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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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EMI is largely not a problem unless you’re trying to get a product tested and certified for sale in a socialist country.

If you are DIYing, don’t worry about it.
In fact, there’s so many variables to “creating an antenna” that this advice they are dishing out may as well be reversed to “always split grounds” or you run into EMI problems.
Hmmmmm I'm quite undecided on weather I should split the GNDs on my audio circuit.

I'm also undecided on how to best switch audio sources. Initially I thought of using a multiplexer but those add distortion to the audio line, so maybe a relay is the cleanest way after all.

Can I use the GND path of the source to switch it?
> switch audio sources
They make mux and “soft” switching ICs exactly for this purpose, they’re just mosfets with a resultant esistive load.
> relay
You are going to blow somehing with the pop n the line with a relay. Only place for a relay in audio is in slow-start current unlimiters in power amplifiers with big caps.
Pfizer's Viagra patent was thrown out (2012 SCC 60) because it describes billions of molecules without singling out the one that is the actual invention. Patent authors deliberately leave out key details. Pfizer lost the case, but the patent was already about to expire, so they'll do it again. If they would retroactively cancel a patent and give the excess profits back, patents would be worth reading.
Which IC would you suggest?

I have HEF4066BE, with the issue that exceeding -0.5v max at the input, it continuously conducts.

Also, it doesn't mention TDH in the datasheet, but if the CD4066 is the same IC, it mentions around 0.1% THD, which is a bit suboptimal, adding that much distortion to my quite low distortion audio chip - TDA1575.

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>30 bucks pre covid/reddit found them
>60 plus tip a couple years later
Before the end of the decade people will be paying 100 american pesos for pliers lmao.
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A ~50pk of zip ties or a single roll of teflon tape is the same shit. But once you get to the 600pk+ of zip ties or the 10pk of teflon tape, you could probably save money ordering online.
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Well, here are my fleamarket finds. All a couple of bucks. All basically unused. It's madness how much stuff is floating around. It pains me everytime I have to buy something at a store.
You must be in Yurop.

That would be harder to find in the US, although you could grab affordable Channellock, Klein, and Snap On, but you’re not the only one looking for good deals so it’s a waste of time when you actually need a tool. The fags around here who say “Just go to the pawn shop and flea markets and build a socket set piece by piece with old SK!” obviously do not value their time. Even if I were in Yurop, I could spend a Saturday morning making $150-$300 doing a side job instead of hoping I found another 10” Alligator for $5.

Also these Cobras were $11. Check the clearance aisle when you’re at the hardware store since most of us are probably at Home Depot or Lowe’s twice a week anyway. I went to flea markets and pawn shops like half a dozen times and realized there’s very little upside to it unless you’re unemployed. The majority of the tools are budget crap that got dumped after the kids cleaned dead grandpa’s garage out, and the good stuff is priced at 90% of MSRP, so I would rather buy new and get a warranty and there’s a good chance I get a better deal. Most people google prices before they sell them at the flea market so you rarely catch a good deal unless somebody fucks up like this pawn shop near me that had a Power Probe IV mispriced as a used PP3.
>could spend a Saturday morning making $150-$300 doing a side job instead of hoping I found another 10” Alligator for $5.
Yeah, obviously. If you need a certain thing right the fuck now, then it's not a good idea to wait for it. And someone else will tell you it's a waste of time to make 300 on some side job when he made $250,000 last wednesday afternoon on some finance kikery. If it's about slowly building up a collection of good quality tools, a fleamarket is a good place to look is all I'm saying.
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>Even if I were in Yurop, I could spend a Saturday morning making $150-$300 doing a side job instead of hoping I found another 10” Alligator for $5.
cute larp

