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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

Lol. Lmao even.
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trash thread
>if you can fit everything you need on a controller, it's kinda obvious that it's simpler
What RPG can't work on a controller?
What about it doesn't work on a controller?
It's easier for you to play it and find out.

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For those of you who backed it or somehow pirated it, what do you think? I'm about to do the Mine Dungeon from the Beta.
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It's because most people are shit eaters like this guy >>3467472

They don't care that the story is terribly written (setting aside localization) or that the combat system is broken.
I'm guessing as far as story is concerned, as long as none of the characters they self insert as does anything uncool/cowardly, acts annoying/is a jerk, or does something particularly morally wrong without clearly indicating they are a bad person several times then they figure it's good enough for them because they aren't really paying attention anyway.

Combat is passable for them as long as it doesn't require them to look any from whatever other content they are consuming while playing the game, it's pretty typical for jrpg combat to be braindead and magic to become useless compared to attacking in the late game (at least this is the trend for older ones).
Somewhat rare for a modern rpg to be this broken as EC from the start though, but I'll admit most jrpgs I've played lately are at least 5-8 years old.
Whoops meant quote >>3467470 for>>3467908

Shiteater = >>3467472 "pretty good".
Nowa would feel like a much better character if they gave you the ability to respond to people. when you get your castle you should have the ability to just adopt the mantle of the commander and just say "its mine now Perry can't have it back" or be able to constantly say "temporary commander" every time someone calls you commander.
Every response but the first one feels like its the wrong answer like the ability to choose between top or bottom was an after thought.
>Get some underground area in the castle
>Try it out
>First fight gives all my characters +20 levels

Oops. Now I'm mid 60s and will probably stomp the rest of the game.
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i did that and can confirm you get very little exp from main story fights the rest of the game

that's actually where the one piece of post game content is. I don't know why they let you unlock it so early.

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The perfect videogame.
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>Ff8 was interesting in that you could accumulate exp without actually killing anything.
Not quite. You can get *really powerful* without killing anything, but you have to kill regular enemies to get exp and level so you couldn't pacifist lvl 100.
It's a weird game because enemies and bosses scale with (and sometimes more than) you, and junctions are more powerful than leveling, so you're actually the most-powerful at the lowest level with the most magic and summon abilities (which you don't have to kill enemies to get).
The hardest way to play the game would be to constantly grind enemies and level up without doing all the magic / item mod / card stuff.
Enemies scale with the party level, but there's also a variable range.

At lower levels, enemies might be 2 levels above or below the party. But at higher levels there can be a difference of 15 levels or more.

Obviously higher levels reward more exp.

Tonberry King's lv Up & Down abilities wouldn't be viable in a pacifist run. But I've seen people level up Edea to 100 in 45 minutes by maxing enemy levels that way.

Diabolos' Mug ability might be off the table too. I mean, I think it's treated as a boss with No EXP award. And technically you don't "kill" it.
But stealing a missile would be the only way for Quistis to learn Micro Missile if you're not defeating enemies.

A pacifist run would also mean NO AP points to learn GF abilities, outside of bosses.
>A pacifist run would also mean NO AP points to learn GF abilities, outside of bosses.
I guess even Card Modding enemies would be off the table, too.
Last time I played I ONLY played forced encounters and bosses, was that a pacifist run? That's the easiest way to play the game, but I was like lvl 10. Getting to 100 without killing enemies seems impossible.
>proper ff
>every game is substantially different from the last aside from terms
Nah, just time consuming. It's a dumb challenge for players that have already done everything else.

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Should Obsidian be trusted with Baldur's Gate 4?
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Has Obsidian made any decent games outside of New Vegas (which is just an asset flip game of Fallout 3)
Alpha Protocol. Been all downhill since then.
I hope they do, and I hope they make it way more horny than it is. You should romance the villains. Durge should struggle-snuggle strangers in alleys.
artists don't make anything new on their own. you're like AI that just takes stuff that other people made in the past and mush it together.

