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>Our results greatly strengthen the growing experimental evidence that wildlife worldwide fear the human “super predator” far more than other predators, 1 ,19 ,20 ,21 ,22 ,23 ,24 ,25 ,26 ,27 ,28 and the very substantial fear of humans demonstrated can be expected to cause considerable ecological impacts, 1 ,6 ,22 ,23 ,24 ,29 ,30 ,31 ,32 ,33 ,34 ,35
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If you don't placate us we will kill off another animal species Ayy/Archon anon.
wow scientists just now managed to discover what the Bible was saying for thousands of years amazing!!!

"And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered."
-Genesis 9:2

>hurdur it was obvious back then!! its just stating the obvious!!
Yeah I'm sure it was obvious to everyone back then that animals feared a shepherd boy with a sling more than they feared a lion or a crocodile. UFOs etc are counted among fowl of the air btw you have OFFICIAL dominion over them you can do WHATEVER you want to them.
we fought hard to reach the top and need to make it clear we intend to stay there
Hell yeah brother were the ultimate animal all these slow ass bitches fucked up their builds and got lapped in the squared circle of life.
Anon pagan retards know this. Africans have been getting meat by chasing lions away from kills for tens of thousands of years. It’s probably what humans did before developing proper hunting.

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A fly got in and my cat can't even catch and kill it, what are cats good for
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>keep cat all day indoors
>feed it kibble or other processed slop all day instead of letting it hunt and hone its skills
>cat becomes overweight and is not as nimble anymore
wtf why is my cat so useless???
>Cats are useless animals.
My 12 years old cat which had previously never killed anything in its entire goddamn life just rid me of my rat problem. Traps caught 3, cat got 11/
They aren't like fucking spaniels but they are still useful.
You still have rats

They are smarter than cats. You only killed the uneducated ones.
>let cat outdoors
>husky eats it
>you seethe and set out poison to no effect, dog was already miles away
>someone notices you set out poison and posts photos on facebook
>your home is vandalized
>you get another cat 3 days later
>husky returns, bypasses the poison, and eats that one too
>you instantly get another cat and stuff it full of dog poison
>the husky does not return, cat just dies in the middle of the street, your neighbors figure out its yours and you are arrested for killing your cat and accused of making up stories about huskies to explain your disappearing cats


Escobar kept four hippos in a private menagerie at Hacienda Nápoles. They were deemed too difficult to seize and move after Escobar's death, and hence left on the untended estate. By 2007, the animals had multiplied to 16 and had taken to roaming the area for food in the nearby Magdalena River.[8] The National Geographic Channel produced a documentary about them titled Cocaine Hippos.[9] A report published in a Yale student magazine noted that local environmentalists are campaigning to protect the animals, although there is no clear plan for what will happen to them.[10] In 2018, National Geographic published another article on the hippos which found disagreement among environmentalists on whether they were having a positive or negative impact, but that conservationists and locals — particularly those in the tourism industry — were mostly in support of their continued presence.[11] In January 2021, scientists proposed to euthanize the now approximately 100 hippos, as they have dispersed over the Magdalena river basin.[12] Some scientists have suggested castrating the male hippos to prevent further breeding. [13] In February 2022, the Colombian government announced that hippos will be declared an invasive species. The hippo was officially added to the list of invasive alien species on March 25 2022.[14] On November 3 2023, Environment Minister of Colombia, Susana Muhamad, said that, of the 166 hippos descended from Escobar's herd, 20 would be sterilised, others would be transferred abroad - and "some" would be euthanised. Colombian experts have long warned that the hippos' uncontrolled reproduction poses a threat to humans and native wildlife and estimates suggest that the population could reach 1,000 by 2035.[15]
What animals would you have in your drug funded menagerie?
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Whatever is the most theoretically damaging to the local ecosystem and human population. Some cocktail of insects, rats, and diseased bats.

It is vitally important that a kill switch be implanted into my heart that remotely releases these animals upon my death.

Lovely Beasts Edition

cont. from >>4787478


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull Harness, X-Back Harnesses, and Sledding Harnesses. Pulling IS Dangerous.

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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I remember your dog from The last thread because you mentioned his weight. What does he look like? All breeds are welcome and console war faggotry is not tolerated.
my 8mo old won't leave a dog alone even when it's snarling and snapping at her, she keeps trying to lick its mouth and play. wut do? im worried she's gonna annoy the wrong dog.
Tell her no the first time, smack her the next time, then put her in time out the third time.
Luv me collie
Pain in the arse for how quick she learned to open doors.
Do not hit your dog for interactions with other dogs dumbass animal abuser.

They are a puppy. You shouldnt have them around aggressive dogs at this age unless you want “le heckin corrections” from aggressive german shitturds and amerimutt shitbull terriers to turn them into yet another bite risk

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Is this a manul board?
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Close, pallas cats
was expecting a ‘you died’
Why does it need a harness
For me, its the andean mountain cat
>The first thing a Cambodian sees upon waking up in Hell

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Introspection edition
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Not him but the cu/ck/s seemed to like it. It was a good thread and apparently the chicken came out well, just needed better/different sauce.
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This is a very old question but I believe if the chicken is happy throughout, and is slaughtered in a way that doesn’t cause stress or pain, then it’s not the worst way to go. I’d worry that the sudden change of scenery may stress? You could perhaps achieve the same thing by giving it its own special extra meals too while letting it hang out as normal without the cage.
I’d say they should be allowed to walk, hunt and peck for the entirety of their life though.
can flock of 30 laying hens be alright with single cock? what colour would be best for big, nice looking and not too agressive cock?

