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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Welcome back.
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>Red was brought into Wonderland by Node, and no, she isn't looping, at least not in the same way that Grimm is. She seems well and truly unaware of the cycles given her dialogue at the Hotel in 2.
Where was this mentioned? I know that Node is fucking with TCO based on her genuinely trying to help Grimm escape, the stuffed toy memories in winterbelle, and the signs in the sheep store saying something about "White is the enemy" or something.
>She's not an actor, or at least not an intended one in the same way that Meryphilia (Miranda) isn't and the covenants are.
This one is tripping me up as well, I have no idea how the previous game's heroines (Miranda, Elma, Jeanne, Catherine, etc) made it to wonderland. And when you do escape wonderland in G, we get a letter that is probably from Victoria since she's one of the only characters that call Grimm master. I assume that "the outside world" that Red Hood talks about in upper lutwidge isn't actually the real world that Lewis and the others came from considering an apocalyptic event happened when TCO took lewis. Is this the garden that Prickett talks about the she made to help Grimm based on the teddy bear things again?
Hang on, this is a porn game? I thought it was spooky horror.
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> Grimm isn't aware of the loops, right?
Grimm gets his memory wiped at the start of the game but he still have some remnants of his old memories since he remembers red and the tragic hotel, also He is somewhat aware of the loops in the previous cycles atleast as he leaves the bloodstains text before every bossfight for himself
> But then in ending G he has memories of the previous loop
Because the G ending isn't necessarily a loop and you don't get memory wiped as when you first start the game, you start from the Dream library and Cheshire cat gives you some interesting dialogue.
Also Mabel dialogue kinda explains why didn't escape
When was it mentioned that Node brought red into wonderland?
I'm pretty sure the place in ending G is the real world and the apocalyptic event that happened left it in the state that red hood talks about in upper lutwidge,and when is it mentioned that Prickett made a garden to help Grimm? I forgot the context.
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>when is it mentioned that Prickett made a garden to help Grimm? I forgot the context.
picrel though now that I took a look at it again, it may not be the place that they have escaped to. She and Node were talking about saving Grimm in this conversation so I assumed that this domain/garden she made was to keep Grimm safe and based on ending H and she was the one who was finally able to set Grimm free so it may not be TOO farfetched. Though now that I think about it again this could just be fucking queensland and I'm just reaching.

I've played about an hour into this so far and it really doesn't hold up at all. Compared to the intro of FF6 the game is slow as molasses. By the time you fight the boss at the 2nd reactor, (who also dies in one hit from breaker, kind of mind boggling) which is nearly identical to the first reactor, you'll have already gotten to 4 or so comepletely distinct locations and fought equally as many bosses in FF6. The dialogue is also just terrible for the amount of emphasis there is on character interactions, and some of it doesn't even contextually make any sense. Additonially, the Switch port is really bad. I've already had it freeze up once, about 2 feet away from a save point, and there's some questionable design choices like speed up only working in *some* cutscenes. (even at 3x speed the game is still really slow) The one thing I can say is the background renders being animated so the camera can occasionally shift around while you are moving about is seriously impressive, but its scarcely used and thats about it so far.
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Just you wait, when they finish the FF7 remake slop, they'll shit out an FF9, and FFX remake, followed by FFX-3. ENDLESS TRAAAASH
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Boy, the mental illness on this board is a different kind than /v/‘s. It’s a far more focused kind of mental illness— weaponized, even.

What a nightmare.
The more you dig in the worse it will get.
My friends always said that it sucks until Disc 1 ends and it opens up. That's when you're really playing FF7.

Isn't everything optional all on Disc 3? Never played FF7 past Disc 1 but i knew lots of people with 99hr saves.
oh look, more remakes. I'm not sure if it's sad or funny that this company keeps making remakes that are inferior to the originals.

>FF1 - 6 on Android / Steam are the same version
Holy menuslop

better emulated, unironically. The only reason I'd use steam version is AI upscale patches

>Dragon quest remakes
There are already definitive version on GBA.

I find it interesting that these people will use advertisers to sell OUR nostalgia to children, and get them to buy these shitty remakes.

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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FF8 should have just been entirely military operations and badassery.
Then, because it's obligatory, we have a military operation to fight God where we paradrop into Heaven or some shit.
KH2 really leans into the FF8 connections with Hallow Bastion being a "Garden" occupied by a "Sorceress" and Sora getting his Memories altered about shooting stars.

