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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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A Bradley supports infantry while they clear trenches. /k/ino
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At this rate, the Slav may discover fire. And after that, who knows? Possibly cold fusion.
There's decent russian units and russians also capture ukrainian trenches.
>>62905607 (OP)
The Bradley is nothing if not a workhorse.
>>62905607 (OP)
Do you have the WEBM of the lone infantryman hiding in a trench about 50 meters away from a Russian held treeline? A Bradley rolls up peppering the treeline and evacuates the lone soldier

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Lada Classic (aka Zhiguli) as an APC.

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Is this a suicide squad or what?
.t will smith
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Trips says they die on the way to the recruitment centre, assuming they ever get up the stairs
>you're the US soldier
>your commander told you to get in Ford Focus and drive toward enemy fortified positions
What do?
>>62904199 (OP)
Imagine we live in world where cameras weren't recorded and someone tells you story how soldiers tried to storm frontline in lada, yeah sure that happen.

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It was not a ICBM that struck Ukraine.

Rather it was a new hypersonic Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM), as explained by President Putin today they name it as “Oreshnik”. So far, the detail of this system is not known but experts (both from Russia and abroad) mentioned that the system is an advanced hypersonic ballistic missile system, with several advance and unique features, for instance within one missile it can deliver multiple heavy warheads, which we witnessed from the Dnepropetrovsk video. Also, it is capable to deliver both nuclear and non-nuclear payloads, obviously the Dnepropetrovsk strike was non-nuclear payload. Furthermore, experts as well as President Putin mentioned the speed of the missile is unmatched traveling at approximately 10 times the speed of sound, currently, there are no means to counter "Oreshnik" missiles.
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there's aegis installation in Poland - too much risk of being intercepted - imagine deploying another uninterceptable wunderwaffe only for it to be intercepted almost immaterially...
The Boris Cryochambers are located on all 7 continents.
why would Poland get hit?
.....why would ANYBODY else besides Ukraine get hit?
that doesnt make fucking sense.
Well I'm not..but think about the timing you need to bring those down all within 1 second of each other.
No overlap, etc.

Also havent seen footage or reports of multiple launches

bet theres a bunch sitting around. Maybe the re-entry cases arent all that hard to whip up either?

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How the fuck did Kalashnikov get his rifle ripped off by a guy named Balashnikov? That's like some Luigi and Waluigi tier bullshit.
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>>62904596 (OP)
>That's like some Luigi and Waluigi tier bullshit.
What is Waluigi's Isonzo?
>>62904596 (OP)
common russian jew surname?
>>62904596 (OP)
Nothing stopping you from copying a 20 y.o design anon
>>62904596 (OP)
>That's like some Luigi and Waluigi tier bullshit.

Waluigi in crapanese is "waruigi" which is literally "eviluigi", it's on the nose for a purpose, you dum dum.

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Why did the Al-Andalusians adopt European-style armor and cavalry warfare, while the Ottomans did not?

By the mid-13th century, the Andalusians had fully adopted European armor and knightly warfare, with their cavalry becoming nearly identical to their Christian adversaries. However, the Ottomans chose to stick to their traditional emphasis on horse archers and utilized a mix of half-plate and mail armor. Even though elite Ottoman units like the Kapıkulu cavalry combined horse archery with shock tactics effectively, they never fully adopted European-style full plate armor or fielded a cavalry force resembling European knights.

The Ottomans utilized Serbian knights in battles such as Nicopolis (1396) and Ankara (1402), where these knights in full plate armor distinguished themselves in combat. This shows the Ottomans clearly recognized the effectiveness of such heavy cavalry. Combining knights in full plate with their other forces—such as their Janissaries and Kapıkulu cavalry—could have been a powerful strategy. Yet they still chose not to adopt European armor on a wider scale. Why was this the case?
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>Was Al Andalus on the backfoot of the reconquista by this point?
There would be muslims fighting muslims in the state as well as Christians teaming up with some muslim princes states to fight others, often the European muslims who converted felt discriminated and put to a lower rank would fight the arab ones and convert back to Christianity etc. It was not filled with arabs it was just a certain strata of ruling class
Al Andalus became disconnected from the Islamic heartland just over 100 years after Muhammad's death, 350 years before the first crusade. Iberia's relationship with Islam was a lot closer to places like medieval Egypt and Syria than it is to even places like France. Iberia caught the crusader's mindset a little later than the rest of Europe, and the reconquista really only started in earnest after the big muslim state fell apart due to internal issues and there was a power vacuum. They were slow to adopt a strong crusading identity but they made up for lost time in America.
Soltau in 1519 is cited as the last conflict where the medieval knight was of major consequence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Soltau#:~:text=The%20Battle%20of%20Soltau%20(German,%22%20(Die%20letzte%20Ritterschlacht).

That's pretty early on in the Ottoman tenure. Now of course heavy cavalry remained relevant going forward to well onto the fucking 1815. But by the time of taking Constantinople it's not the 1300s anymore. Cerignola also showed the death of the knight being of major consequence. And at this point and time the ottomans feared the east far more than they did the West - why bother imitating the people you're beating handedly (At this point) when you are facing existential threats to the east?

Al-Andalus did so because they were so far removed from the Ottomans they had no reason to adopt their practices. Which meant either Western European or Berber.

They loved crossbows. Something like every Andalusian household in the Emirate of Granada had one.
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That was common all over iberia, the Aragon crown had laws than every family had to have, at least, a crosbow and ten ammo.