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So should I worry about the talk of mass extinction of bugs, birds and other critters or is it just fearmongering?
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Not the one I was talking about.
When trees took over land they set off a mass extinction.
Any organism which goes unchecked causes mayhem
>nothing you can do
Who knows, human beings seem to be the greatest enemies of themselves
That would be the first one.
Not only did they kill anything that was not them, they also turned the entire planet into a snow globe for a few billion years.
Although, this might be a reason for optimism.
It seems like every time there is a disturbing creature on this planet, it seems like life is more and more resilient.
There's a likelihood all the weird poisons we put into the planet kills off humanity because we're too cucked by our own creations and morals to stop it even when it's in front of us.
Everything that comes after us may evolve to be resistant or capable of consuming and surviving the harsh environment we created assuming we don't somehow completely wipe the slate clean.
That's the hope, at least.
>That is the hope
Not really, it is not us specifically that cause these problems, but the general trend of Cenozoic animals.
We are special for getting to this point first, but, even if we were wiped out last ice age, another animal will take our place.
>Hawks that hunt using controlled fire
>Octopi which are ridiculously smart, only handicapped by their short life span
>Cetaceans that have complex knowledge and social structures, disturb nature for fun, and even have their own fashion
>Ravens who can carve sticks into tools and domesticate wolves
We can blow ourselves up or die from BPA deactivating our hormones, but the next creatures around might be just as destructive. We only took a few thousand years from the point when we could farm to the point where we could cause serious damage by terraforming. The next animal around would face the same problems.
The best solution we can hope for is for proper competition to take place. Competition is what keeps nature in balance. Hopefully, human beings are enough of a pain in the ass to one another for it to be enough.
The idea that the Quaternary Extinction was solely caused by humans is a total joke and just romanticizing the big game hunters who occasionally hunted something big at most.

The most common blood found on ancient clovis points is either rabbit or white tailed deer.

Yeah, proboscidean kill sites are a thing but outside that and rhinoceros. There aren't any other kill sites of megafauna. Both are also less common than ordinary elephant kill sites.

And finally, ancient humans probably got to the rest of the world WAAAAAAAY before the proposed date of arrival and didn't radiate rapidly and cause extinction to animals "unprepared"

The Cerutti Mastodon site in California is very likely the earliest activity we have found of humans in North America and features cobbles with evidence they were being used against the mastodon's bones.

The age of the site? 130,700 years ago. The Quaternary extinction at the latest in North America started 3,000 years ago and was noted to be fairly spontaneous.

Notably, ancient humans also seemed to have been affected. There is a sharp decline in human artifacts right around the younger dryas and it takes several thousands of years before it gets back to how it was before, this is indicating a mass die off.

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Would you kill a giant hornet if it came to your backyard uninvited and you had fruit trees that needed bees, no prep time?
Politely ask it to leave
how? its flying around you and you have 2 year old kid and small dog with you

Is there a sexier animal out there? I dont think there is
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presented without any further comment
That’s not real, it’s how /fit/ copes with only being able to score fatties. Most athletic men also have athletic wives.

Fat bitches are for broke and wimpy losers
Bottlenoses are more attractive.
K-pop types, Tumblr types, there's even a matriarchal tribe in Africa called the Wodaabe where women choose the most effeminate men.
i dont agree but as per my post i am unable to elaborate

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Why do we even bother trying to save these incels?
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Because they're cute and China uses them as bargaining chips
It funny when bears are shitty at being bears. China has a lot of shitty bears, maybe their ancients killed all the dangerous ones or something
lmao, that bear has poon on the mind
Just force them to eat nutritional food, whether that means sticking a tube down their throat while sedated or starve them idk.
Bamboo is nutritional. The shoots are so high in protein that a panda’s macronutrient intake resembles that of a wolf or cat, which means their energy derived from protein is higher than a grizzly bear

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Horse General

May Edition

>>4777567 - Previous Thread
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beyond any shadow of a doubt
I'm just saying, if a half ton mare corners you in her pen and tells you to drop the pants or get both your kneecapd shattered, what do you do?
What if I send myself to your corner?

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>friendly fire: disabled
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You can tell this is an African elephant because it tries to steal her phone.
horses have been getting smashed and slammed since before mr toad was a glint in juan gotty's eye.
The chart is (put generously) oversimplified. Greek lions were still very much a thing in the late Bronze Age setting of Greek hero stories.
They don’t want to eat us they’re just mean as hell
What an apex predator.

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new polaris out
Your thoughts?

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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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Whats the saying? Youre inside of two wolves?

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A few days ago, one of my juvenile cichlids jumped out of the tank overnight. I found his dry corpse behind the tank. I feel very saddened by his death and I wish there was something I could have done to prevent it. I taped some plastic to the opening on the lid but I don’t think it’s enough. Is there anything I can do?
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Try reviving it anon
Just put the dried up fish back in the tank, it will hydrate and come back to life
>I don't think it's enough
Well, there are either gaps or there aren't anon. Which is it?
As long as it's covered, it should be fine
I already threw it out. I believe it was there for around 24 hours, so I don't think I could have done anything to revive it. Did I do something wrong?

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