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Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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Holy shit what a ridiculous leap of logic. Is this your default argument, to immediately call everyone a pedo? Just because I'm against animal abuse doesn't mean I support pedophilia.
>less than worthless
based then shoot it
nevermind that's a skill issue and you suck at training dogs
Trump was the one who signed the pact that made animal cruelty a felony, you fucking retard.
Yeah, an amendment (proposed and passed by the Democratic House) to a law first made in 2010 when Obama was president. What about it?
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It's a doll.
>Lol all republicans with no exception are animal haters, monsters and pro-Trump.
>Nooooo, you can't say dems are all groomers and pedos!!! Call the mods! I could talk about politics before but now I'm losing and I want all these posts deleted!

Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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You are correct but holy shit what a horrible, confusing graphic.

>What about broken terra cotta pots?
If the pot is broken the water will just run/seep out through the cracks so even if gravel did provide extra drainage (it doesn't) you wouldn't need it anyway. Right?

>Should I add worms to my balcony flower pots?
Worms are great in garden beds but they're the very worst thing in pots (apart from a lack of drainage holes).
Your pot plants should be in a nice, fresh, free-draining potting mix that allows water to drain and air to enter.
The roots of your plants need air to survive. If they are stuck in water they drown and rot. If they are stuck in compacted soil that air can't get into they suffocate and rot.
Plants don't have lungs and blood to distribute atmospheric oxygen from the above-ground part of the plant to every single cell in the roots. Roots (in most cases) need some access to atmospheric oxygen from air that penetrates the soil.
What worms do is eat and decompose all the organic matter in the pot so that the structure of the potting mix collapses and turns to anaerobic mud. The mud doesn't let air in or water out. It blocks the drainage holes in the pot and the pot begins to fill up like a fishtank. Bit by bit the roots drown/suffocate and die back and the plant becomes visibly weaker. When you try to compensate by watering more you only make things worse.

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your picture is likely incorrect and would fail experimental validation.

t. hydrologist
what's the best ornamental conifer?
OK. Please explain why.
I'm also interested to know why you said "likely incorrect" when you otherwise seem so sure of yourself.
But I'm most interested to know how you think that gravel magically reverses the effect of capillary action.
I use the term "magically" advisedly because any action that defies the laws of physics is by definition supernatural. Spooky, even...
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It would more like this. Note that the water concentration for the right pot is slightly higher for a given depth, due to the extra drainage the gravel provides.
When you have a single hole at the bottom of the pot and it's all dirt all the water has to make it's way through the dirt to that single spot to drain out. On the other hand if there's is gravel at the bottom it's as if the whole bottom of the pot was one big hole and the water can drain down from any point in the dirt. After the water is in the gravel the gravel provides little resistance to the water and it can easily drain out through the single hole.

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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Cane toad tadpoles are black
they're probably some species of tree frog going by their eyes
What do you love most about reptiles/amphibians?
Your options are so insanely broad with those criteria, so I’ll say big fukken frog
Frog 2 tegu 1 o shid am i gona have to get bull frog am i not /an/ gona wait and see here

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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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Raw sex, and probably not
dumb ESL
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[Sad News] Gypsy retard's barn burned down and killed a flopgang stallion.
lip wiggle
lip wiggle JAPAN

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So what, if you run into one of these things and it decides to attack you, you're just fucked? You die, end of story? How is that fair?
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A little scratch behind the ear will tame all aggression
they usually aren't going to mess with you unless you get near their cubs
I heard the cougar population is getting out of hand so much that cougars are now starting to pack with each other.
>or at least compete with it athletically
the fuck am I gonna do, challenge it to a game of basketball?
has anyone tried this? maybe you're onto something

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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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So SMASH and SLAMN them enough and you get low IQ dachshunds. Makes me wonder what happens if you mix one of these toads with a dachshund.
>These people literally masturbate their dogs for a life of luxury
I mean, that's just animal husbandry. It's normal for a whole bunch of industries involving animals that we breed for our use. Look at race horse. A prized stud is in a similar situation.
The difference is that most places use some kind of apparatus to do the job, not their own fucking hands. It's a rather clinical medical process usually done in a fertility clinic, or at least with someone knowledgeable on-hand just in case. Not toadline breeders. They literally, without exaggeration, masturbate their dogs just out in the open.
I bet they use videos like this as 'proof' that these things are 'active and playful'

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What was the Silurian landscape like?
In the past, it was assumed that it was basically dry and "dead". without a significant number of living organisms that stand out for being multicellular, eukaryotic, and that carry out photosynthesis and bla bla.
Well, today it is said that the environment was more perished with a "proto-forest" (or lawn) with high quantities of plants and even small worms living in the ground
well paleoanons, can you give me some light???
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Thank you guys!
And about the land? Just a ugly desert?
In your logic, there was not earthworms
There were majestic mountain ranges, highly-eroded smooth rock pillars and boulders, deep canyons and gorges. There were lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and everything in between.
The terrain would be in different places and heights and depths than modern day but the same ingredients would be there.

