quantify the value by weight or by water displacement. For paintings you can also use surface area.
Currently no,
In order to find such a baseline we’d have to first quantify the human experience and since there is no mathematical equation to even calculate consciousness yet, I think the “for time being” answer is no.
But in the long run, with AGI/ASI, we will be able to do so but by then it will be pointless to focus such effort towards because we’ll be focusing on so much other massively important things that art will not be the focus of equations
that was a counterfeit, if you're going to buy a counterfeit, why not buy one thats open and honest about what it is?
i'd rather have 300 replicas than one counterfeit, plus the replicas look better
>the best
not hadrien?
IDK. I think you just need a little class and taste to buy a successful art buyer
There's literally no reason to buy a counterfeit unless you got scammed. Maybe as an expensive prop for an indie film

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Lehyu have zero net Cosmic
That's an awful lot of schisms
This is a brilliant abounds of Godly
I handle this, and not some slaver?
Uh went from lemme eventhoughstill to slaver? But you all Good?
Uh went from lemme eventhoughstill to slaver again? But you all Good again?
Not all do completely.

Word salad? GoodLuck anyway

A Link of Value for also any other sufficient repliers

How do I meaningfully wrap my head around the concept of spacetime? Like I kind of get it but I also don't really understand how time and space can be the same thing nor do I really understand time in a scientific way. I feel like it I understood it better I would understand reality better
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>how time and space can be the same thing
They aren't and they can't
>nor do I really understand time in a scientific way
Nor does any human
Spacetime is jewish pseudoscience
Well that's a relief I guess
I mean it's pretty easy, like how if something was travelling faster than the speed of light and you saw it coming right at you that image of light is actually from something in the past about to crash through you. simple stuff
just to be clear, if you saw it coming at you it would crash through the back of you.

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Is there any scientific evidence the holocaust actually happened?
Yes, the documents where they admit to doing it.
1. documents are not "scientific" proof idiot

2. no such documents exist
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If it really happened then why have all the eyewitness accounts of it turned out to be fake?

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Post op trannys are over 10x more like to commit suicide than pre-op trannys


>Although the overall proportion of those experiencing a psychiatric encounter was similar between the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups, suicide attempts were more common in the vaginoplasty group (4.4% vs. 1.7%, p=0.033). The rate of a psychiatric encounter occurring after surgery if an episode prior surgery occurred was 33.9% and 26.5% for the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups.
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because its not self-solving, its socially contagious, so before one victim is neutralized, they've infected 10 more others. how do you think we got here?
>he doesn't know that autism results in high T low E for both sexes
>he doesn't know that autism causes fewer estrogen receptors
>he doesn't know that autism itself is known to develop when fetal sex hormone levels of any type are elevated
>he doesn't know that HRT supplements the missing estrogen in autistic males and extra T can be converted internally to supplement the missing estrogen in females
>he doesn't know that the instantaneous mental changes described when taking estrogen are indicative of correcting a chemical imbalance
>he doesn't know that an incorrect balance of T/E results in cognitive defects
>he doesn't know that removing the gonads causes dependency on external hormones to prevent cognitive decline
>he doesn't know that the rest of the transition train not described by autism is supported by fetishism, sex addiction, and body dysmorphia

hory shiet, this explains both the sexual discrepancy in autism prevalance, and the discrepancy between mtf/ftm prevalance and causes. has someone managed to suggest this without getting cancelled yet?
modernity? actual retard.
>t. chuuni
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Why is this taboo to discuss in the sciences?
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>blocks your path
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Remember, if your research contradicts the orthodoxy, your research is faulty and must be rejected. If it were good research, science would have approved of your findings and welcomed it. There is no taboo. There is no censorship. There is only faulty research, which we know is faulty because it doesn't agree with the science.
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Interesting that the young are more caught up with things being taboo than older people.
He wasn't BTFO cause he violated a scientific taboo. He was BTFO because he said baseless racist bullshit in a documentary called "American Masters: Decoding Watson" about him. Science had fuck all to do with it.
>Hate speech isn't free speech
Do you have any clue how much of a clown you are?

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>if you put your hand into a jellybean jar and pulled out one jelly bean, what are the chances it will be red?
>It's 50/50, either it's red or it's not

What is the best argument against this?
0% the jar is shaped like a jellybean but it contains only snakes
Red is a social construct.

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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>Get a degree in business.
Fuck off low iq peasent
If you can't even take responsibility for being a drug addict, then you won't be able to take responsibility for anything. It's ridiculous that modern western society coddles the dregs of society, absolving them of all faults, thereby preventing them from improving their situation, instead of helping those that are truly in need. Most homeless people worry about getting their next hit of drugs, not the next meal. You obviously never had the experience of having someone parasitizing off of you.
perhaps he should have spent money on accomodation instead of drugs
you don't just "become an addict" lol
Is this why Walter White became a meth cook? Couldn't find a job better than a high school Chemistry teacher despite being the smartest chemist in the state of New Mexico?
Drugs are shockingly cheap and being desperate and alone for too long will make you crazy.

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