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Taiwan literally produces every graphics card and game console on earth in a single large factory.

I just thought that is interesting to think about.
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There was a schizo in here last Taiwan /v/ thread but he did have 1 interesting point:
The TSMC fabs in the US will be making chips smaller than the current RTX 40 series (5nm) and will be coming online in waves from 2025-30

So if all you cared about was TSMC chips there's a hedge against them going away 100% if China were to invade.
Can someone redpill me in why the US allowed one island involved in complex geopolitical struggles monopolize the chip production at globlal scale. I mean, this shit with China was bound to happen eventually.
Why arent those factories in the US or Japan?
I don't know what your impression of the system is but it seems to me that the American empire exists as a support system for Jewish interests generally and the Zionist entity especially. Of course non-Jewish liberals, who staff a lot of the middle and upper non-decision-making ranks, often think they're doing something else viz. human rights nonsense and "protecting democracy", but that's just because the Jews require their vassals to be liberal so they can operate most effectively

On the topic of surveillance which might be more germane to the Five Eyes specifically, a lot of spy technology and surveillance tech is based out of "Israel"
The US didn't "allow" them. Chipmaking was originally an America only thing, they invented it. Taiwan just got rights to the tech and supplied much cheaper labor for it, and the US let them. Somehow along the way they outperformed Samsung and Intel.
>Fake Korea
All American vassals. China has a right to clean up in front of their doors.
Say, are you willing to die for them?

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Haruka archive
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Does she still weigh 100kg
How do I get murdered by 100kg thighs?
I want this now just for the seethe it would cause.
pvp eos soon
So true.

I've seen this character before but I don't know what game or series they're from, please help me find out
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Meira balls
jobs to my diarrhea

Itt: it's 2005. What games are you playing?
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i remember making fun of how silly they looked back then. nowadays theyre peak. i was a fool.
It honestly feels like Nintendo has more goodwill when they're the underdog of the generation.
Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Drink with Rupert.
Kill hecks.
Bang Ellen.
Simple as.
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>Gun job in XIV
>is actually a tank

This is not realistic. You actually need more strength to draw a bow than to use a gun. Tank archer when?
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> I'd be reported since that's deliberate griefing.

You’d probably survive. Even if you didn’t it’s not griefing, finger slipped. I rescue a scrub for Hydalyn EX stacks and we both always live, albeit a little toasty.
>Indications seem to be 6.1 is the new starting point
I don't believe this was ever intended and them pitching the idea of a new starting point coinciding with 6.1's release date made people think that was the plan. Like it would make the story skips absolutely pointless, no way SE would ok it.
Play BRD, you're contributing just by having your buffs up and your target is always the lowest hp enemy that someone else is attacking. They are pretty fragile and tend to get focused if your team doesn't protect you though. They also somehow get nerfed every fucking patch.
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He's better off gone, they'd ruin him otherwise.
The way they rushed through the twelves, among other things, suggests they want to close a lot of things before moving on.

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>Doom Eternal has worse user reviews than Doom 2016
>most people consider it to be the inferior game
I'm actually kind of shocked to discover this. Eternal seems like a straight upgrade to the gameplay of 2016 in every respect. What am I missing?
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There are mods that fix all of these things. Get reshade and tinker, then quadruple the ammo. Done!
how about you kill yourself you nigger.
It's better than having featureless hallways connecting fights.
People are just bad at first person platforming. Whenever a big, popular title prominently features first person platforming you'll get people saying that it's a mistake and shouldn't exist.
thats one of the things i hate about eternal
>you reach the apex of the skill ceiling in dealing damage within 10 seconds of gameplay if you try to swap
>you can melt almost anything with just M1->swap->M1 or M1->punch->M1
>theres several different flavors of burst M1 that feel all mechanically the same with different numbers
>you kill 9/10 the enemies in the exact same way which melts them super fast
being "good" at this game is boring as hell

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Are they good for the industry, or not?
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>what is push-up?
I love women's back bones.
that might have been the intention, but I've heard the ones who made thanos deliberately made him look panted, as it SUPPOSEDLY looks less believable to people when someone has unnatural skin color with more normal textures
>doesn't find that hot
I diagnose you with gay
she has an ugly body and reviwebrah face i don't know what nips saw in this whore

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I just finished the first two Mother games and I'm about to pick up pic rel. Is there anything I should know first before I dive right in?
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Man this schizo must have been pissing himself with joy when they turned off the IP counter.
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>Mother 1 is the best game of all time
Based Mom 1 fan
Never realized how many people on this website loved 1 & 2 but felt at the very least disappointment from 3.
Whew boy, does that game insist upon you or what?
It's hard to believe Itoi is behind Mother 3, considering how low quality it is.
I'm going to assume like 70% of the replies on this thread are just the same fucking guy talking to himself

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>"no greek gods being worshiped only in greece doesn't make them greek, trust me it makes sense"
>"btw everyone at tour studio are offsprings of migrants"
>"yeah we're california based how could you tell?"
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The greek mythology franchise?
Indian language is a Corded Ware language
Don't care about the game but that group of people looks obnoxious. There is something about them that is disgusting to look at.
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The reason why they are using Greek mythology is because they are too talentless to make their own fantasy setting.

