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45 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
SORRY CHUDS he's a straight man.this is the girl this guy used to fuck. she makes youtube vlogs they lived together in germany for a few years.
>b-b-bitch d-did I st-st-stu-stutter?
It's kinda funny how UK and Germany have the biggest audiences but their songs always suck. Germans were actually super happy they didn't get another 0 points this year and actually finished pretty high. Seeing UK getting 0 points from the viewer votes was hilarious too.
No, I denounced the Talmud.
>won't remove Israel over actual genocide
>kicks The Netherlands out over a guy pointing at the camerawoman

Check your closet edition
previous: >>199101792
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>The Pope's Exorcist: The Beginning
>The Pope's Exorcist
>The Exorcism: From the book of The Pope's Exorcist
>2Popes 2Exorcists
>The Pope's Exorci3t
>Pope's Exorcist
>Pope Fiction
>Passion of The Pope's Exorcist
>The New Pope's Exorcist
>The Pope's Exorcist 2000
>The Pope's Exorcist IV: New Exorcism
>The Pope's Exorcist V: 20 Years Later
>The Pope's Exorcist VI: Downfall
>The Pope's Exorcist VII: Pope's Dope Redemption

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everything about what you said in your greentext is true except the slasher comment.
I was being honest about the slasher part though, I wasn't baiting
Left wing liberal soi boy cucks flock to the theaters for what nigslop that comes out.
but the protag is not a shota boy

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He actually is.
No this won't make me vote for Republicans either.
yeah but how is this related to tv and film??
Euro here, if I could opt out of muh Free healthcare I would do it in a milisecond.
I would even sign a paper that would prevent me from ever changing my mind.
>Euro here
what country?
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Meanwhile socialist little utopia collapsed into its own asshole the moment it ran out of stuff and money American gave them.

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>Disney was NEVER good guys


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God fucking bless Richard Williams. That man will never be forgotten.
Listen I like Disney and all, but can we all admit that Aladdin is only as loved as much as it is because of Robin Williams performance?
>princess merch
Like I said, the Disney Princess merchandising line wasn't created until the mid-00s. Disney has always sold merch but it did not have that branding, and it was more evenly spread across their popular films. And I hope you realise that Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty is a whopping three movies across 22 years, and in the next 30 years the only additional princess related films were... Robin Hood and the gigaflop Black Cauldron.
Song and the south is a good movie.
Unironically though, the animation in that movie is stunning.

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I've been hearing a lot of buzz about Shelby Oaks
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So he grew up in a kind of culty church that says you can't be gay. So he never even thinks he could be gay despite feeling fruity. He leaves the church and gets engaged to some woman. He denounces the church. Then he decides he is gay and comes out as gay but then... gets married to the woman, and has kids with her. Like what you would do if you were gay but still stuck in a culty church that doesn't let you be gay. It doesn't make sense. It's all in the wrong order
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he said he's attracted to cookware
That's based though, it's Romanesque. Duty to your family and duty to yourself to fuck men.
it will be better than space cop
This piece of trash is supposedly such an irredeemable trainwreck that he's even getting rejected at film festivals and can't find a distributor. Bear in mind that even Tommy Wiseau was able to get The Room into theaters.

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/co/ are faggots
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douche v turd sandwich is just the generic mockery of both sides being awful though, sorry I put le in front of that instead of the.
In election parodies, they usually make a generic dem and rep. Here, it seems like they wanted to portray what the worst of each critics on either side think of Trump and Biden specifically rather than just being generic flawed candidates.

Mr Frog is Blumpf, the chaotic evil candidate vs the senile retard that shits and pisses himself. The unintelligible 3rd candidate that shot himself might be a nod to Kennedy who recently was diagnosed with brain worms which is a funny coincidence
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the halloween and enchanted forest episodes were the only two worth watching and made me giggle, the rest is a snorefest
A lot of comedians recycle jokes
Except most of them don't have a letsplay channel where thousands can hear their jokes before hand
It's unironically a show made for a small group of millennials
well that's me, still misses the mark for 70% of the runtime

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Is there any movie or show you instantly judge people for liking, even if the movie isnt that bad?
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No cause I am not an insufferable cunt.
At least not THAT insufferable. Nothing more annoying that some smug neckbeard making "i doing psychoanalysis" face.
I always assume anyone who's into the last of us, being it games or tv series is gay
so far all my assumptions were right
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Yeah, that
I have never watched Dr Who and don't know what its about, but their fans seem pretty normal in comparison to a lot of other sci fi fans
Twin Peaks and Call Me By Your Name

Painfully slow, often completely down, always asks for Captcha.
What's the best alternative?
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stopped years ago, it and its proxies always get shut down and you never know what is the real thing and its full of viruses
enjoy having to play a game that's basically a full time job getting an invite to any ones worth a shit and then needing a sneedbox to ever have a decent ratio to not get banned from it. no thanks, i like just torrenting a movie and then deleting it after i'm done watching it while you cucks need to have it up for the rest of your life there because muh ratios
Here's what you actually do

1) join private trackers

2) keep using them because they are so fucking good
I have never needed a seedbox in my 10 years of using private trackers. You people think it is like having a job? Kek I literally don't do anything once my accounts are set up. Amazing how you got brainwashed into thinking there is so much to it when its easy to do and gives you so much content for free.
>I literally don't do anything once my accounts are set up
Any private tracker that requires ratios does need effort, get the fuck out

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Is this actually good?
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Must not be, nobody I know has ever heard of it. Let me guess, "Taxi Driver" is super important culturally too, amirite?

