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S/Fur or whatever
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of course I did, but I didn't know thinning like this could happen, and so much so quickly
I didn't think this plant would do *that* much
My bathroom after a good brushing is proof of that

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Socials 3 Queen Edition
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Nah I don’t save my own tribs
omg thats fat, drop yours
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all good

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you can grant wishes or ask for your wish too
you need to get in, especially those who can fulfill wishes

>>>>>>>>>>REWARDS ARE GIVEN!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1. no overlewd the thread

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>Besides, you could post one picture of cute socks and Lewd would likely forget what they were talking about lol ^.^
what if i forget too (?v? ')

>I never really went to conventions, i dont know why
if a convention's themed around something you like/are interested in, they're a good place to meet people with similar tastes to yours ~(^v^ )>
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nope, I don't get along with my high school classmates, I lost all contact with my elementary school classmates and as an adult, I never made friends, when I say I'm a loner, it's because I am, I only talk to all of you, or when I work with someone, because it's necessary.
it could be, I'm a bit aggressive with people who want to talk to me as if nothing, it's a bad thing, yes, but as I often walk in the street, if you're not like that, people take advantage of it.
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True ^.^
Socks are cute and distracting. As are legs.

You might want to try and find some people you can just talk to every now and then ^.^
I use discord and have met a lot of chill people I talk to on and off. Maybe find one that has ideas or interests that you have in common. Just hearing someone's voice and talking to them in turn can make a world of difference.

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Both, she and her body is definitely a part of her
Nigga post more of her

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Nipple Jewelry Edition

Last time on /degen/: >>932461242

>>> Local install <<<
ComfyUI (Experienced): https://rentry.co/comfyui
Automatic1111 (Beginner): https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge (A1111 Fork): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

>>> Online Image Generators <<<

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Friday evening edition
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That looks like some sexy lingerie. She ever take a pic with something written on her butt with a marker? There's a lot space to write, anon.
>Old pic of the wife
Holy BULLSHIT Batman!!!!
She looks fun AF

Don't care if real, anime, comic-book. Just want them:

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Secrets Thread
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>>932441055 (OP)
I want bbc in my wife
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>>932441055 (OP)

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prev >>932453640

life raft edition
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePpPVE-GGJw [Embed]
rose does get mistreated but her vocals most of the time are mid imo and the other 3 are better i think staying in bp is beneficial for her
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Oh okay, thought you would even edit them a little bit yourself bc they look so good compared to a lot of other AI stuff out there. Well if you wanna make one more Id love to see another one with Alex like this but her ass facing more towards the camera (like the image of that other girl in the previous thread, idk her name, which i tagged for the request) and make her butthole a lil darker pls!

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new bikini sluts thread
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you post some.
Jen bro still here?
Susannah fan still here

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Let's see

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Hello i want to talk lets talk about anything im spiraling <\3
right now my favorite song is migraine by jaydes and what they say by nettspend
I have no one to talk to about my interests
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Wow, you're real. That took me by surprise. How old are you?
I liked it, i like his voice
Sematary mogs btw

Do men typically come back to women they dump, especially if they don't find a new girlfriend in a timely manner? After how long should the woman give up hope that the man will return? What are the chances? Is there anything the woman can do to make the man change his mind? What if the woman is brown and ugly and has a shitty body? Also, are these individuals looksmatched?
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Well shit this guy's lame as fuck, you'd get a lot more out of this by posting this post next ti his face. That's a fucked up person if what you're saying is true.
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Because he was the only one for her. He was funny, charming, intelligent, she was never this physically attracted to anyone before, they had chemistry, they played like kids, he was everything she ever wanted, with his flaws included, his positive traits made up for everything else. And she'll never be able to love anyone else as much as him. And they had wonderful memories together. And she's getting old, alone in her room, with nothing going for her, but if he came back, she would have the motivation and hope needed to get an education and a job and go outside and live again. And she would've been perfect this time, she would've been the exact kind of person he was likely looking for. They would've been happy together and it would've worked out and they would've had a family eventually and she would've been accomplished. But now it's either he somehow comes back, or she literally spends the rest of her life in her room, until her parents pass away, and then God knows what will happen.

cont: >>932413749
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Does your mom wear thongs?
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Yes, she is a total whore. Would parade around in basically lingerie all the time growing up.
i found out pics of my mom in thongs through google photos, maybe you should try that too if you know/ask for her gmail password
yeeeeah that's a good one. You'll be surprised at the amount of shit that people forget to throw out of GPhotos/GDrive >>932468261

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