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News: https://www.artix.com/news/allnews

What are you guys grinding? I finally got all the prereq armors for RGOW so that's exciting. Trying to get back into AQC and DF as well.
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>she doesn’t have it yet
i dont have the classes and am too retarded to do ultras...
Man I really knew us zoomers had taken over 4chan when I started seeing threads about Artix games regularly.
The new class is pretty bad. Expecting some buffs.
Then those fuckers should hurry up and give a summer Gravelyn event with swimsuits.

Am I supposed to jump through each character's story as I meet them, or is it better that I finish them one by one? Right now I'm just kinda wandering aimlessly through the map.
Play better games, preferably one that doesn't look like you're getting punched by the sun.
I think you are supposed to jump from char to char because the story segments are leveled
Suggested way to play is jumping between characters and playing in order of levels.
If you know how to abuse the system, you can punch way above your weight
It doesn't make a difference. All stories are barebones and don't have any connection between them. The only question that matters is if you want to grind now or later.
Protip: You will have to grid anyway.
ok but what would you recommend to enjoy the story?

which alice is your alice, anon?
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this and the weird mabel rambling about cats is foreshadowing lovecraft's cat for the next game
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I want to rub my face on Elma's modest chest so badly...
We need someone to say "Hi kitty! What's your name?" in earshot of Lovecraft only for him to say a completely normal cat name, since Nigger Man was his childhood cat
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Damn, did a tranny flag kill your dog or something? My condolences.

I 100% agree, I was kind of sad when only JubJub helped Grimm escape TCO. I get that JubJub started questioning her place in the narrative because of Grimm's dick and love and all that, but it seems odd that Bandersnatch wouldn't be loyal to Grimm to the end. She has the most direct and amicable history with him, and seems to genuinely care about the guy. She also seems to know something's not right about the world and is the only person that insists that Alice is dead, although I'm not sure how aware she is of TCO's bullshit or what she actually saw in the library. Maybe Jabberwock just groomed her real good after Ending G, I dunno. Bandersnatch is a friend.
If her niggerman form is anything to go by, she's anything but a friend. She could very well be playing a long con given that her title is The Patient One.

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>he hoards his consumable items because "what if I need them later"?
>finishes the game without ever using them
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Wizardry. Though in 6 and 8 you end up hoarding them for completely different reasons. In 6 if you're playing to transfer characters into 7 since Resurrection Potions can be transferred freely into 7 and then sold for cash, bypassing the gold transferal limit. In 8 you just hoard potions for alchemy so you can make infinite money and buy all the hyper-expensive equipment.
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Have you heard of the concept of "challenge"?
>obsesses over trannies

Every single time. Are you an egg?
Never played DS, do they have an infinite amount with a cooldown or can you stack them to the hundreds and spam them in a row?
You can only carry so many at a time, and drinking one requires a short but vulnerable animation. They replenish back to full when you rest at a bonfire

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>RPG rewards you for clearing it the wrong way
What are more games for this feel?
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>Why reply to me
Man this sidequest was a bitch.
dont excuse cuckshit anon
>Verification not required.
>anons now consider soul death and possession to be NTR
Coomers only have one braincell, they only see women they're fucking and women they aren't. And since they aren't actually fucking anyone ever everything is NTR to them.

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What are some of the worst rpgs ever made?
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I always post Lunar Dragon Song and Arcania: Gothic 4 if nobody else has.
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I gotchu senpai
Though the black sheep of SaGa it's not a bad game, just ridiculously unorthodox and weird. Considering that SaGa has been a major trendsetter for JRPGs since the Gameboy games this says a lot about how weird it is.
rpg players got a game that plays like an actual tabletop rpg and nearly killed themselves over it

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>Parliament is about V5 politics, which are impossible to take seriously
>Night Road has the twink
>Book Of Hungry Names makes being an unstoppable killing machine lame
WoD fans are cursed
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>uncontrollable beasts that live in the woods murdering anyone that gets close
No that's the theme of the Get of Fenris, and they're relabeled as the Cult of Fenris now and they're considered fascists (unplayable villain faction)
>buys all world pro-wrestling
>unironically liked it
why does fag shot written by men so much better than fag shit written by women?
the only negative is that fatass bear Clint, he’s nasty and creepy
Because women't don't write actual fag shit, they write their female fetishization of it.
i can just imagine stories having good writing again instead of being written purely to own the chuds/wokies
only imagine unfortunately
Fetishization is the point of porn. Of any porn, of any kind, done by anyone. So that isn't the issue, it's just that they suck at it.