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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What are you doing? Just memorizing the question pool?
>Mainly in how certain antennas work, the electrical theories that go into radios and different setups in general and the math behind them.
Time to dive head first into Maxwells equations. you will quickly find that many things are not intuitive.
>I still have a bit of trouble fully understanding some of the concepts on even the Tech
Don't worry about it. I was in the same boat and thought it was me. It's not. A lot of the info in the tests is outdated. It's just like college in that you get a diploma and most of what you learn isn't applicable or in use.
It'd be more helpful if you mentioned what you're interested in or why you got into ham or why you're going for the General.
Knowing the test isn't knowing ham radio.
Sorry, just threw up. Haha

Yes and no. I do know a lot of the equations from physics class and also basic electronics projects that I have done. I have Gordon Wests book and have been doing the HamStudy study sessions and tests.
So if I don't understand a concept I look at the explanations or go deeper into the GW book.

While I do know them, I do not know them 100% by heart and will keep a copy on hand and memorize.

>Don't worry about it. I was in the same boat and thought it was me. It's not. A lot of the info in the tests is outdated. It's just like college in that you get a diploma and most of what you learn isn't applicable or in use.
Glad its not just me.
I got into it originally because of going to the Dayton Hamvention as a kid and wanted to actually learn it as an adult. I want to go for General to understand radio concepts better, what works what does not, and be a better teacher for others in the same boat. Even with my limited knowledge, because I have a tech and am somewhat active in radio, a lot of people that I know that homestead ask me about radio stuff and try to ask for advice on where/how/why to get started.
>what works what does not
That sounds like a 'hands on' type learning which I found after I got the tests behind me. Just pass and set your sights to the hands on activities of your choosing.
The electronics and theories are nice, but few people in the hobby are working on their radios anymore - let alone making one from scratch or replacing all the capacitors.
Back to your original point. If you pass and want to build a radio then find a tutorial and get your hands dirty finding what works and what does not

What can I do with these?
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blend them up with elmers glue or rice then compress them in molds to use as building material
how do you fuck up like that
Egg cartons are fucking expensive. $1 each.
>dude uk ackshually I’m smarter because I hoard garbage
>*worthless projection*
Shut the fuck up retard.
Burn them or throw them in the trash like a normal non hoarder would do

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Trade Jobs Are DYING OUT...


Why is this so ????
>yea low pay is going to be one of the main factors.

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>wake up at 4 am to be at work by 6 (hour and a half commute both ways)
>shit pay for five years until you can take your journeyman test
>hard on your body
>work with some of the most retarded niggers you have ever met
construction lifestyle sucks ass, even if the work is fun and fulfilling. this was my experience as a commercial electrician
Then they'll do shit in the dum est way instead of pausing and reading the manual and doing it the right way.

I saw dudes install 20 fiber hubs with the door facing the wrong way so you couldn't open. It. All they had to do was read the manual and install the clamp on the correct fucking side.
>hard on your body
kills me how older, experienced dudes who can't hear shit, can't stand up straight, and can barely breathe are always in the biggest hurry to get shit done and don't care about anyone's safety, not even their own. call me a bitch but I think it's possible to get shit done without putting anyone's life or health on the line in 99% of situations, even if it takes a bit longer. We're not building a last ditch fortification against an enemy invasion here. sometimes it's not the older guys though, it's the younger guys who are desperate to impress them (by showing everyone that they care about this job more than their own lives)

just cool it, dude. slow down and do it nice or do it twice. but of course that means less money for the top dog so it aint cool
>pay for training
>low wages and overworked (mexicans work for slave labor so you should too heehee)
>boom bust job cycles (just learn to code bro)
>toll on the body
>average tradie makes like $60k lmfao
>come on the internet and brag about their cousin’s wife’s buddy’s roommate’s brother-in-law who makes $300k a year as a plumber in Alaska
I’m so fucking glad I went to school. Every time I get a raise I thank God I was smart and got a degree, then I go back to sitting at a desk scrolling 4chan and making more than 90% of tradetards.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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It's fine, you poop worse turd than that.
sorry bros im just paranoid and have anxiety problems. i know poop is much larger, but poop aint like rock hard cement or whatever the ceiling was made out of. the sandy particulate im not so worried about, more the pebble/gravel sized chunks of ceiling.
They have one on the shelf for display, grab a caliper and measure it.
Either way, shouldn't be too hard to drill out for a different bolt pattern.
>but poop aint like rock hard cement
Eat more goyslop and it will be.
dont know if this is the right board to ask these sorts of question but is it worth buying a house with only electric baseboard heating? I dont think the house has any vents aside from the bathroom and kitchen.