However. Conceptually, KH1 Leon could have just as easily have been FF2 Leon. The novel opens with a Star Fall Festival, related to the sunfire. It's celebrated like Valentine's day, where the Mysidian Mages cast lovespells and hold weddings. Leon lost his cool at a wedding because the bride did a lovespell on him and then was arranged to marry someone else. That's why he wasn't with the otheres when the empire attacked.

Following that story pattern, Hallow Bastion/ Radiant Garden should have been a mobile fortress like the Empire's Cyclone. Rinoa could have been a stand-in sleeping beauty or "wild rose" that you would have rescued from the chapel where you fight Maleficent.
What makes a Knight Dark? Is it mastery of evil arts? Trifling with magic (which innately corrupts the soul unless received as a gift from God)? Is it mere malintent?

Or does just putting on the outfit make you evil?
In Birth By Sleep, Mickey is still YenSid's apprentice. He doesn't have a gummiship or train. He traveled to worlds at random using a Star Shard.
Supposedly he met Leon in Traverstown after there world was swallowed by darkness.

However. We know that Laguna was planned to be in B.B.S. at one point. He would have been in the Mirage Arena.
The Heartless weren't around at that time. Instead it was the Unversed, anyone with enough "negativity" could contol them. Potentially Laguna would have been fighting the unversed to keep them from unsealing Adel. Or perhaps Maleficent. Or perhaps, Laguna was protecting Kairi/Namine as if she was Ellone.
>I only ever eat microwaved tendies
>making choices is suboptimal

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The month of Uula is over. Time to bully her again. Or not. Wagies deserve a break.
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Why couldn't I give my ring of promise to Nordol?....
I hope she comes back as an actual marriage option. She's so cute.
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It’s Mother’s Day. Be sure to go thank your mom.
I will thank my mother for taking dick from my father so i could come into the world to goon to the sequel games
Thanks anon!
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Your parents would be proud that you have good taste in erotica. Sequel is extremely high brow since it’s slow burn. Not every monkey on the block can appreciate it.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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yep, some parts of the dunes follow this convention as well, handling all cutscene data in an npc. also, dalvs sprites dont follow the same pattern as the other sprites, probably because he was early in development
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Can I see the UTY source code?
Download Undertale Mod Tool and with it open the data.win file for UTY. Inside it is the entire game except for the launcher, all editable and searchable.
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alright i coded some more shit for the overworld
most notably, follower NPCs (still a bit janky but generally functional) and support for decals from the tile editor. decals are essentially just sprites placed into the tilemap, something you'd use for more detailed rooms. I also added scroll factor support (scroll factor is how much the sprite moves relative to the camera movement; this allows for the illusion of depth by having foreground and background elements move at different speeds, like the pillars in the last corridor of undertale) so in theory, I could start recreating the game map in Ogmo if I wanted to.
at some point i'm gonna have to add scripting/cutscene support and i'm seriously too stupid to figure that out. i might ask the engine dev for help on that and just try to do menus and savefile stuff in the meantime, or even the martlet sprites.
This is done in the same engine as FNF right? its pretty crazy for a mod or fangame, I'm not sure in wich category this falls at this point
also about the newline thing you mentioned, most if not all the dialogue in Undertale starts with an asterisk, each line is actually written with a \n between each line to preserve the indentation from the asterisk, this applies to Undertale Yellow too

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Cold Steel II > Cold Steel > Kuro no Kiseki II > Trails to Azure > Trails from Zero > Trails in the Sky the 3rd > Trails in the Sky SC > Nayuta no Kiseki > Kuro no Kiseki > Trails in the Sky FC > Cold Steel III > Cold Steel IV
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Who's that cute blue girl on the right?
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Sky 3rd > Sky FC > Sky SC > Kuro 1 > Zero > Ao > CS1 > CS2 > Kuro 2 > CS3 > Hajimari > CS4

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Hot of the presses news about Vampire Syndicate from the den of scum and villainy that is RPG Codex - creator is apparently considering changing the engine and style altogether. It will retain turn-based isometric combat according to him, but this change lets him stop fighting the RPG Maker limitations.