Coming soon, capable of aerospace flight.

Say something nice about it.
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Is it scale demonstrator or full size?
Currently in prototype, the designers are referring to it as the Next-gen Interceptor Global Guardian, Extended Range
Full size will probably use EJ-2000
Why EJ2000?

Its nowhere near the thrust figures needed for the actual GCAP fighter. It maxes out sound 25,000-30,000lbf of thrust, afaik Japan was targeting a minimum of about 40,000lbf with a design goal of just barely beating the F-135 engine (43,000lbf) at 44,000lbf.

Unless they've completely overhauled EJ2000 to almost double the thrust potential.

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Beretta Brigadier Edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>62899494
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meant 2 reply 2 dis >_<
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> You have bought ammo and shot recently instead of mindlessly GUNSOOOOOM ing right?
It's almost December. I'm fuckimg broke.
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A little bit
Gotta buy ammo to shoot ammo
Might have to get into reloading eventually
>Goes to /hg/
>Shit talks practical carry guns, tries to hype up old garbage, thinks replacing a spring in a clapped out old gun makes him a gunsmith
>Hypes up hyper ammo
>Goes to /arg/
>Shit talks ARs, tries to hype up old garbage Mini 14s and accessories, thinks bubbaing an M14 makes him a gunsmith
>Hypes up some meme 5.56 load
I think he just enjoys being a contrarian.

Flexing Edition

Previous: >>62833998


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
http://pastebin.com/Rx0nDuga (embed) (embed)

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (embed) (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (embed) (embed) (40 page version)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Don't join the military.
>>62870209 (OP)
What difference if any, is enlistment into the National Guard instead of Regular Service easier or more difficult? Does National Guard have or grant more health waivers? Are they more lenient on criminal waivers?
>well off
>multiple stages of homelessness

In fact the capacity to think freely at all is a problem, perhaps you guys could buy my corpse and animate it? Would that be cheaper than a robot?
>A few years ago
>Watched Hereditary and It Follows back-to-back at my friend's place
>Showed up to my night shift
>Night shift is just babysitting a SCIF/server room
>Night shift partner calls out
>It is 8 hours of me (slightly hungover) sitting alone in an old windowless building that makes strange noises
>Occasionally I'd get a temperature/airflow warning and have to venture into the server room to check it manually
>Almost cried tears of joy when day shift showed up
That was the most scared I was my whole time in the military tbqh. Thank you for reading my blog post.

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Latin American Firearm Owners general

A place to discuss all things relating to firearm ownership in Latin America

Mexico to ban 9mm, 22 Magnum and .357, among others

Gun sales booming in Chile due crime concerns

Argentina wants to make easier for people to register their unregistered firearms
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Mein fuhrer, why I wasn't informed this was going to happen?
v nice

We should have bought your Tupis.
Decent stopgap.
Not sure what happened with that.
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The fk how did he justify this insanity...?

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Is sabotaging communication lines an act of war?
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Sorry happened in October 2023

And not so much out of the danger zone either. They do not want to get trapped in ice that will be the end of their cargo insurance and maybe vessel.
>GADA is steadily putting the west in the same position Hitler did
Is that a typo or some /pol/ acronym?
Holy shit you're fucking retarded.
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>Muh color revolution

The Third Reich had infinately more redeeming qualities than the Russian Federation, and was fighting against the evil being unleashed on Ukraine today.
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*the same evil

Reminder in the past month Hamas has put out more footage than the "strongest" para military organization in the world.

What is the best MOS for landing a good civilian job after you get out?
>>62907574 (OP)
Literally anything but infantry.
0311 because it will give you the discipline to meet any challenge.

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>All those cool russian rifles
>They never got used during the war
what the fuck
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They were mostly seen with the VDV in the early stages
Crimea had lots of Russia's speshul guns appear back in the day
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>>62907301 (OP)
VAL has terrible ballistics. They wanted to have a bigger and heavier 9mm bullet, but keep it sub-sonic so it really doesn't have that much gunpowder to it.
The bullets drop like stones after first 75-100m.

That's a bit too short of a distance, as most firefights happen anywhere between 100-300 meters. It's almost like trying to have a long-gun distance firefight while using .45 ACP ballistics. And the whole "quiet gun" thing doesn't really make sense because you are in A FIREFIGHT. once bullets start flying, it gets noisy very quickly and the whole quiet concept goes out of the window.

It is a very niche "first-strike" gun which doesn't really have a place in a army-vs-army trench warfare situation. it might be "ok" in very specific special forces scenarios, but... other than that, a standard AK/AR will just serve you better.
There's not much to really make it any better than something like and MP5SD, which if you're dealing with things in close is going to be good out to about 100m or so
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>>62907301 (OP)
>Special Ops weapon made for a "stealth-archer" type build
>Isn't issued to regular infantry because it sucks at anything except fighting in the dark and/or when surprise attacking the ennemy
>Had a bullet drop so massive you can barely hit anything past 200m
>You need to do a lot of math to shoot at anything past 200m - 250m with that fucker.
OP is a Based Retard.
It's like you showed us a cool medieval assassin's dagger and asked /k/ :
>"why didn't Knights riding horses use this tiny little assassin's knife?"
Go ahead. Go engage ennemies at medium to long ranges with that heavy ass subsonic bullet. See how that goes for you.

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