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Is Hitachi/Metabo HTP/Hikoki truly the thinking man's tool brand? The answer is yes but why did they fuck up their branding so bad? Why not just keep using the name Hitachi instead of making everyone think that it's now Metabo?
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i never noticed he was chirping, i really like his videos
what i DISLIKE is when he makes a joke and just drags it out like some boomer who just cannot believe how very hilariously funny his joke is
like when he dropped the powerdrills and cycled those 5 frames and pretended the drill was dancing
>i never noticed he was chirping
His high pitched squeaky voice going 90 miles an hour for 10 minutes when he could just show the damn chart(s) with the disclaimers about how pointless some of his tests are. If he had a website where that was posted I'd consult it all the time. But his videos give me cancer.
some of the tests are very subjective, and some of the tests are pretty useless, but hes one of the most valuable youtube channels for sure
The face of a faggot with aids
No one is talking about the tools? Figures.

They have a really strong proposition in the higher powered 36v tools, many of them are class leaders or close to it (that circular saw, the recip, the grinders, the bandsaw) with great attention to both ergonomics and performance, and with the $100 corded adapter, they can replace corded tools for sustained use too, while allowing mobility when needed. A lot of people might be able to completely replace a 20v system with their 36v tools for big, heavy dugh tools and 12v tools for lighter ones, and wind up better off.

Cons are that they are simply less available (on shelves, on the used market, parts eventually) than the big names, and not much really stands out in the 18v lineup – none of it is bad, except maybe the one handed recip I think is maybe even still brushed, but if you’re minmaxing like we’re assuming in this convo you will want another system. For people requiring really, really heavy end tools, things like the big cutoff saws, you have to look elsewhere, too.

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What type of engine does this thing use?
i know its rocket engine but what type of engine can be turned on and off like this?

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It's a solid rocket engine and it isn't being turned on an off. Thrust is being redirected through different outlets
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the only byproduct of a peroxide jet is steam

pic related
Mentos and cola.
lol no, peroxide's a shit propellant. Here it's probably hydrazine-nitrogen tetroxide:
And yes, solid rocket boosters are legitimately used for ballistic missile divert and attitude control thrusters.
H2O2 engines.

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How do I buy chemicals? I'm in Japan but these idiots are so uptight about everything it's damn near impossible. I've gotten most solvents I could reasonably need (barring tuolene) but nitric, hydrochloric, and sulfuric acid are all just straight up fucking banned. Best you can get without a permit is 10% of HCl/H2SO4 and 5% nitric acid. Like, it's insane. Yeah I could buy TEN LITERS and fractionally distill over a month (and probably kill myself in the process because retard fingers and earthquakes) but it would cost a stupid amount and take forever.

What companies ship to JP?? Even fucking chemsavers won't ship int, and most eurofag suppliers won't ship to JP.

What's worse is that even when they do ship, customs is basically guaranteed to fuck me over. The only places I've found domestic that sell anything at all are Matsuba on Amazon and Jikken-kun (hayashi chemical corp on monotaro won't sell to individuals). WTF do I do?