Anime girls are OFF THE MENU.
Fuck off, shill faggot.
stock assets?
>Anime girls are OFF THE MENU.
cyberpunk time now
Wasnt this an RPGmaker game at first? I can already tell that this project is going nowhere fast, just like most of this dev projects. Stick to finishing 1 game you tard
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he has already released some shit, though.

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Just finished the main story and I really don't get why this game is so maligned. Did auto-battle really filter journalists that hard? Considering strategic orientation of the battle system toward paradigm deck composition and paradigm shifts, auto-battle was a good and useful mechanic. I think the "hall way sim" complaint is overblown, the linear and open segments are well-balanced. People complain about the "20 hour tutorial" which I really don't understand, the early-to-mid part of any JRPG is going to be a different kind of experience than the late-to-postgame, and this game does a good job differentiating the segments. Two-man battle teams present a different, somewhat more desperate challenge than the late game where you have all options at your disposal. And, I love the menus, I love the UI design overall and don't get why people complain so much about the Crystarium. Even though its sections are more linear than the Sphere Grid, you actually have pretty significant control over how you develop the characters until the deep post-game.

Admittedly, Taejin's Tower and Oerba feel unfinished, the weapon upgrade system is tedious, and the summons felt like wasted potential. But this game delivers on graphics, gameplay and story imho.

What did you think of FF13? Should I keep going with the post-game grind or just jump right into XIII-2?
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It's the Gundam SEED of Final Fantasy.
I remember someone telling me about Low to No Crysterium runs might give me a better appreciation of the game's combat, but looking at most vids. it doesn't come off any different or challenging than if you were to do battles regularly, level up and use ATB Refresh, which I and my friends discovered around the game's release long before the term of coined. There also seems to be a lot of grinding for materials offscreen when leveling up certain weapons and accessories.

If anything, all I've learned from watching these challenge runs is the game has you engage using summons more for big "fuck you!" damage, since a lot of posts I've read throughout the years as well as opinions I've listened to from my friends saying they found that they're more time consuming breaking the pace of battle on top of useless in the grand scheme of things.

That's a lot of time spent just to play the game with restrictions with little payoff other than to say "it's possible to do".
>too scared to directly reply
all gaming is a waste of time sis.
It's particularly egregious in 13. The amount if grinding needed to max out all the characters role trees or hallways I should say is awful.
it's boring and the story sucks. The only good thing about FF13 is Yanille.

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This is one of the best RPGs I have ever played.
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Just adding to the random encounters discussion, as I said these need not to be in exclusion with parlaying with enemies or seeking peaceful solutions.
A game like pool a radiance did these sorts of things even on Its NES port, where you cant even write shit, its possible to mix both
>but what they do masterfully is get you lost and drain your resources while letting you explore its many rooms and corridors in search of potential treasures or objectives that might not even be there.
this is called bad game design
What's the point of dungeon-delving if I can't influence my play based on non-combat information? Why can't I find clues to where the optimal path (for my party comp) is, or be able to ascertain which dungeons may have higher chance of finding the things I need (assuming it's not procgen loot)? Why do these dungeons metanarratively EXIST in the first place? What's the point of looting them at all if it's just number go up?
#2 Why are you criticizing BG3 on a design philosophy it wasn't ever going to follow in the first place?
>but you both should not pretend there is a lot more to It.
there very much is, but I can see why you'd think that if you played the entirety of bg3 as a dungeon crawler combat sim
though I will grant that BG3 is a bit too charitable with resources and they should matter more
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Are you a genuine retard or is pretending you don't know what you're talking about your strategy of defending this game?
Let me rehearse:
>tadpoles don't leave you until you're dead, at which point the spring out of you. See: Edowin, Nettie's drow
>revivify is an in-lore spell that allows one to resurrect someone within a minute https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Revivify https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Revivify#content
>gentle repose is an in-lore spell that allows to prolong the time limit of resurrection spells pretty much indefinitely https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Gentle_repose https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Gentle%20Repose#content
>as seen in both Volo and Ethel encounters and the opening cinematic, the parasite resides directly behind the eye
So you get yourself a 4th level cleric with both Revivify and Gentle Repose prepared and kill yourself. The parasite "soon after", judging by Edowin's case not even a full minute, you may not even need Gentle Repose, escapes on its own. As both Edowin's and Nettie's drows' corpses show, there's no permanent damage to any organs. Realistically you can suspect it would damage an eye in escaping. You do not need Wish, you do not need super special netherese magic that does whatever the authors need it at the moment, you do not need to cut anything open, you just need to kill yourself and wait.
>escaping a corpse that died with no hopes of reviving, the parasite leaves after a permanent death and no transformation
This is your fanfic. There's nothing preventing reviving Edowin aside from technical limitations.
>>3485109 (cont.)