One thing you would notice is that the soil would be far more sterile, muddy, and grey until things developed further. Early plants and fungi would not be nearly as capable of supporting soil on slopes like they do today, so mudslides and slumps would be drastically more common in the landscape. You would see more deserts, probably anywhere in the shadow of a mountain range that would divert rainclouds.
Heavy rain areas and coastal areas would have moderate plant coverage and these would probably overlook shallow bays with raft-like bacterial mats in peaceful areas, or rocky areas that produce lots of spray and help keep the plants wet.
These plants would follow rivers and streams upstream over time and gradually bring life inland, but it wouldnt be able to protect itself from drying out very effectively for the time being.
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>There were majestic mountain ranges
bigger or smaller than today's mountain ranges?
So everywhere kind of looked like a mix between Mongolian steppes, Kazakhstan mountains and the Atacama desert?

I would give another chance to the classic non-avian theropods. So, my choice includes two big guys:
two medium-sized predators:
and a small, clever rascal:
Yes, they are a few tens of millions of years too late and are unlikely to catch up with mammals in intelligence. But do they really need to?

*Yes, I learned about Imperobator from that really questionably-scientific show made by a slopmaker from Disney. Don’t judge me, I'm not a professional paleontologist.
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All dolphins deserve extinction, I would trade in all 5 picks to eliminate all dolphins from evolutionary or current existence. Whales I can tolerate. But I have a feeling they would eventually become dolphins so they have to go too. Basically just undo this whole thing
>unlikely to catch up with mammals in intelligence
pic looks like he heard you
jej pic
orcas can stay though
Lol at the random girl
Semi-realistic (i.e., animals probably could survive on modern-day earth without choking to death due to different oxygen levels or something)

1. Paranthropus boisei
2. Homotherium latidens
3. Megaloceros giganteus
4. Mammuthus primigenius
5. Pinguinus impennis

how different would life be if we were on a tidally locked planet? would we develop sleep? would life even develop on the other side of the planet where it's always dark?
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If geofag is still in this thread, what would the minimum requirements for a planet to harbor life? And then what would be the requirements for microscopic-only life vs macroscopic organisms, say up to the volume of a human?
There is also the fact that Venus has active volcanism which makes up for the gases that manage to escape
Venus is also virtually tidal locked. Its day is longer than its year. But the temperature is pretty much the same everywhere, poles, equator, night or day, all the same.
im pretty sure its just liquid water, large cellular life is kinda impossible without exposure to a star because just like deep sea life, their lifestyle is reliant on bacteria doing whatever it is they do at underwater volcanoes to inject energy into the system,

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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A plant that produces very tasty shoots that attract herbivorous
This same plant also produces a very strong and pleasant smell capable of mask the scent of predators, making easier for them hunt in groves dominated by that plant
As a result, those groves are frequently fertilized by the remains of the animals killed there and the excrement of the predators that hang around there more
fruit would be far superior to shoots for this
I wonder if herbivorous would prefer safe food over tasty.
Does it matter? Something gets eaten anyways. Fruits leaves the body of the plant safer but takes extra effort to grow and can't feed the plant itself like shoots do.
in his defense, it's a solo project, and he's never made a game in his life before. I think it's pretty impressive by that metric.
It's not much, but I look forward to seeing where it goes.
>watched for a year
>negligible progress
>added aquatic creatures
>overhauled the clade diagrams
>created whole system of seed dispersal for plants, including floating across water, sticking to fur, being spread by animals eating them, etc
>added grasses and floating algae
>added weather, natural disasters, etc
>a wide verity of new body parts
>overhauled the instinct system
>created poison types for plants and poison immunity for animals
>added multiple new food types, different parts of plants, blood, milk, etc
>overhauled the instincts system

you might be retarded, anon.

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Sleepy edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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based simplistic naming schemes
I'm injured and probably won't be getting out of bed much for about a month. My cat is currently acting out because I'm not playing with him. What should I do? I have one other cat, but they don't really play together much.
Look up the phone apps WAG or Meowtell.

You pay people to stop by and feed and spend playtime for checkup with instructions on what exactly you want them to do. imo good to have someone just check up at least once a day to see that all is well
Be creative.
With a wand toy you can play from your bed.
If you're not poor get some automatic toys.

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Blurry animals
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The late great Coppa
pocket monsters
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how bad is it that i love picking dandruff off my cat's back?
i'm obssessed with picking dead skin, i do it to myself but i have very little dead skin to pick, and then i noticed my cat's skin is a bit flakey, and upon scratching it discovered it's dandruff

so now whenever i pet my kot i always end up grabbing something like a toothpick and scratching off all the dandruff off it's back....

is it harming my cat? is there a way of doing without harming it?

sorry for being an autstic wierdo
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cleanest catfaggot
I didn’t even know cats could have dandruff
Mine definitely don’t
>do catfags really
You need to wash your cat with anti dandruff shampoo now
Is your cat not cleaning himself? He might be sick.

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I see these fuckers all the time and I asked around in 5 discords wtf it is and nobody could tell me. It makes this odor when it dies but it's not the normal stinkbug (though I do see those on occasion as well). Anyone have an idea?
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brown extrovert
It’s this. I’ve only even seen this bug once in my life though. They’re probably the least cute bug on planet Earth. They stink
>I asked around in 5 discords wtf it is and nobody could tell me
Bro when you have a question like that you consult your state's university entomology department, not fucking discord servers.
>States university entomology department
I now know this exists.
cock chafer

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Could this dog survive in the wild?
I think a borzoi would be fine in the wild yeah

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