I really wanna get my hands on some thiourea but I can't find anyone who sells it.
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> toluene not banned
It’s illegal even to *possess* toluene in the center of the world: california.
It’s not banned because it’s carcinogenic, it’s banned because they don’t want people to store any kind of fuel. Gasoline is carcinogenic, too, but part of the metallic additives turn it into a gel when exposed to oxygen so it’s not worth storing it.
Toluene white gas, xylene, naphtha, don’t have the additives, and they don’t want you to have them.
If you wanna store gasoline for a long time just hit up your local small airfield and fill up some jugs with avgas. Shit lasts forever. I do it all the time for my racecar that has a highly strung out old carbed engine and needs high octane leaded fuel.
Make a hobby of building miniaturized chemical factories. Start with Haber process and work from there. Do it all electrically - press a button and chemicals start dripping. Have it all automated with Arduino. Use common feedstock like water and charcoal and air. Put it all on youtube with plans.
>it’s banned because they don’t want people to store any kind of fuel
No, it's banned because of muh meth labs.

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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Old thread: >>2763067
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I was at a flea market and found a few bits for too little money to care but I have no idea if they're carbide or HSS, can someone identify them?
Those look like metal to me
1st and 3rd from the left look like they're brazed to a shank so they might be carbide, not sure about the other two they look machined from a single piece
No shit, someone said last thread to grab an old ironing board out of the trash to use as a welding table, and I found one same day.
It is indeed all metal, and folds up. Thanks for the suggestion bros.
I remember using one when I just started out kek, it was wiggly as fuck but I combined it with a stove top, the cast iron one and clamped shit to it.
I've had ideas of using pieces of sewage grating as a fixture table but can't find them for sale.
Might hire some gypsies to aquire it though

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I was going to do some cat6 cabling the 1960 build home I’ve lived in for 2 years now.
I’m having trouble identifying what kind of plaster/sheetrock this is. Someone told it may be asbestos and to leave that shit alone if possible. I will have it tested soon but does this look familiar to anyone?

I always thought it was drywall with a layer of plaster. It’s been a pain the ass since studfinders don’t detect anything through it.
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I had a house built in the late 40's that used a similar lath referrred to as "button board" that had dimples in it. May the gods show you mercy if you have to rewire your electricals.

At least that shit made for good soundproofing.

The jab saw is the wrong tool for this job. My assperience is that the best nigga to cut into this for refit of electrical boxes etc. is an oscillating tool with a thin round grout blade or carbide blade or similar. Makes nice precise cuts without cracking the rock coat or top plaster, so much so that a plug I'd cut out and saved allowed me seamlessly to patch it back in when my now ex-wife decided we should rearrange the home theater a year later.

It also makes it easy to contain the dust as you can cut with one hand and vacuum with the other (assuming you have two hands, if not maybe you can clench the tool with your anus).

Nice. I have one of these diamond blades.

I’ve replaced 5 interior doors and yes it has been messy as fuck and likely even damaged the 50 year old hardwood floors with it’s hard, brittle particles.
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I wonder if this makes a big mess compared to pencil scribing and using the oscillating diamond blade

My wife managed to lose and run over the gas filler cap (don't ask me).
I've got an older model and I can't find a replacement from the manufacturer.
I closed it ot off with aluminum foil for now in hopes that all the gas doesn't evaporate, but i need a longer term solution.
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you give up WAY too fast.
it is probably one of these.
Im signing off gang as my wife is crying as well she should be. Im too upset to see the tire damage
She ruined Mother’s Day
Update: cant sleep staying at my sisters house.
Huge fight, police all over a gas cap. My wife blew her top and I ended up punching the wall. Never get married friends. All she had to do was apologize
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So drill a hole and buy a sheet of gasoline-resistant gasket material

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Abominations Thread XLV

Problem Solved! edition

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2777360 #
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Dobbies room.
YJK a sex slave was trapped in there at some point. I don't see any other reason to wall off a perfectly good bathtub other than degeneracy
May we see it?

I got this for your mom for mother's day. Best gift for moms everywhere. (Especially YOURS)
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brah, this shit needs to be like $2, MAYBE $5 at most.
i hate unchecked capitalism so much
I think he was remarking on the price for a different reason
I was going to, but my mom’s boyfriend already got her kneepads and it seemed like overkill.
We must secure the padding for our knees and a future for unbruised knees, because the beauty of the white unbruised knee must not perish from the earth
I got your dad a set of dialators for his axe wound

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