>In the sharess inn, there is an npc who transforms into a mindflayer after being infected with the tadpole.
Exactly one. No other True Soul transforms at the sight of you, only this one and only so that a whore can be lustful towards a mindflayer. This is exactly the type of narrative consistency that I'm bashing this game for.
>you bring that up about mind controller cultists but the thing is you cannot go inside the camp unless you have the prism with you to protect you, and from that point on it stays with you even if you try to give it away.
So it should be needed by the time you meet your first True Soul. Or rather, since the True Souls are sent to the beach where the nautiloid fell, at the beach.
>they did this to avoid breaking the narrative.
See, that's the problem. That the narrative is so brittle that it falls apart at the slightest nudge.

>>Provide examples of debunking that
You don't know what examples are or what debunking is. All you did was contradict like a 5 year old child.
>>thanks for agreeing with me.
You said it yourself: Orpheus exists only as a tool for the hack writers.

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Just finished it as a Half-Oger technologist. Fucking incredible. Best rpg I've played in a long time.
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Hey, guys. Me again. I just beat the game. I did a charisma build and had a great time, I had a good alignment and it was 100 by the end. Talking the final boss out of the fight was amazing and a lot of fun. I had a great time and if anyone is thinking about trying it out I would highly recommend it. Make sure to get the UAP and do as many quests you can, if you miss out on some of these you'll hate yourself. All I can say is that some of the parts drag on a bit and the pathfinding was weird a few times but far from bad
I always restart the game around Tarant because I want to try a different build then I repeat it a few times and drop the game. I have so many hours in this but I only beat it once...
disabling the retarded combat music improves the game so much
It is, unlike JA2. Just because he is a retard doesn't mean he is wrong about literally everything.
>in videogames you don't play with another 5 real people
Except when you do
Baldur's Gate, NWN and even Arcanum used to have wonky multiplayer
So if you want an actual "classic tabletop roleplay experience of social nature", you play multiplayer. If you want friend simulator for dysgenic losers, you play any modern mainstream slop with shitty quips and le mommy romance roleplay.

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Fuck off shill
It's a decent jrpg thougheverly?
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>Modern jrpg
>not welcome on /vrpg/

what a shame.

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Any RPGs where I can hunt animals and then sell the pelts?
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Elder Scrolls
The Witcher
Baldurs Gate
Jackie Chan
What do you even do with all that hunting money?
theHunter: Call of The Wild
don't need to thank me

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Did you "save" your world?
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> I'm getting review bombed?

I just received two 1-star ratings on False GamerGater.

These are jealous game devs, giving my game the lowest rating, to bring its overall score down.

And so please, play the game, rate & review it. And let me know if it deserves the lowest score.

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/v/ poster here. Why are people ashamed of letting others know that they browse here? You surely can't be worse than my home board.
It's not like the player can see those mechanics, for them it's just more defense = less damage taken. You rarely manipulate those stats directly since equipment has multiple stats.
I admit the armor depletion might be unintuative so maybe I'll rename the value to something like Barrier or Energy Shield.

Per encounter and through abillities. E.g. the druid can cast Barkskin to restore armor but the Cleric doesn't have such spells. You gain skills through equipment and a cheap Restore Armor abillity is the default abillity on all shields.

Personally I just don't want the average 4channer to know about this board because quality goes down when a board gets popular.
>write code 2 weeks ago
>eh its good enough
>retest today after doing other stuff
>holy shit why is it so crappy and riddled with bugs
Being your own QA is difficult
Yeah, player cant see mechanics, but they can see numbers. Id imagine with this, it can go something like that
>oh, this armor has x2 more def then my old one, cool! wait, wtf, I still take the same damage, should I find even better one?
Something like that. Its like a fucking armor formula in DOTA - for some reason, 1 point of armor reduces damage by 6%. Why? ??? ?

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