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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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How important is it to have a good, attentive and caring mother in terms of human developmental psychology?
Is it possible to be a successful scientists without having started off being cared for by a responsible and diligent mother?
Idk what made you join a cult of personality centered around an orange conman
>successful scientist
no such thing, successful people don't end up as nerds. science is a hobby, not a profession. people with responsible intelligent mothers would be steered aware from considering science as a profession
It was never a profession.
Once the requirement to put food on your table by publishing became the norm the whole thing became a theater.
A clown show.
Quiet, Obahamist.
>Once the requirement to put food on your table by publishing became the norm the whole thing became a theater.
No....once you ALLOWED lying in politics...you allowed lying in science.
>I dont lie though.
Literally...unironically, blame your sister and mother.

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Is he right, anon? Video:
>Quantum Electrodynamics
Is a hack, not a fraud. A hack comparable to a ghetto fix: Is not elegant, is not meant to be the definitive solution, is just what our limited understanding can provide right now.
> Is he right
No. Such calculations are done with computers today and give even more accurate results.
>Such calculations are done with computers today and give even more accurate results
that doesn't invalidate anything he said in the video tho
Nobody cares about that highschool teacher. He gor publicly humiliated by Edward Witten
Midwitten got humiliated by reality and string theory is a waste of time and paper

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Dr. Jordan Peterson says that global warming is a big lie and that it is fake and gay
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>It's now over 400 ppm
So what? That's a good thing.
If you're not a vitriolic anti-natilist death cultist, consider becoming a humanist today. It is not incompatible with other belief systems.
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"I'm just here to make money"
Still no answer to when human history started. Why are you so scared to putting some dates to your assertions?
The two-hundred-thousand other parts per million of oxygen (a highly reactive gas) seem like less of a rounding error than your 400 co2 molecules.

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Scientifically speaking, which would be better for an eugenics program?
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definitely white over (((asian)))
isn't that the chick in that bank fraud scandal? Pretty sure her IQ barely scratches 110, but she sucks a mean dick.
There's not point in having 160 IQ if you end up generating retarded takes anyway.
>The conceptual framework you've used to sustain it is not too unlike physiognomy - you very lightly read my post, and presumed to have
>expos[ed] inner truths about a person
Well, of course, Anon. He believes in phrenology, so just as he thinks that he can tell how someone would post just from looking at their skulls, he also believes he can determine their skull shape from their posts.
phrenology is true science

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With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.
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Not very, thanks to the extreme genetic bottle neck about 70,000 years ago that nearly lead to the extinction of the species. If we were much less diverse, we'd be able to pass cancers to one another like Tasmanian Devils, who are just about the most inbred things on the planet.
Too emotional.
Emotions are a juvenile way of looking at things.
>you need to have a massive IQ so you can better shitpost online and have more success in a rigged social game
Idk anon, I feel like using IQ as a metric to be mean to other humans and treat them as inferior is simply amoral and unsustainable in the long run for a civilized society that wishes to flourish in a positive way.
Being evil loveless chuds in constant war might be self-destructive behaviour, just a hunch.
jf in the maddafakking thread
is the police any closer to finding the remains of your retarded wife?
btw how come you are so obsessed with eugenics and yet you exclusively go after actual drooling retards? I'm not opposed to eugenics just wondering what your thinking is there
Are you fucking chinese?

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How come the people who didn't get the vax didn't all die?
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How is telling you that they don't have confidence in your ability to interpret the data "bad faith" exactly? But it's nice that you've found an excuse to dismiss the opposition out of hand. Real good faith there.
Many are. Only a third of excess deaths were people with covid and even many of those died of other causes while they happened to have covid. Two thirds of excess deaths are unexplained and people like you just pretend they don't exist so you can maintain the internal story running in your head that makes you the good guy for being part of the panicked mob that demanded tyranny.
You're retarded
two more years
Good faith on display

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Prep for Flight 4 Stack Edition

Previous - >>16170159
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well yeah Dr. von Braun
By doctor von braun
isn't ship 31 slated for flight 6? so shouldnt affect flight 4 or 5 much or at all
but not replying saves me time and effort
I hate NASA and their lies

This was the case during platos time as you were not respected as a philosophical thinker unless you understood trigonometry. But now anyone can be a highly respected philosopher without any mathematical understanding. The training to become a philosoher seems wholly inadequate in producing intellectuals. Anyone who is “interested” enough can earn a PhD and become a professor. There is really nothing that will weed people out for being inadequate. But if a prerequisite to becoming a philosopher would be to earn a masters or even a PhD in pure maths, I believe the field of philosophy would improve greatly. We could have been spared so much pseudo intellectualism from philosophers who really shouldn’t have been respected as intellectuals. This can apply to pretty much every non mathematical field. To be honest I believe that most fields have absolutely no real training necessary. For instance in philosophy the you do not need philosophical training to understand philosophical arguments by professors. But when it comes to math you would need years of training to understand modern math. It just shows how much a waste of time graduate school really is for many fields. It would probably be best for all subjects to have their professors be guys with math phds who decided to read about those subjects.
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Isn't there a single board on this dead shitheap that isn't overrun by bots
Flawless victory. I kneel for Platochad.
>platonic form
dis nigga thinks numbers exist!
come laugh at him!
Reading this chain was fucking hilarious.
Thank you anon. Stop falling for trolls.

