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>Le heckin' twin peaks actor
That last shot of armoured punished Coop was cool
I always get super jelly when seeing old guys with nice hair
season 2 in 2027
>the last face an NCRcuck ever sees

How effective of a tactic was this?
Also why do I have to literally wait 5 minutes to post?

Thread for Interrogation kino
Where is JCS? It's been a long ass time
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still surprised more people don't use poisoning to kill someone, look at River Phoenix, poisoned, 30 years later the killer still hasn't been found. still die from fentanyl or other shit all the time, poison someone with fent, they'll say he was a junkie, boom no evidence.
you're 100% right
the way they seem to randomly rejoin the interrogation without any tact
yet there is nothing to indicate they were prepared to do so
it's like they just got off a bitter phone call with their wife on why they'll be home late
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>6 foot
why did god have to give height to this retard and leave me a manlet
he only grew to 6ft using the energy he harvest from lauren

Hottest Spanish bitch I've ever seen in a mid Spanish horror movie, the actress is apparently Leticia Dolera
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They look nothing alike.
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for me it's aura garrido
I'd let her Leticia my Dolera if you know what I mean
look at that adam's apple
>>bro you can't be serious...
He's just projecting his fetishes.

Why did the Japanese hate Christians? China didn't give a shit.
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> be daimyo
> my word is uncontested law, there is no Lord greater than I
> soggy pink-skins arrive
> "ackshually there is a Lord greater than you and I'm here to tell you how to live (by his authority)
> mfw
Without america to buy their shit, china collapses.
Why do protestants say this? It's so ridiculous. Unless, of course, you're doing it as banter. In which case I shouldn't be surprised.
because of all the idolatry

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>destroys the 10 seconds
that doesn't make sense
the whole part is about fate
and how you can or/and cannot escape fate
the entire point of king crimson is stepping outside of fate
its even in the second intro
and thats why theres the stand rolling stone
its literally about stepping outside of fate and acting freely while everything else obeys the "laws" of fate
deleting time was always a midwit misunderstandment of the stand
Diavolo discovered the arrows. He can create stand users, and he has an invincible stand himself. That already gives him a massive boon over every other organization. He can produce his soldiers and get work done with Doppio.
His graphic novel had the most kino story in all of JoJo. Unironically.
i never read that
convince me more

>Deadpool is retired, has an ordinary job
>gets home, he has a suprise birthday party
>as it is seen in the trailer, the TVA arrests him
>the TVA says that they need to prune his universe because some evildoers were doing there some shit, but the big boss chose him to spare him, and if fulfills one task his universe can be saved by being merged into the marvel universe
>Deadpool asks who is the big boss
>the TVA guy points on a big statue, it is Loki
>his duty is to kill Cassandra Nova and her band, they are hanging in a place called the Void, and they reek havoc in other universes, which need to be pruned after that
>Deadpool agrees, but he says he needs his uniform, weapons and swords back
>the TVA gaves him everything, including adamantium swords
>Deadpool says he needs a sidekick, captain america and wolverine
>they open him a portal, and he finds a wolverine variant in a bar, deadpool shoots him in the head, it turns out that this variant didn't have adamantium bones just claws and he dies
>the next variant is fighting sentinels in days of future past, deadpool fucks off and says he needs a wolverine from a more peaceful world
>he enters the next world, where he discovers wolverines tomb from Logan
>he demands a one normal wolverine, they tell him that this wolverine is depressed because he let down his allies
>deadpool says he is very good in boosting up spirits, finds him totally wasted in a dark world with no america around, brings him back to the TVA and they enter the void

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Oh he mad
Logan is a different continuity than DoFP
The moment Deadpool got into marvel the script went to shit.
>Spoiler bars for MCUslop
Aren't the comics 100+ years old?
i work for Marvel and I just emailed them the thread. Fuck off faggot, you are going to get vanned.

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>Your flesh is a relic; a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We demand it.
How do you respond without sounding scared?
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What is weird is that the robots getting sentience was something that humans could have snipped at the bud early, since it was not wide spread.
That robot butler just getting it out of the blue caught the world by complete surprise, and there would be a global campaign to make sure any new machines built would not get it again.
Every robot that showed signs of it would be immediately destroyed, not be let to join some march to the Middle East.
The movies just let things happen to further the plot, even if it is completely illogical.
> Morpheus isn't in the fourth film because of a Matrix: Online only plot point
Holy autism batman.
>Alrighty *finger guns*
I'm sure urasawa felt inspired by the second renaissance, considering how brau 1589 evokes the whole problem N1-66ER of a seemingly common being suddenly capable of murder.
whole N1-66ER problem of a seemingly common robot

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>hulk dabbing in movie set in 2023
MCU Hulk's a humiliation novel if I've ever seen one.

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>Homer Simpsoy

Why did this never become a meme?
Sneed eclipses everything.
Homer Baskin

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>fucking this fucking that fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck
>sex drugs lmao you see we talk about mean things we’re fucking Ushers fucking fuck
Seriously who THE FUCK writes these shows?
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I did need to make a thread about it. Other than the pink-haired teenage tier dialogues, the series was actually good. Why was there so much difference with the writing quality?
Because it had a solid concept, character work and acting.
The issue was with the dialogue, mostly.
The Raid of the Boat of PDiddy
Yeah but why? Why couldn’t they hire someone competent instead of the usual far left hack imbuing everything with fuck here, men bad there, etc etc?
this was such a let down
i think having the raven being supernatural ruined it for me, all the deaths should have been due his own actions, rather than the kids going psycho
Peak was seeing the party and Perry getting btfo by the chemicals

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Am I retarded?
>the settings and overall vibe of the film
>the podracing scene
>darth maul is cool and mysterious
>natalie portman is pure wankbait
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3>4>6>5>R1>1>2>Holiday Special>Solo>Sequels
You won't do shit
Some parts aged poorly but there are a lot of good parts, particularly world building
>Return better than Empire
The fuck?
you literally won’t do shit you stupid brainwashed pussy

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Why are all the Harkonnens aka the bad guys so pale skinned?
You know why
Because Geidi Prime is the equivalent of a hellhole megacity and the Harkonnens were an allegory for urbanites fallen from grace and into faggotry while Caladon is a country estate in the forest and the Atreides are an allegory for landed ruralite gentrymen. Dennis did not read the book so he did not get this theming at all.
Who gives a stupid rotten penis why??
interesting, so you'd expect the Harkonnens to be more diverse like real urbanites

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Have YouTube ever been part of /tv/?
Why is it always fucking ESLs behind any sort of trash like this?
Ugly af design
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Only the cunnie channels.

He's a big guy.
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I have a 200 lb great dane, and he has a pet cat. I would not call either "trained" but the cat mimics the dog.
>I have a 200 lb great dane
Are you a girl?
Not really trained but I had a cat that just loved people and you could call him and he'd come to you.
But only inside. If he was outside he was just in bunny/chipmunk/bird murder mode and wouldn't give you the time of day
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if this is real I'm going to put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger

looks mouthwatering. will download
featuring Buddy Hacket from Devil May Cry

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