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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Did someone say a new remake?
>feel like they're stuck in the past. Like the devs are devoid of any creativity, don't know how to recreate the magic and feeling behind 6/7, and kept remaking the first 5 sans 4 over and over again because it's easy and requires no real thought.
That's just genuinely Japanese mentality more than anything. When a Japanese man makes a pot, his mindset is turned towards mastery of that pot. He focuses on the flaws that keep it from being the idealized version of what a pot is, then he focuses on remaking that same exact pot without those flaws. He will make 10,000 pots over and over again, just perfecting this one simple design.

You can actually see this paradigm a lot in their culture as well. For example, they did the same thing with Lode Runner. While the west started to branch out from the original design by doing things with isometric designs in Lode Runner 2, adding in items and terrain in Lode Runner Returns, or doing 3D levels with Lode Runner 3D, Japan instead kept reproducing the design mechanics of Lode Runner the original, but just made the levels FAR more challenging then their western counterparts, making the far more difficult to complete while still retaining the same concepts.

Another non-video game example of this is their Galapagos Phone. I think recently the trend began reversing itself, but even as far as 2017, Japan had been developing and innovating on flip phone designs instead of switching over to the iPhone/Android smart phone designs, creating uniquely advanced flip phones that probably would have been insane had they been produced in 2005. But they just focused on improving the ONE thing, including its core ideas, over and over again.
Which is a problem when they try to copy and perfect something that wasn't good in the first place, like Western society or corporate structures or rap music.
This is true, especially so when the thing they get out of the product is not the particular thing that I like from it, and they improve on that. Like the fact that Compile Hearts tends to heavily focus onthe combat alone, with very little to do with actual dungeon exploring, which is the part I'm more interested in.

However, the Western mentality of "solve the problems with a new design" can also lead to issues as well. For example, if you really look into the game design through the ages and ask the same questions they ask, you can actually clearly see the real reason why adventure games "died out". They didn't die, they actually just turned into movie games and walking simulators.

Text Based Adventure Games:
>Gee, I can't see shit. It's hard to imagine.
Graphics Based Adventure Games:
>I'm still fighting with the interpreter. It never understands me.
Classic Sentence-Constructed Adventure Games:
>There are way too many verbs! I never know what the game wants!
9-Verb Adventure Games:
>I mean, honestly, I only really want to interact with certain objects in certain ways.
3-Symbol Dial AG:
>Can't I just click on the object and it knows what I want?

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Oh, I agree. Progress for progress's sake isn't good. But Wizardry 7 really was better than earlier Wizardries. I think there really is a degree of just not liking change that leads to a rejection of real improvement that doesn't destroy essence.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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RPG = anything that isnt undertale
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behold, an rpg
this but unironically
shilled harder than other ones + actually came out
>Make fangame off of already popular and successful game
>Wow how is this popular???

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When will CRPG's improve their art? Its always the ugliest shit. BG1 and BG2's portrait are literally just photoshopped versions of real people.
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>CRPG's art degrades to tranime dogslop shit-pile
>gameplay is reduced to puppy-mill-tier inbred repetitiveness
>Equates art direction with people who defined a genre
30 IQ post
We'll likely all die from WW3 before CRPG's change. Our culture is severely fucked by woke nonsense, and it will take a miracle to pull out of this nose dive.
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Be that miracle, anon.
Please 3 retards that can only do ONE thing is not complex at all
>monkey sees build online monkey copies build online then mashes buttons
Wow so complex, none of this come close to the complexity of Pokémon battles
Bethesda are the exception to the rule, probably the only good wrpgs

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