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Where are all the Aliens !?
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Area 51, stop asking.
You can all join my civ after and be.
At least 53 alien civilizations are currently busy constructing their Dyson Spheres
already here. they are called women
>sniff sniff...

>Clearly, ...
>Obviously, ...
>It should be self-evident that ...
>It follows trivially that ...
>It can be easily proven that ...
I swear, if I find this shit in one more textbook, I'm gonna go postal.
If textbooks had IQ range recommendation at their introduction this wouldn't happen
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I'm sorry overthinker-kun, reality is just that shrimple and you should be sent to a gulag.

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So what is exactly stopping nuclear fusion from happening?
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>In the end you will still be boiling some fucking water to drive a steam turbine from 1800s
Yes but if will be more cost efficient
This is probably unironically the case.
God doesn’t want it
The less tin foil hat way to think about it is like this: You have a family. One of your family provides all the firewood you need by chopping firewood. You are aware that one day all the nearby forest will soon be chopped down, so you look for other wise to get energy. Your youngest son is working on a clever idea but at the moment it doesn't make energy. You are perfectly fine with this since the supply of firewood keeps the family safe and warm. Its cheap, reliable, keeps everyone content, comfortable and doing something. When the nearby supply of firewood runs out then you will get most the family helping working on the youngest son's idea. The rest can help gather firewood from further away. Still plenty of time, why rock the boat before its necessary? If it works, fine, if it doesn't, well you were all fucked anyway. Grandma was getting old anyway.
Physics being almost entirely fake explains why it's not happening.

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/sci/ is this accurate
I say it's bullshit but I can't see why
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The problem is the monkey
The point is that the fighter is moving backwards relative to you because you're blasting along, so his heading is misleading.
That problem is also bullshit. Either the hunter can't aim, and wouldn't hit the monkey in the first place, or it would have to help.
no people are much better at shooting on average especially when trained, targeting computers just make it easier to kill the person trying to kill you

this thread is a psyop with a very dedicated anon gaslighting people constantly, its 2024 and people are debating conservation of momentum like its brand new and undiscovered, aka, they're just a bunch of trolling faggots
Gaslighting is a bit more sophisticated than simply going "that's wrong"

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"Science" (academia) has actually lost a lot of ground in terms of credibility thanks to some of its more preposterous claims:

* Sex isn't real, you can become a woman by identifying as one
* Darwinian evolution for everything except humans; race isn't real, tabula rasa for us
* Climate change alarmism that basically amounts to secular eschatology

From a purely objective standpoint, "science" (academia) is less credible than Christianity, since there's a greater than zero likelihood that God exists more-or-less as described in the Bible and that Christ is the Messiah, whereas the likelihood that identifying as a woman makes you one is precisely zero.

So how can "science" (academia) recover from this? Is it possible for it to elevate itself to the level of peer with Christianity, which tends to have a superior understanding of the world?
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Okay? Retard.
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>Climate change alarmism that basically amounts to secular eschatology
""""science"""""" only exists as a means for the government to shill political narratives and make it look like the narratives are coming from an impartial third party.
thats why science is almost completely government funded
Mouth-breathing ESL chud retard.

I AM a woman. I don’t “become one by identifying as one” as you claim. Woman is my gender- a social concept. No one is claiming “identifying as female sexed makes it so”

Why is this board nothing but thirdie pol trolls now? Imagine actually typing out and posting a thread as low quality as this. Jesus Christ.
Not an argument lol

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I am about to begin working on this book in preparation for returning to college after turning my life around this past year, what am I in for?

I failed calculus in high school, twice in college, and dropped it the third time I took it because I never had a solid grasp of algebra.
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if you need a year or two to finish Lang it's over before it even started
>I didn't have any discipline to work on math outside of class
get a ritalin prescription. Works wonders trust me
Both volumes of apostol are linked
Im including apostol
Post your progress on /sci/ to inspire anons
Unironically just go with the Stewart cannon.

Precalculus by Stewart and Calculus Early Transcendentals by Stewart.

Every other vintage or meme book shilled on 4chan is retarded. These books (stewart) literally spoon feed you as simple as possible with colors, images, diagrams, highlighted words, etc.

Look at the introductory chapters of the precalculus book. A literal bumbling retard could understand them. Meanwhile with MUH GELFAND we are going over stupid shit like the binary system for no fucking reason at all, and in MUH LANG we are displaying badly syntaxed proofs within the first chapter.

Just follow the fucking stewart cannon and then read any intro to math logic/proofs and then a real analysis book after that, but the cannon alone is more than enough to get you through ANY college degree that isn’t a bachelors in mathematics.

btw you will need statistics in your degree

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