Nobody even knows either of the movies.
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the superior Peckinopah comin' throu'
Yes, one of my all time favourite movies.
Very realistic.
Everybody hates americans. That disgusting nation of greed and slime is killing off culture for corporate profit in real time. Fuck those subhuman animals.


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Strong jaw
Post wall
Her make up gonna fall
No boobs like a troon
Who is she gonna fool?
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
She is so ugly
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
What w fucking roastie
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
She is no Barbie
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
I bet she has a axewound
Masculine face
Feminity without trace

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That's not what wall means, faggot.
Ugly face
Lost case
Beauty is what she chase
No figure
So insecure
Old hag under a fissure
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
She is so ugly
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
What w fucking roastie
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
She is no Barbie
Margot Robbie Troongot Robbie
I bet she has a axewound

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>The sound of the martian weapons
I just cannot imagine a martian ray gun with any other sounds then this. Pure eargasm
nukes would have worked on the tripods from the novel
the martians should have got vaxed
I love this film. One of the few truly lavish American sci fi movies from that age. It maybe strange but the Japanese totally had them beat especially as they were releasing these sort of films ever year with even more detailed miniature work and desu better composite effects.

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>Chancellor Valorum sends two Jedi to Naboo to check out the situation

>Jedi ambassadors are immediately attacked by Trade Federation guys, and the diplomatic ship they arrived in is destroyed

>ok, the Jedi have a pretty solid case against them now, just gotta report back to Valorum

>can't call him because communications are cut off, have to physically return to Coruscant

>decide to ask the Naboo queen to come with them while they're at it because "it's not safe for her there"

>she refuses, but they convince her to tag along anyway even though she's not important to their goal

>Jedi are now on their way to report what they found to Valorum

>bunch of nonsense happens, but they finally get to Coruscant

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>people still write video essays and create discussions about this literal fucking cartoon of a shitshow for kids
>Why didn’t Darth Mail swing upward?
he was blinded by the dark side and could not see the lightsaber coming for him
>Valorum had to call in a personal favor to get Jedi assigned to that mission, but he did it without discussing it with the Senate, which violated all kinds of laws about deploying Jedi because they aren't the Chancellor's personal army and oversight is a thing.
Then Sidious could have used that argument against the jedis, showing they're untrustworthy and only loyal to money and think they're above laws, but he didn't because that was a waste of time
It’s a toy commercial
Don’t think about it too hard
>video game commerical

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What are some chinese kinos?
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Top tier unadulterated kino:
>Farewell my Concubine (it's known to be the greatest Chinese movie of all time, but for good reasons)
>The Black Canon (imagine 1984, except realistic and in 1980's China. It's very political but very subtle about it, so you'll have to read between the lines a bit. It's a comedy)
Top tier
>The Dream Factory (feel good comedy, but also subtly political)
>The Red Sorghum (war movie. Scenario is not fantastic, but it's very beautifully shot)
Fun schlock tier
>The Tower of the Ghostly Tribe (action movie with monsters)
>Animal World (the cgi sequences alone are making it worth the watch. It also features Michael Douglas somehow)
In general, the best Chinese movies and series are from the 80s-90s, because it's after Mao's era, where the country starts getting increasingly free, but before the early 2000 when the control of free speech increasingly tight.
It's getting tighter and tighter now.
However more recent movies, like the last two I mentioned, can be fun because they are visibly made by film nerds, who grew up loving and dreaming about Hollywood action movies and somehow got to make their own, with a ridiculously high budget.
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Same unironically
>mutt education
>all the jokes about chinese people were from 20 years ago
>low IQ boomers and their children still laugh at it
you're so funnay.
The original criteria was to post cultural, historical, or mythological films. War is a part of history.
Now the new criteria is: cultural, historical, or mythological films which aren't about war and were "successful" and also released in the past 15 years.
Give me a break man.
Even still, I've mentioned several film festival submissions and noir films which I think are good. Ash is Purest White, Wild Goose Lake, Still Life, Black Coal, Thin Ice.

>inb4 noir doesnt count, gangster films dont count

>you get what you fucking deserve, STACY!

why did Joker rip off the Columbine Saints without compensation?

This freak doesnt deserve second chances
t. that "chad" that he killed
He didn't really do anything wrong aside from being an accessory to a crime for the dude that stole from his own parents.
His crime was passion.

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