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It's over, /vg/ won
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It's /pol/ shitposting about games they never played.
Why do /vg/fags try to force this meme that they actually talk about video games when all you have to do is go there yourself to see what a blatant lie that is?
/mlp/, /lgbt/, and /vt/ are the single worst congregation of humans on the internet, fuck the dark web fuck whatever other weird groups you can think of, these are the absolute worst mankind has to offer
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>its pure videogame
But the current internet drama is all manufactured and at best 'lol X fucked Y or said smth controversial'. Back then we had doxxing, irl fuckery and autists on the level of YT commentary community

Honest question, please do not be mean.
Should i still waiting for a PC release or fucking watch a playthrough?
I am getting kinda tired of waiting
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>so brown he thinks price = quality
It's a game where 75% of what you do is watching a cutscene, even the devs knew the summon fights were nothing more than movie jank.

Also, the only thing about the story being good is the opening hours after that it gets much worse where even the MC questions what the fuck is going on.
You honestly shouldn't bother with it at all. I am very rarely dissatisfied by games I play but I was offended by how dull and bad this was. I think the best part about the game is the combat which you won't get if you do watch it, but I certainly don't think it's worth your money, much less your time. I can understand if you have enough curiosity about it that you still want to try it yourself but I wish I hadn't, and that's something I rarely say about any game, even ones I dislike. At least a lot of games I dislike bring something to the table that made it interesting or made me think about why I do and don't like certain things or whatever, but XVI was just a chore that made me feel like I was actively wasting my time.
>demon souls, stellar blade
Neve ever just like Bloodborne. Cope and Seethe.
Wait for PC. Not because it's good, but because you need to experience the disappointment for yourself. If you watch it on YouTube you get to watch the cutscenes and not the 30+ hours of boring, shitty, mandatory, useless fetch quests. Most people who defend XVI haven't even played it, they just have grandiose ideas about it because of the shitty MMO they like.

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She looks like she fucks heroes.
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Hero (singular).
The royal womb is rederved for Link's children alone.
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There is only one hero and that is Link.
she looks like she IS the hero (male)
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Time to do her

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Resident Evil 4 has the best mods. Even better than Skyrim/Fallout
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Are you retarded?
Joke or no (it wasn't a joke), the post here >>676308559 claims that the post here >>676306159
is saying that big thick women are "gross". But the text plainly says the issue is that the design is lazy and over represented, not gross. This has nothing to do with whether or not the response was a "joke." It literally doesn't matter if it was a "joke." The poster was too fucking stupid to understand what the image was about despite the image fucking telling you right here.
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based woman worshipper. I love them so much bros
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Normal clothes are cool and all but I can see the appeal in this too
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I just wish i could live in 2d and eat cute 2d girl scat

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they're making us look stupid
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>Twitter likes prove thing!
This is how corpos got duped into giving "consultation" firms money, btw. But that's over now. They finally figured out that likes do not equal sales.
And you can thank Biden for that.
The OP image is a parody. It's funny you use 'Histrionic' because that's exactly what you're being right now.
do you think the trannies that make the same post over and over in the thread and spam the board all day have nothing better to do?
Do you seriously go to Reddit to search for this?
Leather Apron is dude some kind of Anti-Semitic Jack the Ripper fan?

A hypothetical for video game some crazy ass dictator in some Far place of the world decides to pick a fight with Mexico he somehow managed to grab a beach head and chunk of land because no one would thought he'd be stupid enough to try to invade a country Border in the United States what is the United States likely to do?
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chinga a tu madre
Siempre los espameaste puto viejo calvo de mierda con complejo de piel, date un tiro
Ya no ha hecho nada más esa morra (como sea que se llame)? O por qué vergas siempre publican las mismas putas fotos?
ignoren el OP puto, mejor posteen mas morras chidas como >>676313209

ESL here, why is that wrong ?
Because it’s gay
Can someone explain to me why this scene became such a meme? I’ve never played any of these games

Redemption arc: complete
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I cannot see the future where that's true.
The writing and characters is the same as it was in the launch tho
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the hermit cat shall show you
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Magilou, from Tales of Beseria
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already does
Edna, from Tales of Zestiria
Magilou anal and armpit licking

Have you taken the Horus pill yet?
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>post Zombie Darkfluid Terrahertz
>calls it super Quant
Your mom loves dark fluids
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skill issue
Do you do that as part of your main combo to avoid it as much as possible?
Sure you can recover in another turn but getting nibbed feels like a death sentence because your opponent can just otk you after.
I don't like memento's gameplay and look. I wish all those monsters got retrains that are not all part of the same archetype. Dark Blade in particular should have its own mini-archetype with his dragons and equips

I just spent 10 minutes removing weeds from a herb garden and still failed the mission
Discuss this kino game
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Here's what the map looks like if you zoom all the way out with the third person mod. You can see the playable boundary, as well as where it starts mirroring landscapes outside of it.

I don't remember how but I'm 90% sure the polearm mod does it. Something to do with the vendor edits.
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I'm currently on my first hardcore mode playthrough. It's not as hard as expected.
I said it before, and I'll say it a 100 times again:
Hardcore is actually a very misleading label, because the mode itself does not make the game really all that much harder. The changes it makes to things like combat math, healing rates or prices are barely precievable. The only major changes it makes is removing all autosaves on quest progression, and making it a lot easier to get lost due to lack of player map marker.
The specific perks can make a lot of difference though. And remember that while 2 is minimum, you can actually activate as many of them as you want. I can see that will all the negative perks activated at once, things could genuinely get pretty hard.

But otherwise, the mod itself is mostly just about immersion, and with the perks, they really range from "completely harmless" to "quite substantially inconvenient".
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Well that's fucking bullshit because I checked my inventory and I picked none of the forbidden herbs, and I definitely got all the weeds. It must have been because I kept going and picking stuff outside the garden like wormwood. Or because I weeded the comfrey bed which he didn't ask for.

Still if the wikis right and you only get 75 groschen regardless of how good you are, then Nicodemus is a stingy fuck.

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